What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


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Evenin’ All

an eating day

B: sausage and scram egg
L: prawn cocktail, Awful soup, 70% lindt
D: chicken korma

we also had a fab dog walk along the salt marshes. It was windy, with threatening grey clouds, but it was lovely. Not too hot. Not too windy. Just refreshing.

it was made even better by my mobility scooter => NO PAIN!!!
Don’t think I have mentioned my scooter before, have I?
We got it a couple of weeks ago, after the rather depressing long term prognosis on my knee.
And I'm finding it both liberating and fun.
Sooooo good to be out with the dogs again
And absolutely wonderful to go places without hobbling and aggro.
I only wish it was an All Terrain one with tractor tyres, but maybe one day... this little one is utterly perfect at the moment :D:D:D

ooh! Look at this fab pic!
Gives me something to aspire to

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it was made even better by my mobility scooter => NO PAIN!!!
Don’t think I have mentioned my scooter before, have I?
We got it a couple of weeks ago, after the rather depressing long term prognosis on my knee.
And I'm finding it both liberating and fun.
Sooooo good to be out with the dogs again
And absolutely wonderful to go places without hobbling and aggro.
I only wish it was an All Terrain one with tractor tyres, but maybe one day... this little one is utterly perfect at the moment :D:D:D
Absolutely brilliant, @Brunneria !

My uncle got an all terrain one. He used to be an apple farmer, and after his stroke he found out he didn't like his life without being able to work in his orchard. So he got the 4 wheel drive scooter thing, got one of his workers to prune a couple of rows of trees to sitting height working and adjusting some of his tools for one-handed use (and worried his wife by spending his days in the orchard again :D).

I'm pretty sure the all terrain scooter made his life a whole lot better. If you find out you use your scooter a lot but are disabled by the small wheels, do yourself a favour and start saving for an upgrade!

So far: Cracker with an impressive heap of smoked mackerel salad at around 2pm, evening meal green salad with cottage cheese and a bit of Aldi fake crab salad, with a small plate of cheeses and cold meats on the side.

Midnight snack will likely be nuts and chocolate again :)
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Absolutely brilliant, @Brunneria !

My uncle got an all terrain one. He used to be an apple farmer, and after his stroke he found out he didn't like his life without being able to work in his orchard. So he got the 4 wheel drive scooter thing, got one of his workers to prune a couple of rows of trees to sitting height working and adjusting some of his tools for one-handed use (and worried his wife by spending his days in the orchard again :D).

I'm pretty sure the all terrain scooter made his life a whole lot better. If you find out you use your scooter a lot but are disabled by the small wheels, do yourself a favour and start saving for an upgrade!

So far: Cracker with an impressive heap of smoked mackerel salad at around 2pm, evening meal green salad with cottage cheese and a bit of Aldi fake crab salad, with a small plate of cheeses and cold meats on the side.

Midnight snack will likely be nuts and chocolat again :)

2 weeks in and I don’t think I could contemplate going back to without it.

We got it thinking that it might go back, if it didn’t suit.
One ride and I was a total convert.
My life had become pretty permanent Lockdown, since I could barely hobble from the front door to the car. Walking round shops or dogwalks had become impossible.
You should have seen me whizzing round that garden centre. And I only had one tiny mini bump, where they had put that display in a silly place ;)
Today, we went far enough Along the marshes to exhaust the dogs. It was bliss.

OK will shut up now, mustn’t derail further! :D
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We had a fab lamb roast tonight with all the usual bits.

Beforehand I had a small tincture from the orange infused gin I had made earlier. It was an absolute triumph. I had it with slimline tonic, but also tried it with soda; equally delicious. A variation on the, infusion would also be very nice with lime, and perhaps with a little ginger in there.

The beauty of the N2 infusion method is it takes less than 10 minutes, start to finish, rather than a few hours, or weeks, depending on the alternative method used. You can also make very small batches, if experimenting.

For me, experimenting is a way of life. :)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
People who think they know everything.
G'morning all!

Who's stolen the summer? Another windy day with sideways showers.

Breakfast: scrambled eggs and kimchi on the side
Lunch: Actimel drink
Dinner: cauliflower, aubergine and daikon/mouli curry (the daikon / mouli is in place of potato) with some wilted chard


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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G'morning all!

Who's stolen the summer? Another windy day with sideways showers.

Breakfast: scrambled eggs and kimchi on the side
Lunch: Actimel drink
Dinner: cauliflower, aubergine and daikon/mouli curry (the daikon / mouli is in place of potato) with some wilted chard

I have washing on the line at present. I have to keep checking it;not for rain, but to ensure it's very presence.

Should a pair of cream and black spot jeans fly past your window, please rescue them!
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rude people
not able to do as much as I used to do due to health issues
@annabell1 thanks for the ingredients for the fritters, surprised about the hazelnuts in there and might use almond flour instead. It looks like a recipe that could have different combos. Sorry you have had a horrible day of pain and queasiness, hope you are better now. I like orange flavoured gin. My favourite is the Aldi Persian Lime & Seville orange but the Blood Orange from Whitley Neil is nice, not sweet. I couldnt drink ordinary gin without diet tonic though.
Yesterday’s food was
Usual breakfast Hilo toast and tea.
Lunch was sliver of farm shop bread Piled high with egg mayo and side salad.
Supper was oriental veg and rmp strips stirfried with Teriyaki sauce and shredded fresh ginger.
Today had same breakfast.
Lunch was egg mayo and salad, couple of slices salami Milano.
Supper will be selection from bbq of chicken mini fillets, high meat sausages, beef and lamb burgers and probs side salad.
I had the most spectacular leek in my farm shop box yesterday. It must be 2 ft high. I am thinking of using the two thirds green parts to make soup with added broccoli which I have a lot of. Might be nice for lunch a couple of days now the weather has cooled.
For some reason they sent me 3 giant tomatoes, the size of apples, together weighing 660g which is both startling and not what I wanted. I think one or even half would be too carby in one go. It was an odd order as they upscaled the weights of the 3 meats I ordered by up to 100g which is too much. They are usually on point, maybe its a new member of staff.
yes I've made them with zucchini and they've turned out good as well. I also make with out veggies just use the herbs and never added hazelnuts but find the recipe by Suzanne husseini and that was her twist they add a bit of crunch to them.

And thank you I'm feeling lots better thanks I need to watch my food intake as well I've been over eating to much carbs as well think that is not also helping thos self isolating is not good makes me eat


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not able to do as much as I used to do due to health issues
I’d recommend soda water with gin it brings out flavour of gin I usually add ice and a slice of lemon or lime find any diet tonic way too sweet. I don’t do flavoured gins just straight gin but would imagine it would work well with the flavoured gin
Oh ok have some unflavored Gordan gin so will have to give it a go thanks for the tip.


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not able to do as much as I used to do due to health issues
It does raise it sometimes to 8 or a bit higher and so need to start remaking my low carb breads again but enjoy sourdough! why is bread so yummy but affects our BSL.


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Brunch, about noon, was 2 Atkins crispbreads with chicken liver pate.

Dinner will be rolled, stuffed lamb breast. I asked the butcher for a whole breast for me to roll but it arrived in small bits with only a tiny bit fit for stuffing and rolling. So that's the bit I am having this evening.

No 2 son and DIL arrived just after brunch with DIL's over-locker (since her laundry has not been able to operate, she has been doing sewing jobs and is in the middle of a big order for shorts) but the over-locker has packed up. They brought it for Neil to fix, if possible. So he spent the next 3 hours stripping it down, testing everything and putting it all back together again. The motor has simply packed up and even Neil can't fix it. Something to do with the power to the thingy that turns. (I'm not really knowledgeable about such things. I recognise them, but don't know what they are called.) The over-locker is just 2 years old and just out of warranty! Of course. But if Neil can't fix it, it really is not repairable.
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Brunch, about noon, was 2 Atkins crispbreads with chicken liver pate.

Dinner will be rolled, stuffed lamb breast. I asked the butcher for a whole breast for me to roll but it arrived in small bits with only a tiny bit fit for stuffing and rolling. So that's the bit I am having this evening.

No 2 son and DIL arrived just after brunch with DIL's over-locker (since her laundry has not been able to operate, she has been doing sewing jobs and is in the middle of a big order for shorts) but the over-locker has packed up. They brought it for Neil to fix, if possible. So he spent the next 3 hours stripping it down, testing everything and putting it all back together again. The motor has simply packed up and even Neil can't fix it. Something to do with the power to the thingy that turns. (I'm not really knowledgeable about such things. I recognise them, but don't know what they are called.) The over-locker is just 2 years old and just out of warranty! Of course. But if Neil can't fix it, it really is not repairable.

Ann - I'm sure Neil and your DiL will have checked the power cord and operating pedal.

I will confess to a classic blooper a few weeks ago when I was doing a couple of sewing job, and needed my own overlocker. Could I get it going? No siree, I could not!

In the end the issue was I had plugged the correct foot pedal into the overlocker, but then the wrong plug end into the socket.

I'm fortunate enough to have a little workshop where my machines are set up permanently, with the power cable in wire management trunking. Of course, they both have black cables with black plugs on them. The plugs are labelled, but obviously I had disregarded those.

However, I will say, my machine has a cover that pulls forward, for threading and cleaning purposes. If that cover is not properly closed, the machine will not work. They call it a safety feature, but if it happens, I call it something else.

Could be worthwhile checking the safety mechanisms haven't been triggered, for some reason.
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Ann - I'm sure Neil and your DiL will have checked the power cord and operating pedal.

I will confess to a classic blooper a few weeks ago when I was doing a couple of sewing job, and needed my own overlocker. Could I get it going? No siree, I could not!

In the end the issue was I had plugged the correct foot pedal into the overlocker, but then the wrong plug end into the socket.

I'm fortunate enough to have a little workshop where my machines are set up permanently, with the power cable in wire management trunking. Of course, they both have black cables with black plugs on them. The plugs are labelled, but obviously I had disregarded those.

However, I will say, my machine has a cover that pulls forward, for threading and cleaning purposes. If that cover is not properly closed, the machine will not work. They call it a safety feature, but if it happens, I call it something else.

Could be worthwhile checking the safety mechanisms haven't been triggered, for some reason.

The power cable and plug were fine - in fact power was getting to the light on the machine but not, it appears, to the motor. However, I didn't know about the possible safety feature you mention, nor, I'm sure did Neil - he's never seen one of these machines before. DIL brought it with the cover already off, ready for Neil to check, so I will ask her to put it back on and try again. It'll save her a hundred or so pounds, if that is all it is.


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Evening all. Have been a bit absent so just catching up.

Spent the weekend being almost normal - BBQ at a colleague’s house (just 5 of us) and then a mega-walk on Sunday - walked to Kew Gardens which turned out considerably further than the google maps estimate as I tried to go off piste en route and despite a combination of short train journey and long boat journey home, walked over 23 miles in the day. Slept well :hilarious:

@maglil55 hugs for the dental issues; always unwelcome and happy belated anniversary.
@Chook very windy here too - at the weekend BBQ the large (supposedly weighted) table umbrellas almost ended up in the next garden after a large gust of wind caught them. Laughing at your sideways showers and @DCUKMod ’s flying jeans
@DJC3 that pork belly/crackling sounds divine
@shelley262 know what you mean about finding new places close to home. Have discovered so many during lockdown walks.

So, onto food. Don’t remember it all, but past few days have involved vast quantities of meat - especially at the BBQ where pork chops and chicken wings had been bought especially for me, along with some smoked salmon and cream cheese appetisers; chocolate - Hotel Chocolat opening is NOT good for my self control - and Serious Pig snacking cheese.

Today I had a Tesco egg protein pot for breakfast - they’ve ditched the spinach so just 2 boiled eggs. Perfect for me.
Lunch was 10 plain wings from Nando’s - couldn’t eat them all - and a whole bar of Hotel Chocolat 70% hazelnut. Amazingly a maximum, short lived rise of only 1.5 mmols.
Dinner was the leftover wings.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Had planned two meals as previous day but got busy and suddenly was teatime so OMAD happened
Meal Pesto chicken, salads and celeriac chips with dash of wine with soda water followed by DGF caramel brownie warmed with cream and just had some 100% montezumas with a decaff coffee and cream.
My new phone actually scans my libre sensor - previous phone didn’t - and I’m enjoying my new toy! I have a go with a sensor about every 4-6 weeks to keep an eye on things.


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The power cable and plug were fine - in fact power was getting to the light on the machine but not, it appears, to the motor. However, I didn't know about the possible safety feature you mention, nor, I'm sure did Neil - he's never seen one of these machines before. DIL brought it with the cover already off, ready for Neil to check, so I will ask her to put it back on and try again. It'll save her a hundred or so pounds, if that is all it is.

I don't mean the cover for the whole machine, but the one covering the lower loopers thread path. The image below is dire, but the little arrows suggest where I would look for a little contact pin, or button operating the cut out.


Finally, I have had some really weird stuff happen if I have threaded the 4 needles in the wrong order. Sometimes it won't stitch, sometimes it stitches but very poorly and sometimes not a lot happens.

If DiL rethreaded recently, I'd also revisit that - via the manual or YouTube, to ensure it's correct.

Overlocking machines are wonderful,but they are as fickle as can be. Just one of the reasons I use very large bobbins of thread on mine is to minimise the number of times I have to re-thread the beast.

Fingers crossed for it. It sounds to be like it's something like a safety trip switch that's not closing properly, thus disabling the mechanism.
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Diet only
23 miles @Goonergal ! Blimey!
How many carbs in the HC 79% hazelnut chocolate? I love nut chocolate. A 1.5 mmol rise is a great result.
Well done in the continued OMAD @shelley262 Glad your new phone scans your Libre - makes a big difference doesn’t it?
Today I had 2 meals so 18:6 IF
10am 2 scrambled eggs and 50g smoked salmon
4pm H/M beefburger ( huge - about 200g) with h/m mayo and a slice of Mexican cheese in lettuce wrap. Salad of avocado and cherry toms. DGF choc orange brownie, warm with cream for pud.