What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
5.5 this morning. Thank goodness the water is back on. Had a lovely warm shower and am now relaxing in the conservatory with a coffee.

Anglian Water engineers must have been working hard all night to fix it as it was a major leak. One of the roads in our village is still flooded.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Fbg 7.9
Definitely coming back down...

It was an absolutely horrendous foul day yesterday all kinds of weathers in the same day. The hailstones were particularly vicious in those very strong gusts of wind...

Wildlife nighttime video
A Fox & 2 Badgers & a Cat
33 Sec

Creative is one of my quick one line squiggles from my car....another puffer jacket...

I have a pair of goldfinches who appear to be living in my garden (or they are nesting...)

And in the early hours when I needed to visit the bathroom, I came face to face (albeit with the glass window of my bedroom door door between us) with a huge massive badger. So, urgent bathroom visit forgotten, I am sitting on the edge of my bed touching the glass pane, and this huge powerful beast is rubbing his body against the glass. This is the nearest I will ever get to touching a badger. Or want to get. He was amazing. I am assuming it was a he, because a female/pregnant female might feel threatened. I don't know. Or maybe the badgers are used to me. Midnight is sitting next to me, looking at me, as though he is saying, 'This is what I have to put up with, when I am on the swing...'. And I am looking at the large size of Midnight, but he looks tiny compared to this magnificent badger in front of us. This particular badger was definitely longer and heavier than Wiki says they are. A guess...approaching 40lbs? And he was longer than my metre steel ruler...

I'll look at the SD cards later today.

Stupid thing is, I went out in the dark last night to get something out of the potting shed because the weather had been too foul all day, and finally the rain and hail had stopped. And I am saying to myself, any badgers and wild beasties will run if they see me... I think I would take off vertically if I saw that size of beast in front of me...

While I am writing this, the male magpie is under my swing stealing cat Jade's wet catfood breakfast. But cat Midnight is sitting on the swing directly above the magpie, less than a hand's length away from the magpie's head. Yet the magpie stares at the unmoving unflinching Midnight as he approaches. The magpie stops in front of Midnight, ducks under the swing fills his beak/gullet with wet cat food to take back to his missus who Is either egg sitting or caring for their babies. And then cautiously puts his head from under the swing to see if Midnight will let him leave. And Midnight doesn't move an inch, and lets the Magpie leave with his food. All this happened just like this last year.

The magpie has just pulled the bowl of wet cat food from out under the swing, so he can take the food while keeping a constant eye on Midnight. I think he must have a nest of babies to take that kind of a chance.

Jade has just come for her breakfast and discovered it is all gone. But there is still bowl of dry cat food I put under the swing next to the bowl of wet catfood this morning so she's eating that at the moment. I'll go and replenish supplies in a bit.

I have just spent an hour watching the magpie coming to and fro while attempting to write this.

Now the other strays are coming along, but there's just the big bowl of dry cat food, however they're eating that. I will refill the wet bowl of catfood once I've posted this...

There are all the usual other birds in the garden - bluetits, greattits, longtailedtits, blackbirds, sparrows, various others, and robin, and dunnock (who has not found a mate yet).

Time for feeding duties again.
It's hard work in the spring...

Have a good day.

View attachment 67202
Monster badger, thieving magpie and a smashing sketch, thank you @gennepher


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good morning everyone. I can't share my fbg since it is unknown. Yesterday was a 24 carb day so it should have been fine. @gennepher thank you for sharing the tale of the monster badger and hungry magpie. Today's sketch is brilliant, very detailed. @dunelm enjoy your day in Newcastle. Thank you for sharing the splendid art. That colour really adds something to the piece. Enjoy Tuesday with the whole range of weather minus snow and ice
Thank you @ianpspurs


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Fbg 7.3
Still going down...

Looked at the SD cards for the night before last when that large badger was up against my glass bedroom door. But there had been so much activity that the card memory had run out about a hour before that large badger arrived. However here is footage of cat Midnight about an hour earlier, teaching a new badger the garden rules...he quickly learnt...

Nighttime wildlife video
A new Badger gets put in his place by Cat Midnight
53 secs

Creative...I watched an old man walk slowly down the pavement, from where I was sat in my car having a rest when shopping. A one line squiggle which takes seconds, BUT I had been watching his slow progress down the long pavement for a few minutes in my wing mirror....

Have your best kind of day.

Time for a nap and a cuppa...



Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Fbg 7.3
Still going down...

Looked at the SD cards for the night before last when that large badger was up against my glass bedroom door. But there had been so much activity that the card memory had run out about a hour before that large badger arrived. However here is footage of cat Midnight about an hour earlier, teaching a new badger the garden rules...he quickly learnt...

Nighttime wildlife video
A new Badger gets put in his place by Cat Midnight
53 secs

Creative...I watched an old man walk slowly down the pavement, from where I was sat in my car having a rest when shopping. A one line squiggle which takes seconds, BUT I had been watching his slow progress down the long pavement for a few minutes in my wing mirror....

Have your best kind of day.

Time for a nap and a cuppa...

View attachment 67213
FGB going down - good stuff. You get some well observed movement into these squiggles.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good morning everyone on a bird chirping sun shiny start to the day here in the dark and dangerous north. 5.3 this am. Yesterday’s explorations into the concrete jungle of Newcastle came and went. Fenwick, pronounced ‘fenik’ a sort of Harrod of the north (not a harrying of the north - there is a new version of that going on and centred in Montecito ). Or Grace Brothers if you will. Koffy first and a search of their website for a day dress came up with 479 choices - sigh! Anyhow, a splendid store assistant took Mrs Miggins round while I popped off and visited The Punjab for a few days in search of my maternal ancestors ;). Several days later, store advertising bag in hand and at least £2.99 lighter, we got the train home. Art bit - still doing this practice piece but this time in green, or if you want the be fancy about it, Viridian. Hope your day goes well. I shall finish my koffy and then hang out the washing Siegfried.

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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Good morning everyone on a bird chirping sun shiny start to the day here in the dark and dangerous north. 5.3 this am. Yesterday’s explorations into the concrete jungle of Newcastle came and went. Fenwick, pronounced ‘fenik’ a sort of Harrod of the north (not a harrying of the north - there is a new version of that going on and centred in Montecito ). Or Grace Brothers if you will. Koffy first and a search of their website for a day dress came up with 479 choices - sigh! Anyhow, a splendid store assistant took Mrs Miggins round while I popped off and visited The Punjab for a few days in search of my maternal ancestors ;). Several days later, store advertising bag in hand and at least £2.99 lighter, we got the train home. Art bit - still doing this practice piece but this time in green, or if you want the be fancy about it, Viridian. Hope your day goes well. I shall finish my koffy and then hang out the washing Siegfried.

View attachment 67214
I love Viridian - my favourite colour... it makes so many different colours with just a touch of another colour added to it... @dunelm


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
BG at 05.30 was 6.4. Works for me.

Wondering if the builders will come today - no sign of them yesterday. They may be waiting for the last of the radiators to be delivered.

Em came in at 07.30 - her Mum is away on the mainland (birthday treat for daughter number one) for 3 days but coming home tonight. Dad had to go to work (probably be late). Em has to come to us after school as well but I have a hospital appointment at 15.30 so she'll have to come with us and, probably, go shopping with Neil while I'm in the hospital. She gets on very well with her uncle Neil.

Neil found lots more boxes of paper for me to sort through yesterday plus a suitcase full of size 12 clothes that I thought had gone to a charity shop years ago (when I finally accepted that I would never get into them again). One huge pile is records of when I was a member of the board of the the local voluntary services organisation - much of it confidential so that is all for burning. Just can't go through it all, so it will be destroyed, confidential or not. There was another pile of old teaching materials as well - well out of date by now. Why did I keep all the originals in plastic envelopes? They are an awful faff to empty and they can't be recycled together with their contents. Also seems to have been snowing in here - lots of little bits of white "plastic" everywhere (that material that looks like plastic bags but is actually biodegradable. Clearly it has biodegraded; almost totally.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
People that point out my spelling mistakes
Good Morening Ladies and Gentlemen, also those ov questionable morals, those last two innocent words could almost cause a war between religious heretics ov any faith.

Blood sugars this morning were 4.8

Yesterday lunchtime Mrs J and myselves met up with some friends at pub for lunch in the quaint village ov Aldermaston, yep the infamous Aldermaston known throughout the western world for its bomb making facilities.
Now the menu was such that nearly all the items would cause a nuclear sugar explosion in my blood stream. The least damaging item was a North Yorkshire dish called a “ parmo “ so I had that with a truly excellent salad washed down strong koffy. Yep I would have that again. My pre evening meal blood sugars were 9.0
As we were leaving the pub the staff commented on how nice it was to hear raucous laughter!

Now it’s time to venture into the grand metropolis ov Reading for plinky plonky lessons and avoiding the religious zealots that populate the main pedestrian road.

Stay safe all.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning - just as I type anyhow - from a windy but sunny Little America. @gennepher thank you for sharing the latest sketch. @dunelm good news on the day dress and thank you for sharing the art. Interesting how different colours alter my perception. @Krystyna23040 good news that the water came back on in time for your shower. @Annb I hope the missing radiator appears soon so the heating system can be fully working. Enjoy Wednesday everyone.
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