What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Out early for a dog walk before the weather closed in again, so
11 am leftover frittata, then yoghurt, pear and chia seeds
Afternoon, made some chia brownies but as we are away using a different kitchen, couldn't find the right sized tin, or a scales and then I missed out cocoa powder! The result is actually a rich, dense brownie which is very tasty.
D: cooked by hubby, Thai green chicken curry with a packet of long life caulifower rice from a company called Fullgreen. Ingredients said just cauliflower and broccoli, but it tasted and smelled awful. 1 glass red. Brownie and cream . Yum


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Breakfast: my usual low carb coconut ‘porridge’ with strawberries washed down with a black coffee.
Late morning: black coffee and a Food Dr bar.
Skipped lunch.
Mid afternoon: black coffee and an Atkins bar.
Dinner: low carb roll filled with cream cheese and cucumber with coleslaw followed by DGF ginger cake and cream.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Friday bed 6 5 FBG 6.9. @Goonergal, I feel for you with you cut. I had a slip with a very sharp carving knife at Christmas, just under the joint on my fingers. It took weeks to heal as it was in a very awkward place. I still have the scars! Safe journey @shelley262. I think your student is trying to enter the vampire ranks!

L. Nothing
D. Not much - 1/2 slice ox tongue, some wafer thin ham, 4 santini tomatoes, whipped cheese and salami. I just wasn't hungry. I got engrossed in cleaning out cupboards, overdid it and just didn't feel like eating.

Today bed 6.7 FBG 6.4

Much better after a good night's sleep and a hot shower.

B. TAG and streaky bacon, 2 fried eggs, 4 santini tomatoes and a slice of GF black pudding.

L. Coconut milk.

D. Cold cuts, ox tongue, rare roast beef, salami, coronation chicken, whipped cheese, coleslaw, beetroot and 3 M&S crackers.

I hope you all survived the storm without harm. We had next to nothing. A bit of a wind and a lot of rain.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
packet of long life caulifower rice from a company called Fullgreen. Ingredients said just cauliflower and broccoli, but it tasted and smelled awful.

That was my one and only experience of cauliflower rice not long after diagnosis. Really was vile! Only saving grace was that I’d put the rice on the side of the plate so it went straight in the bin with the important part of the meal staying in tact! Didn’t bother trying again as rice was never something I ate a lot of anyway and whatever went with it was always the tasty bit.

Just having my morning pint glass of iced water with the juice of half a lime and some pink salt.

A decent sized piece of lamb shoulder will be going in to slow roast in a couple of hours.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Where is everyone?
Are you all fasting?

I'm not!

I had green beans and bok choy with a little black bean and garlic sauce and a little sambal badjak (a variety of Indonesian hot sauce), a well filled and spiced peanut sauce with fresh ginger, turmeric, an onion, garlic, soy sauce, and some spices, and marinated pork belly pieces, oven baked.

I plated too much, but it tasted so good that the dogs and cats made the leftovers disappear in a matter of seconds, even though I'd already fished all the meat out for myself! :happy:


Looks very tasty. I hope there were no repercussions from the hot sauce after the animals finished your dinner!


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I hope you all survived the storm without harm. We had next to nothing. A bit of a wind and a lot of rain.

Just wind and rain here. Nothing too bad, even though they took the ferries off - just in case.

Just had my breakfast (10.40 am) of scrambled eggs on a slice of toast (Neil's bread again - it doesn't seem to put my BG up for some reason - he's a magician as well as everything else!)

Later I will have some of the hotpot I made yesterday and the rest will go into the freezer - it's not so good that I will want it for a third day. Shouldn't have bothered with the spices - didn't go well with the carrots and swede.

@Antje77 your Asian pork and vegetable meal looks wonderful and I'm sure it was very tasty for all of you.


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Looks very tasty. I hope there were no repercussions from the hot sauce after the animals finished your dinner!
Don't worry, the dogs have been used to my cooking since the day their mothers started weaning them, both were born in my house!
Not sure about the cat, he's getting older and frailer, and has had some tummy trouble for months. But he's used to my cooking as well so I think it's fine. :)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Have felt a bit anxious today and as a result this morning was spent picking/snacking/nibbling. However I phrase it, it wasn’t good. Too much food but at least it wasn’t sugar or starch.
Involved way too much Montezuma’s Absolute Black ( how can anyone overeat that?) some Kefir, cheddar, olives, probably other stuff too.
Main meal was roast chicken, puréed swede, cauli cheese, baked aubergine and cabbage.
@AndBreathe have you made IP yoghurt using kefir starter? My local Coop has stopped stocking Yeo Valley or Fage, but there were a few pots of Kefir so thought it might work as well.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Don't worry, the dogs have been used to my cooking since the day their mothers started weaning them, both were born in my house!
Not sure about the cat, he's getting older and frailer, and has had some tummy trouble for months. But he's used to my cooking as well so I think it's fine. :)

That’s a relief! I doubt the hot sauce would have stopped Dennis either but I know it would have ended badly ( for me anyway, doing the clearing up - he doesn’t seem to care and never learns. )


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Have felt a bit anxious today and as a result this morning was spent picking/snacking/nibbling. However I phrase it, it wasn’t good. Too much food but at least it wasn’t sugar or starch.
Involved way too much Montezuma’s Absolute Black ( how can anyone overeat that?) some Kefir, cheddar, olives, probably other stuff too.
Main meal was roast chicken, puréed swede, cauli cheese, baked aubergine and cabbage.
@AndBreathe have you made IP yoghurt using kefir starter? My local Coop has stopped stocking Yeo Valley or Fage, but there were a few pots of Kefir so thought it might work as well.

No, I haven't tried it.

To be honest, I reckon you could end up making kefir, rather than yoghurt, and I doubt you'd have enough of the magic grains to achieve anything too exciting.

Vis-a-vis yoghurt starter, any live yoghurt will work - even, shock, horror, flavoured varieties. Personally, I'd see what the co-op had in and pick something. Once you have made a batch, hold back a couple of spoonfuls to use as starter for your next batch.

You can also freeze your starter, so next chance you can pick up your preferred starter, just freeze in batches relevant to your usual quantities.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Bed 7.5 FBG 7 3

A bit gusty today. I'm still gutting cupboards too. I had to put things back as tomorrow is boiler service day. Once that's done, I can go back to box sorting! Hubby keeps moving things and they end up where they shouldn't be (usually MIA) until I get everything out and sort them again.

B. TAG and paleo granola with 2 sliced strawberries and coconut milk.

L. Nothing

D. Like @Goonerga, I had a rolled lamb shoulder which I did in the IP for 30 mins then a slow release for 40 mins. Accompanied with asparagus, baby sprouts and one of Hubby's little bullet potatoes to squash into the gravy.

Enjoyed watching Bohemian Rhapsody again yesterday evening. That's the fourth time now. Rami Malek did such a fabulous job as Freddie (as did the other actors). Difficult to believe Live Aid was almost 37 years ago.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Usual variations on breakfast and lunch here today, followed by a decent, but shortish walk (c3.5 miles). It was dry with windy when we left and near horizontal rain by the time we got back.

Dinner was a magnificent gammon joint. We both ate waaaay too much, because it was delicious, and the crackling was to die for. Lots left for cold cuts, the sliced and vacc packed for another time.

Vacuum packing is extra specially successful with gammon.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Tablets (oral)
breakfast; low carb granola, a toasted slice of carbzone bread and butter
lunch; seeded flatbread (nicer than rosemary crackers @DJC3 , cream cheese, salad, protein bar, two squares 90% lindt
dinner; small potato loaded skin (9g carbs) with cheddar, bacon, and a poached egg. DGF pecan cookie and another square of lindt.
very tired today, rotten nights sleep so lots of caffine needed.

husband back for test at hospital next sunday, nothing serious BUT I have had to buy things on my shop I haven't bought in years as he has to follow a special diet. White bread, low fat yoghurt, white rice, rice krispies and rich tea biscuits! The delivery person will think he's mixed up the bags:hilarious:


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Enjoyed watching Bohemian Rhapsody again yesterday evening. That's the fourth time now. Rami Malek did such a fabulous job as Freddie (as did the other actors). Difficult to believe Live Aid was almost 37 years ago.
I liked that movie about Freddy as well, he did a good job, I liked Rocketman about Elton John as well, it's worth a watch.

We were eating low carb savoury bits and pieces while watching both movies, to keep on topic.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
breakfast; low carb granola, a toasted slice of carbzone bread and butter
lunch; seeded flatbread (nicer than rosemary crackers @DJC3 , cream cheese, salad, protein bar, two squares 90% lindt
dinner; small potato loaded skin (9g carbs) with cheddar, bacon, and a poached egg. DGF pecan cookie and another square of lindt.
very tired today, rotten nights sleep so lots of caffine needed.

husband back for test at hospital next sunday, nothing serious BUT I have had to buy things on my shop I haven't bought in years as he has to follow a special diet. White bread, low fat yoghurt, white rice, rice krispies and rich tea biscuits! The delivery person will think he's mixed up the bags:hilarious:

Thanks for the heads up re the crackers.
Hope all goes well for your husband. That’s pretty much the polar opposite of your usual diet.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I can attest to the possibility, even the reality!

Amazing isn’t it? A few years ago I couldn’t have eaten a single square, now I can very easily eat a whole bar ( or nearly a whole bag of the peanut butter mini eggs in this case)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
No, I haven't tried it.

To be honest, I reckon you could end up making kefir, rather than yoghurt, and I doubt you'd have enough of the magic grains to achieve anything too exciting.

Vis-a-vis yoghurt starter, any live yoghurt will work - even, shock, horror, flavoured varieties. Personally, I'd see what the co-op had in and pick something. Once you have made a batch, hold back a couple of spoonfuls to use as starter for your next batch.

You can also freeze your starter, so next chance you can pick up your preferred starter, just freeze in batches relevant to your usual quantities.

No live yoghurt at all in our Coop now sadly, it obviously wasn’t a big seller in these parts so must have been discontinued.
I’ve had a go with the kefir anyway and I’ve left it on for 12 hrs so I’ll see in the morning. If it doesn’t work I’ve only lost a carton of milk so probably worth the gamble. I expect you’re right about the insufficiency of the grains.
I’ll head out to a bigger supermarket at some point in the week and get a little proper yoghurt pot for a starter.