What was your A1C before and what is it now?
There is a lot of evidence showing that losing weight very much helps with insulin resistance, which could mean you can tolerate more carbohydrates without your blood sugars staying high for too long after eating them. Everyone is different though.
You may consider getting a CGM - you can get a
free trial of the LIbre 2 CGM from Abbott (assuming you are in the UK). You can then monitor what your blood glucose is doing 24/7 before and after meals.
The thing with Ozempic and other GLP-1 agonist's - you lose weight because it stunts your appetite. Basically, you are eating less, go into a calorie deficit, and your body does the rest using up energy stores to continue to function. I know people who have gone off it (due to supply issues) and literally the next day after they were due their injection, their appetite soared. Like, they were ravenous. Some people have the self control and managed to change their eating habits while on the drug, others cannot. YMMV.
You may well be able to go off it, but there is no cure for T2 diabetes - you can only keep it under control either through medication, diet, or both.
Whatever you decide to do - you must consult with your doctor. Don't take decisions on what some random internet people say as gospel. Other peoples experiences can be helpful - but what your doctor tells you should be based on science and best practice rather than individual anecdote. Don't ignore it as some sort of 'big pharma' conspiracy.