What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning all. 5.8 for me, happy to be back in the 5s.
Mr C has gone to work, middle daughter&partner still in London so it’s just me and Dennis today - the world is our oyster, shall it be beach or woodland? Somewhere familiar or unexplored?
@jjraak I’m enjoying your travelogue and photos, looks like you’re having the time of your lives there.
@Muddy Cyclist how is your MIL settling in to her new place? Is it easier visiting her there than the hospital.
@HarryBeau hope you have C&L disentangled from the bedding by now.
@gennepher I feel it’s a crumpet day! I have some streaky bacon in the fridge which might go well with it.

Muddy Cyclist

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning all. 5.8 for me, happy to be back in the 5s.
Mr C has gone to work, middle daughter&partner still in London so it’s just me and Dennis today - the world is our oyster, shall it be beach or woodland? Somewhere familiar or unexplored?
@jjraak I’m enjoying your travelogue and photos, looks like you’re having the time of your lives there.
@Muddy Cyclist how is your MIL settling in to her new place? Is it easier visiting her there than the hospital.
@HarryBeau hope you have C&L disentangled from the bedding by now.
@gennepher I feel it’s a crumpet day! I have some streaky bacon in the fridge which might go well with it.
Much easier to visit MIL the home is only 35 minutes away and a rural drive rather than the urban sprawl of Wolverhampton. Sadly neither Mrs MC or I have any idea what MIL is thinking or if she's any idea where she is or what is happening, she is a very poorly lady but also "a strong old bird" her doctors words.

Enjoy your day exploring there is always something new to discover.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Nice. I learned to type on a four bank Imperial - quite similar. We had to slide our fingers into a shield over the keys and type to either music or the sound of a metronome. Once we had it, it was on to a Siemens t100 teleprinter and then learning five dot Murray code. Still miss that carriage return.

View attachment 37452

I like the carriage return as well @dunelm

I have half a dozen old typewriters myself!

The early ones from the 1930's. One has cursive script which belonged to my partner's father who was a sea captain in the early part of last century. It is kept in the potting shed and I write poetry on it. I have to wind new black typing tape manually on to the spools.
And a more recent one which is about 30 years old and is electric.
All work.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Good Morning and a 5.7 for me today.

Other than a visit to MIL a quiet day ahead, time to recharge the batteries.

Frightening thing is I still have a similar one which I used to type my poems and short stories on. :) How we have moved on.

Do the best you can with today.
I still type poetry @Muddy Cyclist on an old cursive script type writer from 1930's which belonged to my partner's father who used it at sea when he was a sea captain in the early part of last century...

My poetry turns out differently on that than when on the tablet or phone...and so do my short stories....it is a different feel, a different atmosphere, a connection with a past I didn't experience...
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Much easier to visit MIL the home is only 35 minutes away and a rural drive rather than the urban sprawl of Wolverhampton. Sadly neither Mrs MC or I have any idea what MIL is thinking or if she's any idea where she is or what is happening, she is a very poorly lady but also "a strong old bird" her doctors words.

Enjoy your day exploring there is always something new to discover.

I guess if you and your wife arrive in more relaxed moods after your easier journey that might rub off on her too. It’s a sad situation but you are all doing your best with it.
I’ve got lost driving round Wolverhampton trying to find a friend’s house so I can sympathise with you wanting to minimise the urban drive.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
hope you have C&L disentangled from the bedding by now.
Thanks DJC it was touch & go but both have been banned from the bedroom until they learn how to make a decent hospital corner;)
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Morning...so many posts to catch up on I think I may be just about there now...I had a fabulous time the last week...over indulged plenty & so enjoyed it...I do feel I am 'carbed' up now for the rest of the coming year (fingers crossed)… I need to do some food shopping this morning regular stuff should be interesting with the pre-New Year crowds will I escape in one piece...a food delivery for Charlie & Lola arriving this morning...I swear they have doubled in size in the last two & a half weeks...bit difficult to tell ATM as they are heavily engaged in a wrestling match with each other and the rug...I have no idea how but this morning woke to a 6.7 after my complete over indulgences during the last few days.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
5.0 this morning. Missing the family but at the same time it is rather lovely to be relaxing at home.

When we got home yesterday Poppy the younger Labrador went absolutely crackers - racing around the garden at breakneck speed. They love going away with us but they really love coming back home.

@gennepher and @SaskiaKC had my pancake with Greek yoghurt and raspberries - lovely. I really struggle with eating eggs so am really pleased to find a way of eating more of them.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Tablets (oral)
Good morning/evening folks, 5.5 on the dice yesterday and 6.2 this morning, and nil by mouth between the two readings, felt rougher than a badgers behind yesterday, must have been a bug :hungover: ,so aunty liver is up to her tricks.
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Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Nice. I learned to type on a four bank Imperial - quite similar. We had to slide our fingers into a shield over the keys and type to either music or the sound of a metronome. Once we had it, it was on to a Siemens t100 teleprinter and then learning five dot Murray code. Still miss that carriage return.

View attachment 37452
I also learnt to type to music - The William Tell Overture. I remember when electric typewriters were introduced at work - it felt like we were on the cutting edge of technology.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning All. 6.3 today which wouldnt normally be pleasing but today it is after the highs of the last three days. It means I’m coming down.
@jjraak loving the travel bulletins and pics, seems a very chilled place. @HarryBeau glad you have had a good week and the furries are keeping you busy. @DJC3 nice for you and Dennis to have a nice quiet day together. I have a quiet day to myself tomo as all the boys off to the football. Our boys go on Monday and then we have two quiet days just me and Mr PM. It can all get a bit much all this feasting. No 1 son is getting tetchy now “coming down” from Christmas.
I hope you all have a good weekend. Stay well, stay safe.

Muddy Cyclist

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I still type poetry @Muddy Cyclist on an old cursive script type writer from 1930's which belonged to my partner's father who used it at sea when he was a sea captain in the early part of last century...

My poetry turns out differently on that than when on the tablet or phone...and so do my short stories....it is a different feel, a different atmosphere, a connection with a past I didn't experience...

I know what you mean, I occasionally get tempted to use mine again there is something more creative about the whole experience.

In a very different way to yours I suspect, any work I did on the old typewriter definitely turns out different, I am lost without spell check and even a little lost with spell check, I have been boy friend and husband with Mrs MC since I was 15 and she is still totally mystified by the fact I managed to pass O level and A level English language and Literature when I am so bad at spelling and grammar. :joyful:


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I remember well learning to type on an old Imperial and my little fingers weren't strong enough to make the p and q print and the nun would smack the back of my hand with a wooden ruler when she inspected. When I actuall got my first job there were electric type writers and we layered two carbon copies and while any mistakes on the top copy were easy with tippex strips any mistakes on the different coloured flimsy carbons were obvious and the manager made me use snopake liquid and correct them neatly with a glare on her face. I was still in the same company when they introduced word processors and it was just heaven. I stopped work just as computers were getting going and despite doing two adult courses I have never got the hang of it all.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Thanks DJC it was touch & go but both have been banned from the bedroom until they learn how to make a decent hospital corner;)

Well if they learn can they please teach me? My mum was a nurse and grew exasperated at my rubbish attempts
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Well if they learn can they please teach me?
They've learned so much in the last two weeks DJC...unfortunately none of it particularly useful...on Christmas morning friends & their children arrived for tea presents & mince pies...we always take the china out of the cabinet the full works tea pot milk jug & sugar bowl plates etc...as I saw them out I must have been out of the room for around two to three minutes only... I came back into the room to find Charlie & Lola with their faces stuck right into the milk jug lapping away for England...I am so lucky they didn't break any...so are they