What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I’ve just caught up with this thread

@Goonergal, read an article about you last week. The picture was you but they used a normal name ..

@jjraak couldn’t open the video alas

@DJC3 love the idea of the dragon onsies for GOT I’m gutted that I didn’t think of it ..

Happy sunshine days are en route peeks keep the faith !

I have a spare you could have - still a couple of weeks left!


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People that point out my spelling mistakes
Don't you just love this thread, just about everything appears on it.

I'm struggling with my lunchtime and evening meal blood sugars, I shall elaborate more later in another thread, but the idea of constipated kitties and impacted wisdom teeth appeals to my distended sense of humour, I shall not elaborate.

Thankfully this thread appears to be foot the ball free, at the moment!!
My window cleaner was telling me about his late father who was a respected meteorologist who hated cats with a vengeance and loved to pay football. Strange man my window cleaner. 6ft 4in tall.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Am very late posting today. 6.1 this morning. @zauberflote I had cheese again last night so this evening have had a decaf coffee and cream on my return from work so hopefully the fbs will be better tomorrow. I was trying to cut down on the cream which is why I chose the cheese but forget that the cheese had more protein. I was still hungry after the cheese last night - but am not at all hungry after the cream.


Well-Known Member
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Diet only
okra. Cigarette smoke, old, new, and permeating a room, wafting from a balcony, etc etc. That I have so many chronic diseases. That I take so very many meds. Being cold. Anything too loud, but specifically non-classical music and the television.
@ianpspurs I can't help you with what to eat except to say try it! But if either my 6' or my 6'1" son weighed what you weigh, they'd be magnificent looking. One is over 200, the other under 200 for the first time since his wedding 5 yrs ago. They are typical American diabetes bait, and the sad thing is they both grew up lean and mean. One began to finally gain weight when all the stress left his life, so a good thing in its own way. The other takes meds that unfortunately not only cause weight gain but change the metabolism. That does not excuse him for being a couch potato.
@saskiak oh, laxatone, miralax, watery canned food, it's all for naught against the food across the street. These two are 15. Re harbbles, do you know about the Furminator? It is the snazziest invention since jazz!
@PenguinMum lactolose? This sounds promising for some reason. Will have a look. Thanks so much
@jjraak good news re tooth girl!
@gennepher how beautiful! Thank you for the candle, you are very sweet.
@Krystyna23040 I hope this cream thing helps!
Happy weekend all!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
View attachment 32835 View attachment 32836 View attachment 32837 View attachment 32838 View attachment 32839 View attachment 32840 I had an amazing day today. The break and relaxation I needed.

Unfortunately there was no water in the well.The holy water has been polluted and they are trying to sort it. So I couldn't immerse myself in the waters. Yes I do immerse myself. I get permission from the custodian. It is cold but incredibly liberating. So, initially I was disappointed.

I took photos for you all.
I lit candles for you all. I lit a row of night lights and a row of candles. And said some words and blessings.

The cairn of stones is usually full of water to the top, but the water is polluted so they are draining it away.

The last photo is the steps where I usually go down to submerge myself, but alas no water today.

I am not sure how to download photos from iPad to here, but bear with me...

Oh dear, these files are too large...how do I reduce them on the iPad? I sent them to me by email, and the email reduces them!

I hope this works. So St Winefride's Holy Well.

When I left the bungalow this morning it was raining hard, that was the promised weather, then on the way the sun came out! It stayed out while I was there. I had an amazing conversation with one of the custodians. A very profound spiritual conversation. Then as I left the well, the sky darkened, clouds came over, and then the most amazing white lightning in the sky which filled the valley. Then thunderclaps all around. Then the clouds dumped a huge sheet of water on me. I laughed. I thought it was funny given the conversation I'd just had with the custodian!

@Bubbsie Some tranquility for you.
@PenguinMum There was peace and fresh air
@zauberflote Thank you for your advice and help
@Goacher55 Thank you for my hugs
@jjraak I sent Amazon a strongly worded email just now...

I lit all those candles and nightlights for anyone who feels in need of some comfort.


Here is a link which tells you more about history of the Holy Well

Very interesting.... thanks for the pictures... lovely....


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Today I woke up late... almost 8:00 am. I usually wake up well before 6:00am. Anyway last few nights I was sleeping much less than what I would like. So with the weekend here, I slept a bit longer... happy!! But my legs and nerves kept me restless. I have to figure a way of relaxing so I sleep sounder ... not just longer.

Woke up to a 6.2. Not too bad. I am looking for numbers below 6.... hopefully get there soon.

Today we are having 10 friends of our son coming home .... so getting ready for a day with 10 teenage boys .... not sure if they unleash havoc or sit on their backsides glued to their gadgets!!!

Good day everyone


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
6.4 at 7:45 slowly going to get rid of 60% of all my stuff the next 2 months that’s a huge task for me , not good at letting all my flee markets funny stuff go again but will move into a tiny flat in a couple of month and guess I’ll actually end up happier in a bit more simple living style so maybe this is my chance to optimise my happiness by being less materialistic


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Diet only
The Lancashire Air, or maybe the Steak and salad for tea last night, must agree with me 4.7 this morning. Off later on a tour of the Burnley area to find exciting, inexpensive (free) things to do with the girls when we come in the summer. Hopefully it will be less wet than the journey over yesterday.
Take care


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
5.8 for me


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
@zauberflote I have just heard the word Furminator before. What is it? I have a brush and a comb and a sort of cat curry comb. The KittenCat LOVES to be groomed. ^. .^

I used to have stuff to groom cats, but Popeye disapproves totally of grooming. He just wants my hand. But I do from time to time use a special cat glove with with small rubber nodules on which does get out the dead fur. However my hand does end up in a vice grip with all his 4 paws and claws and he has gone into kill mode...


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Prefer not to say
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Tablets (oral)
6.2 this sunny morning. Farmer's market is on the green today so I will wander up to view the delicacies on display and pick up some organic meats. They also do some fab cheeses which will undoubtedly find their way home with the meats.

I begin my 66th year on planet Earth today. The month of May is totally organised for me, it houses the birthdays of my children, wife, and myself, plus my two close friends and my wedding anniversary. A very elegant solution for diary keeping :)

Hope you all have a great weekend ;)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Housework - hate housework with a passion - and rude people.
So, this morning my FBG was 7 - highest it's been in just about forever and I'm wondering why. Yesterday I ate 2 eggs scrambled in butter, 112g of toasted halloumi, 2 pork belly strips with 100g steamed cabbage, about 60ml double cream in coffee through the day. Nothing there to cause a BG spike? Could this be stress - I am in the final week at uni before hand-in, have an unfinished piece for submission to the Fringe Art Bath exhibition on Monday and there is quite a bit of written work to do before the deadline (nothing I can't handle but I don't like being under pressure like this). Or could I have been visited by our dear friend Dawn? My levels have been higher than normal but not worryingly so for the past week. Whatever, I'm embarking upon a concentrated IF regime as of this morning (thank the lord for bulletproof coffee), hoping to get back into the 5s. Summer break just around the corner and I have been given an OAP bus pass - Somerset is my oyster now so maybe I shall broaden my horizons and go on a few relaxing, random bus trips....