Winter Keepy Uppies Type 2.


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A quick 15 minute workout in the gym, followed by 45 mins aquafit class. Had to get out before the end of the aqua, as I was somewhat knackered.

That is what happens when one starts slacking. Hadn't been in the water for ten days. Try again tomorrow.


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Walking up steep hills
I have been walking and shopping and housework etc over the past few days . Sorry I haven't been on much .
Walked in the rain tonight
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Hurrah, we are keeping up, eh @Jamrox.
Today I was the only person using the gym. Did 20 minutes with hand weights, cycle and hand cycle, scooted round to the swimming pool for 20 mins swim, then an hour aquafit. I will do anything to avoid the Christmas shopping and putting up decorations!


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I have been avoiding conforming to the frenzy that can be preparation for Christmas, but today I realised that perhaps a clean(ish) home and a bit of greenery and a few lights would be good to brighten the gloom.

Once I started cleaning, I found the more I cleaned the more needed cleaning and decluttering. Hence my activity today was taking the duster and vacuum cleaner into every nook and cranny around the living room, kitchen, and hall. That made the bedrooms and bathroom look neglected, so they will be my activity tomorrow. This takes more effort than the gym!


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I seem to remember that tomorrow is moving day for @DeejayR ?
Hope the move goes well,DJ, and that the new home will be blessed with good health and happy days for the occupants.


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I seem to remember that tomorrow is moving day for @DeejayR ?
Hope the move goes well,DJ, and that the new home will be blessed with good health and happy days for the occupants.
Thank you kindly, a lovely thought. We get the keys tomorrow and will reconnoitre first to see what needs doing before starting to move the furniture in.
If you finish cleaning your home you're welcome to come and help clean ours :D. Housework is aerobic exercise and if you hold any position reaching for cobwebs or scrubbing the floor on all fours for long enough it becomes yogic. The outgoing occupant had a dog so carpets will be washed and walls scrubbed before repainting.


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Nice of you to offer @DeejayR , but today I played a bit of a mean trick. Asked Mr Pipp to carry the vacuum cleaner upstairs, then remembered I had to get to the sport centre. As I did my routine of 20 minutes gym, and an hour of aquafit, he, bless him, denied me the opportunity of further exercise by doing the cleaning up there.
I could perhaps let you borrow him, but have to get him wrapping presents and putting up lights, so he is a tad busy for the next week or so.
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I could perhaps let you borrow him, but have to get him wrapping presents and putting up lights, so he is a tad busy for the next week or so.
:D Never mind, today we're hoovering & carpet-shampooing the new place and crawling about in the loft to see what's up there :eek: so that's my exercise.
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:D Never mind, today we're hoovering & carpet-shampooing the new place and crawling about in the loft to see what's up there :eek: so that's my exercise.

Exciting new beginning, eh, @DeejayR .


Baking for family has been my activity for first part of today. They are having low carb choc and ginger cheesecake. They don't know it is low carb. Heh heh.
I will finish the day with a mega clean of the kitchen, and heyho, time to relax with a bit of Pilates exercise.
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Walking up steep hills
I've been hungover all day so just a walk around the shops.
Tomorrow is my day for housework so I ll be busy .

DeejayR hope you have lots of happy times in your new home
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Walking up steep hills
3miles today and I didn't even get wet !!!!
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Blue sky here too. Short walk, then a massive clearance of clutter. I actually have one empty room. Yes, completely empty. It echoes in there.
Just six more rooms to empty and house will be ready for big refurbishment we have been promising ourselves. Could have much 'activity' for quite a while into 2016.
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Been down to Tesco already & walked back against huge wind. Will be taking stuff to charity shop, cleaning cobwebs out of the garage, drinking coffee, measuring things, meeting builder to consult on getting rid of horrible Artex ceilings (sorry if you like them), making lunch & dinner, wrapping presents, drinking coffee. So a day off really.


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Oh dear, @DeejayR Do you have to live in the new place while the artex is being removed? Messy, even if it is just being skimmed over.

Walked through crowded shopping centre. That took me a while dodging people who were grumpy about shopping. Went to supermarket, walked with trolley for support. Stopped and listened to army band playing music. Much better than the piped songs they usially plat over the tannoy, but then I only had to listen for 15 minutes, the people working there have it all day.
Had a leisurely lunch with friends. Home to do some physio exercises. All good
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Do you have to live in the new place while the artex is being removed?
No, thank goodness, all the ceilings will be done before we move in, plus the loft part-boarded and lights installed up there so we can start storing stuff.
I did all that I planned today except the charity shop visit, and about a thousand spiders who thought they were safe in the garage rafters got a nasty shock. A lot of walking to and fro in the rain but my hi-viz jacket protected me (I think).


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Walking up steep hills
I didn't officially do much today but my back feels as if I have , not sore just a bit achy.
Husband has man flu !!! Enough said . He is poorly though.


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Unfortunately its summer here but no matter. I took my 19 yr old daughter to the boxing day sales today ans instead of sitting in the car I walked round all the shops with her so that was some good exercise.
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Is it Saturday already? Oops, where did the week go? Hope you all kept moving.
Since I last reported in I have done .....
Tuesday, 30 mins swim followed by 25 mins in gym, adding in 3 more different exercises on new equipment, then another wander around shupermarket, same Wednesday, but without the supermarket. Thursday, visit to relative, much walking and stair climbing. Christmas day, much slacking, and exercise /activity was eating and drinking. So far today I have taken a slow walk to the newsagent about half a mile away and back. Dodging puddles and rain.
Intend to see the year out moving more and have the gift of an activity tracker to nag me as you guys here let me get away with too much slothfulness.


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Garlic bread
Walking up steep hills
I've been running around after my husband and daughter because they both have chest infections and it's kept me busy
I did do 4.5miles in the sunshine today which was a bonus.
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Oh wow, this electronic tag / activity tracker is keeping me on my toes. I went for a walk around supermarket to get fresh veg and salad.. That was 30 mins walking. Then as the sky was blue and it stopped raining did another 50 min stroll in the park withjust a 5 min break for a sit down.
The wretched tracker shows a red line if I have been sitting down for an hour so I have to get up and move for another 10 mins. It is a slave driver! I have walked over 3 miles today. Never thought that possible.
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