What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


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I think you could pioneer some crumpet research here. Can’t find crumpets listed in the attached but then it is a report from Australia where crumpets may be either a, not consumed or b, called something else or c, only produced in secret kitchens


I'm not a fan of the pulp news but here are two conflicting crumpet reports.



I don't encourage people to indulge, it's probably a very bad thing to do. It is my weakness though.
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Everyone shares the login details (allowed by IG) so no one person controls the page. Anything posted will be titled as the page but artists can add their personal link, copyright etc to the picture or in the comments. Common hashtags can be put in an email to all those taking part so they have a starter for hashtagging (or more experienced users can do it for them). Anyone that has their own IG can be linked to and mentioned in the 'about'.

On a FB page you just add people as admin, they must have their own FB account but it doesn't need to show on the FB Page. Nor does anyone have to friend each other. Hashtags have the same method.

I don't know about freezing crumpets although mine are from frozen. Needs testing.

Ah. Thanks for that information @Alien Aspie

Now on to the crumpet research...


Satellite Technology is great - until the weather changes or you get into remote parts of the world - or both - I think map and compass skills are basic to being outdoors.
One of the young engineers from Skelton with four small children and a wife, decided to walk off Grizdale Pike in a white out.
Sadly he did not survive the fall.


My House
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Diet only
@dunelm thanks for the link to the Australian research article. Standout for me was: However, recent evidence suggests a significant proportion of the Australian population suffers from disrupted laxation regularity (Peppas G & others 2008) and link to importance of fibre. Almost polar opposite of the Zoe Harcombe school of thought but absolutely my lived experience and IMHO the biggest weakness of LCHF. Whole flaxseeds it is then - >2 tbls daily:angelic:
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Tilehurst Reading
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People that point out my spelling mistakes
Good Morening Ladies and Gentlemen and all who are left unsupervised, but with the proviso " I don't mind if you don't do it, but could you just...." I know my place.

A 6.3 this morning on the meter of mystery and naughtiness.

Well fellow posters and painters here in TilehurstTowers it's time to set up my winter biking gear ready for the possibility of a trip out and about.

With the prospect of another lockdown is it really necessary for the clocks to make their twice a year journey?
Stay well, stay safe and don't forget to stick two fingers up to the wind.
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Tripe and Onions
Fbg this morning 5.7

@lindisfel I think the station you refereed to is the Corrour railway station and it is a ten mile hike from the nearest road.

@Muddy Cyclist I remember many happy hours wandering around Salisbury Plain with nothing but a compass and map to guide us to various check points happy days.

Of course remembering that happy is a relative term.

And when I passed my sergeants board they immediately brought in Command courses which you had to complete in order to progress to the substantial rank up till then that was not a requisite for technical trades normally.

And that required a lot of wandering about in out of the way places taking it in turns to be boss for the day.
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My House
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A little more from the Australian research piece. The cooking, freezing and reheating of foods such as potatoes and pasta has been brought up recently - @gennepher?. This seemed to be linked. :
As the analysis was carried out on the cooked hot sample, values could be expected to increase due to RS3 formation if allowed to cool prior to consumption, for example pasta salad BUT
To what degree the RS3 content may increase cannot be estimated, as the increase in RS3 observed for cooked potato (2311) to potato salad (2131) was smaller than anticipated.
RS1 The starch is physically inaccessible to digestion due to intact cell walls, e.g. grains RS2 Native starch granules protected from digestion by the structure of the starch granule RS3 Retrograded starch – e.g. cooked then cooled potato, rice or pasta; RS3 forms as it cools RS4 Chemically modified starches – do not occur naturally but are created to be resistant to digestion (Adapted from Topping D & Clifton P 2001) While the above classifications are
The table on page 13 is fascinating - raw, green bananas are the standout winner. flaxseeds seem to be 27 or 28 gms unless you guys can find otherwise.
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North East
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Diet only
One of the young engineers from Skelton with four small children and a wife, decided to walk off Grizdale Pike in a white out.
Sadly he did not survive the fall.
Really sad - whiteouts are scary at the best of times - all to do with checking weather forecast and pre-planning. In whiteouts you do need to stop and take stock of where you are with a map and compass - I have in the past been in situations that require one member to be sent forward on a bearing, tied to a rope - not pleasant, takes time but saves lives - if in doubt - bivvy up and get in a survival bag.
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Really sad - whiteouts are scary at the best of times - all to do with checking weather forecast and pre-planning. In whiteouts you do need to stop and take stock of where you are with a map and compass - I have in the past been in situations that require one member to be sent forward on a bearing, tied to a rope - not pleasant, takes time but saves lives - if in doubt - bivvy up and get in a survival bag.
That's what he should have done, sat tight.
But it takes nerve, these whiteouts often end in less snow or no snow, unless its wind blown.
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Tablets (oral)
A little more from the Australian research piece. The cooking, freezing and reheating of foods such as potatoes and pasta has been brought up recently - @gennepher?. This seemed to be linked. :
As the analysis was carried out on the cooked hot sample, values could be expected to increase due to RS3 formation if allowed to cool prior to consumption, for example pasta salad BUT
To what degree the RS3 content may increase cannot be estimated, as the increase in RS3 observed for cooked potato (2311) to potato salad (2131) was smaller than anticipated.
RS1 The starch is physically inaccessible to digestion due to intact cell walls, e.g. grains RS2 Native starch granules protected from digestion by the structure of the starch granule RS3 Retrograded starch – e.g. cooked then cooled potato, rice or pasta; RS3 forms as it cools RS4 Chemically modified starches – do not occur naturally but are created to be resistant to digestion (Adapted from Topping D & Clifton P 2001) While the above classifications are
The table on page 13 is fascinating - raw, green bananas are the standout winner. flaxseeds seem to be 27 or 28 gms unless you guys can find otherwise.

I think it may depend on the individual person as well @ianpspurs

Raw green banana I like...

Flaxseeds go straight through me and come out whole...unless they've been ground first, then I might get the benefit of them...

Muddy Cyclist

Well-Known Member
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in doubt - bivvy up and get in a survival bag
It's scary how many still venture out onto mountains without a Bivvy, always carry mine and especially if I am leading a group and it's been used on 3 occasions.


My House
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Diet only
I think it may depend on the individual person as well @ianpspurs

Raw green banana I like...

Flaxseeds go straight through me and come out whole...unless they've been ground first, then I might get the benefit of them...
Fortunately the transit effect is slower on me but it is what I am after hence whole seeds for me. You would be safe from green banana panic buying on my account.
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