What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Oh, and I'm no fan of dressing gowns either. My amazing day has so far involved buying a fairly posh chicken and a visit from 2 grandchildren. My first post gave my criteria for an amazing day - wins for England rugby plus Cambridge Utd and Spurs. I suspect England and Cambridge will lose but I promise not to cry myself to sleep.

Dressing gowns are easy to wash and dry! Which is why I wear them indoors!

That chicken sounds good...

Hope the matches go well for you @ianpspurs
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Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Fog 6.8

It has gone up.
But I ate correctly yesterday.
However, I have just pulled an all nighter, adding more to the memories project.
And I was proofreading, and then more memories crept round the corner...
I made several back up copies because there was a possibility when working on these words all day in the potting shed with only a brief nap in the evening last night, and then solid work writing and remembering and proofreading for another 8 hours straight (with cups of caffeine tea to keep me going), there was a possibility my fingers might touch the wrong button...

I have just had my eye mask on to soothe my eyes for half an hour. I have the bedroom door open into the garden (I am under my warm blankets in bed!) despite it being 2 deg C. The cold air is lovely and fresh on my face and eyes. I believe it is going to rain, the humidity thingy is creeping up on my wall - good for my eyes.

The sparrows and female blackbird looked at me in horror initially, I have not had the bedroom door open early morning at dawn for a long time. But then they decided it might still be me in that bed, so came back, and Miss Blackbird (I might be able to call her Mrs soon), came right up to my open door and is taking out nesting material out of my coir doormats. She looks at me as if to say 'Don't be frightened, I am only getting nesting material for my eggs'. About 3 years ago, the then Mrs Blackbird would come in my bedroom on to my bed with a mouthful of worms. Then she flew back to the nesting area. Mr Blackbird won't have anything to do with me.

Now, a moment later, the beautiful ginger cat is here at 'Gennepher's Cat Diner', he (?) has just come to my open door, looked at me, and appeared to say 'Good, they have let you out of your cage...', and then walked away.

A moment later the ginger cat I call Biscuit has appeared for his breakfast, looked round the open door to say hi, patrolled round the garden, and left.

Mr Robin has just darted to the cat bowl, checked his surroundings, taken a biscuit and flown off.

Mrs Blackbird is on the high up (cat proof) on the bird table, ready to sound the alarm for all the birds. I am going to call her Mrs Blackbird now...she is very protective and maternally minded. Mr Blackbird is another matter, very chauvinistic and a bully to all other birds, but he was a wimp when the magpie appeared...

This is so relaxing for me...

Back to memoirs. I have come a long way from that silent deaf child who didn't start to learn to speak until she was seven, and that was a long struggle. Words I hated, horrible things. And I couldn't write to express my thoughts (obviously with hindsight I didn't have the words to do this), and even at the age of 10 and 11 years old I still did cartoon drawing strips (coloured in with pencils), to fully express what I wanted to say. It got me in trouble with the teachers who thought I was being lazy. At that time (1950's) no one thought to give this deaf child extra help with verbal language or construction of it. And so I have always struggled with this.

This was meant to be a short post. I think I have got verbal diarrhoea with writing all night. This memories project the grandchildren asked for, has turned out to be a cathartic process for me, helped me to understand, and laying many ghosts to rest.

I shall stop writing now.

My creative for today is actually my postcard sized sketches in a pile, photographed on my silly blue dippy sheep lap tray, put into a kaleidoscope app, played with in Snapseed using colour curves, and then popped into Procreate to create a pixelated Popeye, so tiny that it might be unseeable however much you can zoom in. The file is jpeg and is a lossy format, so the picture of Popeye might degrade beyond recognition...we'll see.

Time for coffee and a cooked breakfast...

Have the best day you possibly can!

View attachment 53208
So much activity to observe in your garden. Smashing kaleidoscope art. I thought that Popeye was lurking in the top left hand corner but it could all be an illusion.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Good morning everyone from a bit of an overcast start here in the dark and dangerous north
Afternoon tea yesterday was a real winner, with plenty left over to take home for supper, burp! I plumped for a savoury version that was more carb friendly - not by much I would guess but still, no cake and bun things to face. A pleasant three hours in any case. Debate yesterday on another forum about who says that they have some “messages” to do- Mrs Miggins certainly does. It’s a common phrase hereabouts, strengthened by having a Scottish father. Not by my side of the family though, we hail from the South - South Yorkshire. Girl in the bubble here last night - she seems to have settled but is still producing rivers from her nose.
A bit of burned orange in the art for today, hope you all have a pleasant and accident free day. Time for a koffy.

View attachment 53206
I missed this post this morning. It has only just popped up here. I thought you were late in posting your painting, but obviously not!

I couldn't quite grasp that phrase 'messages to do' when I first came across it years ago, in Liverpool. But I adopted it. An easy way to say you are busy without giving out too many details about oneself.

Love that light touch of the burnt orange in your painting, very evocative @dunelm
I love orange, but often it is overpowering in a painting (I fall into that overpowering sin as well with orange).


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Morning all UK Threadites and Good Afternoon, in a Richie Benaud voice, @Jojo85 (Alexa tells me it is 3.30 pm in Sydney as I type). Still no known fbg to report - so call me reckless, why dontcha? Manifesting hove into view a few days ago. May interest a few. Personally, I'mma continue asking and thanking God not the universe - far better (perfect actually) track record - but YMMV. Gym and SSSF with halloumi fries top notch yesterday. Sudden desire for buffalo steak today but my only known source for that is back in The Old Country. I also want a "Posh chicken" so maybe risk COVID and Diamonds and Rust. @Krystyna23040 wonderful two day fbg, build in some rest if at all possible. @karen8967 is that fbg on the edge of Jelly babies or glory. (So I referenced Gaga - what's your point?) @lindisfel I hope yesterday's accident isn't painful or inhibiting. I suspect sound advice from your daughter will be incoming and cheered to the echo by The Duchess. I also suspect th'ole fenboy has a tin ear when it suits. Will I acquire buffalo or posh chicken? Will England, Cambridge United and Spurs all win? Moscow, big agenda to manifest. Meanwhile, in SW1A some fiend is playing this on loop. Cressida is on the case:D

I missed this post as well as @dunelm 's first thing, and was trying to make head and tail of some of the following posts. Now it has just popped in my timeline...


And now the rest of the posts make sense..........


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
So much activity to observe in your garden. Smashing kaleidoscope art. I thought that Popeye was lurking in the top left hand corner but it could all be an illusion.
Thanks @dunelm

Actually Popeye is lurking bang in the centre, but he does have a habit of appearing where I did not put him...

It was the best thing I did to open my bedroom to my garden, the door is still open despite a rainy day. It is much easier to see the sparrows activity more clearly despite the dull grey day which hides them, and I have slept on and off all day...


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
I missed this post as well as @dunelm 's first thing, and was trying to make head and tail of some of the following posts. Now it has just popped in my timeline...


And now the rest of the posts make sense..........
How dare you accuse my posts of being part of makingsensegate. I'll send Nadine out on a charm offensive to confuse everyone.:angelic:


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
I missed this post this morning. It has only just popped up here. I thought you were late in posting your painting, but obviously not!

I couldn't quite grasp that phrase 'messages to do' when I first came across it years ago, in Liverpool. But I adopted it. An easy way to say you are busy without giving out too many details about oneself.

Love that light touch of the burnt orange in your painting, very evocative @dunelm
I love orange, but often it is overpowering in a painting (I fall into that overpowering sin as well with orange).
Thank you @gennepher I got this orange by ‘painting’ the inside of a small dish with an orange brush pen, then a teeny bit from a red brush pen and then adding water.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Fbg 7.1
Don't know.
Kept my carbs to around 20 yesterday.
Food was fresh food.
I did sleep on and off all day with the bedroom door open to the elements and fresh air.
I had a nice relaxing day.
So, is this food or something else?
I have no idea.

Plan today is as near zero cards as possible. Spellcheck behave yourself, I wrote 'carbs'!!!
Will log it on my carb app.
And take readings and make assessment tomorrow morning.

Creative today is a quickie because I want to get back to my writing.
I watched the sparrows each time I woke up yesterday.
Two main behaviours I noticed.

There is one pair of sparrows who are definitely husband and wife.
He feeds himself from the fat balls from one wooden perch, and there is another wooden perch on the other side of the feeder.
Wife come along, lands on his back with a thump, and knocks him off this perch. But she doesn't come back to the feeder once she has knocked him off. This is the pencil illustration.

Second set of sparrows. These are a threesome. One female and two males. These have been a tight knit group since last summer. And they have always stayed together in this grouping. They fly together, they feed together. The female sits on one wooden perch (I have a criss-cross of two sticks at the bottom of each feeder, and in this way four sparrows can feed together at one time, and they do), and the two male sparrows feed from the fat balls, perched on the other two sticks, but the female has never fed herself. She sits between the two males who have been alternately feeding the female from the fatballs. And this was all last year. This year, it is as if the two males are fed up with her, and send her packing when she is asking them for food. Normally they take a piece of fatball and feed it to her open mouth. So, the males knock her off the perch now, and she flies into the air. But comes immediately back down again swooping to whichever bird has a piece of fatball in his mouth, takes it from him in mid flight, and then continues flying in a curve back upwards. She carries on doing this. She is very accurate in stealing the food from the male bird's mouth mid flight. Yet they are still flying around in a threesome.

Go figure...
I can't...



Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good morning everyone from a dark and quiet start here in the dark and dangerous north
A walk into town yesterday with the girl in the bubble to do a bit of foraging. We tried breakfast in a deli that boasts proper rusk free sausages and air cured bacon. Smashing. Managed, with the aid of a pram (talking Zimmer frame on wheels), to walk 3 miles. That’s the first time since I adopted a prolapsed disc in November. Should I be singing, “things will only get better” - best not. A bit of space clearing today, carpenter coming on Tuesday to build fitted wardrobes in our bedroom, what fun. Some stud walling to take down first but he is a fit young man so I will let him just get on with it.
Art bit. Used a whole sheet of rice paper (14 x 39 inches), wet on wet. Hope that your Sunday is a good one. Time for an early koffy.

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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Fbg 7.1
Don't know.
Kept my carbs to around 20 yesterday.
Food was fresh food.
I did sleep on and off all day with the bedroom door open to the elements and fresh air.
I had a nice relaxing day.
So, is this food or something else?
I have no idea.

Plan today is as near zero cards as possible. Spellcheck behave yourself, I wrote 'carbs'!!!
Will log it on my carb app.
And take readings and make assessment tomorrow morning.

Creative today is a quickie because I want to get back to my writing.
I watched the sparrows each time I woke up yesterday.
Two main behaviours I noticed.

There is one pair of sparrows who are definitely husband and wife.
He feeds himself from the fat balls from one wooden perch, and there is another wooden perch on the other side of the feeder.
Wife come along, lands on his back with a thump, and knocks him off this perch. But she doesn't come back to the feeder once she has knocked him off. This is the pencil illustration.

Second set of sparrows. These are a threesome. One female and two males. These have been a tight knit group since last summer. And they have always stayed together in this grouping. They fly together, they feed together. The female sits on one wooden perch (I have a criss-cross of two sticks at the bottom of each feeder, and in this way four sparrows can feed together at one time, and they do), and the two male sparrows feed from the fat balls, perched on the other two sticks, but the female has never fed herself. She sits between the two males who have been alternately feeding the female from the fatballs. And this was all last year. This year, it is as if the two males are fed up with her, and send her packing when she is asking them for food. Normally they take a piece of fatball and feed it to her open mouth. So, the males knock her off the perch now, and she flies into the air. But comes immediately back down again swooping to whichever bird has a piece of fatball in his mouth, takes it from him in mid flight, and then continues flying in a curve back upwards. She carries on doing this. She is very accurate in stealing the food from the male bird's mouth mid flight. Yet they are still flying around in a threesome.

Go figure...
I can't...

View attachment 53235
Hug for the mystery fbg reading but a winner in observational bird watching and illustrated story telling.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Good morning everyone from a dark and quiet start here in the dark and dangerous north
A walk into town yesterday with the girl in the bubble to do a bit of foraging. We tried breakfast in a deli that boasts proper rusk free sausages and air cured bacon. Smashing. Managed, with the aid of a pram (talking Zimmer frame on wheels), to walk 3 miles. That’s the first time since I adopted a prolapsed disc in November. Should I be singing, “things will only get better” - best not. A bit of space clearing today, carpenter coming on Tuesday to build fitted wardrobes in our bedroom, what fun. Some stud walling to take down first but he is a fit young man so I will let him just get on with it.
Art bit. Used a whole sheet of rice paper (14 x 39 inches), wet on wet. Hope that your Sunday is a good one. Time for an early koffy.

View attachment 53236
Breakfast sounded amazing @dunelm

A whole sheet of rice paper!
The painting looks massive, and imposing.
I am thinking, sometimes it is freeing to do a large painting like that.
I like the simple detail, and the trees.
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
A surprising 4.9 this morning. Ate really late yesterday (because of the 6 Nations rugby) which usually results in a higher fbg. Also carbs had crept up to 24g yesterday.

Over the last few days I have been drinking more water, actually much more water, because I can be really rubbish at staying properly hydrated. I always feel so much better when I do drink more. Maybe it has helped fbg.

Also I have been really really strictly limiting the double cream as more cream always means higher blood sugars for me.

House is going to be redecorated in half term. We chose the paint for the lounge and dining room yesterday. I actually don't think it needs doing but Mr K says it does.

Torrential rain this morning then I think it may be the rugby again. So a relaxing day for me.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Dishonesty lies and thieves and online Bullies!!!
Good morning everyone from a dark and quiet start here in the dark and dangerous north
A walk into town yesterday with the girl in the bubble to do a bit of foraging. We tried breakfast in a deli that boasts proper rusk free sausages and air cured bacon. Smashing. Managed, with the aid of a pram (talking Zimmer frame on wheels), to walk 3 miles. That’s the first time since I adopted a prolapsed disc in November. Should I be singing, “things will only get better” - best not. A bit of space clearing today, carpenter coming on Tuesday to build fitted wardrobes in our bedroom, what fun. Some stud walling to take down first but he is a fit young man so I will let him just get on with it.
Art bit. Used a whole sheet of rice paper (14 x 39 inches), wet on wet. Hope that your Sunday is a good one. Time for an early koffy.

View attachment 53236
Hi dunelm sympathy for your back pain I’m well aware of what it’s like to live with having had osteoarthritis since my early 20s I’ve been on lots of different pain medication over the years but because severely allergic to anything with Codeine in it a long time ago. The only pain relief I could have from doctors was Paracetamol which was less than useless major stomach surgery put paid to Oral meds so I was put on Voltorol gel 2.3%, recently it stopped giving relief so after researching online I found CBD OIL it was such a relief to be pain free then I found CBD in a Balm to rub on my back and keep oil for travelling when it flares up . I can’t tell you what a great product it is I use it for my osteoarthritis and soft tissue damage to my knees which physio now believes to be arthritis too. Wonderful things happen with age most not good I went to Holland and Barrett whilst we were in York I use Grass &Co brand get it when the penny sale is on or other offers they do throughout the year you can only give it a try you never know till you do and I sincerely hope it works for you too the part of cannabis that sends you high has all been removed you can read about it on Grass &Co website. Best of Luck K. PS our lovely little great grandson 2nd birthday party is off poor little boy has broken out with Chickenpox so hopefully we can have his party when he’s well.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Breakfast sounded amazing @dunelm

A whole sheet of rice paper!
The painting looks massive, and imposing.
I am thinking, sometimes it is freeing to do a large painting like that.
I like the simple detail, and the trees.
Thank you @gennepher and yes, far freer movement with a larger sheet.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
A surprising 4.9 this morning. Ate really late yesterday (because of the 6 Nations rugby) which usually results in a higher fbg. Also carbs had crept up to 24g yesterday.

Over the last few days I have been drinking more water, actually much more water, because I can be really rubbish at staying properly hydrated. I always feel so much better when I do drink more. Maybe it has helped fbg.

Also I have been really really strictly limiting the double cream as more cream always means higher blood sugars for me.

House is going to be redecorated in half term. We chose the paint for the lounge and dining room yesterday. I actually don't think it needs doing but Mr K says it does.

Torrential rain this morning then I think it may be the rugby again. So a relaxing day for me.
Have a great, relaxing day. I am with you on the decorating front - I never think it needs to be done.