What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


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Raw cow's milk that has not been pasteurised or homogenised is still sold by registered producers in England and Wales, The bottle has a green foil top.

There are some wonderful cheeses made with from unpasteurised milk, as you say.

Hi & sorry, @LivingLightly, I meant from the diabetic side of things that it was off the menu. :)

@MrsA2, I feel your pain at forking out for the glasses. Last year I donated a large sum for readers & lookers, then the end of the year, they were no good. I was having blurred & double vision, plus other things, so had to fork out for prisms, within a few weeks the lookers were no good & now the readers are going the same way. I can't afford to get any at the moment & daren't as it could well be another waste of money. At least with the Kindle & laptop I can make the writing huge, the Kindle will soon be a few words per page. :hilarious:

Dinner was lamb chops with cavolo nero & broccoli followed by some Dolcelatte, smoked Cheddar & Barolina Occelli.


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Breakfast sausage on L/c bread
Lunch didn’t really happen but the local bakery gave me a fabulous passionfruit macaron as a treat. I managed to dose insulin well which was a surprise.
Dinner , out with winter friends who very kindly were considerate of my low carb choices. Dinner was supplemented with very enjoyable sangria.


Well-Known Member
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Morning all, celebrating low carb here, Hba1c 33! Down from 86 in May23. Not quite officially in remission as only first test when off Metformin but I’ll take it. On the downside, Doc tested me for everything but all other bloods normal so no answer for itchy rash.
B Yog,blueberries,seeds
L Parma ham,cheese salad
D Late pancake day coconut pancakes which were horrible! Had with berries and cream,


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Ended up too ill to make any more food yesterday. Just sat in my big chair, keeping warm and dozing for the rest of the afternoon and evening with the occasional cup of coffee. Still very sore today and can't easily move around but will have to do something because I am very hungry. I'll try to make a quick verson of that cabbage, onion and egg dish - using the food processor for the prep.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning all, celebrating low carb here, Hba1c 33! Down from 86 in May23. Not quite officially in remission as only first test when off Metformin but I’ll take it. On the downside, Doc tested me for everything but all other bloods normal so no answer for itchy rash.
B Yog,blueberries,seeds
L Parma ham,cheese salad
D Late pancake day coconut pancakes which were horrible! Had with berries and cream,
Wow winner for your hba1c result - well done you. Shame about your itchy rash hope it clears as mysteriously as it arrives.
Edit to add just spotted your coconut flour pancakes comments I generally haven't liked any experiments I've tried with coconut flour it's hard to get the water ratio right so tend to avoid using it prefer ground almonds recipes.


Well-Known Member
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Tablets (oral)
Wow winner for your hba1c result - well done you. Shame about your itchy rash hope it clears as mysteriously as it arrives.
Edit to add just spotted your coconut flour pancakes comments I generally haven't liked any experiments I've tried with coconut flour it's hard to get the water ratio right so tend to avoid using it prefer ground almonds recipes.
Thank you! Couldn’t have done it without all the lovely people with ideas, support and help on here.First pancake day as diabetic, def need to experiment more with pancake recipes.


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This quick and nutritious dish should help satisfy your hunger.Hope you're better now)
Threw 1/4 cabbage, 1/2 onion, 1/2 carrot, and a few bits of leftover Mediterranean veg into the food processor and chopped it all pretty small. Large chunk of butter into a big pan, turned the veg around in it so it was all covered, put the lid on the pan and left to cook for about 5 minutes. Then whisked 3 eggs and poured that over the veg, making sure it was mixed through the veg. Lid back on and left it to do its own thing again for about another 5 minutes. Had less than 1/4 of it. It was fine, if a bit crumbly. Probably could have done with more egg to hold it together. Could have done with bacon as well, but I forgot. I will use more of it and next time add more egg (one at least) and remember to cook the bacon to have with it.

At least I'm not hungry any more but not sure how long it will keep me comfortably full.

E-mailed Kirsty and told her how bad the exercises seem to be making me. She says, not to do the classes any more but to talk to GP or physio. Pity.


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Antje I tried to post this as a reply, but couldn't so am trying to post it without a reply to your post about Chinese cabbage.

You could use it as the basis of a stir-fry and add fish or meat and other vegetables that you have to hand.
Or you could try this (quite complicated, but you could adapt it):
Or scrambling some egg, putting it aside while you stir fry the shredded cabbage and other shredded vegetables and then put it all back together.
Edit: or how about Ch cabbage chopped into small chunks, some onion or spring onion, chopped and some tomato, also chopped and the whole lot braised gently in butter? You could have that as a side dish with your fish, or with some kind of sausage.

For all of them: Probably need soy sauce if you like it, or other sauce (maybe Branston, if you have it), and seasoning.
Hi @Annb I am just seeing if I can post the link you have in your post as a reply


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(Separate post for pics because the forum refused to have them in the post.)

View attachment 66109

View attachment 66110
Hi @Antje77 I am just seeing if I am able to post the same pictures you have as a reply


Retired Moderator
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Hi @Antje77 I am just seeing if I am able to post the same pictures you have as a reply
View attachment 66224
Hi @Carson_DCUK , just in case this is useful and you have trouble replicating the issue, this is my recipe to make the forum refuse the post:
A: Multiple quotes, pictures, links.
B: Take a long time assembling the post before finally posting. Sometimes the exact same thing will post if you copy the complete post, delete it, and then paste again and post right away.


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I've only just realised that the way I did the cabbage and bits and pieces of veg this morning makes something like cauliflower rice, without the unfortunate effects on my innards. That means I can have it as an accompaniment to meat stews, fish - whatever, or with a cheesey sauce as a kind of "cauliflower" cheese. :joyful::happy::joyful::happy:


Retired Moderator
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edit: Unbelievable, I did everything to make the software refuse my post and it posted without issue! :banghead:
It's like the funny noise in your car not being there as soon as you see the mechanic isn't it?
Sorry @Carson_DCUK !
Hi @Antje77 I am just seeing if I am able to post the same pictures you have as a reply

View attachment 66224
Apologies everyone for taking the thread off topic.

I reported some issues with posting longer posts with multiple links and/or images to @Carson_DCUK .
Happened on this thread to both myself and @Annb

I expect Carsons Posts and mine will be deleted after the experimenting is done!

Just adding in spme completely random images and links to try and replicate the issue.



Now let's see if this will post...


Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
B: Take a long time assembling the post before finally posting

Ahh, I get an error sometimes when previewing and then wont post, since I signed up, saying the browser log might tell me more about the error when quoting people with no extras or maybe just a emoticon. :brb: or sometimes trying to do a last min edit, but then I sometimes come back to a post a few mins later, have had to copy the text out of posts, refresh a thread and paste my reply back in sometimes. It doesn't seem related to if someone has posted in between as I can view the "new posts since" while still in the editor. I used to get glitches happen like that way back when I ran a few old php type bboards. I have no experience of xenforo forum software though. ironically I left this one a while (20 mins) and it's been just fine.

Edit: just saw your far more comprehensive post @Antje77 and yes, typical of intermittent faults isn't it.


Well-Known Member
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Tablets (oral)
My home kefir starter isn't doing anything yet, but it is a bit cold in my kitchen, and I don't want to carry kefir fermentation jars around the house... will see if it gets going! I had the shop bought stuff to break my fast, then buttered broccoli and hard boiled egg, then an avocado with baby leaf salad and apple cider vinegar/lime juice/olive oil dressing. Then a pack of pork scratchings -feeling very full and hoping I can fast again until at least noon tomorrow.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi All
Yesterday usual brekkie of slice LC toast, copious tea.
Lunch was Cheshire cheese & 4 small water biscuits.
Supper was chunky cod fingers and cauli cheese.
Today same brekkie.
Lunch was most unexpected at Burger King, had whopper in half a bun. Small amount of Mr P’s Coke zero.
Supper will be smoked haddock poached in the mussell juice/cream from last w/e with cauli rice.
@DJC3 yes it was Dr Almond, I bough 6 packs because minimal postage is now a lot but though it has a 2026 date I’ e gone right off it now.
@Annb hugs for the pain and lack of sleep and hunger after exercise.
@Antje77 I loved the account of the wild swimming with your friends last weekend and the high jinks with the cars getting stuck! Hug for the back pain.
@Rachox your omelettes always look perfect whereas mine look like something the cat made using her paw, even if they are tasty.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
My home kefir starter isn't doing anything yet, but it is a bit cold in my kitchen, and I don't want to carry kefir fermentation jars around the house... will see if it gets going! I had the shop bought stuff to break my fast, then buttered broccoli and hard boiled egg, then an avocado with baby leaf salad and apple cider vinegar/lime juice/olive oil dressing. Then a pack of pork scratchings -feeling very full and hoping I can fast again until at least noon tomorrow.
Hope your grains wake up soon I'm sure they will but may take a few days if coldish you could always wrap the jar up in something like a tea cosy!


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Busy day so ended up fasting until teatime with exception of small kefir and supplements and weak black tea and coffee.
Just had a starter of kimchi with Apple cider vinegar followed by salmon and cauliflower mash. Also one glass of dry white wine. Pudding of LC chocolate brownie warmed and served with yoghurt.


Well-Known Member
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Diet only
Spicy food which is too hot. Nasty people who have no idea on your life journey but feel the need to comment and be cruel.
Coffee and cream x 3
Coffee and and unsweetened almond milk
Corned Beef and tomato
Smoked Salmon 1 small slice of Gouda and baby plum tomatoes.