What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only


Home again, home again, jiggerty jog!


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Bon weekend everyone. The sun is shining and the birds and the bees are out in force in the garden.
The wonder wheel of mirth, sadness and “serves you right”, is in holiday mood today and issued another flat 5.

Cough and runny doze sort of clearing up but I had better man up, as they say, and milk if for another day though.

Daughter issued seat numbers for the flights to lands-are-grotty last night - All rows 30, 31 and two in row 32 - I am printing off the rulers of flying just in case: window seat gets the window and one armrest, centre seat gets two armrests and isle seat gets one armrest and a little bit more leg room. If I can wangle sitting next to the twins who, being but two years old, are like J.F Sebastians little replicant friends in the original blade runner film, I can have all the armrests, see out of the window and stretch my legs.
Have a great weekend if you can.
have a great time dunelm x


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
6.8 oh what a number , had the Day off yesterday 2 votes given for the EU and for our parliament here in DK had to stand in line for 80 minutes well but then that was in place my old mother of 84 and I went for a steak and salat afterwards and then I went home after shopping , watching the English Barnaby for a couple of hours till the bus came collecting people from my flat-building where we had the yearly meeting and selection of ruling people for the next year, best thing was the fact that my 2 votes made the difference and we finally are allowed to have a cat legally . so very happy. Half of the flats already have a cat living with its people so relief is also part of the feeling , not having to fear some revengeful neighbour .. well but all the carbcoated steak and fried potatoes and pees with lime and ansjoeses and 2 big glasses of wine made this mornings number far too high


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
A post with two things I can't tell you which in my simple mind fit perfectly with the vibe of "don't think it, live it" introduced by @poemagraphic. I can't tell you my fbg as I deliberately didn't test it - increasingly unsure it tells me anything useful. I do know not knowing what it is feels remarkably liberating. I also can't tell you just how uplifting it felt to have sun on my back cutting asparagus, listening to bird song and nothing else early this morning after collecting eggs and allowing chickens to roam. Somewhere in there is a method of dealing with T2 control decoupled from Fung, Bilkman, Phinney and Tom Cobbly. Think I'll call it the KISS method (Keep It Simple Stupid):)

Even though I am now in the habit of testing, I note that in the main, a home A1C test kit can be up to half a percent higher or lower than the actual percentage shown. So, I don’t get hung up on it that much. I find that an A1C reading is more useful before eating than the fbg - as an indication that a window of opportunity for a bit of a treat has opened up (no bread or beer though unfortunately).

Can you feel when you are high or low - I can if it’s a large jump such as up at 8 or down to 3?

Fresh asparagus and eggs - two of the three ingredients needed to make one of the best meals in the world - get out there and pick some crispy bacon.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
uplifting it felt to have sun on my back cutting asparagus,
listening to bird song and nothing else early this morning after
collecting eggs and
allowing chickens to roam.

Somewhere in there is a method of dealing with T2 control decoupled from Fung, Bilkman, Phinney and Tom Cobbly.

Think I'll call it the KISS method (Keep It Simple Stupid):)

Just eat the chicken, eggs & asparagus..while listening to the bird songs.. in the sunshine.
= Norfolk Paleolithic Cave Man's diet...perfectly as K.I.S.S.

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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Even though I am now in the habit of testing, I note that in the main, a home A1C test kit can be up to half a percent higher or lower than the actual percentage shown. So, I don’t get hung up on it that much. I find that an A1C reading is more useful before eating than the fbg - as an indication that a window of opportunity for a bit of a treat has opened up (no bread or beer though unfortunately).

Can you feel when you are high or low - I can if it’s a large jump such as up at 8 or down to 3?

Fresh asparagus and eggs - two of the three ingredients needed to make one of the best meals in the world - get out there and pick some crispy bacon.
I have only rarely tested before eating and don't see numbers higher than mid 6s which I think constitute a disaster but I have no way of telling they are high or low. As regards the bacon, pigs have been kept here and I did consider that as an option but now we are downsizing that won't happen. Breckland is awash with pigs but it is not in the farmers interests to sell them to the public.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Just eat the chicken, eggs & asparagus..while listening to the bird songs.. in the sunshine.
= Norfolk Paleolithic Cave Man's diet...perfectly as K.I.S.S.

Cambridgeshire currently then Suffolk.Norfolk is a very different place I can assure you. Eating any of Julie's chickens would not end well:angelic:

True Blue

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
A post with two things I can't tell you which in my simple mind fit perfectly with the vibe of "don't think it, live it" introduced by @poemagraphic. I can't tell you my fbg as I deliberately didn't test it - increasingly unsure it tells me anything useful. I do know not knowing what it is feels remarkably liberating. I also can't tell you just how uplifting it felt to have sun on my back cutting asparagus, listening to bird song and nothing else early this morning after collecting eggs and allowing chickens to roam. Somewhere in there is a method of dealing with T2 control decoupled from Fung, Bilkman, Phinney and Tom Cobbly. Think I'll call it the KISS method (Keep It Simple Stupid):)
Hello my friend. My GP, also T2, told me it is not necessary to test BG via a meter. He said "What's the point?" I wasn't going to argue with an HCP but I think there IS a point, namely personal motivation. It is a bit like driving on a long car journey and seeing the miles come down, Leeds 170 miles, Leeds 120 miles etc. The same with the bathroom scales. When I get to the Emerald City I might stop then. But how would I know if I was still in Emerald City? Just my two penny worth.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Hello my friend. My GP, also T2, told me it is not necessary to test BG via a meter. He said "What's the point?" I wasn't going to argue with an HCP but I think there IS a point, namely personal motivation. It is a bit like driving on a long car journey and seeing the miles come down, Leeds 170 miles, Leeds 120 miles etc. The same with the bathroom scales. When I get to the Emerald City I might stop then. But how would I know if I was still in Emerald City? Just my two penny worth.
Thanks @True Blue. I do test and follow data - note I say data not information or knowledge. World of difference and very unclear what it has to do with wellness or well being. None of the sages on here has ever convinced me they are remotely likely to enter the right GPS co-ordinates for where I want to go.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
@Freema that is great news about being officially allowed to keep a cat in your appartment. Well worth voting and certainly worth the celebratory steak.
@ianpspurs what a great start to the day, I felt happy and relaxed simply reading your post and I’m sure you’re right about approaching T2 control from a more bucolic angle.
@dunelm good luck with the extra leg/ arm room if sitting next to the twins. I reckon you will definitely need your holiday after sharing the flight with 2 year olds though, and probably an extra large g&t when you arrive.
@Bubbsie hugs for the lurgy. Hope the coffee does it’s stuff.
@PenguinMum I got my feet out on Wed but I’ve hidden them away again - drizzly here. Hope it perks up before your holidays.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
I agree unequivocally True Blue.
If testing rigorously is useful in managing your diabetes then continue. If you have a good idea and set of data to keep you well managed the regime may perhaps be relaxed a little. Rigorous or relaxed seems to make little difference to me hence the uncertainty over what I am learning.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
If testing rigorously is useful in managing your diabetes then continue. If you have a good idea and set of data to keep you well managed the regime may perhaps be relaxed a little. Rigorous or relaxed seems to make little difference to me hence the uncertainty over what I am learning.
ian you have made your feelings clear on this matter once again...thank you for the unnecessary/unsolicited endorsement to continue testing.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning...feeling rough today...snotty...tired & just yuk...thought I had something lingering in the background...woke at 05:30 at 7.4...back to bed up again at 07:30 to a 7.2...hoping coffee and a shower will liven me up.

hope you´ll be well soon....
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Cambridgeshire currently then Suffolk.Norfolk is a very different place I can assure you. Eating any of Julie's chickens would not end well:angelic:

then apologies are in order., my cambridge/suffolk borders fellow foot the ball fan

i did check, and wrongly assumed from the information that cambridge is made up as london is of different counties.
i have always associated the fens with norfolk., a fact i now see is very wrong.


DC-UK..everyday's a school day.:D