What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Anyone here had any experience of how a Libre sensor behaves when it becomes too wet? My first time ever in the shower with no film cover. Exceptionally high readings over the last 2 hrs. I know a shower gives high readings even covered but not for this long. TIA.

In my experience it falls off. What does finger stick say?


Fbg 6.2

We have sun here today.
Long may it continue....
I was messing with some old acrylic paints I unearthed yesterday. Not painting. Just trying them out. They were a bit thick, a bit bitty etc, but okay for freedom of expression.
This is not what I "painted" yesterday, it was the bit at the side of the paper, on wallpaper lining paper protecting my table. Someone was clearing out their house a couple of years ago and said "do you want some paper to paint on?". I always say yes seeing as my garage is the Tardis...(it is getting a very full Tardis). But I didn't expect to be handed a dozen rolls of old wallpaper lining paper. I think I have enough for a lifetime now.
I think my garage is going to need a check this year on how many things I have said "yes" to. Although with Covid and lockdown that kind of supply has dwindled to nil...

So this is the overpaint on to the wallpaper lining...and I gave it a little black frame to make it feel important and proud of itself....

View attachment 48825
I see all sorts in your abstract gennepher!


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
In my experience it falls off. What does finger stick say?
Thanks. Mine is still on. Can''t be bothered with finger stick anymore. I know I should but I have a tenuous relationship with this process currently - I blame Jose - and keeping it simple means I hang on in there for now. Most recent scan seemed possible so I set the timer and drank some cwc which I "know" has a certain outcome.
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Wonderful magpie @dunelm

Hope the walk sorts out the lethargy and back tantrums...
Thank you @gennepher - wonderful wander down the beach to blow the cobwebs off - back persuaded to be quiet.



Wife still progressing after second AZ but a lot better.
It seems that a second vaccine derived from a dead virus has similar adverse effects on clotting.
Could it be that this procedure of adding the spike to a dead virus mimics a virus too closely?


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi @jjraak,
I think it has alway happened, its is just a lot worse, now.
One tends to worry less when one has been retired as long as I have.
However an on line presence could severely affect ones career, if younger.

I was surprised when I went with a group of guys to Shetland and Fair Isle birding about 12 years ago (two young, two retired) we were chatting to the owner of a b and b and the owner admitted he had checked us all out before we went there, after it was booked.
Suspicious me thought he may be retired police.


yes, did try to explain to our steph, How what she commits to posting on line now, COULD come back to haunt her years later.

Was aware we got tracked, but it was the sheer immensity of it that was the shocker.

anyway, is what it is.
we all deal with it our own way.

take care


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Snap - I've got those two also. There is that quote - “Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't after you.”


wonder if it's just me, or bikers only or all drivers.

ever had that moment when you move over on pavement while out walking
and still do that 'Lifesaver' look over your shoulders.

Sometimes wonder if we should all have wing mirrors fitted to jackets tops etc..:hilarious:

Muddy Cyclist

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Fbg 6.2

We have sun here today.
Long may it continue....
I was messing with some old acrylic paints I unearthed yesterday. Not painting. Just trying them out. They were a bit thick, a bit bitty etc, but okay for freedom of expression.
This is not what I "painted" yesterday, it was the bit at the side of the paper, on wallpaper lining paper protecting my table. Someone was clearing out their house a couple of years ago and said "do you want some paper to paint on?". I always say yes seeing as my garage is the Tardis...(it is getting a very full Tardis). But I didn't expect to be handed a dozen rolls of old wallpaper lining paper. I think I have enough for a lifetime now.
I think my garage is going to need a check this year on how many things I have said "yes" to. Although with Covid and lockdown that kind of supply has dwindled to nil...

So this is the overpaint on to the wallpaper lining...and I gave it a little black frame to make it feel important and proud of itself....

View attachment 48825
Can see it hanging in the Tate, much better than many things hanging in the Tate.

Muddy Cyclist

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Good morning everyone from a rapidly melting dusting of white, here in the dark and dangerous north

The wonder wheel of a fine slab of lamb breast and obligatory mint came in at 5.6 this am. Mrs Miggins, for some inexplicable reason, is not keen on lamb so I ended up making her something else.
Washergate went better than expected yesterday and planters now firmly secured in place. Gregory the Greattit is busy strutting his stuff - probably listening to Led Zeppelin.
There is probably something ‘going on’ somewhere but feel a bit lethargic about joining in and my lower back has decided to have a wee tantrum - a good walk with sort that out.

A bit more marbling this morning. Hope that everyone has a wonderful day. Koffy time.

View attachment 48826
For some reason this post eluded me this morning, hug for back, winner for great sea photo and marbling Magpie. Hope back sorted by Beach ramble.

Muddy Cyclist

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Last in minimal spring wood scenes. Watercolour A4, inspired by walks in Brocton Ancient Oak woods on Cannock Chase.

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