I do the 16/8 thing
2MAD most days.... OMAD others
Rarely snack in-between meals.
I can remember being hungry between meals.
I usually drank some water. (saluting the hunger, was how I heard it described)
Then check back in 30 minutes if I was still feeling hungry.
If so, that's when the low carb snacks came in. Boiled egg, deli meat, cheese or biltong.
All used, to get me that bit further on less.
I think of it like a car, trying to eek out as much mileage from each fuel up as possible. And at the cheapest (least damaging cost )
Biltong worked surprisingly well...(just be careful, I found my missus got rather partial to it, also ..lol )
If it helps you, I did find early days I got hungry next morning, so I tried to eat a little more at the evening meal.
Unwilling to just add more dinner, I'm not a pudding person naturally, but I found double cream & low cal jelly with some berries, didn't spike me, and left me feeling fuller each meal & helped carry me further the next day.
Another vote for
@Outlier individuality.
I tried longer fasts, but at around 20/24 hours marker I just felt awful.
Where others breezed through a day or so of not eating, I felt like death at the end of day one.
I took the viewpoint it wasn't for me ..& haven't missed trying it, in the slightest.
It's not tenko or some sadistic game show, so don't be disheartened.
It took us ages to get here, so for many it won't be an overnight fix.
Take the time to let your body & yourself adjust to less
Perhaps just try to go that little further between meals without a snack ?
I know I used to drink the water, and then wait upto an hour even if I was hungry (sort of deferring the gratification) before snacking,
Odd how often I then forgot or didn't feel a pressing need to snack
But if you do feel the need, then do it, just try to make it a better/worthwhile snack, I'd say.
Good luck finding the way that suits you