What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


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Thanks for the tip.....I thought the baking powder or cream of tartar was to make it more bread like in texture? Is the end result the same using vinegar or lemon juice?
not really sure as it was my mum that told me many years ago....I remember her saying may need adjust the dry ingredients as was adding extra liquid
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I tried making oopsies the other day, dint turn out well, as per the recipe it said 8g of soda which I added and when I was adding it I was having this feeling that it's too much but I followed the recipe and it dint really work. I did make almond flour bread but added a lot of Parmesan cheese as that was the only one i had so it made it very strong and nutty but it tastes ok, I know for next time I will probably just add very little cheese to have taste and texture of bread.
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Way too many for this little box, and probably irrelevant
I have just had a lovely lunch made up of bits from the fridge - a few couchillon olives, chopped spring onions, half a small tin of tuna and two quartered cherry tomatoes. All mixed in a small dish and drizzled with a little salad cream. Lovely!
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I thought it was to make it rise?
I think they rise cos of the whipped egg whites as the texture is very like a souffle and you can actually leave the baking powder/cream of tartar out if you want to.
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Here goes lunch - a bit self indulgent as was the intention for the purposes of testing BG: The meat off a cold chicken leg left over from the family's supper the night before, a carrot, celery, green pepper salad with dressing, some cheddar cheese, some peanuts (!) and a small portion of 85% cocoa solids dark chocolate. The nutritional break down: 1100 calories, 88g fat, 60g protein, 19g carbs, 11.5g dietary fibre. Half an hour before I tested my BG and started lunch I arrived back from a 1.5 mile round trip on foot to town to get some groceries. The BG reading was an encouraging 5.2. I will post 1 and 2 hour numbers later. Tonight it's pan-fried salmon with prawns in a cream sauce and a vegetable stir fry - all calorie, etc., counted again! :)
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Oh well! I completely forgot to test at the 1 hour mark and it was too late when I realised so I simply did a 2 hour test. This was 8.0 from 5.2, so not good enough. That was after an 1125 calorie meal with a reasonable amount of protein (60g) but only a modest amount of carbs (19g).

I've already worked out supper's nutrient values: 730 calories, 46g fat, 39g protein, 10g carbs and 10g fibre, making a total for the day of roughly 2300 calories, 174g fat, 126g protein, 34g carbs and 22g fibre. For my low carbing that's slightly more carbs than I want to aim for (trying to limit to under 30g) but not too excessive. My calorie consumption is probably 2400 to 2500 per day if I keep up my exercise regime, so 2300 calories is a good maintenance value. I really want to limit protein to under 80g, too. Also really want fibre to be at least 30g. More tests coming up!
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People who lie , animal cruelty , boredom and pineapple !
Breakfast strawberries with Greek yoghurt
Lunch one slice of Burgen toast with cheese and tinned toms
Tea cottage pie with mash made from celeriac, carrot and sweet potato
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Share what you've eaten today with the rest of the DCUK community and maybe steal a few ideas for yourself!

Please remember that this is the 'Low Carb Diet Forum' and that this thread isn't for low carb debates :)

What do you mean by 'low carb debates?' Am I allowed to point out to someone that what they have eaten isn't low carb?


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Lunch...Tuna, spinach and a sliced tomato with a small Oopsie and a teaspoon of mayo...coffee
Dinner.....Quorn mince with a little chopped onion, half a small tin of tomatoes and button mushrooms basil and oregano.....water
Small portion of fromage frais with a teaspoon of ground flax seed and a tspn of cinnamon
9 kilometer exercise bike and a pint of cold water
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A weird day yesterday.

B: a 9bar and a small coffeencream
L: crustless quiche and a coyo
D: cauliflower cheese with a little mattersons and chillis

That is the lowest I've managed to keep my protein for days, and boy could I feel it!
Who'da thought it would make such a difference to the way I feel, and not in a good way.
I cannot believe that dropping protein for a day, tips me into carb flu, especially since I am in (or on the edge of ) ketosis all the time. So something else is clearly happening. But I don't know what, except that gluconeogenesis is playing a part.

And I'm on my own with this. Its the kind of fine tuning that no HCP would be interested in.

Maybe I should start a thread over in the LADA section. They seem to appreciate this kind of BG tweaking the best...

Sorry to hear you were feeling so bad. Hope today is better. You have been a great inspiration to me as a beginner on the LCHF plan.
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B: Brussels pate on Almond cheese scone
L: Homemade vegetable soup, sugar free jelly & loads of cream
D: Smoked sea bass, courgettes baked in olive oil & parmesan
Snack: cheese!
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I haven't until now counted the carbs (or anything else), but with exams out of the way I sat down today to input food data into myfitnesspal, and was pleased to see what I expected: I thought I had around 100g carbs, and MFP said 91g

L: big bowl of tuna salad (lettuce, tomatoes, capers, anchovy, spring onions, olive oil and cider vinegar
D: half a rainbow trout baked in butter, broccoli, carrot, 1 Jersey new potato, lots of butter; cheese
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People that can't listen to other people's opinions.
People that can't say sorry.
Mashed avocado and dark choc... For some extra calories and good fat.

Chia seeds n almond milk... Set in fridge... Looked gross... Neutral taste with some berries...

Normal fish n salad.

Never had chia seed n almond milk so no idea on carb value!!
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Mashed avocado and dark choc... For some extra calories and good fat.

Chia seeds n almond milk... Set in fridge... Looked gross... Neutral taste with some berries...

Normal fish n salad.

Never had chia seed n almond milk so no idea on carb value!!
Lot of fibre in chia seeds.... I like the texture of the set mix and then add a bunch of nuts and some fruit.. getting to really like it.... which might be a bit sad....
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Breakfast: chia coffee and cocoa, nuts, yougurt and some straws
Lunch: 50g celery, 50g radish, 50g olives, 30g feta cheese, 120g avocado, 20g olive oil, 1 homemade chocolate coffee and ginger 80% cocoa.
Dinner: chicken wrapped in Parma ham with sage, cabbage and peas, 3 homemade chocs and some red wine...
could eat it all over again, right now.
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So supper was a piece of salmon pan-fried skin-side down in butter and cold-pressed rapeseed oil with onion, garlic and mushroom and a little thyme, removed the salmon and then added some white wine and stock added, reduced a little, added single cream and a few decent sized prawns, returned the salmon skin-side up to complete the cooking, served with onion, garlic, cauliflower, broccoli, leek, savoy cabbage, mushroom and red peppers sautéed in butter and cold-pressed rapeseed oil and butter as well as light soy sauce. 730 calories per plate, 10g carbs. Before eating my BG was 5.3 and it was 6.3 two hours later.
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Well-Known Member
Lot of fibre in chia seeds.... I like the texture of the set mix and then add a bunch of nuts and some fruit.. getting to really like it.... which might be a bit sad....
Oh, I'm so with you on that. Positively addicted to chai seed pudding in all its guises. No one else I offer it to finds it so appealing though ...
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