Your primary care team T2D


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Sorry, my comment appears to be confusing you. I meant where did Deb learn about different approaches.
(I wrote 'the lady' rather than write 'she'.)

Sure @Debandez
will be along soon.
the lady has written on here, that the Forum was her guiding light.

Like many distressed at news once Diagnosed...
she had a very personal reason and was invested day one, ( so i believe )
She took the fight on,.T2d V Debs..

And she is WINNING...:D


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Poor grammar, bullying and drunks.
Sure @Debandez
will be along soon.
the lady has written on here, the the Forum was her guiding light.
Like many distressed at news once Diagnosed...
she had a very personal reason and was invested day one, so i believe
took the fight on,.T2d V Debs..
And she is WINNING...:D
Not only here on DCUK and on Twitter (and probably on FB, I am not a fan of FB but I bet Deb is going on there shouting loud and clear that there is another way) but In Real Life. I have to take my hat off to the lass.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
In England (and maybe the rest of the UK) people aged 40 and above are supposed to be called in for a health check that includes the usual raft of blood tests. The exceptions to this are those with existing illnesses who already have regular checks. Those where a problem is discovered are treated accordingly. Those without problems are given repeat checks every 3 or 5 years depending on circumstances. This is what happens at my surgery. My healthy daughter and her husband were invited once they had passed the age of 40. Their tests included an HbA1c. They have recently been called again for a 5 year check, and this also included an HbA1c.
I don't know if all surgeries do this, but it was an NHS recommendation several years ago, and of course I have no idea if everyone takes up the invitation. I very much doubt it.
It helps to be proactive. At my last check they didn’t call me, I called them, but I sense at my local surgerie(s), things are improving - I am beginning to find this stuff out via PPG connections.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Not only here on DCUK and on Twitter (and probably on FB, I am not a fan of FB but I bet Deb is going on there shouting loud and clear that there is another way) but In Real Life. I have to take my hat off to the lass.

then her good works precedes her

famous or as she'll probably say infamous..Lol

I too take my hat off.
sterling works all round.

i think if i was one of those she has her eye on , and was given the choice
of tackling Debra or a Rottweiler,
i think i'd choose the Rottie..

at least then there would be a glimmer of a chance i'd win


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
It helps to be proactive. At my last check they didn’t call me, I called them, but I sense at my local surgerie(s), things are improving - I am beginning to find this stuff out via PPG connections.

Our practice is excellent for being proactive. It is easy for them because it is a large practice with half a dozen partners, half a dozen associates, several practice nurses, maternity clinic, other specialist clinics, a blood clinic. a treatment room with a theatre for minor ops that GPs can do and a new community hospital that they also run, with CT scanners, X-Ray stuff, physiotherapy unit, in patient wards, outpatient departments where consultants hold appointments, and goodness knows what else. We are very spoilt here.
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Type of diabetes
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Diet only
It helps to be proactive. At my last check they didn’t call me, I called them, but I sense at my local surgerie(s), things are improving - I am beginning to find this stuff out via PPG connections.
Oh I am if I need something. I get my results online and advocate for myself. Leaving messages is very hit and miss too.
But that doesn’t change their priorities, whether they meet their goals or their general effectiveness.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Our practice is excellent for being proactive. It is easy for them because it is a large practice with half a dozen partners, half a dozen associates, several practice nurses, maternity clinic, other specialist clinics, a blood clinic. a treatment room with a theatre for minor ops that GPs can do and a new community hospital that they also run, with CT scanners, X-Ray stuff, physiotherapy unit, in patient wards, outpatient departments where consultants hold appointments, and goodness knows what else. We are very spoilt here.
We all need to get round there then. :D


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Diet only
I saw my GP when I was initially diagnosed followed by diabetic nurse who prescribed statins and a dietician who gave me leaflets and the eatwell plate guidance - lucky for me I found this forum before any real damage was done. I have an hba1c test every 6-9 months followed by a diabetic review - however I’m struggling to get one at the moment due to no appointments being available but I had my hba1c test the other day and, at 37, it is still in the non-diabetic range so I’m not too concerned!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Poor grammar, bullying and drunks.
I saw my GP when I was initially diagnosed followed by diabetic nurse who prescribed statins and a dietician who gave me leaflets and the eatwell plate guidance - lucky for me I found this forum before any real damage was done. I have an hba1c test every 6-9 months followed by a diabetic review - however I’m struggling to get one at the moment due to no appointments being available but I had my hba1c test the other day and, at 37, it is still in the non-diabetic range so I’m not too concerned!
Way to go! Well done.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I was diagnosed T2 on an emergency admission to my local hospital. I have had an elective transfemoral amputation of my left leg due to osteomyelitis in tibia and femur near the knee and the stump became badly infected from no obvious source. The staff nurse on the ward I was admitted to routinely tests for diabetes and I tested at 24. That meant nothing to me but I was put on Metformin and told I would get a visit from the diabetes nurse. She turned up 3 weeks later on the day I was discharged to write the Government mantra on the discharge form (T2, do not test).

During my stay the nurses tested before and after each meal and I set about lowering the numbers. My trusty IPad and a window close to a phone tower gave me google access to the internet and I found Diabetes UK and then as well as the Diet Doctor. I realised that the menus I was filling in each day were poison even though they were marked as suitable for diabetics. So I ditched the potatoes, pasta, rice, bread and cereals and just drank tea and water, and ate eggs and picked out the meat. That got my finger pricks down to around 7 at the time of release.

My GP practice added Metformin to my online prescription renewal and that has been the total involvement of a doctor. After 3 months I got a blood test to learn my first HbA1C from the DN which was 45 and my feet checked but turned up on the wrong day for the retinopathy test. My DN was happy with my diet control and knew about LCHF. A year later my second HbA1C is 41 and I did get a retinopathy test this year.

Who needs doctors? I shall carry on my own sloppy dieting. Let them tick their boxes and I’ll get all I need from the Internet.

My treatment at the rehab centre is first class in comparison. I learned last time how to stand up unaided after a fall when walking with my prosthesis. I just went and asked and was immediately shown by a physio what to do. She also advised me that falling was not a good idea.


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Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Part 1 of 5 reply

Really up to my eyes with a PIP appeal for BIL tonight but cant possibly ignore this one! Thanks for the tag @jjraak. It's giving me a breather. But it will have to be a copy and paste. If you have the time to read it this details my journey so far! As most people know my posts arent know to be brief!

In brief:(that's a joke), my surgery were initially on auto pilot with diabetes advice. Bloods done after presenting myself with symptoms. 30 minute follow up appointment. Leaflets given DUK eat 45g carbs per meal rubbish. 'Balanced diet'!!!! Eat well plate drawn for me even! Still have it. Nothing you can't eat (page 12 I think).

Metformin offered. I knew you could 'reverse' as my sister had gastric surgery and t2d disappeared. 10 years ago and still not reappeared. So I went home and googled 'reversing diabetes ' and the rest my friend is history.

Here is my social media post from December '18.

***I am happy to add that my surgery have really listened. They are learning from me as I have learned from others on here and the web and together we are moving forward. Strides***
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Part 2 of 5 reply to @jjraak


Just thought I would share my social media post:

So here I am, 12 months on to the day from being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. It's been a while since I gave you an update on my journey and my anniversary seems like a very appropriate time to do just that.

Grab a coffee, throw in a good splash of double cream, enjoy that with a couple of pieces of 85% dark choccie, sit down, relax cos here I go!!!!

Beginning of December I went to my Dr with worrying symptoms, severe unrelenting heartburn for a few weeks (I don't suffer at all with heartburn) and IBS like symptoms (mad dash for the loo!). These aren't your normal T2D symptoms but looking back I had other issues which would be associated with type 2 diabetes that I just put it down to the menopause. Dry mouth, yeast infections and blurry vision on a couple of occasions and skin tags!

Dr took my bloods

8/12/17 – diagnosed/labelled a type 2 diabetic – hba1c 62mmol/mol (7.8%DCCT) – anything over 47 is diabetic

Diabetic nurse wanted to start me on Metformin straight away and told me the disease was indeed progressive.

I asked for 3 months to try lifestyle changes which she agreed to.

I didn't want to start meds. My mum was offered thalidomide. Thankfully as poorly and sick as she was pregnant with me she refused. Metformin can have unpleasant side effects. It can be very beneficial in treating diabetes and has been around for years. One of the safest tablets. But I feel many patients think they can take this and continue to eat as usual. This is why the disease is classed as progressive. Even taking meds people have to really reduce carb intake. Especially when it comes to foods that spike bloods sugars like bread, pasta, rice and potatoes, cereal as examples. Spikes are not good. This is where the complications can set in with kidneys, eyes, strokes etc. Best to keep blood sugars under a certain level to avoid complications and having to take more and more meds.
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Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Part 3 of 5 @jjraak

Anyway back to my journey. I came away an emotional wreck, devastated, angry at myself as I thought I had brought it on myself, worried for the future as I saw what my mum went through with the same thing, and feeling quite ashamed

Weight 14 stone 7lbs – the photo of me holding flowers was my last day working for PDS Medical, 26th November 2017 showing me at my heaviest

Googled 'reversing diabetes' as soon as I got home

Found lots of info from various sites that seemed to point to Low carb high fat (LCHF) way of eating, that seemed to be the solution, I was very happy that there even was a solution!

Became a member on (one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life)

Googled 'carbs' as had no idea what a carb really was or how it effected the body!

Read as much as I could to learn about my condition on this forum

Watched videos on You Tube

Changed my way of eating straight away

Basically cut out pasta, rice, potatoes, bread, cereals, fruit juice and stopped drinking red wine and eating peanuts! Found alternative foods. Never in a million years did I think I could cut out wine completely, it was an enjoyable part of my life, but I cut it out straight away….. and no cold turkey :)

Became designated driver much to hubby's delight!

Drank jugs of water during the evening

Started to test my blood glucose levels first thing in the morning (my fasting blood sugar)

Tested before I ate anything and 2 hours after – if it wasn't back to base or at least within 2 points I looked at what I had eaten to ensure I avoided it or adjusted portion size for next time

I realised the higher the carbs the higher the reading.

28/12/17 – 1 stone weight loss – now 13 stone 7lbs – yes I did weigh myself every day :)

If I spoke about my reason for change I just said I 'had high blood sugars' I was ashamed to admit I was diabetic

1/2/18 – 2 stone weight loss – now 12 stone 7lbs

I was starting to get my head around it and started to admit to friends I was diabetic but still with my head hung low

11/2/18 – last minute (as usual) packing for my holiday in Portugal 12/2/18 – tried holiday clothes – everything was hanging off me! Had to dash to Tesco/Matalan to get a whole new holiday wardrobe much to my delight (although it did put me under pressure!) the photo of me in the white trousers was me trying on my clothes.

19/2/18 – Diabetic review – Hba1c 47mmol/mol (6.4% DCCT) so now in pre diabetic range (42 to 48 pre diabetic)! No mention of starting me on meds. I felt absolutely ecstatic, but knew I had a way to go still.

2/5/18 – 3 stone loss – Diabetic review – hba1c 41 mmol/mol (5.9% DCCT) non diabetic level (under 42)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Part 4 of 5 @jjraak

At this point I'm telling every man and his dog about my diagnosis, blogging on my social media page, stopping people whilst out shopping, shouting at the TV and writing blogs on the forum. The blog I wrote on DCUKabout my 3 stone weight loss and having to buy a new wardrobe caught the attention of their Press office

28/6/18 – reached my target goal of 50lbs loss – 10 stone 13lbs

3/7/18 – article in my local Gazette, and on their Facebook page – I answered peoples comments/questions and loved helping but that soon died down but I had then got the bug – I wanted to spread the word

I wrote about my 50lb loss on my facebook page

18/7/18 - a brilliant local photographer Scott Somerside saw my facebook post and invited me for a photo shoot to celebrate – so many fabulous photos, the lighting was top notch ;-) I love them, how slim and confident I look. Because I was, I am. I still have to pinch myself now. I must say that if anyone is considering a photo shoot Scott really puts you at ease and is just absolutely great to work with.

I put out my thoughts to fellow forum members on DCUK about getting together with our big pants, getting our own PR team and taking our own videos and photos to spread the word, but DCUK wanted to support us in this venture and provided room, food and their own PR team for us. With just a few weeks to prepare as the date was arranged for 1st September, we managed to get a fabulous day organised – we got to meet, and indeed thank, many of our forum heroes face to face and it was amazing. We pulled together members' Inspirational Stories about diabetes reversal, weight loss, coming off blood pressure meds, not having aching joints, helping with concentration levels, no more migraines, and so much more, all because of this way of eating. People were turning their health around. Forum members were more than willing to help, even though they had challenging lives themselves with one thing and another. This resulted in a fabulous low carb recipe booklet complete with hints and tips (pulled together beautifully by @shelley262) and an invaluable blood sugar monitoring leaflet done by @Rachox . I included a paper written by a local Dr, Dr Unwin, who has saved thousands of pounds by recommending the low carb programme. I put together a sheet of forum members who had reversed their condition and lost over 100 stone between them and I could have done sheets of the same. And the 1936 diabetes guidelines which were LCHF!!!

I printed everything off for my surgery. Popped it in a brown envelope. Googled all drs, hcps and all 4 DNs names and wrote on front. Took it in by hand and asked for everyone listed to get chance to read. It was circulated and discussed at the following meeting. That was the start of me working with them!

September edition of the lesser spotted Northern Life magazine with me juggling low carb food made me laugh – genius

October edition of Simply You magazine – invited on an all expenses paid trip to London for a makeover and my story to be told thanks to DCUK Press Office. I had an amazing day at the studio and after when I met one of my lovely friends from the forum @Goonergal
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Diet only
Part 5 of 5 @jjraak

October I joined the Patient Participation Group at my surgery. My surgery have been ultra supportive and together with the practice manager we are working out a plan for me to help fellow diabetics, this may be one to one's or giving talks, or both, but the discussions have started.

October I joined the local Diabetic Group who hold monthly meetings at Tesco. They have asked me to do a talk on my journey which I am doing in January. I'm out of my comfort zone but I'm sure I will find the confidence once I get going. I'm a keyboard warrior but not so confident public speaking!

November – 'A patient's story - Debra' is attached to the GP newsletter which is being circulated across the 2 surgeries (and around Blackpool, Fylde and Wyre hopefully – touting for business in the nicest possible way!

Diabetic review – hba1c 39 mmol/mol (5.7% ). In the 30s (Not been there for a while .).

December – The practice manager at my surgery is going great guns, she is contacting other PMs telling them im happy to help and hopefully we can get a few more diabetics interested, she has also confirmed that the council want to work with me! They are very keen on supporting anything that encourages good health. I have the support of the forum members who are going to help in any way they can as this is all new to me.

4 stone lost now (bar 1lb haha) – 10 stone 8lbs

6/12/19 - invite to CCG meeting received


4/1/19 contact from Sunday mirror. They want to tell my story along side news that the low carb program has been quismet approved and is now in GP apps library and can be prescribed! Story page 18 Sunday 6/1/18 with pics

16/1/19 meeting with my PM at surgery. She is full on backing my presentations in the local community. Giving me her admin guy Adam to use, offer of printing, spreading the word, advertising, booked a room for my first presentation 27th Feb.

27/2/19 presentation went really well. I had a full room. It was a small training room held at one if the local businesses but perfect. Not too daunting for anyone! Everyone got something from it. Next one I'm going to focus on weight loss as this woe is so good for that too.

Surgery asked me to join them first week in April for diabetes prevention week. They gave me my own room for a session at both surgeries. One on 2nd April and one on 4th. I was able to speak to fellow diabetics. Including 2 just diagnosed on the day. I was so happy to be there to tell them 'it's going to be ok'.

Surgery are really behind me and Paul (the only.other pt helping pts, social prescribing, empowerment in the community, who does mindfulness) helping others, got a lovely email from my Practice manager 11th April. She attended a population health event - for a pilot scheme we discussed at PPG this week re patients from HMO’s who had or have suffered with depression- to see if we can find a way of signposting them to social groups etc. To help with any problems they have. She mentioned my PPG group. 'Debra Scott and Paul Shanahan' , they would like us to get involved... As we have both made offers of help , they are going to take us up on the offer.... this may involve group talks about mindfulness sessions from Paul and from me a suggestion of some general dietary ‘ this is what worked for me’ mini talks. As a starting point the communication lead will organise a meeting with the team leader of the neighbourhood team- to let him meet us and see how his health and wellbeing workers could utilise us . I'm very happy

Photoshoot for the daily mail. The amazing Dr Unwin has got into mainstream papers. I was contacted by PR team to be a part of it. They came to my house to do hair, make up and photos. Interviewed by phone. I'm buying daily mail all week as something in every day. I was in day 1. Looking forward to seeing Michele (amazing forum member) in another day. It's really having a snowball effect now. I wont stop until diabetics are given advice that will help. At least offer this. Education is key. If you dont know about it how can you choose it. Current guidelines unbelievable. Eatwell plate. No wonder we have a diabetes epidemic!

April - Contacted by Lola London from the Telegraph. Article on diabetes published with my journey detailed. Confirmed me as an activist. Love it. Published 24/4

July 20th 2019

Real food Rocks networking - fabulous event. Met with @Goonergal and @rhubarb73 which was amazing. Icing on the low carb cake was meeting Dr Unwin. Told him about a leaflet I was doing for other pts and asked if I could use his infographs. Absolutely. Approved by NICE and available. Happy days. Leaflet produced with the help of my surgery. My DNs are going to offer this to T2Ds. @Listlad has been doing some sterling work with his surgeries. We met up. With PM And they now have leaflet. Looking at contacting all local surgeries, meeting up with DNs and showing box if goodies. This includes all leaflets and booklets from Sept Birmingham meet up. Empty packets and tins to show carb content and my journey as a t2d.

July '19

Contacted by the Sun. Interview plus photoshoot (involving pics favourite park in the world, Stanley park) 22/7 Going in week commencing 24/8. Full week about diabetes with lots of other forum.members telling of their journeys too.

August '19

Working with surgery at their request. CCG organising a presentation and my surgery want me and Paul to give a 20 min. talk. to @100 people. 18th Sept. 5 slides. Our journeys and what work we are doing in the community.

Also going to be seeing patients (15 to 30 minute appointments) for weight loss and bs control advice. And offering follow up appointment. My surgery are right behind me. So much so they have helped me prep a leaflet. Once I come back from my holiday I'm going to contact all local surgeries, hopefully get an appointment with DNs and take in my box of goodies to show them how different it could be. How beneficial it could be for diabetics.

It's a work in progress but we will get there.

What a year it has been – one of the best and most rewarding years of my entire life, my diagnosis has been a blessing in disguise.

I do believe my facebook blogs have inspired a few to follow my footsteps (non diabetics too) and the feedback is absolutely heart warming. I'm so happy as I know what a battle it is to lose even 1lb!!! I had that t-shirt and gave up trying in the end. Moral of this story – NEVER GIVE UP. YOU CAN DO IT!

Special thanks to:

My mum for being my guiding light, loved and missed every single day, but more so at this time of year when she used to move in with us for Christmas and New Year.


My family and friends, you know who you are. forum for introducing me to some wonderful people. Their help and support has been incredible. Totally awesome and a privilege to know.

Armenian Kebab house for my weekly treat, chicken shish no pita bread, lots of chilli sauce and garlic mayo

My local farm who have kept me supplied in eggs, bacon, cream and cheese!

Every journey starts with a single step.

I'm currently all out on Twitter. Following as many Drs and HCPs dietician etc as I possibly can in the hope of spreading the word.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Sorry, my comment appears to be confusing you. I meant where did Deb learn about different approaches.
(I wrote 'the lady' rather than write 'she'.)
Posted my journey. All my notes (I can only apologise!) I didnt learn really, just need things to change so my passion for that is carrying me along. I saw my mum suffer. She became registered blind, sores on legs that wouldnt heal. Numb fingers and feet. Kidney issues. Stroke. Uncontrolled bs. They just kept upping her insulin! I know now that isnt the solution. How many more have suffered needlessly and even lost their lives. Hospital food for diabetics is an absolute joke. Guidelines are worse. Look at what the low fat advice has caused. Over 50 different names for sugar stuffed in practically everything we eat. Medication offered before diet advice. Statins as well as metformin I was offered. Few tweaks to my way of eating and hba1c levels plummeted. Not everyone will want to do it but everyone should be given the choice.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Poor grammar, bullying and drunks.
Posted my journey. All my notes (I can only apologise!) I didnt learn really, just need things to change so my passion for that is carrying me along. I saw my mum suffer. She became registered blind, sores on legs that wouldnt heal. Numb fingers and feet. Kidney issues. Stroke. Uncontrolled bs. They just kept upping her insulin! I know now that isnt the solution. How many more have suffered needlessly and even lost their lives. Hospital food for diabetics is an absolute joke. Guidelines are worse. Look at what the low fat advice has caused. Over 50 different names for sugar stuffed in practically everything we eat. Medication offered before diet advice. Statins as well as metformin I was offered. Few tweaks to my way of eating and hba1c levels plummeted. Not everyone will want to do it but everyone should be given the choice.
And you discovered this approach where?

My point is that wherever you discovered it it was not likely to have been your friendly neighbourhood HCP.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)

I knew some of the story, But THAT was Just AWESOME.

and i could NOT agree more then with the last line to Guzzler.

We don't want to change the world.

we just want the CHOICE of another way
A way that works for US, in ways the Eatwell Diet, Doesn't

And the CHANCE to take it, with the full support
of all our Health Care support teams.

That's the dream. .
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