What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Fbg 6.6

Mr Magpie carried on being quite disturbed yesterday. He wanted frequent supplies for his babies in the nest.

But BBCat was having one of his long slow feeds at the diner cat food bowls. Mr Magpie will not challenge BBCat again after the last episode where he fell off that electric cable trying to attack BBCat who was an immovable force.

Mr Magpie was getting very agaitated. His babies need food now, this minute, and he couldn't wait an hour for BBCat to finish the wet cat food. He was not going to eat from the next bowl along, like he had done previously with Ginger #2.

Mr Magpie was hopping on the camouflage netting on the swing thatch roof (he is the only bird who can land on that camouflage netting), attempted a landing on the swing seat just above BBCat. But he wasn't chancing getting to the next bowl to BBCat. He was desperate for food. I imagined Mrs Magpie screaming from her nest, 'Stop being such a lazy bones, a lousy father, get some food here NOW'.

Finally in total desperation Mr Magpie tried the fatball sparrow/small bird feeders, which I have taped up the top to stop the bigger birds feeding off them. It was comical to watch. He tried every which way to get a foothold. Finally he managed to hang upside down on the fatball feeders, takes a huge chunk in his beak, and flies back to the nest. Obviously Mrs Magpie approved, and he was sent back for more and more...

Creative today is a kaleidoscope in Laboscope. My bluebells again! And Shadow. Shadow seems more and more comfortable around me, but she is still a 'swipe with the front paw' cat if I startle her. This morning as I was getting her food, she is being very friendly, so I risked a full body stroke of her. And a second and a third, but when I went to touch her again, she went to go into full swipe mode, BUT she didn't do it. She moved to just over a metre away from me, because she knew she was not allowed to swipe me. And her face said, three stokes was okay, but not four.

I had no clue from her initial body language that the fourth stroke wouldn't be allowed, but I was probably pushing it a bit with her...

Time for a coffee....

View attachment 54502
Love the bluebells @gennepher and I really enjoy reading about Shadow and all your other cat and bird visitors.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
@gennepher I use Arnica also. After my RTA we were on holiday in the Loire Valley and I asked a pharmacist for some ibuprofen cream. He advised me to use Arnica cream instead. I was a bit (actually very) dubious but did try it and was surprised how well it worked. Have used it ever since.
Yes. I have arnica cream too @Krystyna23040
It does work.
So does the CBD oil cream. That works surprisingly as well.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Drizzly start to Wednesday in this peculiar part of the Exotic East on a day which promises to be full of "light showers and a moderate breeze." Rorschach blot of a Swipey fbg - 6.3. First reaction was feelings of failure then well what do you expect? morphing into oh well - not my favourite Fleetwood Mac chune. The Big Picture © is basically just lots of Rorschach blots close up but from a distance it can be a thing of beauty - like @gennepher's kaleidoscope - or a Gothic Horror. Good news on the boiler repair @Krystyna23040 but will anyone be able to afford to run them this winter? @dunelm good that TT worked and thank you for the art. I now have Ollie Oramorph for #cargate but won't take any unless desperate. 20-30 minutes driving yesterday was fine - no painkillers of any kind all day. Neighbour's phone number? This Close uses what'sapp you Luddite. @gennepher , like @Krystyna23040 I too now see Tales from The Bungalow Garden as essential to my routine. Your diner may need to feed humans since the nonsense Charlie was forced to spout is apparently the only "plan" Matey has - #clueless. Unsurprisingly, Deborah James is very much in my thoughts and prayers - didn't post the link from BBC news but wow, some lady.:bigtears: @Krystyna23040 how is Heather? Make what you will of today but do so safely and fully aware of fellow beings
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Yes, you had better make sure your wheelie doesn't get left out @dunelm

A good day overall for you yesterday. Leave at least 2 hours between different pain meds (the hospital did that for me some years ago when I needed them). You could always try Arnica as well.

Brilliant tree @dunelm
Thank’s @gennepher - am doing my 2 your gaps between parrots eat them all and Eye boo! Propane.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
People that point out my spelling mistakes
Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen and all who are wondering what comes next…?
Blood sugars this Morening were 4.5, to calculate my insulin dose me, me’s and myself employed head scratching, tea bag reading, steam powered sliderule end switching, seven figured log tables and finally asked the postman who is convinced I should be in Broadmoor mental hospital.
It’s good to see @karen8967 posting again.
To those too humble to admit they need sympathy, me, me’s and myself send you sympathy. Stay safe all.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Drizzly start to Wednesday in this peculiar part of the Exotic East on a day which promises to be full of "light showers and a moderate breeze." Rorschach blot of a Swipey fbg - 6.3. First reaction was feelings of failure then well what do you expect? morphing into oh well - not my favourite Fleetwood Mac chune. The Big Picture © is basically just lots of Rorschach blots close up but from a distance it can be a thing of beauty - like @gennepher's kaleidoscope - or a Gothic Horror. Good news on the boiler repair @Krystyna23040 but will anyone be able to afford to run them this winter? @dunelm good that TT worked and thank you for the art. I now have Ollie Oramorph for #cargate but won't take any unless desperate. 20-30 minutes driving yesterday was fine - no painkillers of any kind all day. Neighbour's phone number? This Close uses what'sapp you Luddite. @gennepher , like @Krystyna23040 I too now see Tales from The Bungalow Garden as essential to my routine. Your diner may need to feed humans since the nonsense Charlie was forced to spout is apparently the only "plan" Matey has - #clueless. Unsurprisingly, Deborah James is very much in my thoughts and prayers - didn't post the link from BBC news but wow, some lady.:bigtears: @Krystyna23040 how is Heather? Make what you will of today but do so safely and fully aware of fellow beings
Thanks for the kaleidoscope compliment @ianpspurs
I am glad you like the Tales from The Bungalow Garden!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Fbg 6.6

Mr Magpie carried on being quite disturbed yesterday. He wanted frequent supplies for his babies in the nest.

But BBCat was having one of his long slow feeds at the diner cat food bowls. Mr Magpie will not challenge BBCat again after the last episode where he fell off that electric cable trying to attack BBCat who was an immovable force.

Mr Magpie was getting very agaitated. His babies need food now, this minute, and he couldn't wait an hour for BBCat to finish the wet cat food. He was not going to eat from the next bowl along, like he had done previously with Ginger #2.

Mr Magpie was hopping on the camouflage netting on the swing thatch roof (he is the only bird who can land on that camouflage netting), attempted a landing on the swing seat just above BBCat. But he wasn't chancing getting to the next bowl to BBCat. He was desperate for food. I imagined Mrs Magpie screaming from her nest, 'Stop being such a lazy bones, a lousy father, get some food here NOW'.

Finally in total desperation Mr Magpie tried the fatball sparrow/small bird feeders, which I have taped up the top to stop the bigger birds feeding off them. It was comical to watch. He tried every which way to get a foothold. Finally he managed to hang upside down on the fatball feeders, takes a huge chunk in his beak, and flies back to the nest. Obviously Mrs Magpie approved, and he was sent back for more and more...

Creative today is a kaleidoscope in Laboscope. My bluebells again! And Shadow. Shadow seems more and more comfortable around me, but she is still a 'swipe with the front paw' cat if I startle her. This morning as I was getting her food, she is being very friendly, so I risked a full body stroke of her. And a second and a third, but when I went to touch her again, she went to go into full swipe mode, BUT she didn't do it. She moved to just over a metre away from me, because she knew she was not allowed to swipe me. And her face said, three stokes was okay, but not four.

I had no clue from her initial body language that the fourth stroke wouldn't be allowed, but I was probably pushing it a bit with her...

Time for a coffee....

View attachment 54502

I just want to point out something. I have been out all day (and I am dog tired now, been sleeping last couple hours).
My friend thought I was being cruel to Mr Magpie, and making life difficult for him feeding his babies. So, I got on the defensive and didn't explain very well. I find it difficult with immediate words/finding words to speak them when I have to defend myself speaking words.
Finally I realised to explain that Mr Magpie also has access to the bird table with peanuts and seeds and raisins etc on it, and in addition to that, because he loves wet cat food, I have all that on my white plastic garden table for him with a bowl of wet cat food. I did mention it on here some weeks ago that I was trying to provide a safe eating area of food for him.
But Mr Magpie wants food from those cat bowls under the swing, it's same wet cat food and same cat biscuits. And Mr Magpie likes to sample from the different cat bowls, before he chooses his chosen wet food for the day.
Apart from the Heffalump (wood pigeon) all the small birds and blackbirds like eating from the same bowls as the cats eat from, including Mr Magpie. There is plenty of food elsewhere in this garden.
So, I re read my post when I got home, in case it looked like I was being awkward with Mr Magpie, but animals are animals, they do what they want to do without rhyme or reason to the human person.

It left a nasty taste in my mouth though...
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
I just want to point out something. I have been out all day (and I am dog tired now, been sleeping last couple hours).
My friend thought I was being cruel to Mr Magpie, and making life difficult for him feeding his babies. So, I got on the defensive and didn't explain very well. I find it difficult with immediate words/finding words to speak them when I have to defend myself speaking words.
Finally I realised to explain that Mr Magpie also has access to the bird table with peanuts and seeds and raisins etc on it, and in addition to that, because he loves wet cat food, I have all that on my white plastic garden table for him with a bowl of wet cat food. I did mention it on here some weeks ago that I was trying to provide a safe eating area of food for him.
But Mr Magpie wants food from those cat bowls under the swing, it's same wet cat food and same cat biscuits. And Mr Magpie likes to sample from the different cat bowls, before he chooses his chosen wet food for the day.
Apart from the Heffalump (wood pigeon) all the small birds and blackbirds like eating from the same bowls as the cats eat from, including Mr Magpie. There is plenty of food elsewhere in this garden.
So, I re read my post when I got home, in case it looked like I was being awkward with Mr Magpie, but animals are animals, they do what they want to do without rhyme or reason to the human person.

It left a nasty taste in my mouth though...
I am not surprised you struggled to find words and are left with a nasty taste in your mouth. The love and care you shower on all the wildlife is beyond reproach.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
football, both the game and the culture.
@gennepher thank goodness the engineer arrived. The manifold needs replacing and he is fixing it tomorrow on his day off as the leak has got worse and he didn't want to leave it any longer.

Hooray the engineer cometh, even on his day off


Well-Known Member
Good morning everyone!

Had a busy day shopping in the city with my sister yesterday, it was horrible weather but we still enjoyed ourselves. Fbg this 6am was 5.7...snacked on too many nuts, low carb icecream last night. I don't like eating late (9pmish) so I'll take that 5.7 lol

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good morning everyone from what looks to be a fine start to the day here daaan saaaf. Catching up - always a problem when away from home. For me at least. Chats yesterday about all things stents, pace makers and defibrillators- not me, someone I know. All seems to be heading along the positive line. No wonder we sometimes have to prove that we are not robots. Lovely catch up over dinner last night with friends but I fear that I may have overdone it in the back department despite yesterday supposedly being a rest day. Oh well, keep taking the tablets. I have a back brace and a walking stick to fall back on if my lumbar region decides to go on strike. Today is a trip into the great unknown but I do know that Caesar salad is involved.
Art bit - a couple of trees for all the tree huggers in the world. Hope our bins get emptied today. Nothing to be done if not. May as well hunt down some koffy.



Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Fbg 6.6

Shadow is first for food. She was sleeping on the swing when I woke up. I came out with a selection of four different dishes. Shadow took a taste out of each one and then chose her favourite and ate most of that.

Shadow left for a bit, then came back, and ate from another dish. Then she looks around. She's heard something, and walks away. BBCat is walking down the path. He is very early for breakfast.

There is no adverse reaction from Shadow, no lashing of her tail, so she seems to be relatively comfortable with BBCat coming for the food.

BBCat comes down garden path slowly. Polishes off four bowls wet food, one bowl of dry food. All the while him and I are having a slow blinking 'conversation'. Then...BBCat jumps on the swing. A first for him, and he is swinging away on my heavy wooden swing. He is sitting upright surveying 'his' garden. Then settles to sleep. But the problem is I cannot refill those cat bowls because they are immediately under him, and I usually do refills straight away first thing in the morning as The Parade of the Gingers is often next.

It is raining hard this morning so probably that is why BBCat chose to sit in the dry of the covered swing.

BBCat gets off swing an hour later and looks at the food bowls, surprised they are still empty, as if he expected them to fill up by themselves and he looks at me....

I go out with refills and BBCat runs past in front of me, stops for a second to look at me, and I am very aware he needs a good brushing with a wire brush. He would probably be half the size if I ever managed that. He hides in the undergrowth, but is out as soon as I get back inside. He has one bite out of each bowl and leaves. It is almost as if (I know he ate 5 bowls of food an hour earlier) he is beginning to understand he doesn't have to demolish every scrap of food he finds, because there will be more later.

Then in comes the gingers one by one.

Creative today is a kaleidoscope in Laboscope of my scented pink lilac tree flowers. And Shadow!

Sun was out, but has retired back to bed. So the day is now cloudy. And at 7 am from my AH neighbour of the Fort Knox Fence comes the noisy crashing sounds of throwing pieces/lengths of wood around on his concrete drive. 7am?!?! So the sweet sounds of birds singing are now silenced for me as I have taken my sound processor off for the day now....

I need coffee with something extra added...



Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Good morning everyone from what looks to be a fine start to the day here daaan saaaf. Catching up - always a problem when away from home. For me at least. Chats yesterday about all things stents, pace makers and defibrillators- not me, someone I know. All seems to be heading along the positive line. No wonder we sometimes have to prove that we are not robots. Lovely catch up over dinner last night with friends but I fear that I may have overdone it in the back department despite yesterday supposedly being a rest day. Oh well, keep taking the tablets. I have a back brace and a walking stick to fall back on if my lumbar region decides to go on strike. Today is a trip into the great unknown but I do know that Caesar salad is involved.
Art bit - a couple of trees for all the tree huggers in the world. Hope our bins get emptied today. Nothing to be done if not. May as well hunt down some koffy.

View attachment 54506
A winner for achieving all you are despite back problems etc, and a gentle hug as well @dunelm

Thanks for the trees!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
People that point out my spelling mistakes
Good Morening Ladies and Gentlemen, were you all aware it is national bin day?
Blood sugars this morning were 5.0 just on my lower limit.
While all is quiet me, me’s and myself are wondering if I can find Terry Wogan’s Janet and John stories on the internetty or have they been “woked “ in case some little precious gets upset? As I typed the word precious the memory of Gollum sprang into my mind. Closely followed by the thought, yep I am definitely unemployable, I shall spend the rest of today looking for a position as a customer support assistant. I won’t mention you lot as someone to approach for a reference.
Stay safe all