What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
MrSlim is not always very helpful here either. He will be having bread and cheese late in the evening and bring me some too.... or buy cakes when he goes shopping... very hard to resist. Plus the conversation group on friday always has cake or biscuits. Often made by me.
His dietary requirements are exactly opposite to mine. Little protein, lots of white carbs, which means there is always "forbidden" food such as biscuits in the house.
When my art group @SlimLizzy was still active, before Covid and lockdowns, and when it was my turn to be tea lady, bringing the biscuits and cakes and stuff, I decided to do healthy options which included a different variety of fruits. Not one person partook of my healthy treats...they drank the tea and coffee, and a lot of hot chocolate that day. And I came home with all my beautifully cut and arranged healthy treats.

However the plus to that it was somehow never my turn to be tea lady again even if my name came up in the rota, someone always said, oh we'll do it this week.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
football, both the game and the culture.
I never realised that D3 deprivation had such a devastating effect. It is strange that you are not building up a reserve with such a massive dose.
Think I am, but slowly. The mental effects are gradually coming later in the month, so there is hope that they will fade away entirely some time.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
When my art group @SlimLizzy was still active, before Covid and lockdowns, and when it was my turn to be tea lady, bringing the biscuits and cakes and stuff, I decided to do healthy options which included a different variety of fruits. Not one person partook of my healthy treats...they drank the tea and coffee, and a lot of hot chocolate that day. And I came home with all my beautifully cut and arranged healthy treats.

However the plus to that it was somehow never my turn to be tea lady again even if my name came up in the rota, someone always said, oh we'll do it this week.
What a wonderful way to get out of being tea lady @gennepher


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Fbg 6.9

Got caught out in the deluge this morning, when we were promised a sunny day with zero chance of precipitation. Recovering in bed now....

I am cold...

Wildlife nighttime video
Cat Jade & the Badger & Cat Midnight makes an appearance
55 secs

Creative...another poor old soul gets stuck while trying to get a newspaper out of that heavy plastic flap at the garage forecourt, and discovering two arms with hands are not enough...

Going back to sleep in bed to try and dry out and warm up my old bones...

I should have got a bottle of sherry while I was out, never mind, a cuppa hot tea will have to do...

Have your best day...



Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good afternoon from a dry but not very warm L.A. @dunelm thank you for sharing the art and I hope the meal was splendid. @gennepher thank you for another amazing sketch but hug for the cold. Another drip trip over without a hitch even though they were very busy today. Busy start to today as one or both the dogs had "digestive issues." Enjoy Thursday.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Good afternoon from a dry but not very warm L.A. @dunelm thank you for sharing art and I hope the meal was splendid. @gennepher thank you for another amazing sketch but hug for the cold. Another drip trip over without a hitch even though they were very busy today. Busy start to today as one or both the dogs had "digestive issues." Enjoy Thursday.
Thanks Ian
Glad your day went well...


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Just got another appointment through the post - for an US scan of my liver. Not until late May though, so I can forget about that for a while. Walking marginally better than yesterday so I managed to get down the ramp to the car - didn't want Neil to have to run around too much with his bad back. He did manage to push me up the ramp to the Health Centre with a bit of effort and without hurting himself too much. He didn't want to do too much shopping though because carrying a heavy bag was too sore so what he took with him was a hastily rewritten list for the absolute minimum to last until Monday.

I haven't lost much weight despite serious efforts to reduce food intake (and only meat, fish and eggs) this week. Not quite back to where I was 3 weeks ago. That might be due to vegetables included the week before, or it might be something going wrong again with my waterworks causing me to hold on to excess fluids. Today's blood test might show some results on that. Had a little bit of cold chicken before I went out and 3 boiled eggs when I came back. I will need to eat something else this evening though.

At last got HBa1c results from the nurse I saw and was disappointed to find that my level had stuck between 58 and 60 for the 18 months to November 2023. That was the last time HBa1c was checked. In fact the last time I saw any of the diabetes team was before the lockdown in 2020. That was the last time I knew for sure what my HBa1c was. I'm going to try to get referred back from the hospital to the GP clinic -at least I get to see them once in a while.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Fbg 6.9

Got caught out in the deluge this morning, when we were promised a sunny day with zero chance of precipitation. Recovering in bed now....

I am cold...

Wildlife nighttime video
Cat Jade & the Badger & Cat Midnight makes an appearance
55 secs

Creative...another poor old soul gets stuck while trying to get a newspaper out of that heavy plastic flap at the garage forecourt, and discovering two arms with hands are not enough...

Going back to sleep in bed to try and dry out and warm up my old bones...

I should have got a bottle of sherry while I was out, never mind, a cuppa hot tea will have to do...

Have your best day...

View attachment 67337
Lovely sketch - looks painful


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good afternoon from a dry but not very warm L.A. @dunelm thank you for sharing the art and I hope the meal was splendid. @gennepher thank you for another amazing sketch but hug for the cold. Another drip trip over without a hitch even though they were very busy today. Busy start to today as one or both the dogs had "digestive issues." Enjoy Thursday.
Thank your @ianpspurs