What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


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difficult to post. In the Netherlands this week and only a phone and sausages for fingers.

breakfast, bacon and eggs
Dinner, out. we chose the three course "surprise menu" - you then say what you can't eat, and chef does the rest. two of us T2 and one
meal was superb. mine;
An amuse bouche of a wonderful home made pate with a few cranberries. starter of shrimp salad,
tussendoor (translates to intercourse) of a single low carb ravioli with truffles, main, a duck breast.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Thank you. The cereal stuff is OK though right?
They're all too high for me and most others who are low carbing. Only way to find out if you can tolerate something is to try it. Test your BGs before then 2 hours later. If you want to see if it spikes you test at 1 hr too.
When most of us started out we tested a lot to find out the effect of different foods on our BGs. Now I just test morning and evening or when I try something new. I do use a Libre sensor though if I'm not going to be in control of cooking my food i.e. holidays etc.
Substitute berries for banana. Berries are usually OK. Check out dietdoctor.com - loads of useful info there.


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(These numbers might be higher than I’ve calculated as I don’t trust the accuracy of calorie/macro counting apps.)

Stirfry of 600g Napa cabbage and 290g “five star” lean beef mince (apparently either 90% lean/10% fat or 95/5, cannot get a good confirmation of this and no nutritional info on Aldi packaging) with 1 tbsp laksa paste, seasoned with onion and garlic powder, salt and pepper. I had a 120g hass avocado for dessert.

Meal (and calorie intake for day) apparently 704 but I don’t believe it’s really that low, I deliberately give myself a big margin of error for inaccuracy and mistakes. Probably more like 1000-1100. Net carbs were 31.5 which is shockingly high I know, but I was so hungry and wanted to pad my meal out with something low calorie and low fat/protein so went hard on the cabbage.

Reading before eating was 4.4. Two hours after (including 30 minutes cardio) was 4.1.


Type of diabetes
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People who think they know everything.
Hi everybody - I’m a new T2. Nobody seems to eat cereal - Is shredded wheat with 1/2 banana not good for breakfast?

I don't think that anyone who regularly posts on this thread would eat shredded wheat with banana - far too many carbs for my body to cope with but you might be different. You need to test and see if it's okay.

I try to have as low carb a breakfast as I can: bacon and eggs, kippers and scrambled eggs, low carb sausages, cheese or skip breakfast completely.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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People who think they know everything.
(These numbers might be higher than I’ve calculated as I don’t trust the accuracy of calorie/macro counting apps.)

Stirfry of 600g Napa cabbage and 290g “five star” lean beef mince (apparently either 90% lean/10% fat or 95/5, cannot get a good confirmation of this and no nutritional info on Aldi packaging) with 1 tbsp laksa paste, seasoned with onion and garlic powder, salt and pepper. I had a 120g hass avocado for dessert.

Meal (and calorie intake for day) apparently 704 but I don’t believe it’s really that low, I deliberately give myself a big margin of error for inaccuracy and mistakes. Probably more like 1000-1100. Net carbs were 31.5 which is shockingly high I know, but I was so hungry and wanted to pad my meal out with something low calorie and low fat/protein so went hard on the cabbage.

Reading before eating was 4.4. Two hours after (including 30 minutes cardio) was 4.1.

Are you keeping your calories so low because you're doing the New Castle diet with real food or Michael Mosley diet? If you're low carbing then you need to pad your meal out with healthy fats or maybe extra protein.


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People who think they know everything.
Today is empty fridge Thursday (the day before my monthly food shopping marathon), so not a lot of fresh food choices going on here...

Breakfast: bacon and cheese omelette (last of bacon, last of cheddar, last of eggs)
Lunch: last of the Brie followed by blackberries and last of full fat Turkish yoghurt
Dinner: Morrison's lamb ribs and hopefully a bit of salad if there's any left after Mr C makes his salad work meal - if not then I will just enjoy the ribs on their own
Drinks: usual black decaff coffee and still spring water


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@Chook No just because I’ve still got quite a bit of weight to lose. I don’t mean any offence by this as I know there are some very evangelical and passionate supporters on this forum, but I don’t trust that a diet high in fat or protein is safe for me as a type 2 diabetic. Keeping my blood sugar low doesn’t mean much if I eat myself into fatty liver or hardened arteries, or wreck my kidneys because my diabetic body doesn’t process fats and protein like a healthy one can. My position on this may change, but for now I don’t want to give myself false hope.

As you can see I had PLENTY of protein today, and a fat bomb in the form of the avocado. I know I’ll have to decide for myself between eating more fat and risking liver and heart disease, or eating more protein and risking kidney disease, if I want to keep my carbs low.
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@Chook No just because I’ve still got quite a bit of weight to lose. I don’t mean any offence by this as I know there are some very evangelical and passionate supporters on this forum, but I don’t trust that a diet high in fat or protein is safe for me as a type 2 diabetic. Keeping my blood sugar low doesn’t mean much if I eat myself into fatty liver or hardened arteries, or wreck my kidneys because my diabetic body doesn’t process fats and protein like a healthy one can. My position on this may change, but for now I don’t want to give myself false hope.

As you can see I had PLENTY of protein today, and a fat bomb in the form of the avocado. I know I’ll have to decide for myself between eating more fat and risking liver and heart disease, or eating more protein and risking kidney disease, if I want to keep my carbs low.

I would suggest that you do a lot more research on what really causes fatty liver (carbs, fructose and alcohol) and what causes atherosclerosis (insulinaemia, metabolic syndrome, chronic inflammation, hereditory factors, lack of vit k2).

Eating a well formulated LCHF diet will not cause those things, and instead will reduce a fatty liver and actually reduce insulin levels over time.
Eating protein does not cause kidney damage, as shown by a swathe of recent studies.

I suggest you read Jason Fung (either the books or his excellent free blog Intensive Dietary Management) and watch Ivor Cummins’ youtube lectures. Also Prof. Ken Sikaris on cholesterol.

And i strongly urge you to be more selective in the other reading you are doing. Your posts often quote theories and ‘knowledge’ that have been debunked and disproven years ago.

Fung will give clarity on the consequences of long term calorie restriction.

Edited to add chronic inflammation as a factor in the development of heart disease.

Today, my eating:
B: scrambled egg with smoked salmon, and a disappointing mouthful of avocado.
L: maybe nothing, maybe Wensleydale
D: lamb shank, cooked with its siblings in the Instant Pot. May use my little pack of Moroccan spices. Or red wine and rosemary. Jury is still out.
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@Brunneria I totally understand there’s a LOT of research out there advocating for different diets and agendas, and that there are very passionate and evangelical supporters of LCHF here, who I certainly don’t want to offend! :)

I’m only two and a bit weeks into life knowing I have this disease and at this point it is better for my mental health - which has taken a massive downturn - to assume a “worst case scenario” (for want of a better word) than feel like I’m setting myself up for disappointment (and further damage) it I trust it’s ok to eat certain foods and it turns out not to be.

Reading the positive stories and experiences on this forum has been very helpful and will hopefully help me get perspective. But for the time being I am still reeling and have stopped envisaging a future - not just because of the diabetes, it’s just the most recent in a series of things. I may need to take a break from this forum for a while, and from all the internet reading I’ve been doing as I know it doesn’t change anything.

Hope this makes sense! :)
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@Brunneria I totally understand there’s a LOT of research out there advocating for different diets and agendas, and that there are very passionate and evangelical supporters of LCHF here, who I certainly don’t want to offend! :)

I’m only two and a bit weeks into life knowing I have this disease and at this point it is better for my mental health - which has taken a massive downturn - to assume a “worst case scenario” (for want of a better word) than feel like I’m setting myself up for disappointment (and further damage) it I trust it’s ok to eat certain foods and it turns out not to be.

Reading the positive stories and experiences on this forum has been very helpful and will hopefully help me get perspective. But for the time being I am still reeling and have stopped envisaging a future - not just because of the diabetes, it’s just the most recent in a series of things. I may need to take a break from this forum for a while, and from all the internet reading I’ve been doing as I know it doesn’t change anything.

Hope this makes sense! :)

It can be overwhelming, in the beginning.
However, I do urge you to be more selective in the information sources you use. It is very easy to click on link after link in a down-the-rabbithole way. And confirmation bias is a magnetic lure. But both things are usually more harm than help.

Anyway, apologies to everyone.
We have derailed this thread enough.
Lets get back to our massively mutual love affair with food.


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People who think they know everything.
Yay..... my Kimchi finally arrived so I WILL be having veg with the lamb for dinner. The Kimchi smells and tastes amazing - even the dogs were interested (not that I'm sharing it with them)!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Yay..... my Kimchi finally arrived so I WILL be having veg with the lamb for dinner. The Kimchi smells and tastes amazing - even the dogs were interested (not that I'm sharing it with them)!

I tried kimchi for the first time today too! Found it in a little artisan type food shop when I was out. Wasn’t sure about the smell in the beginning but the taste is amazing with hits of fresh ginger, garlic and chilli. I’m hooked. Where did you get yours from? Was it online?
Someone ( ?@Dunelm perhaps) posted a Youtube link to making your own a few weeks ago but I’ve lost it. It didn’t look too complicated.
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People who think they know everything.
I tried kimchi for the first time today too! Found it in a little artisan type food shop when I was out. Wasn’t sure about the smell in the beginning but the taste is amazing with hits of fresh ginger, garlic and chilli. I’m hooked. Where did you get yours from? Was it online?
Someone ( ?@Dunelm perhaps) posted a Youtube link to making your own a few weeks ago but I’ve lost it. It didn’t look too complicated.

I decided that, before stretching my limited culinary skills, I would try eating some first. It's definitely not available in this part of rural Yorkshire - so I bought it from eBay. I got three jars of mild - the seller does three levels of hotness - and makes it herself. I agree with your description but was pleased that mine isn't too hot but I do get all those flavours - definitely vibrant and taste bud tingling. I can think of lots of things it will go well with. My next step is (after eating these three jars) to have a go at making my own - its supposed to be straightforward and easy. LOL
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I decided that, before stretching my limited culinary skills, I would try eating some first. It's definitely not available in this part of rural Yorkshire - so I bought it from eBay. I got three jars of mild - the seller does three levels of hotness - and makes it herself. I agree with your description but was pleased that mine isn't too hot but I do get all those flavours - definitely vibrant and taste bud tingling. I can think of lots of things it will go well with. My next step is (after eating these three jars) to have a go at making my own - its supposed to be straightforward and easy. LOL

Yes I thought the same - buy some to try before having a bash at making it. I had a dollop with my cold meat and cheese for lunch and it went really well. Looking forward to seeing what else we can bung it in with.


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okra. Cigarette smoke, old, new, and permeating a room, wafting from a balcony, etc etc. That I have so many chronic diseases. That I take so very many meds. Being cold. Anything too loud, but specifically non-classical music and the television.
Welcome @TimJP ! I'm behind here. Your breakfast would have suited my dr's tame nutritionist just fine, but it has way too many carbs for me and I'm pre-D so far. No bananas any more but I did have kind of sideways "cereal" this morning. I make a dark bread with mostly ground flax seed, some chia seed, and a little almond flour. I had a bowl of toasted bits of that drizzled (ok, doused) with olive oil. I was never a cereal for person past elementary school anyway.


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Flicking through the Tesco Easter Magazine today I noticed Halo Top are doing lollies, in Tesco (allegedly).

They're not my thing, but who know, if we have a wonderful summer.

@DJC3 - I noticed the on-offer airfryer is in my local Lidl today.


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Nothing to eat until 4.30 - busy being Marie Kondo then to the dentist to learn I need a crown (bargain price - nottt) but no treatment today. Back to more Kondo madness - there is a reason which will become clear. @4.30 I was ready to eat my own fingers but hacked off some Chorizo and had 1 poppadom before walking the dogs. Evening meal was 3 W1 Linconshire sausages and some venison pigs in blankets cooked from frozen in the IP with added mixed herbs, Worcestershire sauce and liquid smoke. Still very hungry so had about 40 gms cheddar and 1,6 rows of Green and Blacks Raspberry and Hazelnut. Right or wrong Chronometer scores that almost spot on 20 gms carb. Finally, how many times must I tell ya - I don't wear makeup on Thursday.
Edit: The low carb/cal largely driven by dentist timing and lingering issues similar to @Tipetoo who has my great sympathy.
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