Leaving the Forum

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Type of diabetes
Why can’t we just value Alexandra’s great input to the forum now that she has explained in detail to everyone where she’s coming from medically and be kind and supportive.
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Type of diabetes
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Well it is a good job I am not a healthcare professional, merely a forum user with diabetes who can not possibly diagnose such a disease :D . You are what you are diagnosed. I am not stating solely that HBA1C is an indicator of diabetes, but it's a tool used towards diagnosis. I am a type 1 diabetic who has been in the prediabtic zone before, having been as low as 41mmol/L. Unfortunately I will never be relieved of my diabeticness :(
No but you too can achieve a hba1c identical to @Alexandra100. As me.
But it doesn't take the diabetes away.

Type1s who have low hba1c are seen as irresponsible by medics.
We all know why. Hypo country has a high death rate.
@Alexandra100 has an exceptional low hba1c without insulin therapy by very very low carb eating.
A few type1s are following suit.

I too wouldnt be surprised after bariatric surgery discover I'm type1 and my weight problem has disguised that. I've eaten a high protein diet all my life which with low carb eating as a result may disguise any hba1c and my first hba1c was only carried out after a heavy high carb Xmas in 2002. So if I never eat high carbs seasonally I would have not been diagnosed even then.... when I have evidence of symptoms of diabetes in 1977.

Low carb eating can disguise a diagnosis. We all know that by our practice in reducing our hba1c by using such a tool.
Unless proven in black or white no one believes its science, especially in medicine.

Isn't it @Alexandra100 's right to not press for a diagnosis (or to) or indeed declare one to us.
We are all here to give our support and limited knowledge.

And I agree we are just the sufferers not the medics.
Forum is for us not medics only. Our opinions do matter and therefore I'd encourage @Alexandra100 not to leave nor feel pushed into a situation which makes constructive posting uncomfortable.
We are all different but labelled by some, diabetic.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
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@JohnEGreen thanks! I didn't realise "Rather not say" was an option. I'm using that for now, but ....

I agree with the majority of people here - don't go!

Edited to say: Got into this discussion a little "in the middle", so I decided to change a few sour comments after reading some more. My statement above, I prefer not to change in any case - all should be welcome, and not dependent on how one is experiencing his/her own situation...And I mean ALL..
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Which is why, following @Alexandra100 criticising my avatar status, I changed it from Type 2 to "Type 2 (in remission)" rather than "I have reversed my type 2". And as remission and reversal can only be achieved without the use of medication, it will not happen to type 1s, even with low HbA1cs.

The mods didn't ask me to change my avatar status, even after I posted the letter from my GP telling me that my T2D was "resolved"

Not sure why anyone is getting all hot n bothered about this, is only a description that someone chooses to use.
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Well-Known Member
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People that point out my spelling mistakes
I am leaving the Forum. The Mods insist I change my title to "I do not Have Diabetes" and conceal my belief that I may be heading in the direction of LADA. I am not willing to do that. I shall miss you all very much and I wish you all a happy and super-healthy future.

The starting post above.

The quoted post is making me think " it's my game, play as I say or get out "
All the best for the future and there are other forums out in the wide world.
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Well-Known Member
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black jelly beans
Hi @Alexandra100, I note that some on site regard themselves ' reversed type 2' and similar notation.
On that basis would 'reversed pre-diabetes' suit you? After all, if somewhere in the world the figure of 42 indicates pre-diabetes then how can that not be accepted.?
This site is not a UK-only site therefore other country's ranges and definitions need to be respected as well.
As we know someone can start off in one 'category' and end up in another.
You are taking a diet used by some diabetics and have reduced your HBA1C to normal levels, just as some with T2D diagnoses have done.
Please consider whether you can adapt to a 'reversed pre-diabetes' category for now, continue to contribute in such a valuable way and find more insights and inspiration by being on site.
I have enjoyed our 'tussle' over running vs walking. I admire your tenacity and dedication. You have much wisdom to share and confidence with which to state your case whatever the subject.
That difference of opinion is the strength of this forum.:):):)


Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Diet only
Why does someone's classification on their profile even matter the slightest....?
If I was Type1 l would put more faith in the experience of a fellow Type1 than a Type2 who had read it on the internet.
(edited for typo)
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
I think if we keep in mind even moderators are human and have similiar emotions to me. I take the bitter pill of their reminders and get on.
Its often not shown in words the mods sincerity. I've come to understand that.
Like any relationship. Things can be expressed or construed as far worse, depending in our own mood.
That's relationships.
@Alexandra100 has accepted the need for clarification, to all.
I've been lucky to converse in the past so I knew OPs status by listening. Very rarely do I take notice of labels. Unless I'm forced.
I very rarely judge a book by it's cover either.
I like to make my own mind up.
Even asking a poster can clarify alot. Which I know many of us do already.
A few words often don't say it all.
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Well-Known Member
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I think if we keep in mind even moderators are human and have similiar emotions to me. I take the bitter pill of their reminders and get on.
Its often not shown in words the mods sincerity. I've come to understand that.
Like any relationship. Things can be expressed or construed as far worse, depending in our own mood.
That's relationships.
@Alexandra100 has accepted the need for clarification, to all.
I've been lucky to converse in the past so I knew OPs status by listening. Very rarely do I take notice of labels. Unless I'm forced.
I very rarely judge a book by it's cover either.
I like to make my own mind up.
Even asking a poster can clarify alot. Which I know many of us do already.
A few words often don't say it all.

I agree with you, and it is very important for forum members and staff to not overreact. Usually a problem can be solved, if you only agree to discuss it. The fact that this forum is open for all, also non-diabetics, makes the points of views so much more differing, but that should be a strength of a forum - not a weakness, as it now and then seems to bee here...
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Type of diabetes
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Thanks! I think I'll wait till I've had one or two goes with a Libre. That may possibly throw up some readings to back up my request. She has already refused me a c-peptide test.
Hi. Don't go! Note that the c-peptide test can be more useful than the GAD. I had both done privately as my GP wouldn't co-operate. The c-peptide shows your insulin level and hence the treatment needed. The GAD test often only tests for that one anti-body and doesn't detect damage thru viruses etc. It can also be negative several years after a T1 diagnosis (see NICE T1 Guidelines). My GAD was negative, I had insulin at the bottom of the 'normal' range from the c-peptide test and have always been stick thin. My insulin has continued to go down so my c-peptide would probably now be below the normal range.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Jenny Ruhl says that skinny people with raised bg may be either T2s who produce very little insulin or LADA, who of course also produce very little insulin and may progress to producing none. It seems to me that I may fit into either of these categories. I am therefore interested in research and posts on some aspects of T1 as well as T2. I follow Dr B's idea that what really matters is the level of bg, and we should ideally use whatever means we can to attain and maintain those "normal" bg levels.

As I recounted on the Forum, I recently asked my GP for a C-peptide test. She refused, and the private labs offering this test that Forum members told me about turned out to be too expensive for me to contemplate. I might at some point ask for a GAD test, as that is much cheaper, so there may be fewer rules stopping GPs from prescribing it.

I don't "claim" to be anything. I would actually prefer to be pre-pre-T2 rather than pre-LADA, as my prospects would be better for continuing the small amount of insulin production I seem to have left. I actually find the word "claim" a bit odd here, as if I were claiming to be a long lost Princess and stood to gain an inheritance.
I support your right to continue as a member of this forum, and I find this pedantic insistance on correct labelling to be unwarranted. I like your self assessment presented here in your post. and hope you do not withdraw.
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Well-Known Member
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Don't go.
I think mine might be wrong too. I started off T2 but after taking statins and eating masses of veg I think I'm now half horse half sheep. If I get mange I'll report back.

I suppose we are expected to vote "agree" then...;)


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Interesting discussion.

A couple of people have asked the question 'why does it matter what designation we use on the forum? After all, we could all be lying.'

And yes, we could. Some people do.
Anyone remember some members (turned out to be a single person pretending to be a husband and wife pair) who strung the whole forum along with tragic tales of T1 diagnoses, ambulance call outs and hospitalisation. That member was is no longer with us.

Another example might be a member who wants to research and promote a commercial product.
Well the rules on advertising are clearly laid out in the forum rules.
Research requests need prior approval before being posted, and advertising is not permitted.
The moderation team enforce these rules to protect the membership.
We regularly get members signing up with an ulterior motive to promote their businesses.

These are, of course, clear examples of wrong doing. There are other, greyer areas where people consciously and unconsciously misrepresent themselves, with the potential for misleading other members and potentially being taken as having more experience or authority than is the case.

Clearly, when discrepencies arise between posts and profiles and advice, it is helpful for everyone if those discrepencies are resolved.

We have all seen examples where members are 'helped' by well meaning people, but a vital piece of information is missing - risk of hypos, insulin usage, diet advice given to newbie who needed help on insulin ratios... Having clear and accurate profile information goes a long way to avoiding such confusion.


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
This thread is being locked on the basis that Alexandra has had ample opportunity to bid her farewells, and it is serving no positive purpose by remaining open.
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