Don't involve yourself in the blame game.


Deleted member 101090

I'm at that stage where I'm Googling everything and I found this in an online article

It seems I'm "skinny fat" !

We can't win really can we?

The problem with skinny fat
Also known as “dad bod” or “mom bod,” “skinny fat” refers to a slender body type with small amounts of visible fat. Skinny fat people tend to have a type of fat called visceral fat. Visceral fat grows around your organs instead of under your skin, so it isn’t visible.

If you have visceral fat, you may not look overweight, but you may still have as much fat as someone who is overweight.

“The medical term for skinny fat is MONW, which stands for metabolically obese, normal weight,” said Duchnik. “People who are MONW may look healthy but are at risk for conditions like diabetes.”

according to the medical bunch the "skinny fat" is easily dealt with if you go on a low fat diet. it should be solved within a couple of weeks.

all i am saying is, they have got zero answers yet pretend they have. to obese people they say, deal with your internal fat by being on a milk diet for a couple of weeks, then low fat, no booze for the rest of your life. i know location of the fat matters but its not the be all and end all. its the same as to how they want to tackle the "obesity epidemic" by taxing sugar... does this tax actually go into the research they desperately need?
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
@VMK ”Skinny fat” OMG so there’s a word for it!!! I have two friends who are thin but I KNOW they never work out and they eat heaps of fatty sugary processed foods, one of them jokes about how much she hates veggies.


I am male 60 yrs old newly diagnosed with T2D and am very sure one of the main reasons is I am overweight ( 5foot 9 inches and 14 stone 5lb at diagnosis) . I accept I have eaten too much sugary foods, breads, cakes beer etc. I disagree with people who say that obesity does not drive T2D. Obesity levels are rocketing world wide and so is T2D. Even kids are getting obese and T2D now and they never used to, ever.
Yes we can point our fingers at the food industry and advertising all that sugary food every 5 minutes on TV and definitely it doesnt help. Also we can blame modern living with cars and home delivery so we can live life from our sofas.That doesnt help either. But the simple fact is it's our lives and our responsibility to look after our own health otherwise it's an early death from a stroke, blindness or worse.
Since diagnosis one month ago I have gone low carb and lost a stone. I have upped my exercise to an hour a day at home using those rubber exercise bands and a weighted hula hoop, plus crunches and leg raises plus 4 rounds of golf a week. I spend the exercise hour watching you tube lectures and debates so I dont get bored.
Testerday my wife has friends round and they turn up with a big lemon drizzle cake, just sitting there waiting to be eaten. It's a real test but you know what- who is stronger, me or that cake? Anyway I'm off now for an hours work out. Wish me luck with that cake!

Deleted member 101090

I am male 60 yrs old newly diagnosed with T2D and am very sure one of the main reasons is I am overweight ( 5foot 9 inches and 14 stone 5lb at diagnosis)

that's all very positive and good luck to you. though i now about my own body that better medication reduced overeating a lot and of course i lost weight. I your case i find it astonishing how you claim to be a newly diagnosed expert and you are more than happy to blame it all on your poor lifestyle choices. Well, your lifestyle choices were poor because your body gives you the wrong signals in the first place... but never mind. What i really object to that you think because you lost a couple of pounds and you feel better that you now have the answer and your declared lemon drissle enemy is to be combated... lets wait and see when christmas comes with is destructive delights and easter and birthdays and and and ... 10 years down the line you might feel a lot differently because it is never just one cake, one beer or one this or that, it is a body that constantly signals that you are not getting nutrition... which you do not, you are diabetic, the sugar your body expects does not get delivered... your body indicates starvation... then you fight against all the cakes, the beers and everything else that might also give you a reward response/

i truly hope that for you it is a matter of moving around and defeating the monster pastries but you might want to read a bit more and watch a few more lectures and maybe listen to what people say about this cursed illness (for which many have genetics to back my claim that the body goes wrong first as pre-diabetuc, then the body stores and demands excess foods and then you become a diabetic.


that's all very positive and good luck to you. though i now about my own body that better medication reduced overeating a lot and of course i lost weight. I your case i find it astonishing how you claim to be a newly diagnosed expert and you are more than happy to blame it all on your poor lifestyle choices. Well, your lifestyle choices were poor because your body gives you the wrong signals in the first place... but never mind. What i really object to that you think because you lost a couple of pounds and you feel better that you now have the answer and your declared lemon drissle enemy is to be combated... lets wait and see when christmas comes with is destructive delights and easter and birthdays and and and ... 10 years down the line you might feel a lot differently because it is never just one cake, one beer or one this or that, it is a body that constantly signals that you are not getting nutrition... which you do not, you are diabetic, the sugar your body expects does not get delivered... your body indicates starvation... then you fight against all the cakes, the beers and everything else that might also give you a reward response/

i truly hope that for you it is a matter of moving around and defeating the monster pastries but you might want to read a bit more and watch a few more lectures and maybe listen to what people say about this cursed illness (for which many have genetics to back my claim that the body goes wrong first as pre-diabetuc, then the body stores and demands excess foods and then you become a diabetic.
Of course there may be some elements of genetic predisposition. There always has been and the rate hasn't changed.But that does not explain why right now there is a galloping epidemic of T2D and obesity right now especially in westerised urbanised nations .The two conditions are so closely linked that a new term has been coined- diabesity. If it was purely down to genetic factors why are doctors diagnosing children with obesity and T2D every day right now for the first time in history?
You seem sceptical because I am newly diagnosed but I worked in the pharmaceutical industry for 25 years and helped market drugs to tackle insulin resistance. I gathered groups of specialist gps and nurses together to hear talks from national experts on the subject and how to help patients deal with it. So I know a little about the subject.


that's all very positive and good luck to you. though i now about my own body that better medication reduced overeating a lot and of course i lost weight. I your case i find it astonishing how you claim to be a newly diagnosed expert and you are more than happy to blame it all on your poor lifestyle choices. Well, your lifestyle choices were poor because your body gives you the wrong signals in the first place... but never mind. What i really object to that you think because you lost a couple of pounds and you feel better that you now have the answer and your declared lemon drissle enemy is to be combated... lets wait and see when christmas comes with is destructive delights and easter and birthdays and and and ... 10 years down the line you might feel a lot differently because it is never just one cake, one beer or one this or that, it is a body that constantly signals that you are not getting nutrition... which you do not, you are diabetic, the sugar your body expects does not get delivered... your body indicates starvation... then you fight against all the cakes, the beers and everything else that might also give you a reward response/

i truly hope that for you it is a matter of moving around and defeating the monster pastries but you might want to read a bit more and watch a few more lectures and maybe listen to what people say about this cursed illness (for which many have genetics to back my claim that the body goes wrong first as pre-diabetuc, then the body stores and demands excess foods and then you become a diabetic.
Of course there may be some elements of genetic predisposition. There always has been and the rate hasn't changed.But that does not explain why right now there is a galloping epidemic of T2D and obesity right now especially in westerised urbanised nations .The two conditions are so closely linked that a new term has been coined- diabesity. If it was purely down to genetic factors why are doctors diagnosing children with obesity and T2D every day right now for the first time in history?
You seem sceptical because I am newly diagnosed but I worked in the pharmaceutical industry for 25 years and helped market drugs to tackle insulin resistance. I gathered groups of specialist gps and nurses together to hear talks from national experts on the subject and how to help patients deal with it. So I know a little about the subject.

Deleted member 101090

You seem sceptical because I am newly diagnosed but I worked in the pharmaceutical industry for 25 years and helped market drugs to tackle insulin resistance. I gathered groups of specialist gps and nurses together to hear talks from national experts on the subject and how to help patients deal with it. So I know a little about the subject.

so you sold pills to doctors? ah well, thats nice, so you know everything about the illness...
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Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Of course there may be some elements of genetic predisposition. There always has been and the rate hasn't changed.But that does not explain why right now there is a galloping epidemic of T2D and obesity right now especially in westerised urbanised nations .The two conditions are so closely linked that a new term has been coined- diabesity. If it was purely down to genetic factors why are doctors diagnosing children with obesity and T2D every day right now for the first time in history?
You seem sceptical because I am newly diagnosed but I worked in the pharmaceutical industry for 25 years and helped market drugs to tackle insulin resistance. I gathered groups of specialist gps and nurses together to hear talks from national experts on the subject and how to help patients deal with it. So I know a little about the subject.
I didn't read a whole lot of this thread, too much going on, but just 2 cents here: Once Upon a Time, the Powers That Be decided that the EatWell plate was the way to go, in Western Civilisation. (Based on US research that was flawed to begin with, and it was unilaterally adopted by a lot of countries...). The genetic predisposition was always present in the same ratio's, that didn't change: The food advice however, did. With fats suddenly being the enemy and carb intake rocketing, things went sideways very, very fast. Makes some measure of sense, no?


Weather it be about type 2 diabetes or any other subject none of us are perfect and all of us make mistakes. It's not about how we got to where we are today. It's about what we do next. So rather than berating ourselves over our past, look forward, learn about the condition and apply ourselves to the solution. (The solution will vary from person to person so comparing yourself with others is not always useful). We all may trip, fall or waver on the journey so keep going and try to keep positive in the face of defeatist attitudes you may come across from others.


Hiya, like that post catherine cherub its MY baby n I am looking after her. I am tiny and even worse I have been demoralised preached at n bulldozed n bullied by an DSN [that has to be worse than a joe public saying something negative to me ] I did end up thinking there was something about me that she didnt like! it bothered n stressed me loads . Now am the one with attitude! am refusing to let her treat me ever again n will insist on better patient care via her team leader, its my patient charter right to be treated with ; respect,confidentiality,choice,independence,rights,dignity. With diabetes one size fits all !!!! whether we are tiny, small, medium,large, etc diabetes picks us we dont pick it! [diabetes] n the joe publics n world over need to hear this and accept us all without the label of obesity ONLY equals diabetes. Anna.x :D
How true. I feel guilty enough without professionals looking down on me
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Active Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
How true. I feel guilty enough without professionals looking down on me

I went to an educational class led by a diabetic nurse specialist
Who categorically insisted that if you loose weight type 2 diabetes disappears in every instance
I asked if this applied to people who were slim as not all type 2 are “obese”
I asked if this applied to people who had part of or all of pancrease removed
She told me I should have booked a 1 to 1 as clearly I was “unique”
I am diabetic due to numerous factors e.g. cancer/surgery/weigh/lifestyle/genetics/other autoimmune diseases that impact on most of the aforementioned
One size does not even fit one patient let alone one size fits all
Sugar dosen’t cause diabetes the inability to process sugar causes diabetes
She even make “fun” remarks like diabetes on a plate


Despite having had diabetes for nearly 20 years, I'm still not as educated on it as I should be. I've learned a lot by reading stuff online and here. I was always told that being overweight can cause one to become diabetic, but as mentioned, what about those who aren't who are diagnosed with diabetes? I know it has a lot to do with the pancreas and how it's not functioning in the way that it should, but having extra doesn't help that. Even then, what about those who are obese or overweight who are not diabetic?

I wish more would just be honest. It's not good to be a certain weight. Diabetes is non-discriminant just like other ailments.

In my case, I'm female who has PCOS (which causes insulin resistance and difficulty losing weight as well as conceiving) and I have a family history of diabetes. To my knowledge, my mother's paternal grandmother was a slim woman. My maternal grandfather was also slim and he was diabetic. I've never met them, but have seen photos. My father is diabetic and he's lost a lot of weight...he's still diabetic.

I'm glad that there's more information online in regards to diabetes and how size really isn't a can play a role, but maybe not solely.

Barb McD

Well-Known Member
I’ve been slim, athletic, pregnant (a lot), overweight, fat but fit, now 63kg and falling, 5’3 fem.

In the past 30 years my misogynistic GP family friend said:

stress - work & family related
headaches all caused by the above
neurological Barbara? No dear
your feet/hands/nose (yes nose) are not discoloured the pains are “phantom” “imagined”

on and on, I was in the “fat, fair & over 40 neurotic” file.

I believed him, so did my family, so I compensated & said “I’m sorry”

At 50 a bleed in my brain showed:

a giant complex aneurysm

Three years after surgery, new people in my life, the GP retired when he had a stent fitted in his heart. So many of my thoughts wrapped up in apologising.

I only say I’m sorry now if I want to.

I have no trust in doctors until they prove worthy.

Still looking for a good one in the NHS in Northern Ireland.

Don’t feel sorry for me, I’ve never had a stronger backbone.

Vive la resistance!!


Well-Known Member
It's a real test but you know what- who is stronger, me or that cake?

So true....For many, the "cake" wins.

Obesity plays an important part in diabetes but it isn't the sole factor. As someone else mentioned....why do you have obese people that don't get diabetes? On the flip side, why do you have thin people that get type 2 diabetes? The more I "understand" diabetes, (particularly type 2 diabetes) the more I realize our understanding of the complex nature of glucose metabolism has a long way to go. The knowledge has grown a lot in recent years but with what we learn brings more questions....It will be interesting to see if Type 2 diabetes gets divided in to subtypes as time passes and we continue to learn.
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Barb McD

Well-Known Member
In my world (just to be clear :) ) “cake” is in inverted commas to mean food is no longer an enemy it’s a party . 62kg & loving life and my choices.



I tend to beat myself up a lot.

My bloods last week were around 15. Switched to 1000mg (from 500) and major diet change s brought it right down. I have noticed stress really spikes my levels. Pumped me up to 9.5.
I've more or less quit all bread rice potato pasta caffeine sweets and I do feel better for it but know i will need a treat at some point. For now all I drink is water and I exercise daily.

For the past 2 days Ive kept bloods between 5-7 (I test first thing pre lunch and after dinner)
I'm looking forward to giving myself a cheat day tho. I'm thinking one cheat day a fortnight should be ok as long as it's not too self indulgent?
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