What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


My House
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
So 6.2 for me this morning after being woken in the night by a phone call from someone thinking we were Burger King - announced calls only and private number eh, BT? Yes, I'm well aware I could achieve the same out of control bg level without constant hunger and wearing 2 base layers and thick jumpers all year round. But would I be sub 11 St 6 or be able to virtue signal I'm LC? Thought not. @trick60 sounds like a very difficult but simultaneously very easy decision. Best wishes for the A1c today @OldButBold - the aunts sound amazing. Tantalising hints of an interesting but sad tale @Barb McD. Titus has it right IMHO @SaskiaKC . So, Ash Wednesday but no ashing service in this town:bigtears: New dishwasher since this one is a) old and b )like Arkwrights till since the integrated door came off in my hand. May your bg levels be as low as the FTSE just now and your pleasures be as high as Mr Cummings' opinion of himself - but with justification. Quite a psalm 38 start for me. 1 Timothy 6: 17-19 seems very apposite since 2016 (2008?) - apposite but totally unheeded.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
The saving grace was that the aunts had imbibed more than a sherry or two and were in a raucous mood
Made me laugh OBB...many years ago my dear ancient aunty Molly from Dublin cam over for one of my brothers weddings...we set off to visit family outside London poor Molly had several falls/trips every time she did she needed a 'nip' or two of something (brandy) finally after yet another trip we put two & two together and managed to get her to our destination safely without imbibing anymore alcohol


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Fbg 6.9 at 3 am.

I woke early. I sort of had a bad dream. I didn't realise it was a dream until I woke up. I thought it was real. I was living in a ground floor flat. Then I realised it was waist deep in water. The river next to it had burst its banks. So I looked out of the window, and the floodwater had just reached the roof of my car. There was one person trying to swim to safety. All I could think of was I had said that I can never be flooded where I live now. But it was a different place. Anyway the dream cut out as the floodwater was rising and I woke up.

So I wrote my thoughts a bit in my diary, then it was 4am, so I am thinking what to paint today. I got my St Petersburg watercolour paints out. I have never done a colour chart with them. I used these a lot 20 odd years ago. But the tops of the watercolour pans had gone mouldy...it was my fault, because I had wrapped them in a plastic bag. These paints are generally very wet any way, they don't dry out, like normal watercolours that can go hard.

Cleaned them up in the bathroom sink which is now rainbow coloured...
And made this colour chart. Which took ages. But I needed it as I have forgotten what the darker pans come out like. There were 26 pans originally, I put the extra colours in the middle section, that I needed at the time. And I arranged the colours as I used them at that time, which might not look logical, but worked at that time.

I didn't have enough time to do a proper bigger painting, so I grabbed a white piece of index card, and did a quick painting...it is probably 6 inches by 4inches (no, I don't deal in metric...). I have to go out soon because my Cochlear Speech Processor program is corrupted and I can hear s*d all with it apart from wierd sounds that cut on and off. It is totally doing my brain in. So I have a long driving trip today...

In the few minutes, about 10 minutes, I have been writing this the weather has gone from rainy and cloudy, to clear blue sunny skies (for just a moment), to driving sleet, to driving snow, and now we have rain. Not a fun day to go and drive in...but I need to make this appointment.

So here is this morning's tiny painting...and bits and pieces and colour chart and Chinese paintbrushes. I only use Chinese brushes for watercolour, and have done so since the 1990's when I did Chinese painting and calligraphy under Cathy Wu in the Chinese Pagoda in Liverpool. A lot of the time she spoke in Chinese to us, when she got heated that we were not following her instructions....


Take care
Be kind to each other
Hugs if you need them, and hugs if you don't...


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Today's painting is another Plein Air, almost. This morning I had to take Mrs MC to the farm to turn out the horse, our Golf VW is being mended after the bump I had a few weeks back, Mrs MC won't drive VW Camper unless desperate so I am on farm run duty. I had 1 hour to kill and sat in camper van todo this painting looking across the farm. Water colour, plein air, A4 size sketch book time taken 1 hour.
View attachment 38941

Snowing here now.
I love that @Muddy Cyclist
I also love the idea of open air painting from the comfort of a vehicle...
It definitely captures winter...


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Tablets (oral)
Made me laugh OBB...many years ago my dear ancient aunty Molly from Dublin cam over for one of my brothers weddings...we set off to visit family outside London poor Molly had several falls/trips every time she did she needed a 'nip' or two of something (brandy) finally after yet another trip we put two & two together and managed to get her to our destination safely without imbibing anymore alcohol

I felt like I was in an episode of the Golden Girls. I have always enjoyed the company of the elderly and been fascinated by their stories. Maybe its because my grandfather knew I was a willing subject for all his tales both real and imagined. Now I'm in that age group it's no different, I can still listen in raptured silence to bygone memories. Your aunt reminds me of an Irish lady I meet occasionally in the village, a female Father Ted if there ever was one :)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
weirdly, i'm seeing watership down..

maybe because of this
View attachment 38927

Nice to see you back up and making progress @gennepher
Awful how things long considered buried still affect us

best wishes for a nicer day today.

Thank you @jjraak
They do continue to affect us.
I did have a better day.

I like that everyone sees something different in my paintings. That makes the painting successful to me.
You take care.


I have gone back 24hours on this thread. I think I have caught up. Apologies if I have missed something or someone.
Take care.

Muddy Cyclist

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Fbg 6.9 at 3 am.

I woke early. I sort of had a bad dream. I didn't realise it was a dream until I woke up. I thought it was real. I was living in a ground floor flat. Then I realised it was waist deep in water. The river next to it had burst its banks. So I looked out of the window, and the floodwater had just reached the roof of my car. There was one person trying to swim to safety. All I could think of was I had said that I can never be flooded where I live now. But it was a different place. Anyway the dream cut out as the floodwater was rising and I woke up.

So I wrote my thoughts a bit in my diary, then it was 4am, so I am thinking what to paint today. I got my St Petersburg watercolour paints out. I have never done a colour chart with them. I used these a lot 20 odd years ago. But the tops of the watercolour pans had gone mouldy...it was my fault, because I had wrapped them in a plastic bag. These paints are generally very wet any way, they don't dry out, like normal watercolours that can go hard.

Cleaned them up in the bathroom sink which is now rainbow coloured...
And made this colour chart. Which took ages. But I needed it as I have forgotten what the darker pans come out like. There were 26 pans originally, I put the extra colours in the middle section, that I needed at the time. And I arranged the colours as I used them at that time, which might not look logical, but worked at that time.

I didn't have enough time to do a proper bigger painting, so I grabbed a white piece of index card, and did a quick painting...it is probably 6 inches by 4inches (no, I don't deal in metric...). I have to go out soon because my Cochlear Speech Processor program is corrupted and I can hear s*d all with it apart from wierd sounds that cut on and off. It is totally doing my brain in. So I have a long driving trip today...

In the few minutes, about 10 minutes, I have been writing this the weather has gone from rainy and cloudy, to clear blue sunny skies (for just a moment), to driving sleet, to driving snow, and now we have rain. Not a fun day to go and drive in...but I need to make this appointment.

So here is this morning's tiny painting...and bits and pieces and colour chart and Chinese paintbrushes. I only use Chinese brushes for watercolour, and have done so since the 1990's when I did Chinese painting and calligraphy under Cathy Wu in the Chinese Pagoda in Liverpool. A lot of the time she spoke in Chinese to us, when she got heated that we were not following her instructions....

View attachment 38953

Take care
Be kind to each other
Hugs if you need them, and hugs if you don't...
What great freeness in the use of watercolour, nice, like it. I have to say you are very organised, colour chart is very useful I am always forgetting how my darker pans look. I just dive in and hope for the best, your way seems far more sensible.

Take care with your trip out, sorry you are having problems.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Morning All. 6.2 today due to one too many salted peanuts last night I suspect. Will I ever learn and why did I buy them in the first place.
The Coronavirus is starting to get very real now. We have our house on the market so we have all sorts of strangers wandering around our personal spaces. The agents told me yesterday someone had requested viewing on Sat but hasnt fixed a time because he is away on holiday this week. It got me thinking because we have a close friend, a member of our family as we see her, with a compromised immunity due to cancer treatment who is coming to live with us in two weeks time for probably a few weeks while she recovers from surgery. So today I will be instructing the agent that before viewings they must ask the question if they have been abroad and where in the last couple of weeks. We want to sell but as always the wellness and safety of our family comes before anything else. I wonder how they will take it! Watch this space.
Have a great Wednesday everyone. Stay well, stay safe.

That sounds a very sensible instruction @PenguinMum to ask if they have been abroad and where.
You are doing the right thing.
Take care.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
A lovely low 5.0 this morning. I haven't a clue why - or maybe actually I have. Yesterday I had much less cream.

I have proved to myself over and over again that I have an upper limit of cream but from time to time do have more cream in the hopes that it won't affect fbs - but it always does.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
What great freeness in the use of watercolour, nice, like it. I have to say you are very organised, colour chart is very useful I am always forgetting how my darker pans look. I just dive in and hope for the best, your way seems far more sensible.

Take care with your trip out, sorry you are having problems.
Thank you @Muddy Cyclist
I am not really organised, just terribly messy...watch this painting surface in a few days time...those darker pans can be anything from viridian, to blues, or purple, not to mention black...
Thank you for your wishes.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
My cats only eat Whiskas dried Tuna pockets and tinned tuna. I have tried other things but they wont eat anything else. They are middle aged now and in great condition with glossy coats and bright eyes so it must be ok for them. It always amazes me what the marketing people come up with. I saw an ad for cat soup on tv yesterday! Should it be served with a soup spoon lol.

Cat soup lol. You’re right though, marketing companies are paid a fortune to come up with different ways to part us from our cash - you can imagine the brainstorming session for that product - hey, people like soup in the winter, let’s dilute cat food and sell it as soup! You have to admire the audacity really.
I think generally cats have more discerning tastes than dogs. Dennis will happily eat the most revolting things ( Canada Goose poo is a favourite atm) so the issue is getting him NOT to eat something rather than persuading him to eat it.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
A lovely low 5.0 this morning. I haven't a clue why - or maybe actually I have. Yesterday I had much less cream.

I have proved to myself over and over again that I have an upper limit of cream but from time to time do have more cream in the hopes that it won't affect fbs - but it always does.
Double cream is lovely @Krystyna23040
One can always hope the body will say dang, I will gave her that lower blood sugar reading she requests even if she drinks the cream ...
(Sometimes I have a drink of it...)


My House
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
I am always optimistic that this will happen - hopefully it will in the future.
First World problem alert:angelic: You went from insulin dependent to in remission fuelled by cream did you not, lady? Clearly works for you and you know the right dose but even if you over do it from time to time no harm done - fbg 5 today, No?. So ......


and slurp that cream like a good 'un:angelic: (I assume Mr K spends many a day rolling his eyes as you bewail a 5.insignificant after an extra mg of cream.)
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
a female Father Ted if there ever was one :)
Yes that's Molly...we arrived at Euston Station on our way to visit another aunt...Molly had never been on an escalator before & her first experience was traumatic (for us too) her co-ordination wasn't brilliant (the brandy) so she missed her footing & travelled up the escalator partly on her back displaying underwear that hadn't been on display since Queen Victoria's unmentionables were shown at the V & A many years ago...my mother was apoplectic one of the heels on her best wedding bought shoes broke as she tried to extract her sister from the moving stairs meanwhile the rest of us were busy trying to pretend we didn't know them...it was a car crash journey I shall never forget.