What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


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okra. Cigarette smoke, old, new, and permeating a room, wafting from a balcony, etc etc. That I have so many chronic diseases. That I take so very many meds. Being cold. Anything too loud, but specifically non-classical music and the television.
@Rachox is “mature” less than “well aged”? Tee hee. I like my cheddar ancient!
@Kingmidas that is a relief to know! I’d imagined you had to sit still through the whole process! When he older son was 14, he wanted his dark very strong hair bleached for a summer swim league champs thing (something about having team blue hair maybe) and had to sit still for a good 60 minutes so the foamy junk wouldn’t fall out of his hair. It just about killed hyperactive him; it was really funny to listen to him suffer! Poor kid is going very slowly bald now at nearly 32....even though he is adopted, he got that from my side. ;)
@Emma_369 your wedding band snapped?!?? What were you doing, lifting automobiles with your bare hands?
Bfast 1/2 avocado with a tiny dab of the basil pesto we’re trying to get rid of, 2 cherry tomatoes, egg, decaf/soy/cream
Lunch 1.5 Dr Pepper flavor seltzers, the half poured into a half empty mug of decaf. It was...interesting...
Hard fast 3 mile walk. Trying to train to keep up with the crowd on next week’s “lighthouse walks” which are composed entirely of very long steep hills. For which the crowd has the lungs and hearts to sail up and down. Genetics’ll gitcha every time.
Supper celery, 2 cherry toms, and a cool dish of wilted spinach, tin of sardines, hm sour cream dijon balsamic vinaigrette, and a little very creamy blue type cheese. I have to figure out how to stop the spoon after I finish the planned meal. I had some (more than 3) little spoonlets of almond butter with equal butter. I did not need ANY of it and my belly is complaining now, of course. Urrgh. Try again tomorrow!
I had a rewarding little fashion parade for myself this afternoon and identified 2 summer skirts and 4 summer and/or concert-wear pants worthy of alteration, and 6 pants and jeans that went to the Goodwill pile. Clever me to save the linen things from back when you could actually get nice linen at Target, of all places.
My wedding band is too small ever to fall off! My goal is to be able to GET it off outdoors in the summer. I could do that the first 10 years of my marriage.


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okra. Cigarette smoke, old, new, and permeating a room, wafting from a balcony, etc etc. That I have so many chronic diseases. That I take so very many meds. Being cold. Anything too loud, but specifically non-classical music and the television.
Haha @Goonergal I just stole your peanut butter ( almond ) chocolate bars to make on vacation. No erythritol so everyone will still love me.
Edit- my almond butter is still runny when refrigerated. Should one use hydrogenated ordinary supermarket peanut butter or do the chocolate and butter set it up well enough without more help?
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Retired Moderator
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Haha @Goonergal I just stole your peanut butter ( almond ) chocolate bars to make on vacation. No erythritol so everyone will still love me.
Edit- my almond butter is still runny when refrigerated. Should one use hydrogenated ordinary supermarket peanut butter or do the chocolate and butter set it up well enough without more help?

Not sure. My almond butter is solid (not hard but not runny either) at room temperature. It’s supermarket bought but not hydrogenated, just nuts. Once mixed with the butter etc it’s runny but it all set in about an hour in the fridge. Ideal scenario for a test run :D

Beware they are seriously moreish.


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@Rachox is “mature” less than “well aged”? Tee hee. I like my cheddar ancient!
@Kingmidas that is a relief to know! I’d imagined you had to sit still through the whole process! When he older son was 14, he wanted his dark very strong hair bleached for a summer swim league champs thing (something about having team blue hair maybe) and had to sit still for a good 60 minutes so the foamy junk wouldn’t fall out of his hair. It just about killed hyperactive him; it was really funny to listen to him suffer! Poor kid is going very slowly bald now at nearly 32....even though he is adopted, he got that from my side. ;)
@Emma_369 your wedding band snapped?!?? What were you doing, lifting automobiles with your bare hands?
Bfast 1/2 avocado with a tiny dab of the basil pesto we’re trying to get rid of, 2 cherry tomatoes, egg, decaf/soy/cream
Lunch 1.5 Dr Pepper flavor seltzers, the half poured into a half empty mug of decaf. It was...interesting...
Hard fast 3 mile walk. Trying to train to keep up with the crowd on next week’s “lighthouse walks” which are composed entirely of very long steep hills. For which the crowd has the lungs and hearts to sail up and down. Genetics’ll gitcha every time.
Supper celery, 2 cherry toms, and a cool dish of wilted spinach, tin of sardines, hm sour cream dijon balsamic vinaigrette, and a little very creamy blue type cheese. I have to figure out how to stop the spoon after I finish the planned meal. I had some (more than 3) little spoonlets of almond butter with equal butter. I did not need ANY of it and my belly is complaining now, of course. Urrgh. Try again tomorrow!
I had a rewarding little fashion parade for myself this afternoon and identified 2 summer skirts and 4 summer and/or concert-wear pants worthy of alteration, and 6 pants and jeans that went to the Goodwill pile. Clever me to save the linen things from back when you could actually get nice linen at Target, of all places.
My wedding band is too small ever to fall off! My goal is to be able to GET it off outdoors in the summer. I could do that the first 10 years of my marriage.

If you figure out how to stop the spoonlets please let me know, I don’t seem to have a stop button when preparing my own meals either.
Great results with your wardrobe revamp, it’s so encouraging to fit into long lost clothes you thought you’d grown out of isn’t it?
Glad your daughter is feeling better, that must have been a very scary episode. Well done for food choices though, you’ve done brilliantly, especially considering the extra strain you’re under.

Sad but true about hospitals being pretty unhealthy.
My daughter is currently on placement at an adult mental health secure unit. The patients have supervised visits to the shop where they can buy snacks etc. She says there are no healthy snacks available at all, it is all sweets chocolate and crisps, the sad thing is that most of the patients are diabetic, often due to the meds they are on. They are there because of their mental health, but their physical health is allowed to deteriorate alarmingly.
Regarding hospital being unhealthy, I was on a gastro ward a couple of years back with gallstones. You have to avoid fats as they cause loads of pain and other issues. The vending machines contained nothing but chocolate bars and crisps! Also the menu was exactly the same as the rest of the hospital had. There was no guidance given to patients regarding making choices from the menu and I never saw a dietitian once. Two years on, my daughter has been in hospital with pneumonia and my husband and I have been at her bedside. Husband is type 2, and I still can’t eat a lot of fatty food. All that was available was sandwiches, chocolate bars and crisps. First day husband had egg sandwich in white bread (no wholemeal option) and I had a bag of ‘baked’ crisps. Day two we bought chicken and rice salads from Waitrose on the way to hospital. Day three walked across huge site to find ‘restaurant’ closed at three in afternoon. Had to settle for chicken sandwiches. Day four took in a ‘ no carb ploughmans’ from the blood sugar diet book. Seems ridiculous that a place that should be promoting healthy options seems to be doing the opposite. Noticed a lot of the nurses were overweight or obese despite their strenuous jobs! No surprise!! The NHS could save a fortune and a lot of misery by employing preventative medicine. Surely the only foods available in hospitals should be a variety of healthy options?


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Diet only
Good morning all, just catching up after attending a funeral on Wednesday.
Brunch; two boiled eggs with a bit of spinach in a small plastic pot from a motorway M&S and a bottle of sparkling water.
Dinner; buffet at the wake; chicken, the innards of a couple of sausage rolls and slices of pork pie and salad stuff. Quite a lot of wine and a good try with some scotch with my cousins well into the night. I may have scoffed some cheese into the bargain.

Breakfast; two slices of bacon, a saussage a slice of black pudding and two poached eggs. Lots of tea and koffy.
Dinner at a very good Italian restaurant; some charcuterie (hams, beefs, seafood, cheese) followed by saltimbocca. A couple of glasses of wine, espresso and sambucca.

Must go home today and get back to reality.


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@zauberflote i wish I could say I was doing something like that when it snapped. I rarely wore it as kept getting an allergic reaction to it even though it claims to be white gold same as my engagement. But then I tried it again, was ironing and it literally just fell apart. Thankfully my marriage is a little stronger than the ring ;)


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Diet only
"Brisket's Last Reprieve" out now at a cinema near you! :joyful: I agree with you about the fat. I've never been happy with supermarket brisket...always something to buy from a good butcher.
Butchers are very niche round here even in a huge agricultural area. This is mainly arable and livestock is now reared for local supermarkets. The county is dotted with market towns where butchers have all but disappeared consumed by supermarkets. What is left are high end farm to plate outlets and farmers markets - £20 chickens and all. I can buy Ostrich, crocodile,buffalo, zebra and plenty of game but not brisket. That piece came from a well known supermarket with partners.


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Hello...im new here.....a few questions:-
1. Am i right in thinking I can eat as much bacon and egg as i want and it wont affect my BG?
2. Is it possible to die by overdose from bacon? (this one i need to know)
3. How much bacon is too much bacon?

On a serious note, i have been reading through this post and some of the recipe ideas sound delish..cant wait to try

Hi @res1492 and welcome to the thread :D

1 you can eat bacon and eggs as often as you like without significant blood glucose impact. So long as you don't add bread or other carbs, which WILL have significant blood glucose impact. :)

2 there has been a lot of publicity recently about how processed meats (incl bacon) may be detrimental to the health, and may cause cancer, particularly bowel cancer. We all have to make up our own minds on this. Me? I looked at the original studies on this, and came to the conclusion that the risk had been massively over exaggerated, and for the amount of bacon I eat (maybe 4 rashers a week), it wouldn't be something I would worry about. Your mileage may vary, expecially if you buy cheap bacon with lots of chemicals, and eat 6 tonnes of it a week. ;)

3 no idea. :bag:


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Regarding hospital being unhealthy, I was on a gastro ward a couple of years back with gallstones. You have to avoid fats as they cause loads of pain and other issues. The vending machines contained nothing but chocolate bars and crisps! Also the menu was exactly the same as the rest of the hospital had. There was no guidance given to patients regarding making choices from the menu and I never saw a dietitian once. Two years on, my daughter has been in hospital with pneumonia and my husband and I have been at her bedside. Husband is type 2, and I still can’t eat a lot of fatty food. All that was available was sandwiches, chocolate bars and crisps. First day husband had egg sandwich in white bread (no wholemeal option) and I had a bag of ‘baked’ crisps. Day two we bought chicken and rice salads from Waitrose on the way to hospital. Day three walked across huge site to find ‘restaurant’ closed at three in afternoon. Had to settle for chicken sandwiches. Day four took in a ‘ no carb ploughmans’ from the blood sugar diet book. Seems ridiculous that a place that should be promoting healthy options seems to be doing the opposite. Noticed a lot of the nurses were overweight or obese despite their strenuous jobs! No surprise!! The NHS could save a fortune and a lot of misery by employing preventative medicine. Surely the only foods available in hospitals should be a variety of healthy options?
Don't get me started on the options on offer on the diabetic ward at our local hospital! My husband was admitted for several days last year at the time of his initial diagnosis. Some of the unhealthiest items were flagged as suitable for diabetics! It was shocking to say the least! :arghh:
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I really hope I dont need to go to hospital or I will starve. It was bad enough a few years ago before dx. Anyway todays food
Breakfast: usual 1 slice HiLo toast, tea.
Lunch: Little Gem leaves, 3 cherry toms, 1 tablsp Waldorf salad, 2 cubes cheddar, small avocado.
Supper will be sirloin steak, mushrooms and Little Gem.
Found a bottle of Ribera del Deuro wine in Sainsburys to accompany the steak.

Btw cooks the Waitrose Illustrated March issue has some interesting recipes. The Potato and Black Pudding dish would work by using celeriac instead of potatoes. A couple of nice salmon dishes, roasted cauliflower with lime, and a quick jam using frozen berries and obs swap the sugar for xylitol or other.


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Hi all. After a bit of advice from those of you more experienced at cooking and substituting ingredients than me. The attached recipe was posted on a carnivore page on Facebook. Appeals but quantities are enormous - by my calculations about 900g of pork scratchings alone!!! Or about 20 packs of the M&S brand!

According to the guy who posted it makes two very thick 12 inch pizza bases. Would like to scale down to a thin 7 inch but no idea where to start.

Any ideas? Thanks.
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okra. Cigarette smoke, old, new, and permeating a room, wafting from a balcony, etc etc. That I have so many chronic diseases. That I take so very many meds. Being cold. Anything too loud, but specifically non-classical music and the television.
Aha!!! There is a setting in CMT that allowed me to let my shared recipes be shown with my editing! I hope it works.
@dunelm I’m sorry for your loss, but it sounds like family had a good time regardless.
@Emma_369 what a weird thing! Metal fatigue maybe? And maybe the band had more nickel in it than the engagement? Just...weird.
@PenguinMum I’ve been lucky in hospitals so far - all admissions have been planned. I learned my lesson after the first long stay: Pack Own Food!
@Goonergal you’re asking for advanced arithmetic here :hilarious: !!! Area of 12” pizza crust is...113”^2. Volume of “thick” I have no idea. Area of 7” crust 38.5”^2. 38.5 is what percent of 113=34%.
So for starters use 1/3 listed ingredients and See What Happens!! You might have enough for two crusts, depending on his and your definitions of thick and thin, but it would freeze well raw, it looks like. Please, anybody who is good at this, check my work!!!!!!!


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Aha!!! There is a setting in CMT that allowed me to let my shared recipes be shown with my editing! I hope it works.
@dunelm I’m sorry for your loss, but it sounds like family had a good time regardless.
@Emma_369 what a weird thing! Metal fatigue maybe? And maybe the band had more nickel in it than the engagement? Just...weird.
@PenguinMum I’ve been lucky in hospitals so far - all admissions have been planned. I learned my lesson after the first long stay: Pack Own Food!
@Goonergal you’re asking for advanced arithmetic here :hilarious: !!! Area of 12” pizza crust is...113”^2. Volume of “thick” I have no idea. Area of 7” crust 38.5”^2. 38.5 is what percent of 113=34%.
So for starters use 1/3 listed ingredients and See What Happens!! You might have enough for two crusts, depending on his and your definitions of thick and thin, but it would freeze well raw, it looks like. Please, anybody who is good at this, check my work!!!!!!!

Thanks. Don’t have any toppings in stock so will be a job for another day, but at least something to go on.
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@Goonergal I doubt it matters much so long as you keep proportions so its not too dry or sloppy. I’d probably start by using 1/3 of the ingredients like @zauberflote says. You can always make it thinner or thicker as you see how it’s working out.
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Evening everyone.
I might make a trip to Waitrose tomorrow @PenguinMum. I used to love their mag. Also I have an £8 off voucher that needs using up.

Breakfast today was DD breakfast sandwich

Lunch: 1/2 a PhD bar, still got a bit of a spike though so I’m not trying again. I must be sensitive to maltitol.

D: kobi keema ( mince and cabbage dry curry) with 2 DD garlic naan breads, then sf jelly& cream.

Decaf coffee as soon as I can be bothered to get up and make it.


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I’ve never taken to pork rinds as an ingredient in cooking, and a base made of them and mayo... not filling me with enthusiasm...
But I am TOTALLY open to you doing all the experimenting and then telling me how delicious it is. :D

No B or L, then
D: a big pork stir fry with Chinese spices, garlic and ginger.
I had meat, Mr B had lots of little veggie things

A hungry day of 3 meals
B: pork sausage meat, pan fried in a slab
L: a dab of goatsmilk yog with peanut butter
D: a lamb mince burglar

Made another batch of them.
2 kg of 20% fat lamb mince, 2 eggs, a dash of worcestershire, a sprinkle of garlic and onion powders, salt and pepper. Freezing the remainder in 250g blobs in the freezer.


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No reason other than doing other things so didn't eat until 3.45 when I snacked 2 cheesey dumplings and 2 slices of brisket - very hungry. Around 5.30 usual big salad with mackerel in EVO. 2 hard boiled eggs and avocado with lots of Chia seed. No better rhyme or reason to that than it was what I wanted when my body told me it was time to feed. Lots of tea and a mug of cocoa. Fancy acronym for that is BICD:angelic:


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Hi all. After a bit of advice from those of you more experienced at cooking and substituting ingredients than me. The attached recipe was posted on a carnivore page on Facebook. Appeals but quantities are enormous - by my calculations about 900g of pork scratchings alone!!! Or about 20 packs of the M&S brand!

According to the guy who posted it makes two very thick 12 inch pizza bases. Would like to scale down to a thin 7 inch but no idea where to start.

Any ideas? Thanks.
View attachment 31728

Saw this also and was quite intrigued. I agree that the ingredients list looks a bit much. My initial thoughts is to cut all the ingredients by a third and make a pizza enough for me and Mrs Miggins. This gets us down to 300g of pork scratchings (about 7 bags). From there, I think that a two thirds of these could be substitiude with almond flour and maybe a bit of ghee to increase fat content. So, I would want to get this to just two bags of pork scratchings and two eggs so am planning to play with it this weekend. Does that make any sense?
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