What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Thanks and to @jjraak . Tests done, goose acquired and defrosting. Still no tools here on Chromebook central. Good news on zipping through the admin. Did Mr K watch the T20 demolition of India? 2 world cup finals this weekend. The Red Roses kick off ( Sat 6.30 am) is a reasonably sensible time as is the cricket (Sun 8.00 am) or so JKP keeps telling me. Sport mad that gel but I guess I'll watch just to keep her sweet and humour her.
Good that tests all done and goose acquired. I don't think he did watch the T20 - unless it was on Amazon prime.


Moment ago had second message from one of our better practice doctors asking me to make an appointment with practice nurse for diabetic review now I’m wondering why is there something in it I’ve missed. Phoned receptionist but I can’t get in until 17th November in afternoon, only thing I can come up with is the lipids need to Google this and see why. K
I suspect it may be the simplistic approach of prescribing on total cholesterol in UK and they have statins up their sleeve! :) But I could be wrong and your doctor know your case better than anyone.


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Your posts suggest a brain as sharp as a tack
Must be .... wait - having a senior moment or so - illusory . Some kind of magic trick I manage to perform. Senior moments come along all too often and anything technical - forget it! Techie talk makes my brain freeze - much as it used to when my Sec1 maths teacher fired off sums to be done in seconds*. Panicked me for years after. I was 27 before I made myself stop freezing when someone asked what 2 x 2 was. I don't do that any more, but technical stuff of any kind still does it - could be IT, plumbing, electrics, medical. Neil, at least, has stopped trying to educate me now. For years he has been giving me gifts of really serious books, obscure music and so on but now gifts are of a practical nature - he's given up on me!

* I only realised in the last few years, that I could have given her any answer and she wouldn't have known whether I was right or wrong because she used to sweep into the room and start barking out questions: 13 x 27, 18 X19, 27 x 98, and so on. Each of us in the class was supposed to write down an answer for each question, and then she would go back around the class wanting answers, in the correct order. But I eventually realised that these were all off the top of her head and we could have given any large figure as an answer. Instead, I would just blush and admit that I didn't know. I was terrified of her red face and bulging eyes behind thick lenses. Oddly enough, on one occasion, I had handed in homework which was correct - it was about logic, not numbers and she gave me an A+ for it. Idiot that I was, I questioned her about the mark, because I never got a good mark in her class. She just about exploded. I was surprised not to see glasses, hair and flesh papering the walls!


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
New York Post front page - may amuse some. Of course, he who laughs last etc


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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Dishonesty lies and thieves and online Bullies!!!
Update to BG after evening meal of salmon baked in foil with cherry tomatoes and spring onions and a sprinkle of mixed herbs green beans and 2 small baby potatoes from Aldi they are like salad potatoes very small. Cup tea
BG before meal was 5.9 mmol
2 hours later after meal BG was 9.5mmol. K
suppose it’s not so surprising after around 22years type2 diabetic not producing enough insulin to cover carbs in meals now. K


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Dishonesty lies and thieves and online Bullies!!!
Even small amounts of oats in any form shoves my BG up ridiculously.
Hi @Annb have you been type2 long like myself it’s a strange thing to happen if it’s not our bodies not able to produce enough insulin to deal with the small amounts of carbs it’s all I can come up with. K


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Update to BG after evening meal of salmon baked in foil with cherry tomatoes and spring onions and a sprinkle of mixed herbs green beans and 2 small baby potatoes from Aldi they are like salad potatoes very small. Cup tea
BG before meal was 5.9 mmol
2 hours later after meal BG was 9.5mmol. K
suppose it’s not so surprising after around 22years type2 diabetic not producing enough insulin to cover carbs in meals now. K
If my BG would only go up to 9.5 after a meal (I have to take insulin before meals), I would consider myself a winner. 11's or 12's would be just about allright for me but often it's 14 to 16. Possibly been diabetic (undiagnosed) for 55 years. Diagnosed about 14 years ago.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Hi @Annb have you been type2 long like myself it’s a strange thing to happen if it’s not our bodies not able to produce enough insulin to deal with the small amounts of carbs it’s all I can come up with. K
It seems that I do produce insulin, and I take plenty more insulin on top, but I am insulin resistant. It seems likely that I had gestational diabetes when I was expecting my first son in 1966 and it never went away. And I never had a blood test in all those years until I asked a doctor myself to check - in 2008.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Dishonesty lies and thieves and online Bullies!!!
If my BG would only go up to 9.5 after a meal (I have to take insulin before meals), I would consider myself a winner. 11's or 12's would be just about allright for me but often it's 14 to 16. Possibly been diabetic (undiagnosed) for 55 years. Diagnosed about 14 years ago.
Hi@Annb Thats awful I was diagnosed in my early 50s I’m 76 now but we have two type 1 and two type 2 in our family my sister was type 1 when she was 10 she’s 63 now, and my grandson when he was 18 he was devastated by it all he couldn’t cope with it for a long time. But he’s very controlled now unlike my sister who’s having an awful time with it all she’s got a foot ulcer but no blood supply to lower limbs caused by arteries being blocked.
She recently had an heart attack and 7 stents fitted in her heart she only has 1 possible vein to graft if that has blockages they have no choice but amputate but it could still be amputation even if they graft the vein depends on blood supply getting to her foot before gangrene sets in, that’s what her consultant has told her.
But she’s never been a good diabetic she would tell you this herself but since the disc on her arm was given her she’s got better control but she only got this recently. Damage was already done K


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi @Annb have you been type2 long like myself it’s a strange thing to happen if it’s not our bodies not able to produce enough insulin to deal with the small amounts of carbs it’s all I can come up with. K
As I understand it.
Type 1 produces little or no insulin, hence the need to inject.
Type 2 produces too much insulin
But as we become immune (resistant to it) it takes more and more to push the glucose we ingest in and around our bodies.

The goal, as I understand it is to find a measure of what we CAN eat..(monitoring & eating to the meter)
Thus reducing the need for so much insulin & theoretically reducing our insulin resistance.

Presumably our bodies will change over time and that includes what we can actually eat without spiking, so it's good to keep an eye on things we think safe, at certain points in time, just to be sure.

I wonder if for you @Granny_grump_ oats have now crept into your spiking foods list, if you didn't spike before.

And for you @Annb (& me )
Porridge / oats is already a spike specific food, so a good one for us to avoid.

Lots of references on line.
But I found Dr Fung book on T2D to be very informative about the mechanism of just what carbs do to us & the roll insulin plays in that.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
FBG: 7.3 just before 5am
Have to do grown up things like company admin and self assessment and even though it feels like I am flogging a dead horse (actually work up after dreaming I had been cut as a freelancer), I will message the scheduler (and try and call yet again) to say I can help with the live for GB in the semi-finals of the annual team comp at the end of the year.

Nothing more to add really. I think I am deluding myself that I will get any more chances to work.

Good luck with them getting my laptop back as my IT access will be suspended next month if I don’t get shifts for 12 weeks.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Fbg 6.4

The nighttime trail cam.
Sorry about the noise a part way through. I had turned down the interference nose for each clip section, and then listened to it before uploading, but that section had come up to 300% again. I normally have the noise/sound at 20% so you can still hear the natural sounds.

The noise is from 1:00 to 1:33, then it goes quiet again...

It took half hour to get this to load. I am not doing it again!!!

I am working from an iPad and that doesn't let me into the video to edit it. You need a laptop to edit a video that has already been posted.

The fox was searching a lot for food this night...

Cat & Fox

I have been training Midnight!
With the same commands as I gave my dog.
'Leave it' (that is my meal even if I leave the room for the bathroom)
'Sit' (he will sit in exactly the spot I tell him to)
'Stay' (he is very good at that, and waits until I get back in the room)
But what I cannot get him to do is 'Come here'. He just stares at me.
The difficulty is, Midnight does not respond to food treats.
What he does respond to is 'Good boy' and a few nice adjectives that go with it. And he is beaming with pride it seems when I say 'Good boy'. His eyes well up and his face is so happy, and he purrs and purrs.

I will get there with that.

Toys are not a thing with him. I have tried. But a little fur fabric rat/mouse, he absolutely loves, and hugs it, and cleans it to death. There is absolutely no way I can take it off him if he is hugging it. I would be minus a hand if I tried.

Catnip? No interest in it.

Creative is an autumn digital painting in Procreate.
A bit brighter one than yesterday!

Have a good day.

Time for a cuppa.



Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
But a little fur fabric rat/mouse, he absolutely loves, and hugs it, and cleans it to death.

Aw, that brings back memories

Our belles had a small doll, furry fabric puppy.
No idea where it came from, but it was her baby, just like midnight's rat is.

Slept with it, cleaned it & just adored it .

And video, always surprising how nonchalant midnight is to the foxes etc.

Hadn't considered how our animals share their world with wildlife .

But for the pets who roam outside, it's more like a shopping centre, with shoppers mainly ignoring each other.......until one steps on another's toes...lol

Nice pic, btw.
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