Weekly weigh in - Fridays


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I weigh every day, which can be unnerving. Still, I feel the need to do it…for now. I’m down 2 pounds for a total loss of 80. I haven’t reached my goal weight yet, but am close. Right now I want to focus on building muscle and core strength, though. I think my calories are too low. Need to increase them.


Well-Known Member
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I weigh every day, which can be unnerving. Still, I feel the need to do it…for now. I’m down 2 pounds for a total loss of 80. I haven’t reached my goal weight yet, but am close. Right now I want to focus on building muscle and core strength, though. I think my calories are too low. Need to increase them.
Yay, another 2lbs off - that is fabulous. It is hard to balance increased exercise performance with weight loss, especially muscle building. I think adding in as much more protein as you can, may help. If you go to a gym and if there is a trainer there who is knowledgeable about these things, they would probably be able to give you some great pointers. Let us know what you find out, I would be very interested, too.


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At least that is better than gaining, Ian, and you now know how to maintain, which is the hardest part of weight loss, I have found over the years!
Thanks, but I'm not at a weight that I want to maintain.
I'm right in that zone as well. Maintaining is not necessarily a bad thing. I think of it as stableizing before continuing the journey.
Maybe I should think of it that way too.


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I remembered to weigh myself on Friday morning but then forgot to post it on here lol! I lost 1.6lbs this week!

I have a meniscus tear on my right knee @Prancy as well. Wakes me up in the night! I’ve ordered a tens machine as my last one has stopped working and it really helped, along with this physio on YouTube with a great set of exercises for a meniscus tear that have really helped me.


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My knee (2 yr old torn meniscus) has been bothering me lately…..this does not fit into my fitness plan. Oh boy. I may need to keep my calories low, if I can’t do cardio.
Oh no! That is a nuisance - can you go swimming instead or does cycling bother it at all? It is hard to keep the calories low once you have lost a significant amount of weight because our TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) goes down considerably.
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Well-Known Member
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I remembered to weigh myself on Friday morning but then forgot to post it on here lol! I lost 1.6lbs this week!

I have a meniscus tear on my right knee @Prancy as well. Wakes me up in the night! I’ve ordered a tens machine as my last one has stopped working and it really helped, along with this physio on YouTube with a great set of exercises for a meniscus tear that have really helped me.
Yay - well done on a great loss this week, Miss Muffett - and for remembering to weigh, even if you did forget to post here!


Well-Known Member
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I remembered to weigh myself on Friday morning but then forgot to post it on here lol! I lost 1.6lbs this week!

I have a meniscus tear on my right knee @Prancy as well. Wakes me up in the night! I’ve ordered a tens machine as my last one has stopped working and it really helped, along with this physio on YouTube with a great set of exercises for a meniscus tear that have really helped me.
I’ll try the exercises! Thanks for that video! PT has helped me before…quite a bit. I’ve had ITBS too. Also, my Primary recommended a piece of equipment to for my knee at the gym, that until now has really helped. It’s like I need that exercise, for my knee, every 2 days, apparently. When I miss, it acts up. And, I was thinking of getting a tens unit. Will do it soon!

Mine hasn’t awakened me up before. I was scheduled for surgery , but got better, got a second opinion and cancelled surgery. I hope to avoid surgery. How long have you had yours?
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Oh no! That is a nuisance - can you go swimming instead or does cycling bother it at all? It is hard to keep the calories low once you have lost a significant amount of weight because our TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) goes down considerably.
Swimming is an option, but it brings issues. I could swim at the gym pool, but I wear an insulin pump that has a built-in cgm.( Medtronic 780)I can remove it for short periods of time, but it has to stay near me, so I have to figure a way to secure it safely near my pool lane, ensuring it doesn’t get stepped on, wet, etc. While I’m swimming. It’s just a hassle I was trying to avoid. Plus, I color my hair and have to get into a cap….just a lot of extra work. Right now, I’m very busy at work, while trying to do increased care for my senior parents. Mom is suffering hip issue rught now. But, eventually, the swimming is a great idea. I love swimming. I swam in college and have some since then. I’ll need to figure out the pool situation at some point though. It’s a great exerise. Thanks for the suggestion.


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Happy Friday!

This week's average is 83.3kg (last week's 83.7kg, a difference of -0.4kg).

Today's weigh-in was 82.8kg (last Friday's 82.4 kg., +0.4kg). Current target 80kg. 2.8kg to go from today.

The overall trend is still moving in the right direction, but I haven't quite managed to get out of my yo-yo pattern. Feels like I'm playing a tug of war with my body and not quite sure who is winning yet.


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I think we have all struggled this week, I only lost a third of a pound as well.

At least we are all in the game still, whether we have lost a smidge, gained a smidge, we are at least watching our scales and keeping accountable.

Here is to a better week for us all!


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I didn’t lose anything this week! I’m not too bothered though. I bought 2 pair of bike shorts on Friday that are 2 sizes smaller than the last pair I bought! I’m eating right, working out and managing my diabetes as best I can. This is enough. Hopefully, the pounds will gradually leave. Maybe, next week. Regardless, I’m enjoying my healthy lifestyle and living my best life everyday.

Congrats to those who are working hard and focusing on your health. This is a good thing!


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I've plateaued ever since I posted about losing a stone and a half since January! All of May, basically, on the level of gaining and losing the same couple of pounds.

This is actually a bit of a win for me though, as I've been off the wagon more than on it this month. I expected to gain more, so I'm happy about the weight but cross with myself for letting the carbs in.

I want to lose about half a stone in the next four weeks, so will be trying to stick to keto/carnivore.