What was your fasting blood glucose? (with some chat)


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Brilliant sunny day again so enjoy it while it lasts the diabetes massive. 5.0 for me today - a righteous and godly decision of the meter.
@DJC3 hope you have a great time while up up and away in your beautiful balloon. @Mick1959 that will be the old Guyhirn detox diet then. @ziggy_w great numbers keep the faith and that's what happens. @alf_Josiah get with the football program its where all the bien pensants hang out :angelic: @flexi06 Thanks for the mention and you will get there because you have already committed by testing and posting here.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
good morning all :)

4.6 today
bg is a touch higher this week but I expected that because I'm tweaking my diet a bit, trying to work out where my weight maintainance works and keeping things balanced as best I can :)
I met someone yesterday that I used to work with a couple of years ago and they didn't recognise me now I'm half the size I used to be, which was a bit disconcerting :p

I'm currently looking out at a sunny morning and contemplating some gardening at mum's ;) have an enjoyable weekend everyone.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
good morning all :) 4.6 today bg is a touch higher this week but I expected .
@geefull Your numbers always look brilliant to me. I keep repeating "thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's fbg numbers" but it doesn't work. In the back of my mind I keep hearing Gary Player's words when I see your numbers and @Mbaker's.
"You know , the harder I practice the luckier I seem to get" God bless you both!
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Off to a the farmer's market, my wife wants some French Vanilla coffee. The Alpaca wool we have collected for my Mother in Law to spin and make into cothes. The Ostrich, Buffalo, Venison, very expensive chickens, Pork and Beef - I know where they come from. The fruit and vegetables I know the provenance of as well. We do not grow coffee about here, bless her she is from London, and only been here for 33 years!:banghead:
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Dishonesty lies and thieves and online Bullies!!!
Lovely day here,Mr Mac much better after two ops in four days.....he is sitting in a chair at the hospital smiling and the sun is shining!My readings are high just now,I've had to remember to eat the last few days.....8.0 this morning,but I'll get back on track!Im making a list of easy emergency low carb foods to have at the ready as I've lost too much weight.Never thought I'd write that sentence!
@Glenmac How nice to here good news about your husband,wishing you both lots of happier days ahead!
Forget the BG it's not going to be low with what you've been through recently you'll soon deal with that at a later much more less stressful time. Take care of yourself so your strong when he comes home we often neglect ourselves when faced with lives crisis. Good Luck to you both best wishes. Kathleen X


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Dishonesty lies and thieves and online Bullies!!!
Good morning everyone? It is still morning been busy has usual just having a quiet few minutes to myself!
BG when I finally tested at 10 am was 5.9 will try and find some time to relax now we have some lovely sunny weather,but I can't lie in it so in the shade with the large brolly over me, but it will still be enjoyable. Have a fabulous day everyone! K


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
3.9 this morning. What a relief after a couple of months very often getting 9.5 and imagining all the damage that was going on inside.

It took some doing - a lot of exercise and reduced food for a few days, then yesterday I did a 24 hour fast, just having breakfast.

I don't think it's sustainable - I felt very shaky and weak when I woke up, plus I don't think the effort in the last few days is sustainable, but at least it's course-corrected a long period of high numbers. Hopefully if I'm very careful from this point onwards I can keep it in the 4s/5s while living a more normal routine. 2 hours after breakfast it was at 6.5, so things are looking positive this morning.


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Foodwise Nuts & Mushrooms (Vomit)
3.9 this morning. What a relief after a couple of months very often getting 9.5 and imagining all the damage that was going on inside.

It took some doing - a lot of exercise and reduced food for a few days, then yesterday I did a 24 hour fast, just having breakfast.

I don't think it's sustainable - I felt very shaky and weak when I woke up, plus I don't think the effort in the last few days is sustainable, but at least it's course-corrected a long period of high numbers. Hopefully if I'm very careful from this point onwards I can keep it in the 4s/5s while living a more normal routine. 2 hours after breakfast it was at 6.5, so things are looking positive this morning.

It’s a fine line that we tread on our diabetic journey

Wishing you good numbers


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Absolute cluster whatsit jut now. 6.5 about 90 mins after coffee - almond milk latte. Seemed a bit sweet. Now my wife tells me the caramel seemed to be awol from her caramel latte and the barista seemed a bit confused by the order. :arghh: Still spooked me massively - anyone else had any similar disaster?


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Absolute cluster whatsit jut now. 6.5 about 90 mins after coffee - almond milk latte. Seemed a bit sweet. Now my wife tells me the caramel seemed to be awol from her caramel latte and the barista seemed a bit confused by the order. :arghh: Still spooked me massively - anyone else had any similar disaster?

No but a friend who is a recovering alcoholic told me she once was given vodka and tonic while her partner got the straight lemonade. The panic she felt Nearly sent her into a relapse, but she managed to give herself a good talking to, as I expect you did, and remind herself that this one little incident didn’t invalidate all the years of effort and good work she had put in.
6.5 is still pretty good in my book.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Ps thanks for all your good wishes re balloon flight, it was glorious. Not at all scary @karen8967 athough I thought it might be. It was so peaceful and serene floating above the countryside and I felt very safe, it was almost surreal.

Had a glass of champagne at the end - well, the alternative was orange juice which I obviously couldn’t have because of the carbs, v happy!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Wow, makes the caramel latte pale into insignificance. 6. anything hurts like Spurs losing these days;) Glad you enjoyed the balloon ride.

I’m really looking forward to the time I feel like that about 6s. I’m still pleased with them because they aren’t 7s or 8s.

Not being a football fan though, I may never know exactly how you feel.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
I’m really looking forward to the time I feel like that about 6s. I’m still pleased with them because they aren’t 7s or 8s..
Feels like one of the tribal elders on here would be shaking their head, tutting and wagging fingers at me - like my wife surveying the "carnage" of my dishwasher loading :(
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Ps thanks for all your good wishes re balloon flight, it was glorious. Not at all scary @karen8967 athough I thought it might be. It was so peaceful and serene floating above the countryside and I felt very safe, it was almost surreal.

Had a glass of champagne at the end - well, the alternative was orange juice which I obviously couldn’t have because of the carbs, v happy!
Sounds amazing


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Feels like one of the tribal elders on here would be shaking their heads, tutting and wagging fingers at me - like my wife surveying the "carnage" of my dishwasher loading :(

Ha! Now dishwasher loading is where I’ll always have the upper hand.
I will take life’s small victories where I can find them.