What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


First trip across Roman Wall country to the Freeman Hospital at Newcastle since January before the Pandemic to get my pacemaker checked. Hope its not mutated into a metronome ...too hot today to be going to hospitals. Perhaps I still think I am in the days before air con?


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
5.5 this morning. Early morning start - but at least all classes are local today. Luckily my Norwich venue had air con as it was so hot yesterday.

Lovely sunny morning for the dog walk once I have finished my coffee.
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Diet only
First trip across Roman Wall country to the Freeman Hospital at Newcastle since January before the Pandemic to get my pacemaker checked. Hope its not mutated into a metronome ...too hot today to be going to hospitals. Perhaps I still think I am in the days before air con?
Take care on that A69 - it’s full of vehicles


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Excellent work Mr K. I remember Tales of the Unexpected and before that the Knight on the horse logo. Used to wait impatiently for the music to stop and kids TV to start.
I was really sad when they ditched the Knight on the horse logo.


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Good morning all on what seems to be a fairly high level impersonation of that which we used to refer to as summer. I was 5.4 on Stabbington (this day in 2015) having discovered the power of HITT to lower my bg for at least 3 days after. DXd in June 2015, spent June/July reading, started testing July 8th 2015. Bought books, meter, an alchemists kit for "food" but the best things I ever bought were an exercise bike and multi station gym machine @lindisfel best wishes for the visit with Gerry - my uncle was part of the pacemaker team at Papworth (his name was John, not G). I was more a bubble in my dad's spirit level since he was a builder. @Krystyna23040 good to hear the hall has air con - my neighbour feels the UK is positively medieval in that regard. @dunelm the shipping container is a masterstroke but apples do tend to fall in orchards:angelic:. Baby OP is out of high dependency and off oxygen - parents understandably much happier. Nanny London apparently not only had pneumonia but something else more serious and a few other issues - she can't remember (or more likely won't tell) what Dr said. Nativity of BVM today so give it beans team.
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Well-Known Member
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People that point out my spelling mistakes
Sorry Ladies and Gentlemen, no time on a mission to get out and gone before me and me's are forced to drive to Heathrow airport........don't ask.

A 4.9, then a 5.0, on the limits for driving, remedial action taken.

Stay safe all.


Well-Known Member
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Diet only
football, both the game and the culture.
Yesterday's FBG 8.7
Today 8.5
Am assuming this is health related as I am feeling very unwell and spent most of yesterday in bed.


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Diet only
A group of me - best get outside and pick the James Grieves - those Egremont Russets are still holding back for bets.
Good comeback We had both those types back home I really, really like russets. Did I mention I feel homesick sometimes?


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Diet only
We have one other but for the life of me I can’t remember what it is
We had at least 6 other types including one no one could identify but was dwarf and grew the largest, tastiest apples I ever ate. Also bordered a huge apple orchard which was one of only maybe 3 in an area previously dominated by plums but now peas and beans for protein.
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Diet only
Only the sheep had kale when I was a lad, now the better half has it every day because the optician told it was good for her eyes!
Interestingly, my grandfather always called it cattle kale. As a family we like it and our sons ate it and enjoyed it from weaning onwards. Kale chips with parmesan are high on my list of the best LC has to offer. The fizz variety is/was so easy to grow and easier to remove the stalks.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Back home.
Out very early cos hospital appointment.
And I needed to find that elusive parking spot.
Too hot for hospitals.
Too hot for driving.
I stayed in the inner lane with a 65mph. The outer lane was...well for the 90 plus mph.
Long distance.
I got the very last parking spot by the entrance at 7:15 am in the morning. After me, others were driving round and round like BA flies...
My last cuppa had been at midnight, so hopefully I wouldn't need those elusive toilet facilities.
It was beautifully misty first thing, all pinks and peaches and the industrial buildings looked like the most magnificent otherworldly fairyland.

I was shocked when I went through this hospital entrance. Totally unlike the other hospital I went to recently nearer to me, where the dragon receptionist insisted I had to wear the nhs blue mask despite me being unable to wear it because of the magnet on my head, and a long discussion/argument had ensued. And finally I had said well I am exempt anyway, so I am not wearing any mask, and took mine off.

Last time I was at this hospital (and the times before in Covid), there was a receptionist, loads sanitizers, and spare masks all at the entrance. This time...no receptionist, the sanitizers at the entrance halved, and no spare masks for you. In fact there were a lot of patients/customers not wearing masks, and some came in expecting to find masks provided, so when they found there was none, they just pulled their t shirt or jumper up over their noses.

Notices all along the corridors (of which there was miles and miles, more than I have ever seen in my life), saying use the hand sanitizers dotted round the hospital. But there was not one hand sanitizer in any of the corridors, nor outside any of the wards or facilities that led through automatic doors, which were not now automatic (they were the last time I went), you had to push these awkward heavy doors now. And notices advising you replace your surgical masks regularly during the day. It implied there were 'stations' where you could pick one up, but they were in absence as well.

My department, Shooting Star Unit, is at the furthermost end of the hospital from the entrance, and each time I get lost. It looks simple on a simple map, but navigating miles of corridors and choosing which doors to take off the main corridor (which don't appear evident to me on the map), it is like a convoluted maze.

I was about to give up, mentally and physically, when someone opened a door beside me, and I thought I recognised that corridor. Moments later I was there at reception desk. The receptionist recognised me, and just motioned me to the side waiting room. The team I had last time was supposed to be the same, but it was replaced by another team and my appointment was a wee bit later now. But it didn't matter, laughing, joking, banter, and I had to say I couldn't lipread through the masks, They took their masks down, so from that point on I was totally involved and understanding of their jokes and banter, even their more personal jokes with each other, which they included me in.They were a really empathic group of nursing staff. And when everything was done, one of the nurses who had been interjecting with questions throughout, wrote down her personal nhs email number and told me to email any time and we could chat.

I would like to say I walked out on cloud 9, well I did, but I still had to walk all those slow steps back to the entrance where my car was.

I go to get in my car, and hit my head hard on the sun visor which had been down because of the blinding sun...ouch.

I was drop dead exhausted and drove the shortest distance possible, and got into bed and slept for 4 soilid hours.Just woke up.

Why didn't you get your mobility scooter out of the car, I can hear you saying. The answer is I was absolutely dying for a long wee when I got out of the car.It was not possible to lift anything.

Going back to sleep now, temp was 30C here earlier. Breathing is impossible, so hot and airless and still. And that stupid AH neighbour is with a woman (his wife?) and they have a bonfire going in their back garden, right next to me, and I have smoke all through my house. I checked online and apparently in hours of daylight you can have a bonfire, but not if it is causing danger. The day is far too hot, it's irresponsible to have a bonfire today as far as I am concerned, so while I was on the site, I reported it. He does back on to a lot of ancient woodlend.

My eyes are closing again...I need an iced drink, the ice maker has been churning away....
No painting/photograph today unless I come to before midnight...
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Diet only
Best wishes to Emma Raducanu. Wonder who Gavo will confuse her with? Love Maro's take on this
“Due to recent speculation I thought it was necessary to confirm that I am not Marcus Rashford… And whilst we are here my name is not Mario either!! Just a simple Maro Itoje will do… Much love, Marcu… I mean Maro Itoje.” Wonder which one went to Harrow?


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
In iPastels.
Painting for today...
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
First trip across Roman Wall country to the Freeman Hospital at Newcastle since January before the Pandemic to get my pacemaker checked. Hope its not mutated into a metronome ...too hot today to be going to hospitals. Perhaps I still think I am in the days before air con?
How was your hospital visit @lindisfel ?
I hope it went well.
I hope the toilet facilities you needed were available when you needed them...

What air con?

On my way home from my hospital visit (no air con there), I stopped at a Lidl to get a couple of things. It was meant to be a lightning shop, but when I walked in...oh the air conditioning. I have never experienced such magnificent air con before. It was bliss.Fortunately I had my Walker with me, and it has a seat on it, so I sat down to study what I wanted to buy...
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Type 1
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5.7 for me had a lovely day yesterday for my birthday,have a great day everyone