

Type of diabetes
Type 2
I'm following a few low carb drs who are finding that reducing carbs sufficiently 20 grams per day you can reverse type 2 diabetes. Has anyone achieved this ? How did you convince your gp to work with you to reduce medications ? Thanks


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I'm following a few low carb drs who are finding that reducing carbs sufficiently 20 grams per day you can reverse type 2 diabetes. Has anyone achieved this ? How did you convince your gp to work with you to reduce medications ? Thanks

Yes definitely..
However I did it on my own.
I didn't tell my GP or Diabetes Nurse (didn't tell them I was stopping the metformin either though) .
Take control of your own health, you should be deciding which medications you take.. your GP is there to advise.

Also lost about 8 stone in the process and a host of other illnesses.

What medications are you on currently?
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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
I'm following a few low carb drs who are finding that reducing carbs sufficiently 20 grams per day you can reverse type 2 diabetes. Has anyone achieved this ? How did you convince your gp to work with you to reduce medications ? Thanks
What medications do you use for your diabetes?
Depending on the medication you take you should be careful about hypo's when changing your diet to a very low carb one.


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Hello and welcome,

Before giving any suggestions we really need more information about your medications- we don't want to cause more problems while trying to help:)

So the answer for me is that by reducing my carbs I was able to lower my levels- BUT I wasn't on any medication other than metformin. This is important.

Irrespective of medication you don't already have a meter you should get one and start testing before and after meals. I suggest that you calculate the carbs in each meal if you are not already doing that and work out how that level of carbs is affecting your body. You can do this without changing your carb intake but it gives you more information.

Good luck and let us know about your medication.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
The term “new normal “
I told my doc that I wanted to try getting control with diet. He gave me 90 days to try and I did.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I'm following a few low carb drs who are finding that reducing carbs sufficiently 20 grams per day you can reverse type 2 diabetes. Has anyone achieved this ? How did you convince your gp to work with you to reduce medications ? Thanks
The only person on board with it was my GP, the dieticians and endo all balked at it and insisted I keep taking medication that didn't quite agree with me. My GP however, saw that my numbers were dropping as well as my weight (I was morbidly obese), so she agreed to give me tests as I went. That was little over 4,5 years ago, a half year after my diagnosis. She took me off the medication I was on, and I haven't been on diabetic meds ever since. So yeah... Low carb eating put me back into the non-diabetic range, and as you can see from other people responding here, they've done the same, with similar/identical methods.

Just keep in mind it's your body, and your decision. And be very careful. I was mixing a low carb diet with gliclazide and suffered with hypo's for it, because my endo insisted a T2 can't possibly hypo. Oooh yes, we can, depending on what we're on! If you're just taking metformin, reducing carbs shouldn't be a problem though. Anything else could become an issue, however. So do be careful please.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
If your bloods are improving, that should help convince the doctor to support.

In my case, I never started on meds and the doctor was initially sceptical, but as my numbers went down, it emerged that there was a bit more open mindedness in the practice than at first thought. It just wasn’t suggested as a first line strategy.

If you wanted to back up what you’re saying, you could mention Dr Unwin and his work in a GP practice in Southport - this article is short, clear and well evidenced:


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
I'm following a few low carb drs who are finding that reducing carbs sufficiently 20 grams per day you can reverse type 2 diabetes. Has anyone achieved this ? How did you convince your gp to work with you to reduce medications ? Thanks
My GP just gave me tablets and no advice, so when the tablets made me really ill, I tossed them in the bin and went back to what I know works. I had been doing low carb for over 40 years and had HCPs telling me it was wrong, yet I never felt well on their diets.
I reduced my carbs to 50gm daily as that is the levels I know I worked well at for decades. When I got a tester I could see straight away that my levels had reduced significantly.
In a few weeks I was no longer diabetic and have stayed that way ever since.
My Hba1c did not fall lower, even when I reduced my carb intake to 40 gm a day, so I think all the being pushed to eat a diet high in carbs and low in fat has broken something - it went on for decades so it must have had some effect, feeling ill for weeks on end.
If you look up Atkins it might help with how to manage your carb intake and the resulting blood glucose levels.