Cholesterol and Statins


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I am on a 10 mg statin from the last 10 years. However my result for Triglycerides was 2.26 which had gone up and not satisfactory. How can I lower triglycerides quickly. My other results were = Total cholesterol 4.35, HDL 1.59, LDL 1.73, VLDL 1.03.
Please can someone help.


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Triglycerides are usually influenced by what you have eaten before the blood test.
Had you water fasted for 12-14 hours before the blood was taken?


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Triglycerides are usually influenced by what you have eaten before the blood test.
Had you water fasted for 12-14 hours before the blood was taken?
Thanks @bulkbiker. Fasted for only 8 hours before the test, had a late night snack. What about the rest of the values?


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For anybody prepared to read scientific papers, here is one about Cholesterol (in favour of it), Saturated and MonoUnsaturated fats (in favour of them) and PolyUnsaturated Fats (mostly warning against their use in cooking).


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
For anybody prepared to read scientific papers, here is one about Cholesterol (in favour of it), Saturated and MonoUnsaturated fats (in favour of them) and PolyUnsaturated Fats (mostly warning against their use in cooking).
As the intro states"This paper represents an opinionated review " so it is a scholastic essay and as such is a personal review of other people's published works. It is a text version of a meta-study. It does not have any internal data analysis of its own and adds no new science per se, It is a review.

It starts quite gently but gets bogged down towards the end sections. It becomes quite heavy reading and is not for the faint-hearted. There were times when I had to back up and re=read sections because the author could have been more precise on the point he is making, but in parts of the text, it seems to be contradictory but actually is not. I got totally lost over the even / odd chains for SFA as to which were the harmful ones, and which came from animal sources and which were plant-based, Edit: Reference #30 should provide clarity for this.
But I have found a different paper covering this same topic

However, most of the referenced reports were ones I was already aware of, so this is a nice reference library for future discussion on this topic. Thank you for posting it.
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Recent video.
Fats, Cholesterol, Heart Disease and All Cause Mortality etc. Low Carb All Stars video by Zoe Harcombe Phd


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I’m after some advise please!!
Just had recent bloods done at the doctors and after a short phone call earlier they said my “bad cholesterol” total was 6.3 (up from 5.1 previously) and my “good cholesterol” was 1.44.
I have never given cholesterol any thought to be honest as being 31 and what I think is pretty fit and healthy! I’m type 1 and recently on a pump with most recent hba1c of 49 so I think I have pretty good control.
I think my doctor is going to recommend statins but after a quick bit of research here I’m not so sure. Any advise please


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You can get a short term membership of diet doctor for free and check out their expert videos on cholesterol to inform yourself


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The Low Carb All stars are the guys that run the Low Carb Down Under conferences, for which they currently charge $20 pop to view. so it is a paywall subscription only event.
Crickey! Netflix only charge me $16.00 per month for two separate devices, there must be naked bodies in the video for that price.

You can get a short term membership of diet doctor for free and check out their expert videos on cholesterol to inform yourself
I do not take statins any more, they went after discussions with my palliative care doctor.

I also have better things to spend my money on than short term memberships.


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I watched this the other day and learnt alot, sorry if its been posted somewhere else in the thread. It makes sense why my cholesterol is up but this is the best i have felt in years :)

Its a bit long but worth a watch :)
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hmm, some of the trigs levels seem quite low compared to mine since I last had mine tested(annual health check seems to have stopped since COVID). Mine was 5.6 and the overall 7.71. The good choles was so low wasn't given measurement.

Yet I'm physically I feel really healthy, can go to gym and exercise no probs.
Few times when felt pain in chest and checked out hosiptal to be safe all tests/xrays come back saying perfectly healthy.

I was told five+ yrs ago if I didnt take statins I had 20% chance of dying in next ten years.

After watching a lot of medical conferences on subject I decided against. Still standing.

Let you know in 5 yrs if still around :)


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Recent blood test results are back.. HbA1c 30.1 mmol/mol same as last time
Cholesterol up from 8.2 to 8.9..
Just had call from surgery and apparently I should expect a call from the "Pharmacist" to increase my medication.

Could be an interesting call.. will update post 27th June!
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I have always been anti statin. The arguments against them have been clear in my mind.

However, I recently chatted to a friend who said she had been breathless a while back and after investigations was told she had a partial blockage in one ventricle (?) to the heart. She was prescribed statins and now isn't breathless. Another friend confirmed this had happened with her husband too.

So how has this worked? I thought cholesterol was nothing to do with the plaque that furs up our veins/arteries.

I noticed that when I did a liver flush there were some greeny, metallic looking, hard stones being released and these are usually said to be cholesterol stones, not the usual gallstones. So does cholesterol actually block our arteries?

Confused now as my friend's anecdotal evidence doesn't seem to fit what I previously thought of as the truth.