Weekend Weigh-in For Maintenance


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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Diet only
Happy weekend all - hope happy with weekend weight
I’m still at my low figure two weeks on - 8stone 12 pounds or 56.2kg - thankfully no further slippage. I’ve eaten well all week adding in a bit more but not gone up yet. Before this way of eating whenever I upped my eating I would pile weight back on so it’s a funny thing. I used to joke I only have to look at food but of course it was high carb!
I did expect at maintenance to have much more up and down within a certain parameter but I have little movement on the scales which also takes getting used to.
Busy happy family weekend ahead time to work way through my to do list


I'm the same as you @shelley. Look at food ext lol. Well i actually dropped to 56 about 3 days ago and really shoveled in the fats, full avocado, cream, cheeses and nuts and so on and now am 57 again. It's really interesting this maintenance job isn't it. Never thought i would have to try and put on weight.:playful:
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Hi @shelley262

Firmly on this thread now as I try to shift my mindset to maintenance. Am up 0.2kg from last week at 58.8 kg, so about a kilo above my lowest point and similarly from my self-imposed upper limit of 59.5kg.

Still tend to put weight on more easily than I can lose it though!

Have a great weekend with your family.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Bit late logging as was away yesterday so did this morning instead
All good still 8 stone 12 pounds or 56.2kg
Hope everyone has had a good week and managed to maintain their weight. Having now invested in lots of new clothes in sizes 8/10 I need to stay where I am!


Still at 57 kilo's, actually it's down a little under that. Harder to maintain it then to lose it.:hilarious::singing:.Oh who am i kidding, better this way then the other. Rather thin then fatter, but better to be healthier no matter the weight.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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Diet only
Still at 57 kilo's, actually it's down a little under that. Harder to maintain it then to lose it.:hilarious::singing:.Oh who am i kidding, better this way then the other. Rather thin then fatter, but better to be healthier no matter the weight.
It’s a different game maintenance but you’re doing great hope you have a good week


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Morning all. Well, despite ketones dropping (not sure why as carbs very low recently), I’m 0.6 kg lighter than last week. Well within range, at 58.4kg, so happy with that.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hurray it’s the weekend
All good here still 8 stone 12 pounds or 56.2kg
@Goonergal congratulations and interesting about ketones I hadn’t checked mine since mid August as they have been motoring along now since last October when went keto and testing sticks not cheap as you know and it was 1.2 then And 1.5 this morning. I’m really pleased as not fasting for long periods any more but things seem to be going okay and seems to keep my weight stable by having them around that point. I was out yesterday and ate nibbles quite late and don’t normally so feel I got away with it!@Moggely well done on maintaining as think you’ve been fasting more for your bgs recently hard to do and not lose weight that you are keen not to.
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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Hurray it’s the weekend
All good here still 8 stone 12 pounds or 56.2kg
@Goonergal congratulations and interesting about ketones I hadn’t checked mine since mid August as they have been motoring along now since last October when went keto and testing sticks not cheap as you know and it was 1.2 then And 1.3 this morning. I’m really pleased as not fasting for long periods any more but things seem to be going okay and seems to keep my weight stable by having them around that point. I was out yesterday and ate nibbles quite late and don’t normally so feel I got away with it!@Moggely well done on maintaining as think you’ve been fasting more for your bgs recently hard to do and not lose weight that you are keen not to.

Great ketones! Mine have dropped down to 0.6 this morning. I seem to find that I can get away with something - eating later or a bit more than usual - as a once off, but 2 days in a row, no chance!


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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Diet only
Great ketones! Mine have dropped down to 0.6 this morning. I seem to find that I can get away with something - eating later or a bit more than usual - as a once off, but 2 days in a row, no chance!
Do they go up and down for you still @Goonergal ? In early days mine swung widely I’ve even had an 8 in early days and used to average at 3.5 but mine don’t seem to shift up or down much any more which I see more as evidence for me that I’ve got right formula for me for now! I’ve also read that they do lower over time and think you’ve been eating low carb for longer than me?


Retired Moderator
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Do they go up and down for you still @Goonergal ? In early days mine swung widely I’ve even had an 8 in early days and used to average at 3.5 but mine don’t seem to shift up or down much any more which I see more as evidence for me that I’ve got right formula for me for now! I’ve also read that they do lower over time and think you’ve been eating low carb for longer than me?

Interesting. I test roughly once a week and generally they’re between 1.5 and 2.5. Last week they were 0.9 and now 0.6. And this week has been pretty low carb. Who knows?!

Have been v low carb since January 2017 so maybe a bit longer than you.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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Diet only
Interesting. I test roughly once a week and generally they’re between 1.5 and 2.5. Last week they were 0.9 and now 0.6. And this week has been pretty low carb. Who knows?!

Have been v low carb since January 2017 so maybe a bit longer than you.
I didn’t go very low carb until mid october last year so 10 months ago. Did low carb programme so reduced very slowly from September last year.


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Morning. Last week ketones down, weight down. This week ketones up (from 0.6 to 1 so an ideal level) and weight up by 1kg to just under my upper limit 59.4kg (limit is 59.5). Action required this week - ate too much last week.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Happy Saturday all
I’m still not there on the maintenance having lost another pound I am now
8 stone 11 pounds, 55.7kg and BMI 19.8
Notice that since I’ve been working on maintenance over last few months I’ve lost a pound each month - not high numbers I know but really keen not to lose any more so this week need to up my fats a little but not overshoot! Saying this I’m going on my holidays a week tomorrow so could give me holiday leeway.
@Goonergal my ketones are up too to 2.2 from 1.5 a week ago. I normally test once a month but your entry made me check. Sure your weight will settle but at least checking in makes you aware of where you are on your maintenance boundaries to steer you through the week.
Hope all maintainers are maintaining
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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Happy Saturday all
I’m still not there on the maintenance having lost another pound I am now
8 stone 11 pounds, 55.7kg and BMI 19.8
Notice that since I’ve been working on maintenance over last few months I’ve lost a pound each month - not high numbers I know but really keen not to lose any more so this week need to up my fats a little but not overshoot! Saying this I’m going on my holidays a week tomorrow so could give me holiday leeway.
@Goonergal my ketones are up too to 2.2 from 1.5 a week ago. I normally test once a month but your entry made me check. Sure your weight will settle but at least checking in makes you aware of where you are on your maintenance boundaries to steer you through the week.
Hope all maintainers are maintaining

Maybe we need to follow each other’s meal plans! Have just planned in meals up to the end of Thursday.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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Diet only
Maybe we need to follow each other’s meal plans! Have just planned in meals up to the end of Thursday.
I couldn’t cope with your much longer periods of fasting though! I very rarely feel hungry these days eating three meals and so never trigger overeating which for me is very important I just need to add in a bit more I think to my three small meals which seem to suit me in lots of ways. Didn’t feel hunger when fasted whilst losing weight as I was being fed by my own fat but need to supply a bit more incoming fat so I don’t burn any more of the internal stuff - well I think so it’s a bit of a make it up as you go along. All I do know is that I’ve never in all my adult life got down to this weight - struggling to keep at a lower weight in the past has always been slowly but steadily putting it back again. So know that for me this is right way of eating I just need a few more tweaks!


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
I couldn’t cope with your much longer periods of fasting though! I very rarely feel hungry these days eating three meals and so never trigger overeating which for me is very important I just need to add in a bit more I think to my three small meals which seem to suit me in lots of ways. Didn’t feel hunger when fasted whilst losing weight as I was being fed by my own fat but need to supply a bit more incoming fat so I don’t burn any more of the internal stuff - well I think so it’s a bit of a make it up as you go along. All I do know is that I’ve never in all my adult life got down to this weight - struggling to keep at a lower weight in the past has always been slowly but steadily putting it back again. So know that for me this is right way of eating I just need a few more tweaks!

I might have to give your way a go as I do end up over eating now that fasting has become harder. It’s been all about driving BG down, but maybe I’m getting a tad obsessed with that: now that it’s so well controlled maybe I should focus on the weight/eating patterns.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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Diet only
I might have to give your way a go as I do end up over eating now that fasting has become harder. It’s been all about driving BG down, but maybe I’m getting a tad obsessed with that: now that it’s so well controlled maybe I should focus on the weight/eating patterns.
Think when you eat over a longer period your bgs readings may be a tad higher - well mine are but I don’t have any big swings down or up so again think that helps re the hunger too. My view is that at hbaca1 30 I have room to work it out and if it goes up a point or two in November at next check it would still be excellent and normal. Having said this mysugr is still predicting 30 and it was predicting nearly 32 at my last hbaca1 at which I got a 30. So it’s clearly not gone up overall I don’t think. We’ve got to work out what works and is sustainable for our futures with a steady eye on any significant increases. I don’t swing as dramatically down on bgs but my bgs are very very stable all day so don’t swing upwards either. Good luck with your experiments hope you manage to find a way forwardthat works for you.