What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
My brother tells me that he has a cat visitor. I don't know if it is him or her but it is a regular visitor. It has a collar, and its long fur is well groomed so presumably has a home to go to but every morning it wanders in through the back door, eats the food that is put down for it, settles on the settee for a while, and then asks to be let out at the front door, strolls across the road and into the house of a neighbour where, presumably, the same pattern is followed before it goes out of the back door and on to inspect the next of its premises. Sometimes it seems to reverse the visits later in the day on its way home.
Cats are canny creatures...

About 1969 I had a black and white cat I called Oscar. I loved that cat, but I was out at work all day. I'd had him neutered. He went out when I went to work, and was always waiting on the steps when I returned.

One night he was not waiting for me, so I went knocking on doors with the photos I had taken of him. I didn't know the neighbours, we were all flats above shops.

About 5 or 6 doors down, the woman said come in. In the front room was an 11 year old in a wheelchair, and Oscar was on his lap. The woman told me that Oscar came every morning, stayed with the boy in the wheelchair all day, and then asked to be let out at tea time, when he came to my flat and waited for me to return home from work. Apparently this had gone on for months, Oscar staying with the boy in the wheelchair all day.

The woman went to pick Oscar up for me. I looked at the boy's face and in his eyes. And I said No, leave him. If you want Oscar, he's yours, and I will walk away.

And I never saw Oscar again. The woman told me Oscar stayed with that young boy who needed him.

I know it's silly but I still shed a tear over Oscar, he was my first cat, I was 18 years old...and I still have those photos, over 50 years later. And I can still see that boy's head bowed over the cat as he hugged him tightly when he realised he could keep the cat.

But it was the cat that made that choice, not me.
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Coming home from the the doctors this pm we could see Skiddaw in the south c.10miles, crystal clear in bright winter Sun. There is a very thin layer of snow above 2,500 feet on the the last five hundred foot cone of the mountain, it has been there since before weekend.
I never have seen such air clarity in the Midlands and south as one gets up norf.
There will be photographers in the Lakes today very happy with their results


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Cats are canny creatures...

About 1969 I had a black and white cat I called Oscar. I loved that cat, but I was out at work all day. I'd had him neutered. He went out when I went to work, and was always waiting on the steps when I returned.

One night he was not waiting for me, so I went knocking on doors with the photos I had taken of him. I didn't know the neighbours, we were all flats above shops.

About 5 or 6 doors down, the woman said come in. In the front room was an 11 year old in a wheelchair, and Oscar was on his lap. The woman told me that Oscar came every morning, stayed with the boy in the wheelchair all day, and then asked to be let out at tea time, when he came to my flat and waited for me to return home from work. Apparently this had gone on for months, Oscar staying with the boy in the wheelchair all day.

The woman went to pick Oscar up for me. I looked at the boy's face and in his eyes. And I said No, leave him. If you want Oscar, he's yours, and I will walk away.

And I never saw Oscar again. The woman told me Oscar stayed with that young boy who needed him.

I know it's silly but I still shed a tear over Oscar, he was my first cat, I was 18 years old...and I still have those photos, 50 years later. And I can still see that boy's head bowed over the cat as he hugged him tightly when he realised he could keep the cat.

But it was the cat that made that choice, not me.
What a wonderful, touching story. There are more things in heaven and Earth, Horatio, / Than are dreamt of in your philosophy [science].


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Fbg 6.7

Snow this morning, so changed my plans to go out.
But then I saw the next few mornings were going to be below freezing temperatures, tomorrow being -4C, and so I changed my mind about going out this morning because the sun came out.

Only just got back.

Midnight was helping me with my digital sheep painting. He had grabbed my arm and wasn't letting go.

No sign of Marmalade nor Merlin, nor any cat apart from Midnight who spent the night indoors sleeping on me.

But driving on the way home, I did see Marmalade a couple of roads away going into someone's garden.

Merlin would normally be in the sun outside my kitchen door, but no sign of him.

Yesterday Midnight refused pont blank to go into the kitchen, and I had to open a window at the back of the bungalow so he could leave and enter that way. Midnight actually looked too scared to enter the kitchen yesterday.

Wildlife nighttime is an odd video. No sign of any cat feeding on the swing in the night. Normally there is a constant procession of cats all night, feeding off the cat biscuits on the swing. And Foxy Loxy is behaving very oddly. He is very skittish, and very jumpy.

And Foxy Loxy jumped on the swing and stole the cats good cat biscuits.

The cats are about, but which ones? They are all lying low. I put loads of wet cat food out before I went out earlier. And some nice tasty cat biscuits. It had nearly all been eaten when I got back. The fox has never visited in the daytime yet, so I am assuming it is the usual stray cats. I am hoping I will see all the cats on tonight's wildlife cameras, including Merlin.

I am sitting on my couch by the front window in the sun.
No jobs are getting done today.
I am just going to make a flask of tea...and chill out...

Have your best day...

View attachment 59744
Lovely sheep. Smashing


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Cats are canny creatures...

About 1969 I had a black and white cat I called Oscar. I loved that cat, but I was out at work all day. I'd had him neutered. He went out when I went to work, and was always waiting on the steps when I returned.

One night he was not waiting for me, so I went knocking on doors with the photos I had taken of him. I didn't know the neighbours, we were all flats above shops.

About 5 or 6 doors down, the woman said come in. In the front room was an 11 year old in a wheelchair, and Oscar was on his lap. The woman told me that Oscar came every morning, stayed with the boy in the wheelchair all day, and then asked to be let out at tea time, when he came to my flat and waited for me to return home from work. Apparently this had gone on for months, Oscar staying with the boy in the wheelchair all day.

The woman went to pick Oscar up for me. I looked at the boy's face and in his eyes. And I said No, leave him. If you want Oscar, he's yours, and I will walk away.

And I never saw Oscar again. The woman told me Oscar stayed with that young boy who needed him.

I know it's silly but I still shed a tear over Oscar, he was my first cat, I was 18 years old...and I still have those photos, over 50 years later. And I can still see that boy's head bowed over the cat as he hugged him tightly when he realised he could keep the cat.

But it was the cat that made that choice, not me.
What a lovely thing you did for that boy @gennepher


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
What a lovely thing you did for that boy @gennepher
Unlike dogs, a cat can usually roam freely, and that cat can also make its own choices. It has the freedom to choose a new owner (not that the old owner was bad or anything), based on what life the cat would like, and also a cat can be intuitive and knows where it is needed the most.

Just like Oscar knew where he was needed more. I recognised that immediately. I loved him that much I had to let Oscar be where he had chosen to be. And then there was the boy in the wheelchair, you could see his whole being was devoted to that cat.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Cats are canny creatures...

About 1969 I had a black and white cat I called Oscar. I loved that cat, but I was out at work all day. I'd had him neutered. He went out when I went to work, and was always waiting on the steps when I returned.

One night he was not waiting for me, so I went knocking on doors with the photos I had taken of him. I didn't know the neighbours, we were all flats above shops.

About 5 or 6 doors down, the woman said come in. In the front room was an 11 year old in a wheelchair, and Oscar was on his lap. The woman told me that Oscar came every morning, stayed with the boy in the wheelchair all day, and then asked to be let out at tea time, when he came to my flat and waited for me to return home from work. Apparently this had gone on for months, Oscar staying with the boy in the wheelchair all day.

The woman went to pick Oscar up for me. I looked at the boy's face and in his eyes. And I said No, leave him. If you want Oscar, he's yours, and I will walk away.

And I never saw Oscar again. The woman told me Oscar stayed with that young boy who needed him.

I know it's silly but I still shed a tear over Oscar, he was my first cat, I was 18 years old...and I still have those photos, over 50 years later. And I can still see that boy's head bowed over the cat as he hugged him tightly when he realised he could keep the cat.

But it was the cat that made that choice, not me.
Wonderful that you gave so freely to that young boy. Oscar was obviously a cherished companion to both you and the boy but, in your generosity, you saw that the boy's need was greater. Sounds as though Oscar was a loyal little soul who came home to you at night but chose to spend his days with his young friend.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
BG at 3 am: 10.4, rising to 13.5 after an hour and a half. Took a correction dose to try to bring it down. Maybe the dose wasn't large enough because it hasn't come down very far. Not intending to eat yet, so it will have to do.

Hand is slightly improved and the pain has receded into the worst finger - inflammation obviously reduced in the rest of my hand. Still can't hold a knife well enough to prep vegetables. Probably manage to use the slicer in the food processor though.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good morning everyone, it’s the middle of the week and the day before the parade of the bin lorry here in the dark and dangerous north. Dragging myself out of bed this morning, I found (well, saw) that during the cover of darkness, the carpet cleaner had been stationed in the middle of the sitting room. What could it mean? I shall leave it where it is. Further exploration into signaling of any kind without direction or supervision might be dangerous. I can do morse code and wave some blue and white flags at a push but a carpet cleaner making an appearance in the centre (ish) of a room? Well left alone I think. Health and safety and all that. Art bit, finishing off the scratchy details. Hope your day is a good one. My koffy is ready.



Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
BG at 3 am: 10.4, rising to 13.5 after an hour and a half. Took a correction dose to try to bring it down. Maybe the dose wasn't large enough because it hasn't come down very far. Not intending to eat yet, so it will have to do.

Hand is slightly improved and the pain has receded into the worst finger - inflammation obviously reduced in the rest of my hand. Still can't hold a knife well enough to prep vegetables. Probably manage to use the slicer in the food processor though.
I hope that your hand continues to improve and also your BG readings.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Greetings from a very cold but minus frost or snow Little America on International Women's Day 2023. @dunelm the operation of that carpet cleaner is clearly "a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma" so best put sandbags around it and call an expert. Retire to a safe spot with a cup of Joe while they arrive is my advice. Thanks for sharing the art: I'm eagerly awaiting the colour version. @jjraak Apple and sci-fi in one dose? you sure know how to spoil a guy's day :) @Krystyna23040 I'm glad you managed some down time yesterday and thanks for jogging my memory of Al Capone cheese. Broccoli and Stilton soup with some knorr zero salt stock and said ingredient later - to try and warm the cockles ere school run. In my yoof I scored a cracking goal V Stilton but the broccoli goalie - guy called Cubby - made a worldy. Bloods Billie earlyish this morning - Dewhurst or Merryweather on duty? @Annb I hope bg and hand become more amenable as the day wears on. Mr Kipling's cakes were pants but I'll give him props for this cracking thought for the day:
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
which he rather spoils by trying to be some kind of evil Joe Wicks later
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
6.5 this morning. Was really pleased with my numbers yesterday. BS are slowly coming down closer to normal for me.

Another really hectic day again. I have to get admin done as I am on a course on Friday and Saturday so will have less admin time.
Glad your numbers are getting to where you want them. Well done you. You work so hard, do take any chances you get to have a bit of a rest.
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
Exceedingly good thought, Ian.

Beautiful morning here. Very cold and snow in every direction. Earlier (as the sky was getting lighter) the view was amazing from our front window - white expanse across the fields, pale blue sky and a creamy yellow moon. Sadly, now, the sun is so bright that I have had to close the blind behind my desk so that I can see the screen on this laptop.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
People that point out my spelling mistakes
Good Morening Ladies and Gentlemen, if you feel left out of those two categories please consult your birth certificate and any other certificates you choose, I still have my cycling proficiency certificate do you? Answers not required.

Blood sugars this morning were firstly 7.3 and straight afterwards 8.5. I shall log an 8.0
Now I am going down with a cold so that could explain it or more likely what I ate last night during my unsupervised period. Yes sometimes Mrs J escapes and leaves me with the idiot box remote control. I have done a covid test just now and it proved -ve, so I am happy it is not covid.

Last night I continued binge watching the second series of Clarksons Farm, I found it entertaining, but my overall impression was the planning authorities, both local and North Oxfordshire do not like him and veto anything the does on his farm including a farm road on his farm. I must remember he wrote the script and did the editing, bias?

It doesn’t matter if you like Clarkson he has highlighted the plight of farmers in general and associated industries.

Now it’s time to make Mrs J’s tea and generally move my life into action.

Stay safe all.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good Morening Ladies and Gentlemen, if you feel left out of those two categories please consult your birth certificate and any other certificates you choose, I still have my cycling proficiency certificate do you? Answers not required.

Blood sugars this morning were firstly 7.3 and straight afterwards 8.5. I shall log an 8.0
Now I am going down with a cold so that could explain it or more likely what I ate last night during my unsupervised period. Yes sometimes Mrs J escapes and leaves me with the idiot box remote control. I have done a covid test just now and it proved -ve, so I am happy it is not covid.

Last night I continued binge watching the second series of Clarksons Farm, I found it entertaining, but my overall impression was the planning authorities, both local and North Oxfordshire do not like him and veto anything the does on his farm including a farm road on his farm. I must remember he wrote the script and did the editing, bias?

It doesn’t matter if you like Clarkson he has highlighted the plight of farmers in general and associated industries.

Now it’s time to make Mrs J’s tea and generally move my life into action.

Stay safe all
Glad your COVID test was -ve and hug for the incipient cold


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Good Morening Ladies and Gentlemen, if you feel left out of those two categories please consult your birth certificate and any other certificates you choose, I still have my cycling proficiency certificate do you? Answers not required.

Blood sugars this morning were firstly 7.3 and straight afterwards 8.5. I shall log an 8.0
Now I am going down with a cold so that could explain it or more likely what I ate last night during my unsupervised period. Yes sometimes Mrs J escapes and leaves me with the idiot box remote control. I have done a covid test just now and it proved -ve, so I am happy it is not covid.

Last night I continued binge watching the second series of Clarksons Farm, I found it entertaining, but my overall impression was the planning authorities, both local and North Oxfordshire do not like him and veto anything the does on his farm including a farm road on his farm. I must remember he wrote the script and did the editing, bias?

It doesn’t matter if you like Clarkson he has highlighted the plight of farmers in general and associated industries.

Now it’s time to make Mrs J’s tea and generally move my life into action.

Stay safe all.
Glad it's not covid. Trouble is - these days every cough and cold could be. Sorry the BG is a bit high, but colds can do that. Hope it goes away soon.


6.5 this morning. Was really pleased with my numbers yesterday. BS are slowly coming down closer to normal for me.

Another really hectic day again. I have to get admin done as I am on a course on Friday and Saturday so will have less admin time.
Do you have long to go before you get off the treadmill, Krystyna?
But you perhaps like keeping really active?
Best wishes