What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
6.1 today and I feel I got off lightly! Yesterdays breakfast was 97% sausage with bacon on low carb roll. All good there. Then dinner was Turkey with all the trimmings apart from potatoes. Then a little xmas pud with lots of cream. Champagne, red wine and lots of festive nuts which included chocolate covered raisins and honey glazing. A couple of chocolates (turned into a few!). But today normal service resumes I'm very happy to say. Probably doing a tip trip and taking some food to the food bank if it's open.

Yesterday I ordered a tripod for my mobile, a presentation screen and clicker. I'm going to do a 'how I put my diabetes in remission' video for you tube in the new year. I will put in as much info as possible. I will have lots of visuals as I did at Blackpool tower ballroom event. And even have a section on alcohol. Many people like a drink. That's one of my plans. Another is to finally reply to DUK who replied to my complaint. I will be doing a 14 day experiment following their/NHS guidelines and noting all results. It probably wont have to last 14 days fingers crossed! And I'm also writing to as many CCGs as possible, Boris is also on my hit list and his health minister.....I have a long list of people to target! Every little helps.

Enjoy your days however you are spending them.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning All. 7.6 at 0800 after an almost OMAD to recover from the previous day. The almost was an egg, mayo and 3 prawns, the OMAD was turkey and leftover veg though did include a tiny bit of mashed carrot & swede and a tiny chunk of parsnip. Havent eaten anything sweet in the past two days so it just goes to show how reactive I am. I was 5.8 before dinner but didnt bother to check after. I wonder if turkey omelettte would work! Maybe its the Cremant de Loire but luckily thats all gone now.
Dry here today so getting out for a walk later.
@jjraak lovely pics from Vietnam, glad you are both having a great time. That scooter riding sounded scary. You take care and enjoy every second. Didnt take Lauren long to meet the felines.
Have a great Friday everyone. Stay well, stay safe.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Morning...busy busy busy this morning a thorough house tidy in order...clean covers on the beds not easy with these two monkeys who think struggling to get the duvet cover on means it's play time...just stopped for a quick coffee break then it's time to release the hoover...must get it done while I have the chance...a busy few days coming up...will catch up with posts later...have a good day.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
6.8 this morning. Probably was the champagne last night. We won a bottle of champagne in a quiz the night before and I had to have 2 glasses last night with dinner.

We are just packing up to go home. We have had a wonderful Christmas at The Swan at Lavenham with our youngest daughter and her family.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Late check in for me , Hello all. Woke to a 6.6 which I thought a bit harsh as I haven’t really gone off the lc wagon ( apart from Champagne say no more). Reckon it’s probably sheer indolence on my part.
Took Dennis out for a hilly muddy Moorland off-lead walk and was a measly 6.5 when I got back. Pah! To cap a less than exciting day I have routine mammogram this afternoon.
@jjraak your photos tell a lovely story I’m so glad you are both having a good time, you really do deserve a bit of r&r
@Debandez are you really going to follow the Eatwell plate for a fortnight? That really is taking one for the team. I’m watching this space avidly. Maybe start after your grandchild is born - that’s bound to mess with bg. ( hope all goes well by the way)
@Krystyna23040 I think champagne is at the root of most of my high BGs if I’m Honest. My dad got me into it, it really reminds me of him and the many memorable Champagne lubricated occasions we enjoyed together.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
2 days in country.
Full on first day.
Scooter sorted, so our for a little recon mission...biking madness.:woot::hilarious:
Few cars but HUNDREDS of scooters
Loving it.

Tried a recommended restaurant..Mmhh not too good..tried a recommended bar...Mmhh not to good either.. so moved on.
Met a couple from hotel, sat for one beer at a live music bar...stayed for many more..hic:wacky:
Coconut vodka...might be my new fav festive drink.

Second day..went into town to head out.
If I thought yesterday was crazy, today is full on CHAOS..or so it seems..4 lanes of traffic, ..except some like to go against the flow, others like to just turn in front of traffic, and some just waltz across the lanes to get wherever they want to be, oncoming traffic..?..not a problem, just turn anyway..god will look after you..:wideyed::rolleyes:

a short ride to next resort, ended up being a trip across the island with one wrong turn..duh.
But we made most of it..

Took one turning... ricketty old log bridges did not inspire confidence..should have read the clues better... road became a dirt track became some ones farm, became someone's garden, much to everyone's surprise , local dogs out to sniff us, and seemed friendly thank god.

Locals put us back on right track.

Have to say locals are exceedingly friendly..a lovely people's.

Then down to beach bars and a French restaurant late night..then home.
Hit 5.2 first morning FBG..post breakfast I hit 6.4..after night out hic..hit 4.2 :wideyed::wideyed::wideyed:

All BG's good and in Range..weather sunny and overcast..yet I still burnt my neck :sorry:

A few pics of OUR festive season.

View attachment 37425
View attachment 37426

Xmas breakfast.

View attachment 37427
Xmas on the beach around a Xmas tree..lol

And Lauren enjoys the day
View attachment 37428

Until it ended...
View attachment 37429

And no holidays complete unless your adopted by one of the locals, right..;)

View attachment 37430

Hope all your Xmas times were as good if not better.

Love to all. X

Y'all are having a wonderful time and that is wonderful to hear! Y'all deserve it.
I love the pics, and I especially love Lauren's shirt (I used to have one similar to it). I'm glad y'all have been adopted by a good local couple. ^. .^. .^


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning...busy busy busy this morning a thorough house tidy in order...clean covers on the beds not easy with these two monkeys who think struggling to get the duvet cover on means it's play time...just stopped for a quick coffee break then it's time to release the hoover...must get it done while I have the chance...a busy few days coming up...will catch up with posts later...have a good day.

I’m chuckling at the thought of trying to change bedding with those two little helpers chipping in.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning All. 7.6 at 0800 after an almost OMAD to recover from the previous day. The almost was an egg, mayo and 3 prawns, the OMAD was turkey and leftover veg though did include a tiny bit of mashed carrot & swede and a tiny chunk of parsnip. Havent eaten anything sweet in the past two days so it just goes to show how reactive I am. I was 5.8 before dinner but didnt bother to check after. I wonder if turkey omelettte would work! Maybe its the Cremant de Loire but luckily thats all gone now.

Same here, kept food in the zone so I reckon it must be the fizz. Not sure I’ll get bg down before ‘2nd Christmas’ when middle daughter and partner get back and we start all over again. Less booze though as they don’t drink so we won’t have much, if any.
I wonder if the reactiveness will ever calm down.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Happy 3rd Day of Christmas!

Although it might as well be next Tuesday, as today my meter gave to me a fine feathered 7.1.

@gennepher thank you for your good advice. You reminded me of the Christmas carol "Tomorrow shall be my dancing day," and I think mine shall be today. As soon as I finish my coffee, and the KittenCat gets up off my lap ...



Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
6.1 today and I feel I got off lightly! Yesterdays breakfast was 97% sausage with bacon on low carb roll. All good there. Then dinner was Turkey with all the trimmings apart from potatoes. Then a little xmas pud with lots of cream. Champagne, red wine and lots of festive nuts which included chocolate covered raisins and honey glazing. A couple of chocolates (turned into a few!). But today normal service resumes I'm very happy to say. Probably doing a tip trip and taking some food to the food bank if it's open.

Yesterday I ordered a tripod for my mobile, a presentation screen and clicker. I'm going to do a 'how I put my diabetes in remission' video for you tube in the new year. I will put in as much info as possible. I will have lots of visuals as I did at Blackpool tower ballroom event. And even have a section on alcohol. Many people like a drink. That's one of my plans. Another is to finally reply to DUK who replied to my complaint. I will be doing a 14 day experiment following their/NHS guidelines and noting all results. It probably wont have to last 14 days fingers crossed! And I'm also writing to as many CCGs as possible, Boris is also on my hit list and his health minister.....I have a long list of people to target! Every little helps.

Enjoy your days however you are spending them.

I would be very interested in seeing the results of your experiment! :)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Morning all on the feast of St John The Apostle. @jjraak lovely photos and sounds as though holiday and you were meant to be. Have a great day y'all and on with the motley if needs be but psalm 147 from v 13 seems a better bet.
After 36 hrs very lc - sashimi (octopus slivers were lovely, tuna and salmon) salad, cold beef and cheese fbg was 6.5. Only fair to say trust between me and LC completely fractured during December so it wouldn't mater much what the number on the meter showed in many ways. More beef, salad and sashimi today. To state the facts frankly is not to despair the future nor indict the past. The prudent heir takes careful inventory of his legacies and gives a faithful accounting to those whom he owes an obligation of trust. John F. Kennedy
Read more at https://www.brainyquote.com/authors/john-f-kennedy-quotes

I just went over to another website to read Psalm 147 and it gave me a lovely vision, of going out with our Father to count the stars and call them by name. That is the sort of thing my earthly Papa and I enjoyed doing together, and from reading your lovely posts about your children and grandchildren I think you will understand, like many of the other parents and grandparents here. :)


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
I just went over to another website to read Psalm 147 and it gave me a lovely vision, of going out with our Father to count the stars and call them by name. That is the sort of thing my earthly Papa and I enjoyed doing together, and from reading your lovely posts about your children and grandchildren I think you will understand, like many of the other parents and grandparents here. :)
I really like the things you tell us about your Papa and the insights into your childhood they allow. Fits all my preconceptions about God fearing US families. I often think I would have been totally at home in what is often called I think of as small town America, as a boomer. (OK boomer never did fully trend over here but boy are we/they making everyone else suffer for our raging at the dying of the light)
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Same here, kept food in the zone so I reckon it must be the fizz.
I hadnt considered that at all but of course I normally would drink gin but these last three days its been either Champagne or Cremant. Come to think of it I do find wine affects me and havent had any for ages. Mmmh! Snifter tonight then if anything at all.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
I think champagne is at the root of most of my high BGs if I’m Honest. My dad got me into it, it really reminds me of him and the many memorable Champagne lubricated occasions we enjoyed together.
It sounds like you had a great time with your Dad.

I was really surprised at the high BG after drinking champagne. I have had a really low carb Christmas so thought it would be OK. 2 hrs after drinking it I was 10.1. Have not had a 10.1 since I started low carb.

Luckily (or unluckily) I am allergic to wine so don't normally drink alcohol. Strangely am not allergic to champagne - and I think the last time I had a glass was over 5 years ago.

On the way home we bought some ground almonds so I can make @gennepher's recipe for a crumpet with egg and ground almonds. That's the only food I can face today after overdoing the protein over Christmas.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I hadnt considered that at all but of course I normally would drink gin but these last three days its been either Champagne or Cremant. Come to think of it I do find wine affects me and havent had any for ages. Mmmh! Snifter tonight then if anything at all.

Snifter it is then! I had 4 bottles of various gins for Christmas presents. I’m faintly embarrassed at being so easy to buy for.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only

It sounds like you had a great time with your Dad.

I was really surprised at the high BG after drinking champagne. I have had a really low carb Christmas so thought it would be OK. 2 hrs after drinking it I was 10.1. Have not had a 10.1 since I started low carb.

Luckily (or unluckily) I am allergic to wine so don't normally drink alcohol. Strangely am not allergic to champagne - and I think the last time I had a glass was over 5 years ago.

On the way home we bought some ground almonds so I can make @gennepher's recipe for a crumpet with egg and ground almonds. That's the only food I can face today after overdoing the protein over Christmas.

That’s you, me and @PenguinMum reporting Champagne highs. Darn it! Better stick to gin then I guess.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Happy 3rd Day of Christmas!

Although it might as well be next Tuesday, as today my meter gave to me a fine feathered 7.1.

@gennepher thank you for your good advice. You reminded me of the Christmas carol "Tomorrow shall be my dancing day," and I think mine shall be today. As soon as I finish my coffee, and the KittenCat gets up off my lap ...

Brilliant @SaskiaKC
I love it


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
good evening all :)

was 4.6 this morning

we've been out today for lunch, a little basic shopping (milk etc.) then over to Mum's ;) so it's mostly been a quiet day. Quite mild here in North Scotland too at the moment which is nice, lots of people visiting family so it's good they can get out and about without it being slithery everywhere :)

Hope your day is treating you kindly :)
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