What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


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People that point out my spelling mistakes
Ian, have you been at my medication again?


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Diet only
Found the fibreflour you recommended.
Direct from Longevity £9.50. bit steep for a 1kg bag.
Delivery £20

Looked on Amazon.fr
Supplied by Longevity foods.com same price
€40 delivery@#$%$#!!!!

Supplied by Longevity foods.com, same price.
£11 delivery.
It's a mad world.
Oh blast - not really worth the postage just for quick trial of apple crumble so perhaps try experimenting with mixing almond flour with other stuff: coconut flour, shelled hemp seeds, ground chia, wheat bran - who knows. Or - bin the crumble and go for apple fool - pureed apple mixed with fromage frais, greek yoghurt, drop of lemon juice, some sort of sweetener - that sort of thing


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Diet only
football, both the game and the culture.
Oh blast - not really worth the postage just for quick trial of apple crumble so perhaps try experimenting with mixing almond flour with other stuff: coconut flour, shelled hemp seeds, ground chia, wheat bran - who knows. Or - bin the crumble and go for apple fool - pureed apple mixed with fromage frais, greek yoghurt, drop of lemon juice, some sort of sweetener - that sort of thing
It probably would be more than Apple crumble... but no more blackcurrants until next year. Unless I can find them frozen. Increases the options available at any rate.
The gooseberries will be ripe soon, i do love a gooseberry fool.


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Diet only
Am parked in a layby on the Norwich Southern bypass. Had a front wheel blow out. Really scary. Waiting for RAC. They say it might take 3 or 4 hours for them to get to me.


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Diet only
football, both the game and the culture.
Am parked in a layby on the Norwich Southern bypass. Had a front wheel blow out. Really scary. Waiting for RAC. They say it might take 3 or 4 hours for them to get to me.
Really hope they get to you sooner than that - and how wonderful is it that we have mobile phones and can call for help, let people know we will be late and have company and entertainment while we wait?


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Am parked in a layby on the Norwich Southern bypass. Had a front wheel blow out. Really scary. Waiting for RAC. They say it might take 3 or 4 hours for them to get to me.
Wow that must have been scary. Hope they come faster than that but glad you are safe.


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Really hope they get to you sooner than that - and how wonderful is it that we have mobile phones and can call for help, let people know we will be late and have company and entertainment while we wait?
Yes, you are right, it is wonderful we have our mobile phones. They sent me a text with a link to allow them to pinpoint my exact location. Very clever stuff.


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Am parked in a layby on the Norwich Southern bypass. Had a front wheel blow out. Really scary. Waiting for RAC. They say it might take 3 or 4 hours for them to get to me.
What! hopefully they were there sooner than that.


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Good morning everyone from a quite and pleasant start here in the dark and dangerous north
The wonder wheel of stir fry - mainly veg but a little chicken little came in at 5.4 this am

Hot yesterday, don’t like it too hot. Cleaned up a couple of bikes that once belonged to Mr Pickle, our grandson; tyres, WD40, rub rub, oil chain, that sort of thing. We have found new homes for them with the children of one of our nieces. I think that they will be the third owners.

Looks like this weekend may be a long one and some folk may get a day off work come Monday. Should we be buying shares in cheep booze and face paint? Don’t forget to hide under the table and delete your NHS track and trace app just to keep safe.

Art bit. Found a photo taken on one of our coastal walks but for the life of me I can’t remember where. Anyhow, hope your Friday is a good one. I have to take my bike in for an MOT in an hour or so. First, some koffy.

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Morning all, not slept very well with this blood pressure monitor going off throughout the night.
Its giving some interesting insights.
Anyway it will be off this pm and they no doubt will decide what meds I shall need.


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
What! hopefully they were there sooner than that.
Unfortunately it looks like I chose the worst evening of the year to break down and I was finally rescued at 2.30am this morning by a local vehicle recovery firm. I couldn't fault the rescue. The engineer said that he should have left work at 5pm but it had been a rather busy evening.


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
A rather surprising 4.8 this morning as yesterday evening was quite stressful. I was lucky that there was a layby really close which, although coned off for the roadworks, I was able to reverse into the exit which was free of cones. It would have been even more scary if I had been on the hard shoulder with the way the traffic was thundering by.

Mr K has taken my car to have a new tyre fitted. He doesn't think that the wheel is damaged.
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Well-Known Member
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good mornng all

4.6 today

just a quick post for now, back to read and catch up later

Hope your post is treating you kindly :)
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Diet only
Oh dear. Whether one subscribes to the whatsit up or conspiracy theory of history something very wrong overcame Liberal Democracy in 2016. Obviously it had been brewing for some time and there were obvious agents fomenting acts of self harm. It does seem frankly obscene that two major beneficiaries should have wreaked havoc and caused so much avoidable loss of life. On a brighter note.
That is good news. I never thought they would suspend Rudy Giuliani for all the lies he told during the election but am so pleased they did the right thing.


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
A rather surprising 4.8 this morning as yesterday evening was quite stressful. I was lucky that there was a layby really close which, although coned off for the roadworks, I was able to reverse into the exit which was free of cones. It would have been even more scary if I had been on the hard shoulder with the way the traffic was thundering by.

Mr K has taken my car to have a new tyre fitted. He doesn't think that the wheel is damaged.
The blow out wasn't a winner but the safe outcome and your attitude most certainly are. Incredibly long wait and being you I assume most of your thoughts would have been on today's schedule. Amazing lady, take care.


Well-Known Member
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People that point out my spelling mistakes
Good Morening Ladies and Gentlemen. Again me and me's have little time again, yes hospitals again.

A 5.8 this morning on that grrrrrr meter.

I have to take Mrs J to hospital in a few minutes for laser surgery on her eyes, me and me's think that her kill at a glance chip needs a service, but they are calling it clearing of eye socket drainage holes.

Now me and me's must depart, remember the stays.