What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
6.8 back in the 6's yay!
But, that is not what I thought it would be, a bad night, weird dream and only about five hours sleep, it that, I'm cold, can't get warm, usually in t shirt and shorts, but fully clothed this morning. Don't know if I'm shivering or the essential shaking as normal. Looking at thermometer in garden, not going to get any heat at all, even though the sun is shining in a clear sky. No rain for over a day. Why not? Ha!

The dream was a recurrence of past stories from my list of what my subconscious wants to show me.
Why? I don't know.
I have my theories, but that is my weirdness coming through.

The dream starts always with shades of grey/ yellow ish. Movement together in a organised way of forward, dust covering my feet, hot and sweaty my feet are very sore. Then it changes to scrabbling around on the ground that seems higher. Turns dark and I'm lying down looking at the sky, I think, above. Then waves of dark blue come towards me and I start firing at the blue with a gun, I can't shoot enough, the panic rises, the urge to run but nowhere to go. The noise is deafening. Then a weight pushes me back into the floor, pain in my left arm and lower left side.
Excruciating pain erupts in my upper arm, I get away after hitting the weight pushing against me.. I fall over and the dream ends.
I awake sweating and writhing, shaking, can't lift my left arm, struggle to dress. A new rash on my bicep, shooting burning itch, which is into my bone. I look into the mirror, as my lower back is sore and a new bruise is colouring, a bit of a swelling, I sit back on the bed, need to use toilet, I'm still hot and unsteady going the toilet, holding onto the wall.
Mrs L is still asleep, and not aware this time about the dream. I have woken her before. Unintentionally obviously. And found myself on the floor, but with the restrictive bars, stopping Mrs L from falling out. It is stopping me as well.
It is at least fifteen minutes till I can stop shaking enough to get down to the kitchen, put kettle on and have a cuppa.
Not the first time, not the last! All in full Technicolor and (probably) Dolby stereo!I

Mrs L has a better evening and talked about the grandkids. I think the more rest she gets, the more it helps.
A quiet day watching footie and such. Maybe a nap, few chores to do. But nowt urgent. Quick salad later.
I am tired!

My best wishes to you all as always!


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
BG last night was 7.5 and there it stayed all night and most of the day today. Just took a reading of 6.0. Maybe because of the almost zero carbs all day yesterday, but also maybe because I've been feeling a bit grotty since about 1900 yesterday. Cold, shaky and a bit nauseous. Did manage to get my full 8 mugs of tea down yesterday (and paid for that during the night). Maybe that's part of it. Lots to comment on in people's posts but I'm not feeling up to writing much at the moment. Tomorrow.


Ian will know about this. It's about what scientists are.
The Lucasian professorship of Maths was first held by Newton and he was well qualified but not of the Church of England, he was a Unitarian but not a Socian! I think he believed the Son proceeded from the Father before time which excluded his coequality and was subject . So could not be a member of the Church of England's clergy which the Lucasian chair demanded.
Then we get to Stephen Hawking a brilliant Maths mind and a remarkable life and I think an atheist. We humans are not robots and cannot stick to mans rules.

Newton could live and did live in different times whereas his friend a fellow Unitarian? was
PS. Of course he had all that extra merit because he came from Lincolnshire!
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Fbg 6.9

Creative...yesterday's black and white background with all the detail it was impossible to see, is enlarged on here and worked on for today's creative.

Wildlife nighttime video
A busy night - Badger & Fox & Cat Jade

Time for a cuppa tea.

Have your best day.



I pick up the Octavia this am, they fixed it after 3 hours work too late to go for yesterday so it was locked up all night.
It will be another £330.
This is not getting funny!

The farmer at the back rang me before new year to see how I was.
His farm is adjacent and is a block of about 1 mile by a third of a mile.
He's into butterflies and we got the first speckeld woods when they spread north in our garden and he came rushing down to see them because he hadn't had them on his estate.

He has classic cars and a very good car mechanic works from one of his barns and he will look at my car anytime although he works mainly on classics.

His property is in the picture, it goes over the top of th hill behind the house and the back road goes over the top to reach about 300 feet. On a clear day you can see all the Lakeland hills and Scotland from the Mull of Galloway to Carter Bar.

We were on the top parked looking to see if we could see the Red Arrows going back from Cumbria to Lincoln. Actually they went back via the valley over Keswick.

P turns up in a red immaculate four wheel Morgan, that looked as if it was newly made.

He later sold it to a guy in Yorkshire and it appeared in a TV programme, he thought they were idiots b.t.w. He had it restored.
You can see the hill in my logo. That was once was under the Eden Valley glacier as the southern side turned towards the plane that is the Solway and Irish Sea.

We had a good look at it and he wanted us to have a little drive down the road to get the feel. A nice offer but we are the wrong side of 70 to try out Morgans. Looking is enough.
I shall be taking my car to him in future he is apparently a very good formula 1 mechanic.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Fbg 6.9

Creative...yesterday's black and white background with all the detail it was impossible to see, is enlarged on here and worked on for today's creative.

Wildlife nighttime video
A busy night - Badger & Fox & Cat Jade

Time for a cuppa tea.

Have your best day.

View attachment 65399
Smashing piece. Art Deco meets abstract in a Masonic lodge. Well, just my impression.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Tripe and Onions
Ian will know about this. It's about what scientists are.
The Lucasian professorship of Maths was first held by Newton and he was well qualified but not of the Church of England, he was a Unitarian but not a Socian! I think he believed the Son proceeded from the Father before time which excluded his coequality and was subject . So could not be a member of the Church of England's clergy which the Lucasian chair demanded.
Then we get to Stephen Hawking a brilliant Maths mind and a remarkable life and I think an atheist. We humans are not robots and cannot stick to mans rules.

Newton could live and did live in different times whereas his friend a fellow Unitarian? was
PS. Of course he had all that extra merit because he came from Lincolnshire!
Have you heard or read about professor John D Barrow a winner of the Templeton prize and one of only two people to have held two different Gresham chairs and was also a lay minister.

Fbg this morning 5.7 hooray.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good morning everyone on what may possibly be a rain free day here in the dark and dangerous north. 5.4 on the snapshot sample of fluidity. School term day one - so we are back into the old school duty routine. So, Mrs Miggins will be staying over at our daughters tonight to get the Girl In The Bubble to school tomorrow morning (her parents start work at about 0730) so it gives said girl and said grandmother extra time pushing out the Z’s. It’s also Mrs Miggins’ koffy morning with pals and then a visit to one of her sisters who is in hospital so for me a wonderfully unsupervised series of unplanned events which may include an amble into town, and possibly the use of a bus pass. I like the slightly longer route into town; houses only on one side of the road, woodland on the other with glimpses though the trees of cliffs and the sea. Art bit - I am cleaning some pallets - so, mix all the colours together and daub onto some wet paper and see what happens. This pallet was mainly green. Hope your day contains some joy. I have finished my koffy and best make some tea for Mrs Miggins.



Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Good morning everyone on what may possibly be a rain free day here in the dark and dangerous north. 5.4 on the snapshot sample of fluidity. School term day one - so we are back into the old school duty routine. So, Mrs Miggins will be staying over at our daughters tonight to get the Girl In The Bubble to school tomorrow morning (her parents start work at about 0730) so it gives said girl and said grandmother extra time pushing out the Z’s. It’s also Mrs Miggins’ koffy morning with pals and then a visit to one of her sisters who is in hospital so for me a wonderfully unsupervised series of unplanned events which may include an amble into town, and possibly the use of a bus pass. I like the slightly longer route into town; houses only on one side of the road, woodland on the other with glimpses though the trees of cliffs and the sea. Art bit - I am cleaning some pallets - so, mix all the colours together and daub onto some wet paper and see what happens. This pallet was mainly green. Hope your day contains some joy. I have finished my koffy and best make some tea for Mrs Miggins.

View attachment 65400
Winner for the hall pass day .

Always amazed how you artists create such vivid delights from what seems an impossibly small & simple selection of tools.

Ooh, just spotted the boat type, is that Ragnar & Floki in the boat :wideyed:



Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
People that point out my spelling mistakes
Good Morening Ladies and Gentlemen, time to adopt Eskimo mode.

Blood sugars were 5.2 this morning.

Reading about the likes of Newton and Hawking made me, me’s and myself think of Sir Roy Calne who died just in the last few days. He was the pioneering transplant surgeon who carried out the first European transplant in 1968, his work led onto a new branch of medicine, Immunology, therefore saving thousands of peoples lives, myself included.

Mrs J was finally successful in cutting my hair and trimming my beard yesterday and therefore depriving me, me’s and myself of strength like that old fable Samson and Delilah.

Here in Tilehurst Towers the day is not an unknown, but is not for publication and will involve bacon and lots of discussion about woodwork.

Stay safe all, stay warm and whatever else.
Koffy, pills and plinky plonky bacon beckon in short term.


I have to get fixed a leaking diesel tank exit pipe to my quiet diesel Pramac 6kva. Then on Red desiei I have got all the electric I would ever want really cheap when I want it.
I got it new before Dylan was born and the output would be free whenever we wanted it. We lost our mains one Christmas for 48 hours and we all went down to Merseyside to daughter one and had Christmas in Warrington.
Boy scouts adage, be prepared.
The big tank is inside a lagged box, the installer gave me a long armoured cable. I had a young birder friend dig a suitablle trench and put armoured cable in a pipe. At the other end is massive plug and socket in the porch where the installer put a change over switch after the meters so we could put the house on alternator.