What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Good morning everyone on a breezy yet cloud free start here in the dark and dangerous north. Another sunny day perhaps?
Yesterday was a day of near constant vacuuming of a newly laid carpet - why do they come with such excessive amounts of fluff and detritus. I say vacuuming and no matter how much Mr Dyson throws at advertising some folk will still call it hoovering. The term Ewbanking never seemed to take off. Mrs Miggins returned from the little house on the prairie to report that all was well.
Art bit - a sheet of A3 watercolour paper, a bit of water and a brushstroke of ink. Hope you all have a smashing Saturday. Time for an early koffy.
View attachment 53560
I love this new series of water and a brushstroke of ink, and a tiny detail @dunelm


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Fbg 6.4

A bad night's sleep.
No obvious reason why.
But fell asleep at dawn.
So, I am late.
No time for the usual time I spend on a creative.
So a kaleidoscope today...

I did 4 and this was my favourite kaleidoscope in Laboscope

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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
People that point out my spelling mistakes
Good Morening Ladies and Gentlemen, here in Tilehurst Towers the weather forecast is cold, but bright and sunny, wether you believe it or not or knot, to, too or two words that sound the same but written differently, my wat a confusing language we have.
This morning a 6.7, where that came from I know knot or not……not to worry.
Here in Tilehurst Towers we have our two eldest grandchildren, they stayed last night and will be returning to their parents after dinner tonight, it will safe to assume it will be an early night for the grandparents.
Have a fun filled day fellow posters and painters, stay safe.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Fbg 6.4

A bad night's sleep.
No obvious reason why.
But fell asleep at dawn.
So, I am late.
No time for the usual time I spend on a creative.
So a kaleidoscope today...

I did 4 and this was my favourite kaleidoscope in Laboscope app

View attachment 53562
Oh dear, feet up and a nap under the electric blanket later on. Smashing kaleidoscope- so much to see - I like the contrast between the lace and the blue bottle top.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Dishonesty lies and thieves and online Bullies!!!
Fbg 6.4

A bad night's sleep.
No obvious reason why.
But fell asleep at dawn.
So, I am late.
No time for the usual time I spend on a creative.
So a kaleidoscope today...

I did 4 and this was my favourite kaleidoscope in Laboscope app

View attachment 53562
Love it K
But big hug for your bad night sleep, hopefully you get a much better night tonight.
The Kaleidoscope is marvellous. K


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Dishonesty lies and thieves and online Bullies!!!
Good morning,

7.30am fbg was 5.1

Hope everyone has a wonderful Saturday, it's still wet in syd so I don't know if I can walk today :/ typical summer in Oz
Great BG reading well done, I’ve a way to catch up but I will get there I’m a determined old so and so I won’t give up.
I’ve never been to Australia but two friends went many years ago and relocated there, I always thought it a hot country so I never considered going, I can’t stand heat over mid 20deg . Our youngest granddaughter and her boyfriend are hoping to emigrate to Canada in next few years they both love the cold, and they will certainly get that.
I don’t want them to go but they must do what’s right for them it’s their decision, we made ours years ago I will miss them both terribly, but if I remain well in my retirement years and I’m still able bodied enough I just might get to visit them.
Oh to be young again but know what I know now!!!!! K


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi there from an amazingly bright, sunny but frosty Forest Heath where it is, surprisingly, another Saturday even though we had one only a week earlier. I am searching for that elusive Goldilocks post and indeed way of dealing with "issues." I'm not sure I am "middling" or finding the sweet spot as I would like but then again I'm also sure a perfectionist streak is how The Enemy comes after me (don't be looking for some Being with horns, cloven hooves et al.) So, do I pray for the people of Ukraine, specifically Kyiv, to continue the fight, thus bringing more bloodshed and death on both sides, or a quick end and less woe all round even if Putin prevails? @Granny_grump_ never mind the off-piste dessert you shared love and time with your granddaughter and her partner. Priceless. The rest can be dealt with later like the other clearing up. @Krystyna23040 great attitude to dealing with the vagaries of The D gained through bitter experience of using insulin. @gennepher hug for the poor sleep - part 1 of SHED- but from that came the blessing and joy for myself and others of that wonderful kaleidoscope. Thank you so much. @dunelm many thanks for your bright and cheery art. I'm always attracted to anything which appears to me to have plenty of Cambridge Blue - can't think why. Yes, hoovering. Still a thing here despite Kirbying being more appropriate. I was very unimpressed with my parents’ Dyson and totally unimpressed with the man himself. Mobile CT scan 9.00 a.m. tomorrow so no Swipey but strict dress code - no buttons, zips or metal. Yesterday should have been a very Goldilocks day - all the ideal ingredients were there. I'm not sure I didn't “butcher” the chance - take note Eddie’s boys- but God has given me another opportunity today. So much sport and deliveries of commestibles galore. I hope this chair, porridge, bed was just right but if not y'all have your own very Goldilocks indeed day - particularly in Tilehurst - but oh so perfectly safely.
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi there from an amazingly bright, sunny but frosty Forest Heath where it is, surprisingly, another Saturday even though we had one only a week earlier. I am searching for that elusive Goldilocks post and indeed way of dealing with "issues." I'm not sure I am "middling" or finding the sweet spot as I would like but then again I'm also sure a perfectionist streak is how The Enemy comes after me (don't be looking for some Being with horns, cloven hooves et al.) So, do I pray for the people of Ukraine, specifically Kyiv, to continue the fight, thus bringing more bloodshed and death on both sides, or a quick end and less woe all round even if Putin prevails? @Granny_grump_ never mind the off-piste dessert you shared love and time with your granddaughter and her partner. Priceless. The rest can be dealt with later like the other clearing up. @Krystyna23040 great attitude to dealing with the vagaries of The D gained through bitter experience of using insulin. @gennepher hug for the poor sleep - part 1 of SHED- but from that came the blessing and joy for myself and others of that wonderful kaleidoscope. Thank you so much. @dunelm many thanks for your bright and cheery art. I'm always attracted to anything which appears to me to have plenty of Cambridge Blue - can't think why. Yes, hoovering. Still a thing here despite Kirbying being more appropriate. I was very unimpressed with my parents’ Dyson and totally unimpressed with the man himself. Mobile CT scan 9.00 a.m. tomorrow so no Swipey but strict dress code - no buttons, zips or metal. Yesterday should have been a very Goldilocks day - all the ideal ingredients were there. I'm not sure I didn't “butcher” the chance - take note Eddie’s boys- but God has given me another opportunity today. So much sport and deliveries of commestibles galore. I hope this chair, porridge, bed was just right but if not y'all have your own very Goldilocks indeed day - particularly in Tilehurst - but oh so perfectly safely.
Thank you @ianpspurs. Cambridge blue - I’m sure I had a squash racquet like that by Greys of Cambridge but that was in a previous century. Kirby - very shiny - also does paint spraying and doubles up as a tyre inflator and deep fat fryer.



Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Thank you @ianpspurs. Greys of Cambridge
They had an amazing shop - Grays as in Gray Nicolls.- in one of my favourite areas of Cambridge (Sydney Street, up to The Round Church, Trinity College and Trinity Street into Kings Parade) just along the road from Galyons for fishing rods and tackle. Snap for the squash racket. I'm liking the Ukraine inspired piece.
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Well-Known Member
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Diet only
football, both the game and the culture.
8.55am FBG 5.1
Feeling a bit more energetic today. Actually went outside and did a bit of molehill clearing this afternoon. Maybe first time since September, good thing MrSlim has done some in between otherwise garden would resemble a bomb site. Current advice to repel moles is to put broken glass in the tunnels. Have to find the tunnels first though, which involves digging and is not always successful, but is very tiring.


Well-Known Member
Hello all,

7.30am fbg was 5.0.

@Granny_grump_ the weather here is never black and white. You will get high 20s in mid winter and walk around in just a tshirt and low 20s mid summer with a jumper on lol. It's been raining all week. But we have the best beaches I have to say, so a must do. Hopefully you will visit Oz one day.
My fbg took work for it to come down, I'm on a low carb lifestyle. It's the only way to maintain lower morning sugars.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Dishonesty lies and thieves and online Bullies!!!
Hello all,

7.30am fbg was 5.0.

@Granny_grump_ the weather here is never black and white. You will get high 20s in mid winter and walk around in just a tshirt and low 20s mid summer with a jumper on lol. It's been raining all week. But we have the best beaches I have to say, so a must do. Hopefully you will visit Oz one day.
My fbg took work for it to come down, I'm on a low carb lifestyle. It's the only way to maintain lower morning sugars.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
Hi jojo85
Perhaps we will you never know.
Your right about the low carb lifestyle it’s working for me also, until I hit so many problems to deal with coming at me all at once like yesterday, then has my BG dropped to low 4s I needed some carbs to bring it to a level where I could function.
My sister who had an heart attack a few days ago was again for second time coming home fabulous but our grandson great grandson and his wife were coming to visit when we needed to pickup my sister, then my granddaughter was calling to pick up some presents for her sisters baby for Easter . Then a trip to Trafford Centre to have my husband’s iPad put right so my granddaughter could have it, at 75 years young it became a marathon to fit it all in but we did.
But at the cost of a high carb lunch on the go two sausage rolls and a cup of tea consequently high BG readings this morning has my body is not producing enough insulin to cope with even the smallest amount of carbs I’ve been type2 for 22years, so I have been diet controlled all this time but I now have 1 Gliclizide per day but not for much longer by reducing my carbs and losing weight I will be back in control soon.
But we would love some of your sunshine at the moment and to relax on a lovely beach, not usually something we do much on holidays abroad we like to explore get out and about using local transport to do this taking in the interesting site of the country we are staying in. It’s the Sunshine that allows my arthritic joints to be free again and walk miles in beautiful sunshine but at middle 20 to 25 deg when it reaches 30 to 35 I’m in the sea cooling off absolutely fabulous. LUCKY YOU good on you!!!!K

BG this morning was 7mmol nearly forgot what I’m on hear for. K


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Greetings everyone on Quinquagesima, Sunday before Lent. Don't forget the (LC) pancakes on Jif Lemon day although maple syrup (LC for us) has become a thing since those black and white days. They're not for me as I was never a fan and LC efforts have been execrable. @Granny_grump_ wonderful effort managing all that yesterday and on managing your T2 by diet for over two decades. Huge respect for that. My prayers are with you for this next part of your journey. To some extent we are all prisoners of The D but that gives us the opportunity to meet - virtually- others in a similar situation and share hope. Seems to me that is The Easter story in a nutshell. Guess who liked the Spurs and England rugby (union) results yesterday - and listened to a sermon on Philemon by a quirky Nashville pastor? Different strokes for different folks. Have a simply spiffing Sunday everyone however you choose to achieve that. Maybe the beach @Jojo85, or a dog walk around an NT property followed by a coffee and sausage roll @Krystyna23040. Some art and koffy for @dunelm and care for wildlife, a creative and electric blanket for @gennepher. The world is your lobster.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Fbg 6.5

I fell in a deep sleep at 8pm last night (because I was tired), but woke up at midnight all bright eyed and bushy tailed (still firmly holding my iPad because I had been working on some ideas for my creative).
Sigh...I am wide awake. No chance of going back to sleep.
So, I do my creative, which at that time of night is a photo from my bed of my untidy bedroom again, and doing a kaleidoscope again.
2:30 I begin yawning. Put iPad down.
Fall asleep.
Woke at 6:30.

So, I got my sleep in last night, albeit in two halves.

So, the midnight creative, in Laboscope and Procreate to alter the colours a bit....

Cuppa time now.

I have a new kettle/water dispenser thingy, much safer to make a cuppa tea from, for someone who has arthritis. Just thought I would share.
The recent reviews were very critical of it. But I took a chance, because it had all the features I wanted. And, as far as I can see, all those negative reviews are nonsense. My kettle/water dispenser doesn't do any of the bad niggly things the reviewers said it did.

I will be doing a review of it on Amazon later (I do not do immediate reviews because Amazon asks you far too soon, before you have barely tried the item) labelled 'The First 24 Hours'.

Be good.
Drink your cuppas...

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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Greetings everyone on Quinquagesima, Sunday before Lent. Don't forget the (LC) pancakes on Jif Lemon day although maple syrup (LC for us) has become a thing since those black and white days. They're not for me as I was never a fan and LC efforts have been execrable. @Granny_grump_ wonderful effort managing all that yesterday and on managing your T2 by diet for over two decades. Huge respect for that. My prayers are with you for this next part of your journey. To some extent we are all prisoners of The D but that gives us the opportunity to meet - virtually- others in a similar situation and share hope. Seems to me that is The Easter story in a nutshell. Guess who liked the Spurs and England rugby (union) results yesterday - and listened to a sermon on Philemon by a quirky Nashville pastor? Different strokes for different folks. Have a simply spiffing Sunday everyone however you choose to achieve that. Maybe the beach @Jojo85, or a dog walk around and NT property followed by a coffee and sausage roll @Krystyna23040. Some art and koffy for @dunelm and care for wildlife, a creative and electric blanket for @gennepher. The world is your lobster.
Thanks @ianpspurs

(shhh...I know it's a scorpion, but no lobsters were available...)


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good morning everyone from under a clear blue sky here in the dark and dangerous north. I feel a wander into town coming on and maybe even a wander down to the beech depending how my back feels as it’s a steep climb back up. Brother in law is doing some levelling up in the garden and laying the base for some decking - looks a bit over engineered which will be a nice surprise for the next occupants if they try and dig it out.
Art bit - another long sheet of raw rice paper. Hope your Sunday is a good one. Koffy is near consumed so may need another - controversial.
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