Wise fat choices


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Butter or Ghee for stir frying vegetables
Duck or Goose fat for meat if required rarely as I tend to eat the fattier cuts.. hubby is currently doing chicken thigh confit in duck fat for dinner tonight.


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I rarely use oil.
Most of mine comes from eating fish, and other fats naturally in foods.
If pushed I will occasionally use butter, but a stick will last several months at least.
Salad I don't dress.
The best oil I found for cooking was rice bran, and has a high smoke point of 232C
I had to look rice bran up. I shall get some for those celeriac chips. The diet doctor recipe says olive oil which the cancer dietician says must not be used for cooking. She recommended rapeseed. Hubby loved his chicken and chips so I do like to do the best equivalent I can. He actually claims to prefer the celeriac to chippy chips. Bless him. I use a lot more butter than you but I use a smidge for my breakfast omelette, fry bratwurst and add it to mash (celeriac, sweet potato or carrot) so it all mounts up. Thank you for all the interesting information.


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Butter or Ghee for stir frying vegetables
Duck or Goose fat for meat if required rarely as I tend to eat the fattier cuts.. hubby is currently doing chicken thigh confit in duck fat for dinner tonight.
Yum. We had duck Wednesday. I rubbed paprika and black pepper into the skin. Very tasty. I cook meat in its own juices too Unless it is chicken/duck I will add root veg to the pan to cook in the juices for the last hour. I use butter to line my baking dishes and fry pans too. I have just run out of sesame oil so I was wondering whether I should replace it. Since I always have butter and because leeks and mushrooms (which are usually in my stir fries) do lend themselves to butter that seems a much better solution


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I usually have fat from the last lot of meat cooking on hand for shallow frying, but when required I use groundnut oil as it has a high smoke point, so it doesn't break down when heated.
Carbs are put into storage as glycogen or fat under the influence of insulin, dietary fat which is not required is simply not absorbed.
When on a high calorie low carb diet the body expends energy and keeps itself warmer than usual, and it also wastes energy sources, excreting them like a cave man after a mammoth kill.
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The diet doctor recipe says olive oil which the cancer dietician says must not be used for cooking. She recommended rapeseed

I use rapeseed oil for very hot frying. Apparently it has a better omega3-omega6 balance than olive oil. Lots of places on Google say not to use olive oil for cooking over certain temperatures. I also use butter for mushrooms etc.
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I don't use Canola, but that does seem to be a (very loud) opinion, and no links to any references, just a list that doesn't google well?
And definitely no reference to smoke point, omega ratios, or in fact any technical information?
It was a quick dig. I have no doubt I could dig up far better. Each to their own.
I lived through the Carb Wars on this forum. I sense a new Fat War. Dialogue is far better.
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It was a quick dig. I have no doubt I could dig up far better. Each to their own.
I lived through the Carb Wars on this forum. I sense a new Fat War. Dialogue is far better.
I'd hate to call it a fat war.
But then many opinions are being voiced over which fat is healthy, so only good can come of it, even if some heated debates are coming.
Suppressing the debate would be unhealthy.
Maybe we need a 'no offense meant' forum?
Or maybe an 'offense meant, prove it!' forum?
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Each to their own when it comes to oils/fats but I knew I'd already eliminated rapeseed oil for myself, so dug out this article
The dietician did specify oil must always be cold pressed altbough I have been told that term is meaningless marketing jargon. I am sure you will not be surprised to hear that she based her advice on the eatwell plate and was of the 10 per day rainbow fruit and veg persuasion. Most people are unconcerned about the use of GM, neoncotinoids, glypho + chemical legacy of fracking and gassification so it is interesting those elements get frequent mentions by the anti rapeseed/canola lobby. So many foodstuffs are affected by those issues I do not know how to select an oil free from them. I could press my own of course but even if I overcame the challenge of rmounting the practicalities there is still the question of airborne and waterborne pollution.
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The dietician did specify oil must always be cold pressed altbough I have been told that term is meaningless marketing jargon. I am sure you will not be surprised to hear that she based her advice on the eatwell plate and was of the 10 per day rainbow fruit and veg persuasion. Most people are unconcerned about the use of GM, neoncotinoids, glypho + chemical legacy of fracking and gassification so it is interesting those elements get frequent mentions by the anti rapeseed/canola lobby. So many foodstuffs are affected by those issues I do not know how to select an oil free from them. I could press my own of course but even if I overcame the challenge of rmounting the practicalities there is still the question of airborne and waterborne pollution.

You can only go so far.
cold pressed, virgin, is better.
But you can be lied to, but on balance, most larger production runs have to be of an assured quality, ironically, small farms have more chance they bought from Lidl and steamed off the labels.
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interestingly according to this article refined olive oil is nearly has good as rice bran or safflower oil. Yet butter is not much better than virgin olive oil http://www.seriouseats.com/2014/05/cooking-fats-101-whats-a-smoke-point-and-why-does-it-matter.html the recommendations are
  • For Sautéing: virgin olive oil and other medium smoke point fats
  • For Deep-Frying: a high smoke point, neutral fat that can be heated at least 50°F above your intended frying temperature
  • For Stir-Frying: a really high smoke point oil, like peanut or safflower, for best (and safest) results


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I also had an utterly brilliant dietitian, of the same vein.
She worked with me, we adapted to my meter, we worked on the eatwell plate, (compared to the Greggs and donut diet it was a no brainer) we worked on rainbow plate, and she completely turned me around.
So, don't dismiss them.


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interestingly according to this article refined olive oil is nearly has good as rice bran or safflower oil. Yet butter is not much better than virgin olive oil http://www.seriouseats.com/2014/05/cooking-fats-101-whats-a-smoke-point-and-why-does-it-matter.html the recommendations are
  • For Sautéing: virgin olive oil and other medium smoke point fats
  • For Deep-Frying: a high smoke point, neutral fat that can be heated at least 50°F above your intended frying temperature
  • For Stir-Frying: a really high smoke point oil, like peanut or safflower, for best (and safest) results

I completely agree, focus on all the issues, not simply on one of the parameters.
Life is always a compromise, if you look at the broader picture.


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You can only go so far.
cold pressed, virgin, is better.
But you can be lied to, but on balance, most larger production runs have to be of an assured quality, ironically, small farms have more chance they bought from Lidl and steamed off the labels.
I am wondering if anything "the government experts" say can be believed. At least ex lidl products are a decent quality. Many mills sell stone ground flours and even if they are genuinely ground on site they omit to discuss the nature of the sites rodent population. You just do not want to know what the machinery looks like a few days before the open day. Then there is the whole question of where homemade jams and chutneys were created.


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I am wondering if anything "the government experts" say can be believed. At least ex lidl products are a decent quality. Many mills sell stone ground flours and even if they are genuinely ground on site they omit to discuss the nature of the sites rodent population. You just do not want to know what the machinery looks like a few days before the open day. Then there is the whole question of where homemade jams and chutneys were created.

I have no expectations, crunchy rat jam is always an option.
I could happily eat a rat burger, a la 'Demolition Man'


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I also had an utterly brilliant dietitian, of the same vein.
She worked with me, we adapted to my meter, we worked on the eatwell plate, (compared to the Greggs and donut diet it was a no brainer) we worked on rainbow plate, and she completely turned me around.
So, don't dismiss them.
That is brilliant. Sadly I find I have to restrict fruits and the sugar/starch carbs as I get "one of my heads" if I have more than the tiniest amount of sugar. That rules out the eatwell plate for me. I do try everything to see if I can include the item in my diet and seem to be OK with root veg, lentils and beans but cannot cope with porridge. Yet I was bought up on porridge for breakfast.


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That is brilliant. Sadly I find I have to restrict fruits and the sugar/starch carbs as I get "one of my heads" if I have more than the tiniest amount of sugar. That rules out the eatwell plate for me. I do try everything to see if I can include the item in my diet and seem to be OK with root veg, lentils and beans but cannot cope with porridge. Yet I was bought up on porridge for breakfast.

Don't mention lentils. lol
One lentil, (green or yellow) shot me up, while the other was fine.
But I could never remember which.
Eventually paranoia set in, I avoid both now!