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Hello friends,

I’m very sad to say that most of us have joined the tier 4 party. I’m incredibly bored, tired and frustrated with this, but early Happy new year to everyone!

I got a letter today for my maxillofacial surgery, but annoyingly they need to call me to schedule an appointment. I heard from my work colleagues, that a covid test needs to be done and you need to isolate as well pre surgery?

Diabetes has not been too shabby, not much to report on it.

My New Years resolution is well, I want it to be a life long change - to change my relationship with food and to stop demonising food. If I want a slice of cake, I shouldn’t feel guilty for eating it yknow.

Obviously more exercise, more muscle and strength. I do feel quite weak since I stopped after my hypoglycaemia accidents in the past.
@MeiChanski I had a procedure under general anaesthesic in October and had to have a Covid test and self isolate 3 days before and then self isolate for 2 weeks after as the GA put me at severe risk if I caught Covid. My OH had a procedure under local 3 weeks later and only had to have a Covid test and self isolate 3 days prior. Hopefully 2021 will be a better and less challenging year for you.


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Here's hoping for a better year for us all.

I don't know about 2021 having toddler tantrums but my diabetes is definitely on the stroppy side and can't make up its mind what it wants. It ended 2020 on an unexpected hypo, had a rebound during the night and I don't think I over-treated, but since that sorted I have been on the lower side at every check.

Clearly the three days of cleaning and sorting the entire house pre New Year was far too energetic! I think there's likely to be a lot of working from home and I wanted to sort the room I use for that so it suits Zoom calls and music recording better. Might even get the tax return sorted this end of the month rather than cutting it tight near to the deadline.


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Read this today and was concerned by the potential of a different vaccine for your second dose, and as has already been commented on by someone else, sorry I've forgotten who, the issues that could arise from having second dose later than 21 days after the first. It's feeling very out of control, and that a lot of panic decisions continue to be made.

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Marie 2

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With two different vaccines out there, (in the US anyways) the potential for a different one the second time could be a problem. Plus there are a couple of more that expect to be okayed soon. There is a rush to just get people vaccinated as soon as possible. Our state has given the first round to any medical personal that wants it and is now giving it to first responders. Somewhere in that mix is also people that live in any convalescent homes. I don't know where I fit in, but I am unsure I will or want to get one. They are telling us that if you have had allergic responses to medications, don't take one yet and I definitely have , so that moves me down on the list until they know more.

In my state they are giving you a vaccine card to say which one you got and when you are due for the second dose. If you haven't gotten anything that says which vaccine you got, I would try while it's still "fresh" to find out which you got. If you haven't gotten one yet, then when you do, I would write down the date and which vaccine you get.

I guess if the UK is mixing types, it will be known soon if that works. Seems a little scary.


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@Marie 2 We had a hold on people getting the Pfizer vaccine here in connection with allergies. (Father was included due to his medicine allergies, then given it) This week the advice here is now that the only reason for not having is if you are allergic to the actual contents of the individual vaccine.


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Bigotry, reliance on unsupported 'facts', unkindness, unfairness.
Every time I hear about the next problem that’s been incompetently sent to affect us I feel my blood sugars rising. The Pfizer vaccine is likely, I think, to be less effective if the second dose is given more than 21/28 days after the first. The AZ vaccine may or may not be more effective if the first dose is smaller than the second one, which is to be given 28 days after the first but there’s remarkably little information available on follow up trials. And I want to know. I also really want to know that the process of administering it is one that follows the pattern laid down by the regs.
I’m happy to wait longer for the most effective method of vaccination. Dr Fauci has stated he won’t be following the same pattern as the U.K.


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Morning Karen, morning all. Nothing to report here really, have a good day all.
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How is everyone?

I’m welcoming in the new year with a strict January, really focusing on my health and hope to be able to tick the month of as a job well done at the end! We shall see...

Very sad to hear about the March style lockdown but of course to be expected with that there doesn’t seem to be any slowing down as of yet

I can’t wait to go abroad or to a restaurant but I remind myself that I am just very very lucky to still be here! And that generations have gone through much worse

Thinking of everyone and hope you are staying safe ❤️


Well-Known Member
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Bigotry, reliance on unsupported 'facts', unkindness, unfairness.
Good morning all.
Well here we go again, and in my own opinion it’s too late. Husband’s friend whose helping to find hospital beds has info that tells us this. An ex colleague of husband’s, who we’re relieved is now off a ventilator and recovering, has been moved to a hospital about 80 miles away to make room for the next Covid patient.
I, too, am sad that we’re so restricted @Choosehappy and feel for you not being able to go abroad or to a restaurant. I’m an oldie, so I’ve more of that under my belt than the rest of you, and we’ve both been living a form of lockdown life anyway being both of us in our 70s. We’re not going to risk it. I do wish, though, that it weren’t so wet out. Our lovely next door neighbours got us fish and chips on Sunday night and it’s the first takeaway fish and chips we’ve had for months. It’s not much, but it was a wonderful treat.
I ordered a box of grow your own mushrooms a few weeks ago and set the mycelium going a couple of weeks ago. I gave one to our next door neighbour too. 2021 will be the year of the mushroom babies.