Type 2 Life


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Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Pasta, sorry to me it's vile, yeuch lol (and full of nasty carbs)
Eddie it couldnt be a severe attack of hayfever could it? It sounds like inflammation of your sinuses from all this nasty high pollen. Worse as day goes by? Have you tried piriton, at the start?
No, never had hay fever. Not allergic to anything @ickihun. At the last docs visit he said it was a severe bacterial infection. Thanks, I have an appointment at 10.45am so will get going soon. :)
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Pasta, sorry to me it's vile, yeuch lol (and full of nasty carbs)
That wouldn't work for me. :(
Being a rabid chocoholic I'd have to eat the entire pack of fun-size bags and then go and get some more.
I can cope if I don't eat any chocolate at all, ever, but once I've tasted it I can't stop.... A chocolate haze descends and I am in another zone.
Bad girl ! Lol :D
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Wow, it is a small world. I used to live in Greenwich and Purley way (walking distance to Ikea).
Did you use the trains to London from south norwood?
Yes, every day when I worked in the West End. (I worked in Greenwich for a while, too - for a car auction, although it closed down years ago now.)
When did you live there? It was probably not at the same time as me, because I'm so ancient. I was there from 1974 until 1980....
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
It's just dawned on me lately that my mum reacts to stress in the same way as I do.
When we are stressed together what an eruption! Ha ha
Poor mum got told off by me yesterday. I feel bad now as she is grieving for her mum.
I feel awful. :(
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Yes, every day when I worked in the West End. (I worked in Greenwich for a while, too - for a car auction, although it closed down years ago now.)
When did you live there? It was probably not at the same time as me, because I'm so ancient. I was there from 1974 until 1980....
I worked for the train company, first at London Bridge then managed 6 sites and trained staff on pcs. I lived in Greenwich, in hotel ibis on first going to the south. In 1992-1999. I worked at Churchill Insuance after being a retail merchandiser.
Met hubby on trains and had a thomas. Ha ha
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Don't have diabetes
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I do not have diabetes
patronising people an those who lie.
Been and seen the doctor lucky as they had a cancellation. Got to have a blood test and urine dip test on wed as there weren't any available appointments today. Typical been peeing for Britain all week and just when the doctor wanted to do it then and there I cant go .
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Foodwise Nuts & Mushrooms (Vomit)
Naughty car has just driven straight to KFC lol

My first one in 6 weeks
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Providence 62

Well-Known Member
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Not riding my bike
Fun weekend away with my morris mates dancing at a festival in Weymouth. Good time had by all. When I got to the hotel I realised I had virtually no medication, I had left my organiser at home! Fortunately I had a couple of emergency metformin in my bag. All the exercise and walking about and being a bit careful with what I ate kept the sugars down - 8.6 this morning. That is not too bad for me.
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That wouldn't work for me. :(
Being a rabid chocoholic I'd have to eat the entire pack of fun-size bags and then go and get some more.
I can cope if I don't eat any chocolate at all, ever, but once I've tasted it I can't stop.... A chocolate haze descends and I am in another zone.
I can do it if they are in their own little bags 90% of the time. An open bag or box is harder. Thought I'd try restricting myself to approx number in a small bag but didn't work. I DID stop when I'd eaten my way through one colour. Until only 2 colours were left
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Pasta, sorry to me it's vile, yeuch lol (and full of nasty carbs)
Afternoon. Saw doctor, added another antibiotic on top of the one I'm on and a steroid nasal spray. If it doesn't shift I will be referred to ENT. Hope it clears as the ENT waiting lists are not quick in this area in my previous experiences. My temperature was 37.8 so a tad high and my sugars, BP and pulse were high too. Going to have lunch and a nap as I need it. It's lovely and sunny outside, strong UV Ray's and 23C. Sucks, wish I could be out in the garden soaking the Rays up but alas no. :):(
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
People who drive with fog lights on when its only a bit of mist
Not too happy with the gym experience.

The trainer was 5 minutes late and then took my blood pressure - the first machine did not work and he eventually took about 5 readings as he reckons my Systolic readings were high at 155 and wants my GP to sign a letter saying its ok for me to train.

I happen to have a BP monitor at home and measured 4 times ... my readings were good at 132, 121, 125 and 122 - so even if I was doing it wrong, they were all in the Good result box. grrrrr

Still he gave me a 30 minute program - I shall go tomorrow to do that and have booked myself on an Aquacise group Wednesday night ... I've started ......
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Not too happy with the gym experience.

The trainer was 5 minutes late and then took my blood pressure - the first machine did not work and he eventually took about 5 readings as he reckons my Systolic readings were high at 155 and wants my GP to sign a letter saying its ok for me to train.

I happen to have a BP monitor at home and measured 4 times ... my readings were good at 132, 121, 125 and 122 - so even if I was doing it wrong, they were all in the Good result box. grrrrr

Still he gave me a 30 minute program - I shall go tomorrow to do that and have booked myself on an Aquacise group Wednesday night ... I've started ......
Well done @magsiesss . I too was not impressed with gym intro. They've wrote to me for an update. I will update them at their pace and with lack of working equipment.
I don't think gp will refer me again but it was horrendeous.
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