What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Fbg 6.6

@SlimLizzy just reminded me about Xmas cards.
I always hand make them...too late for that now.
And these are for people who post Xmas cards...
Digital ones are easy, paint one pic, and do personal greetings on each one by text in Snapseed...cheaper as well.
I have more than 50 people who use stamped cards (and I cut my original number down last year)...that is £1.25 for each stamp...then the cost of making the card...I cannot bring myself to buy shop cards. Have I any odds and ends of cards I have made in previous years??? It is finding them...I haven't the time. Quicker to make some. Have I any postcards with Xmassy themes...it's finding them too...

Solution will have to be found by end of today....

But have just thought, I haven't received any Xmas cards yet... usually I have had about 15 to 20 by now....

There must be something in that Tardis of my studio...or...I think I need a nap first...I didn't mean to but I pulled an all nighter last night. I had everything in the front room I was working on, and thought...I'll go to bed in a minute...then an hour later I am still in the flow of doing what I am doing...then the cat fell asleep on me, so I carried on,but I am sitting in a chair...I put an electric blanket round me, I had taken off my heated jacket because I was going to bed...Next thing I know, and I am not tired or weary, it is 3.30 in the morning...it is time to get up. No point in going to bed now...

Just thought of my solution for the postage stamp cards. I have some antique, do you call 40 to 50 year old special Xmas designed postcards antique...they look special enough. Except when I think antique, I think Victorian....

Right...solution...when I receive a stamped card, then I will choose a suitable antique Xmas card for them, a little short message, a little personal pen drawing, and Bob's your uncle...and then I will find out how many stamped cards I get this year, and save some money hopefully from those who have given up with the expense of everything, or are not on this mortal core any more... then if I feel guilty after Xmas and into the new year, and if I feel like it, then I can make or even do some gel printing new year cards...

Problem solved....

Now back to my video editing of those beasties in my back garden.

Oh, we seem to have the Xmas lights wars at the moment. Not me, my house is in darkness. Half way through November the neighbours beat my Xmas lights Mr Insensitive Neighbour to it and they all decorated their houses. Mr Insensitive Xmas Lights Neighbour only put the lights on his bungalow yesterday!!! But, because I was awake all night, and it was a clear night, I went out to look at the stars. Not at the back, it is Piccadilly Circus at rush hour out there. I went to the front...it was 3.30 am, and to my surprise three bungalows had left all their outside and garden lights on all night!!! Was this an accident or was it something else? I met a badger in the middle of the road. He was sauntering along admiring the Xmas lights displays. Good day Sir, I said (I know that is for Magpies, but Badger is black and white).

And I backed up slowly to my kitchen door...

I forgot to look at the stars...

Creative is another drawing with my Pentel Brush pen. Done in the front room with my little helper. But I came back to bed for a bit, I have backache, I need my comfy pillows...my little helper declined to leave the electric blanket he was on in the front room. So you don't get him in the Creative this morning.

Wildlife Nighttime video.
I posted two videos on YouTube in the early hours. The first was a Short of 2 badgers being affectionate...and it has 2k views!!!
But this one only has 18 views in the last few hours. So,min will give you the link to this one!
Cat Jade stays on ground next to fox, and then she's not fazed by Badger...
Cat Jade just gave Foxy Loxy a look when he got too close to her, and he moved off sharpish. I think Jade is acquiring Midnight's touch, she did smack the Badger the other day...
1min 58secs

Have your very best day...I am sure you will find some good stuff in it!

View attachment 64745
Great thinking on the card front. Saving time and also ensuring a personal touch. A smashing piece of artwork today. I very much like this style of painting.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
People that point out my spelling mistakes
Afternoon just, 6.7 this morning + 3 sessions of being shouted at, then left my telephonic communicator in the local koffy shop and had to return to collect it, thereby giving the friendly staff ammunition to tease me and Mrs J, well best not write her expletive laden comment.

Now home and it being a woke Tuesday and my identifying as Loretta day, my task is find where Mrs J has hidden my stockings and suspenders. Mrs J is not keen on being seen with me wearing suspenders, fishnet stockings, white socks and trainers, but only on woke Tuesday.

I loath woke and all it stands for, but it has been pointed out, that I must learn to be more woke tolerant, therefore Tuesdays are my attempt at this, but only on Tuesdays.

Stay safe and warm all

Loretta, who has yet to master high heels.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Afternoon just, 6.7 this morning + 3 sessions of being shouted at, then left my telephonic communicator in the local koffy shop and had to return to collect it, thereby giving the friendly staff ammunition to tease me and Mrs J, well best not write her expletive laden comment.

Now home and it being a woke Tuesday and my identifying as Loretta day, my task is find where Mrs J has hidden my stockings and suspenders. Mrs J is not keen on being seen with me wearing suspenders, fishnet stockings, white socks and trainers, but only on woke Tuesday.

I loath woke and all it stands for, but it has been pointed out, that I must learn to be more woke tolerant, therefore Tuesdays are my attempt at this, but only on Tuesdays.

Stay safe and warm all

Loretta, who has yet to master high heels.
I think you've confused Woke with cultural appropriation. Common ailment - symptoms include leaving phones in coffee shops. I hope you didn't have pancakes and ..... as well. You don't have the munchies do you? :D


I have been to Rwanda @lindisfel. It was two years after their so called civil war - Tutsi, Hutu and Twa. One of my brothers and his wife was in Kigali when all the killing took place. They helped to get a lot of NGO’s in. Life for the many is at the whim of the very few. I would not wish it on anyone to be sent there or for that matter quite a few places in continental Africa.
I remember the terrible inter-trible strife and murder.
It's a wonder the Mountain Gorillas have survived.
It seems to be taboo to mention the intertribal strife in Africa.
We have two Nigerian African families in the local church. They come from different tribes and apparently don't get on.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Fbg 6.6

@SlimLizzy just reminded me about Xmas cards.
I always hand make them...too late for that now.
And these are for people who post Xmas cards...
Digital ones are easy, paint one pic, and do personal greetings on each one by text in Snapseed...cheaper as well.
I have more than 50 people who use stamped cards (and I cut my original number down last year)...that is £1.25 for each stamp...then the cost of making the card...I cannot bring myself to buy shop cards. Have I any odds and ends of cards I have made in previous years??? It is finding them...I haven't the time. Quicker to make some. Have I any postcards with Xmassy themes...it's finding them too...

Solution will have to be found by end of today....

But have just thought, I haven't received any Xmas cards yet... usually I have had about 15 to 20 by now....

There must be something in that Tardis of my studio...or...I think I need a nap first...I didn't mean to but I pulled an all nighter last night. I had everything in the front room I was working on, and thought...I'll go to bed in a minute...then an hour later I am still in the flow of doing what I am doing...then the cat fell asleep on me, so I carried on,but I am sitting in a chair...I put an electric blanket round me, I had taken off my heated jacket because I was going to bed...Next thing I know, and I am not tired or weary, it is 3.30 in the morning...it is time to get up. No point in going to bed now...

Just thought of my solution for the postage stamp cards. I have some antique, do you call 40 to 50 year old special Xmas designed postcards antique...they look special enough. Except when I think antique, I think Victorian....

Right...solution...when I receive a stamped card, then I will choose a suitable antique Xmas card for them, a little short message, a little personal pen drawing, and Bob's your uncle...and then I will find out how many stamped cards I get this year, and save some money hopefully from those who have given up with the expense of everything, or are not on this mortal core any more... then if I feel guilty after Xmas and into the new year, and if I feel like it, then I can make or even do some gel printing new year cards...because I would like to do some, but I do not have time at the moment, not before Xmas with appointments and stuff.

Problem solved....

Now back to my video editing of those beasties in my back garden.

Oh, we seem to have the Xmas lights wars at the moment. Not me, my house is in darkness. Half way through November the neighbours beat my Xmas lights Mr Insensitive Neighbour to it and they all decorated their houses. Mr Insensitive Xmas Lights Neighbour only put the lights on his bungalow yesterday!!! But, because I was awake all night, and it was a clear night, I went out to look at the stars. Not at the back, it is Piccadilly Circus at rush hour out there. I went to the front...it was 3.30 am, and to my surprise three bungalows had left all their outside and garden lights on all night!!! Was this an accident or was it something else? I met a badger in the middle of the road. He was sauntering along admiring the Xmas lights displays. Good day Sir, I said (I know that is for Magpies, but Badger is black and white).

And I backed up slowly to my kitchen door...

I forgot to look at the stars...

Creative is another drawing with my Pentel Brush pen. Done in the front room with my little helper. But I came back to bed for a bit, I have backache, I need my comfy pillows...my little helper declined to leave the electric blanket he was on in the front room. So you don't get him in the Creative this morning.

Wildlife Nighttime video.
I posted two videos on YouTube in the early hours. The first was a Short of 2 badgers being affectionate...and it has 2k views!!!
But this one only has 18 views in the last few hours. So, I will give you the link to this one!
Cat Jade stays on ground next to fox, and then she's not fazed by Badger...
Cat Jade just gave Foxy Loxy a look when he got too close to her, and he moved off sharpish. I think Jade is acquiring Midnight's touch, she did smack the Badger the other day...
1min 58secs

Have your very best day...I am sure you will find some good stuff in it!

View attachment 64745
Not sure how I missed this earlier but winner for the desire to send cards, hug for the cost these days and massive winner for the simply splendid creative. An antique is 100 years old so much later the Vics. Oh, and I forgot the link to today's poem.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Not sure how I missed this earlier but winner for the desire to send cards, hug for the cost these days and massive winner for the simply splendid creative. An antique is 100 years old so much later the Vics. Oh, and I forgot the link to today's poem.
That is a beautiful poem. We never realised how much effort was made even in the making and banking of fires...
Thank you for the creative compliment @ianpspurs

I am missing a few posts at the mo. I go through them all, but later I see a reply to one I had not seen. I had not missed it, it simply hadn't shown up on my time line...


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
I remember the terrible inter-trible strife and murder.
It's a wonder the Mountain Gorillas have survived.
It seems to be taboo to mention the intertribal strife in Africa.
We have two Nigerian African families in the local church. They come from different tribes and apparently don't get on.
You are spot on about the Mountain Gorillas. Intertribal strife seems to go on far more than we think even now (just my opinion). When I worked in Kenya it was always, “these thieving Kikuyu”! Although they made up the largest tribe out of the ten or so, it was the Kalenjin who ruled the roost - Moi et al. To confuse it even more, some tribes have sub tribes and even different languages - and some of them can’t seem to get on. Worse than football teams in Scotland.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
6.3 this morning.
Yesterday's trip to the garden centre in my long break between classes went really well and I purchased a lovely warm heavyweight Regatta fleece for half price. The lining inside it is just like sheepskin. Really cosy.

Mr K rolled his eyes and asked 'haven't you got enough fleeces'. I probably have, but not one as cosy as this one is.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Em wasn't feeling well today. Apparently too ill to go to school. Her dad wasn't sure but said he would let the school know himself if, when he called, she hadn't been able to go. I really wasn't sure - no fever, feeling cold, a bit of a cough, some sneezing, tired and quite pale. I put her into my bed and let her stay there until about 1030. Then I had to disturb her to get some of the bedroom-moving-around jobs done. Emptying the drawers from a big chest of drawers so I could move it. Plenty there that can go out. Having the drawers empty made me think that I might as well do the repair job I've been promising myself for ages. The chest is from IKEA but, unlike some of the other IKEA products, not very good quality. The bottoms of the drawers are some sort of fibre board and all of the big drawer bottoms have collapsed, falling down from the grooves that hold them at the back. Got Neil to get them out of the carcass for me and took them to the kitchen to work on them. Em decided to get up and help so Neil showed both of us how to do the job, and how to use his fancy electric drill, provided screws (I already had prepared wooden battens, months ago) and held things steady while we did the job. Em enjoyed learning how to use the tools and how to do the job. Actually, she did one drawer herself with only a little guidance from Neil. I had reached the stage where I had to stop and rest for a bit. She has learned something today, even if it was a bit more on the practical side than schoolwork.

Now I just have to put the drawers back and put some things back into them.

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
6.5 this am, now pm, cos of more chores with doors and floors.
Inside Windows, new blinds in the bedroom cleaner ones downstairs, getting Christmas ready in back room, tree tomorrow.
Mrs L not wanting chrimbo, but has been ordering me about, trying my patience as things got a bit muddled for her, indeed the morning was filled with mixed up queries and statements.it was very irksome, I bit a couple of times, but somehow never did it get me angry! So I did well!
Mrs L was pleased with the outside but she could have been muttering about the idiot who is using all the local power, i bet you could see his house from the moon. It dazzles the drivers. If we have a blackout, it's his fault!
How can he afford all that?
I have the candles ready.

I am knackered, done too much but not finished yet.
And to make it worse, Mrs L woke me up at 5am and asked why i was in bed at teatime?
Couldn't get back to sleep, no matter how hard I tried.
Got up, and made a cuppa, brought Mrs L a cup, but found her sound asleep.
No rest for the wicked. Gotta go!

My best wishes to you all as always.

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Tuesday's #Cracewatch starring Jimmy Dimly and Honest Bob Like shooting ducks in a barrel so last one. Leaked video of new care home staff training scheme - top secret.
How can anyone laugh at smutty Benny Hill on a woke tuesday?

Has the British toilet humour been driven underground yet?

Saying that, Benny could never be compared to a night of Chubby Brown.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Some unsuitable language here - from govt whatsapps not Hyde - but excoriating on Jonno and co. We are none of us perfect but some at least make an effort and have some semblance of a conscience. Have a bonus cartoon - @jjraak @Lamont D you may enjoy the bonus one.

Other link does say it like it was & is, sadly.
This is the world Johnson made, and, with a few honourable exceptions, these were the inadequates he peopled it with


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
0230 BG 7.6. That was after a very early night last night. After all my "exertions" with that "huge" job of bedroom reorganisation, :rolleyes: I felt really poorly and figured it must just be exhaustion. Strong reaction to minor exertion. Felt better by 0230 and figured I was no longer tired, but was extremely sore so, pain killers it was. And what happened? I fell asleep again in the chair and only woke up at 0615 - just in time to rush around getting ready for Em arriving, if she needed to come for 0630. It wasn't likely, but was possible. However, it is now 0640 and she hasn't arrived. I guess she and her dad are sleeping longer today so it will be another hour before she arrives. Phew! Time for a cuppa.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
0230 BG 7.6. That was after a very early night last night. After all my "exertions" with that "huge" job of bedroom reorganisation, :rolleyes: I felt really poorly and figured it must just be exhaustion. Strong reaction to minor exertion. Felt better by 0230 and figured I was no longer tired, but was extremely sore so, pain killers it was. And what happened? I fell asleep again in the chair and only woke up at 0615 - just in time to rush around getting ready for Em arriving, if she needed to come for 0630. It wasn't likely, but was possible. However, it is now 0640 and she hasn't arrived. I guess she and her dad are sleeping longer today so it will be another hour before she arrives. Phew! Time for a cuppa.
Thank goodness for pain relief and hope that you can take it easier today.


The better half was talking to a friend last night on the phone about our surgery often has a no show of doctors and the rural practice at Kirkbride has five doctors. We had a large and very competent practice rated one of the highest in the N.W. now it is very difficult to see a GP. One could nearly say it is nurse practitioner led and they may be good but are limited.

A case in point I was having trouble with my tablets, our eldest is up for the week trying to sort us out, as they do. I ask her and she said why don't you move your sertraline to just before
bedtime, which I have done.
Now I sleep properly and I feel better in the day.
I would never have dreamt of doing such a change.
I keep a tight rein of things because I know advice can creep over the boundary to control.:)
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