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According to one of my work colleagues, she was paid on friday and I haven’t received a single coin. I don’t know if I should activate panic mode. I assume everyone will be paid on the same day.

Marie 2

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@MeiChanski You can just ask, but a lot of times there is a delay to be paid because it takes time to add hours, calculate time etc, even if they send it off.

So you get paid for say the week after the week.
So the 23rd to the 29th would either get paid the 4th or even the 11th.

But a lot of employers pay on a 2 week schedule because it is cheaper , less paperwork time. So if she just got paid, then the next pay date could be in 2 weeks. Here they have to post it (USA) . They usually tell you when they hire you or interview you. Just ask or look for a notice at the workplace.
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According to one of my work colleagues, she was paid on friday and I haven’t received a single coin. I don’t know if I should activate panic mode. I assume everyone will be paid on the same day.


If my memory serves correct, you have only been at this position for a week?
"Wages" department may have done the hours prior to or at the beginning of the week you started? Any future "overtime" pay may also be delayed till the following pay date, if it was worked during this time wages had collated your hours done in the weeks prior?
The following pay date you should find the correct money for the hours in your account. (Along with an issued payslip.)

Are you paid monthly?


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Well, that weekend went too fast...

New Libre on tonight. The old one ran out Friday. I couldn't be bothered to remove the dead sensor till tonight. (Just basically seing how long it sticks.)
Lol, still holding on for dear life as I yanked the old one off. The double sided tape came away from the sensor before my skin let it go.

On that score. Going to continue to source my libres from ASDA. My local Sainsbury's pharmacy don't seem to do VAT exemption?


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I've been at work since Thursday 26th september to Friday and started on Thursday 3rd October, I think it was because I didn't activate my account that they use to upload pay slips etc. But I texted my manager to say I didn't activate it because a) I wasn't notified to say there is a link to click on and b) I wouldn't click on any link. I think they do calculate by hours that you do, those who have worked on the day that I started get paid as well and according to the contract, it is weekly.


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I've been at work since Thursday 26th september to Friday and started on Thursday 3rd October, I think it was because I didn't activate my account that they use to upload pay slips etc. But I texted my manager to say I didn't activate it because a) I wasn't notified to say there is a link to click on and b) I wouldn't click on any link. I think they do calculate by hours that you do, those who have worked on the day that I started get paid as well and according to the contract, it is weekly.

Ah, OK? Sounds like a miscommunication twix your employers & you.
You were quite right not to click any "link" sent via email. However, it looks like you needed to verify your account with the wages department...you should have been informed to expect this.. A mere oversight.


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You could tell him to keep his eyes closed. Not uncommon in unconscious bodies. Or you could approach him with the steth in one hand and a rubber hammer in the other and tell him you'll make things a bit more realistic if he doesn't start behaving like an unconscious body.
If it fails you can at least suffer your headaches together afterwards.

The old adage, "think dead cats" come to mind also.. But maybe inappropriate regarding @LooperCat 's intended avatar?

Having said that.. Along with dogs on beds. Cats on cars (a Micra?) are not ideal either... Ooh that poor paint work.
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Ooh that poor paint work.
Paintwork was poor when I got it. So I’ve covered the worst bits with vinyl Raven stickers! Husbeast polished it once and poor cat was slithering all over the place :hilarious:

Poxy night here, woke with a mild low at 3am and couldn’t get back to sleep until ten to getting up. Typical. And now for some reason my liver is being incredibly “helpful” and dumping glucose like it’s gone out of fashion. Currently at 11.5 with a straight up arrow. Not feeling spectacular, if I’m being honest, so maybe I’m going down with something? I’m sure we’ll find out in due course. All part of T1 life and why we become so resilient.

Still, onwards and upwards. Busy day in uni today, patient assessment skills this morning and airway management this afternoon. All stuff I already do as a CFR but as with all the things I have experience of, I’m resetting my brain to zero and absorbing anything and everything they teach - I’m certainly not thinking I know it all. Plenty of coffee in my thermal cup(s) should keep me alive!

Have a tolerable Monday, chaps! ❤️
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Morning all, I’m not saying ‘good’ as it’s Monday, it’s blowing an absolute gale out there & I had a pretty awful night, so I am a little grumpy.

Woke with a 4 at 5.30 this morning so fired a Jelly Baby in, I’m obviously still fighting this bug whatever it may be and my anxiety is shot to pieces again as I couldn’t get back to sleep, so was lay in bed with my mind racing, my heart racing & sweat pouring off me. Great start to Monday!


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I will be changing my avatar shortly too, as I use this current one on my Facebook account sometimes. The green circle is the Loop logo.

View attachment 36032

In other news, Libre sensor failed at just five days in, although my MiaoMiao/Spike rig is still reading it. Sadly the calibration seems to have drifted and I woke on an indicated 4.6 - tested as I felt wobbly and it came back as a 2.8 :banghead: Hey ho, all part of D-life! Three dextrose tabs and a cheeky peanut butter sandwich (see, I am human after all) for which I’ve now insulinated, and all is good. Back to rehearsing for my practical exams in a couple of weeks. I’ve borrowed a resuscitation doll and the ventilation gear so can practice to my heart’s content at home. There’s certain things we have to make sure we not only do, but verbalise, so I’ve written a sort of script to run through. Complete with laminated picture of a defibrillator and a selection of ECG rhythms to interpret.

I’ve also got to practice my “secondary survey” skills but need an unconscious body for that - husband is willing to let me practice on him but seems to find it hard to remain professional ;) I only have to wave my stethoscope at him and he gets that glint in his eye :rolleyes: Flattering but not helpful :D

Bit of a post hypo headache now, so will chuck some nurofen down my neck and crack on, much as I’d like to wallow on the sofa with my book. Catch you later x
Love the claws, hope the head is better


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Morning all, sounds like some bad night's sleep or lack of it. Hope everyone feels better soon and doesn't go down with anything
A decent number this morning, madam not playing up and I can wear my 5 badge.
Off to see a loft conversion shortly
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Have just eaten some proper food Bloods still on the higher side so still taking insulin. At GPs this afternoon for results of pelvic X-ray. They came back abnormal! Am not 60 til next month but am beginning to feel a lot older than I should. Ill health over a sustained period certainly drags you down. With diabetes management on top am starting to lose my zest a little bit. Note to self, must fight back. Missing my weekly gardening, swim training and just my usual very busy active life. Have a favourite 10 day holiday in a couple of weeks so that could be just the thing to reset the equilibrium.


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Late on parade, work getting in the way:p

Sunday BGs have been a bit :meh:, but back under control now (he says after eating a Krispy Kreme doughnut :rolleyes:)

Talk of googling yourself, I did a quick one for images..........all I can say is there some ugly name sakes out there :hilarious:
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And ... yesterday was a Unicorn Day according to my Libre. I stayed in range all day (actually for more than 36 hours) and very pleased to report that I achieved it whilst eating a flapjack, cheese scones, fish baps and a packet of crisps. Actually, that was a high carb day for me but no sign of insulin resistance - something some people (not here) seem to delight in highlighting that having type 1 does not prohibit.

Oh what I would give to eat that in a day! Cheese scones! *drool* I can’t wait for my appetite to return, a couple of weeks of food not appealing has been okay (as has the 9lbs weight loss) but I just want to go back to feeling ‘normal’

Massive congratulations on achieving a Unicorn Day too! Not easy given how temperamental Libres can be.
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Afternoon all, very late on the go today.12 hour overtime shift yesterday so treated myself to a lazy morning in the company of my cats. Went to pick up my prescription only to find the receptionist doesn’t know what happened to it.....cue second visit later today after they have reprinted it and got it signed again.
Anyone have any experience of thyroid issues? When I had my hba1c done I got a call from the surgery to say my thyroid was ‘borderline’ underactive, now 5 months after diagnosis I’ve put on better part of 2 stones. Hubby who is type 2 is losing weight, we eat much and such the same.....I know I’ve been on holiday and normally gain about half a stone (and generally lose it quickly after the holiday) but I’m shocked at just how much weight I’ve gained.


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Greeting fellow pumpers and prickers. Looks like some of us are having a rough time, so I feel i should join in.

Since around 3 pm yesterday been sitting around BG 10+. Overnight it shot up to over 18. Took a large correction dose and upped background basal to 150% and woke up to BG of 9. Not too bad. But since then I have only had 30 g of carbs and it has shot up to BG 15+. Took a correction dose, I actually injected, as well as upping Basal to 125% but 2 hours later I am only at BG of 14.3

Took another big correction dose along with 30g of carbs for lunch about 45 minutes ago but only down to BG of 13.9.

Think i will changed fusion set and even my injection insulin as something not right.

I feel fine, no stress etc, apart from this, so no idea whats going on


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Hello friends,

Sending hugs to those having a rough time. Unfortunately I woke up a bit sky high at 15.8 with a mild stomach pain. According to my libre, I was high for ages but sleep is more important. Anyway corrected and waiting for it to come down.
Do you remember me having issues with getting Fiasp? Well I was so fed up of calling every pharmacy in this area about it because their reply is “we don’t stock it”. This really amps up my anger because I’m sure I’m not the only type 1 in this area using Fiasp. My gp surgery said if you find a pharmacy that stocks it, we’ll send the prescription there for it. I’m like there isn’t a pharmacy that does :( I’ve been without fiasp for almost 2 weeks, using my back up in date novorapid in the fridge. So I took matters into my own hands, I searched for a reputable online pharmacy that delivers nhs prescriptions to my door. Now I’m waiting for them to dispatch it because I’m on my last 1.5 box of test strips so I thought it would be a good time to try it out.