Stopped Statins

Robin Ah-Sing

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Hi I use horse shampoo with bergermont essense to wash my is used in SA by women in high stressed jobs .my hair loss has stopped and l am sprouting new hair lol...will send you a pic of the stuff if you interested.

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Sorry, yes I meant Amlodipine. Yes its also true that the advice recently upgraded I believe is that they shouldnt be taken together, but it a dosage level thing. Im sure if you google it you will find the relevant info.

hope this doesnt cause any undue anxiety. If I find the reference i'll post

as I said dosage thing


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Thank you all for your comments - just a matter of time now before I can assess any improvements.

Any more comments will still be appreciated. :)


Sorry, yes I meant Amlodipine. Yes its also true that the advice recently upgraded I believe is that they shouldnt be taken together, but it a dosage level thing. Im sure if you google it you will find the relevant info.

hope this doesnt cause any undue anxiety. If I find the reference i'll post

as I said dosage thing
Thanks for the link seems I am within the recommended limits as I take 20mg Simvastatin and only 5mg Amlodopine


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People that can't listen to other people's opinions.
People that can't say sorry.
I was told by my GP that it takes 2 weeks to get them out of the system

Some people it can be permanent damage, my statin damage took 3 years to go then I was put back on them..came off at xmas. Pain is subsiding but not gone. I reckon another 18 months before my muscle damage will repair. This time though I am concentrating on having more fat in my diet to see if this helps repair quicker.

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I wouldn't expect your bg to be changed by coming off statins, they are for cholesterol levels, which will probably rise - but according to many this isn't a bad thing at all. Look at some of the other statin threads.

I am really pleased to hear about the improvement.
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Hi Everyone

Well been off statins 4 weeks now, no improvement in my blood sugars but the pain in my shoulders and thumbs is greatly improved so am putting the cortisone injections on hold :)
I wouldn't expect your bg to be changed by coming off statins, they are for cholesterol levels, which will probably rise - but according to many this isn't a bad thing at all. Look at some of the other statin threads.

I am really pleased to hear about the improvement.
Statins often raise bg and can actually cause diabetes.
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Litterbugs war mongers hate mongers propagandists.
I'm sure there's more.
I have tried three maybe four different ones and I'm now considered allergic to them so no longer take them.


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I've been taken off Statins twice now as they cause some liver function issues... last time when I was diagnosed T2.... Cholesterol gone up 4.4 to 6.6.. it was suggested I go back on another one... declined as it is good not having hellish cramps in my toes... going to wait and see how body reacts to weight loss, exercise and low carb and highish fat.... quack was okay with this. I was told they take 6 weeks to flush out.


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Diet only
Hi Everyone

Well been off statins 4 weeks now, no improvement in my blood sugars but the pain in my shoulders and thumbs is greatly improved so am putting the cortisone injections on hold :)

I took myself off statins on 22nd May. Within a week my morning fasting levels dropped significantly from always in the 6's to always in the 5's. By 18th June my triglycerides had dropped from 1.15 to 0.72. Coincidence? I don't know.
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I've stopped taking mine simvastatin 2 months ago, was put on it just in case when first diagnosed 10 years ago.

I haven't had attacks of cramp in the night since. But am Suffering carpel tunnel in both hands now, am sure that's a coincidence. So will see how evverything goes at next blood test.

happy girl 1949

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Happy girl
Just read your comments and I think I might try to go without mine as well to see what might happen will keep everybody informed

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I took myself off statins on 22nd May. Within a week my morning fasting levels dropped significantly from always in the 6's to always in the 5's. By 18th June my triglycerides had dropped from 1.15 to 0.72. Coincidence? I don't know.

Hi Bluetit, Was this the blood test you were waiting to have - the triglycerides and if so did you get the results you wanted? I get a bit confused with the cholesterol results - my GP is making me have a test since I told her I had stopped the statins and I intend having that at the beginning of September. However I am really struggling and sadly I have not had the improvement in morning numbers like you have :(. I am dreading the test assuming it will have gone up - my readings were 4 in March but I do not know about the other numbers. Can you tell me what the other numbers are called then I will ask for them next time.
As for my shoulder and thumb pain it is improved but I still have it. Do you know if night sweats can be caused by the statins only I have just realised that I have not had any for a while even with the weather being so hot lately I have been fine. I always thought it was my high sugars.


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Hi @Jude

I only took myself off the statins when I did because I knew I was having that blood test 4 or 6 weeks later. That meant I had a safety net just in case my cholesterol was getting too high again. It had gone up, but not enough to warrant going back on statins. Hopefully my low carb diet will keep it acceptable, if not then I may consider going back on them again, but with a smaller dose.

The cholesterol breakdown you need to ask for is:
Total cholesterol
HDL (good cholesterol)
LDL (bad cholesterol)

Your cholesterol will probably have gone up a bit as you have stopped the statins, which were keeping it down. It all depends what your breakdown is as to whether it is good enough or not so good.

Sorry, but I can't help with the night sweats because I'm lucky enough never to have had them. Having said that, I've never had really high blood sugars. Someone else may be able to answer that for you.

Good news your shoulder and thumb pain is improving.


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Just to add to Bluetit1802 post, these are the levels that they want people with diabetes to aim for:

  • Your total cholesterol level should be below 4.0mmol/l.
  • LDL levels should be less than 2.0mmol/l.
  • HDL levels should be 1.0mmol/l or above in men and 1.2mmol/l or above in women.
  • Triglyceride levels should be 1.7mmol/l or less.
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A quote from Stephanie Seneff.

"People on long-term statin therapy start to notice that their hair is receding faster, they're developing cataracts, they can't hear as well as they used to, they keep forgetting things, they can't open the pickle jar any more, and perhaps they'll need rotator cuff surgery soon, as their shoulders are so sore"

She seems to think hair is affected. The whole article is here so you know I am not making it up.
Squire, she also said this, "Statins are not the answer for anyone seeking to avoid cardiovascular disease. The answer, instead, is to modify the diet to include foods that are rich in cholesterol and saturated fat," So she is saying to do the opposite of what the majority says. What say you?
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Squire, she also said this, "Statins are not the answer for anyone seeking to avoid cardiovascular disease. The answer, instead, is to modify the diet to include foods that are rich in cholesterol and saturated fat," So she is saying to do the opposite of what the majority says. What say you?

Dr Seneff is about as clever as it gets particularly on this subject. From research done elsewhere she seems to be correct. My personal experience with statins also seemed to support what she said about muscle pains and weakness. Professor Feinman takes the view that the body is self correcting and if you eat cholesterol you make less of it yourself but in any case your body will manufacture about 80% of the cholesterol in you. Dr. Briffa and Professor Lustig both advocate fat in order to signal the body to release Leptin which is the hormone that releases triglycerides from the fat cells. Dr Kendrick has challenged the world to furnish him with a reference to one (just one) study linking high cholesterol with heart disease. He also states that consumed fat is processed into triglycerides in the small bowel and enters the bloodstream via the thoracic duct while not going anywhere near the liver. He calls the conventional advice (and I quote here) "The most unutterable balls".

The "majority" were glummed by Ancel Keys who only published numbers that supported his (incorrect) views. In this he has been discredited. A highly respected man who did much good work but wrong about fat etc. The fat advice took such a powerful hold that even Dr. Keys was unable to correct it. It amazes me why the "majority" cling on to the old beliefs without any evidence to support them.