Weekly weigh in - Fridays


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Have had a few days under 72kg. Hoping it sticks this time. (My new piece of diabetic technology, the tandem tslim x2 insulin pump, is helping keep my bgs down, which always seems to help with reducing weight gain, even if it doesn't necessarily promote weight loss.)
Yay, that is great, Ellie! I hope it sticks too. Yes, I have noticed that if my BG is under control, then my weight is better. Interesting stuff!
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Spicy food which is too hot. Nasty people who have no idea on your life journey but feel the need to comment and be cruel.
A shocking week and it doesn't seem to be getting better. Stressful. Eating when not eating would be good.
212.2 plus 2.4lbs
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A shocking week and it doesn't seem to be getting better. Stressful. Eating when not eating would be good.
212.2 plus 2.4lbs
I am sorry about your bad week, Filly, stress gets to me too and I do have a habit of comfort eating which I am trying hard to break! I hope things improve for you.
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Hi everyone - how are you all doing? I managed to lose 2lbs this week which is a relief after not losing anything last week and to be honest, I have done nothing different apart from getting my steps in and eating low carb within my calorie range.

Anyway, it finally feels a bit more like spring now and I do feel that weight loss is easier in the warmer months, do you?
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May Mic

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Down 1 this week. I'm going to be more proactive this week. I'm tired of bouncing around the same 2 lbs.
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This week's average 91.2kg (last week's 92.1kg, difference -0.9kg). Trending in the right direction.

Today's weigh-in 91.4kg (last Friday's 91.7kg., -0.3kg). Daily ups and downs, slowly but trending in the right direction.

Current target 80kg. 11.4kg to go from today.

I have been quite relaxed about what I eat, mostly focused on lowering the carb content of my meals. Have now re-read Michael Moseley's The Fast 800 Keto and am planning to do Stage 1 of his approach (staying low carb at <50g a day, making sure I get at least 50g protein and keep my overall daily calories at 800-900 a day). I'm already doing carbs and protein, minus calorie restriction.Hopefully, this accelerates me to where I want to get to.

Edit: Just to add, another weight loss related uldate was that I have now discontinued Gliclazide, which can contribute to weight gain or slow weight loss. Hopefully, this gives me another boost.
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A shocking week and it doesn't seem to be getting better. Stressful. Eating when not eating would be good.
212.2 plus 2.4lbs
I'm sorry to hear you are having a rough week and hope next week is a better one.
I also find that often, it is stress that drives me to poor food choices - either I'm too proccupied with other stuff and just don't pay attention to what I eat or use food to comfort myself. I've been lucky to have a couple of weeks off work, but Monday comes, and it will all be back - work, studies, school runs, other commitments... Haven't found a solution apart from trying to shift my mindset to where I can accept that world will happily carry on even if I do stop and take care of myself and that instead of seeing it as being selfish it is the right thing to do.
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This week's average is 90.3kg (last week's 91.2kg, a steady difference of -0.9kg). Weight keeps trending in the right direction.

Today's weigh-in 89.9kg (last Friday's 91.4kg., -1.5kg). I can't remember time when I was below 90kg mark!

Current target 80kg. 9.9kg to go from today. If the weight loss remains stable, I should get there in 11-12 weeks.

I only half-implemented my plan to go on Fast 800 Keto. But I have been off Gliclazide for a week now.


Well-Known Member
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Diet only
Spicy food which is too hot. Nasty people who have no idea on your life journey but feel the need to comment and be cruel.
Still a bit stressful and sugars not quite where I would like.

Weight down a tad. 211.3 -0.9


Well-Known Member
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Good morning everyone - I managed to lose 2lb this week, which gets me very close to my next goal. Then I have to seriously think about my final goal. :)

Well done @IanBish @TheSecretCarbAddict @filly @May Mic and commiserations @Keith Saunders

I have to post and dash - I will pop back later as I see I missed some comments last week, apologies for that!