What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Fbg 6.5

Never a dull moment here...

On the nighttime Wildlife Camera..

Cat Marmalade sits on the cat biscuits ...

The fox had been earlier at dusk. And had licked clean the empty tin foil cat food dishes

Cat Marmalade sat on those cat biscuits on the swing all night. He never moved. He didn't allow any of the stray cats to feed in the night. In this video Marmalade denies cat Merlin access to food. Looking at Marmalade in daylight, he doesn't look very comfortable sitting on a pile of dry cat biscuits all night.

But when I went out to take out the Wildlife Camera sd cards, Marmalade left ...

It is now snowing heavily (very heavy wet snow), and there is a new to me, very large ginger cat (larger than Marmalade) on the swing...he has been eating the dry cat biscuits Marmalade sat on all night. This new ginger cat has the same soft peachy coloured fur as Merlin has...

The other strays are sneaking unseen, round the back of the swing to get at their wet cat food under the swing. They are not approaching from the front in full view of the newcomer...

Before I make my hot cuppa tea, or a flask rather, and return to my warm bed and Midnight, I'll go out and check on that newcomer. I need my wellies on now for the snow, it is falling thick and fast...

Midnight spent all night, not on me, but in the kitchen in the cat bed opposite the cat flap, doing his guard duty against intruders.

So, no wonder Marmalade thought his food supply was threatened...he doesn't look very happy in the daylight bit at the end...

Oh well...

Creative...a digital painting of a sheep in the snow...

I have just watched a YouTube video where a badger came in the kitchen through a cat flap and raided the fridge. Please no...I already have visions of waking up to a fox sitting on my chest looking down at me...and the other vision I have is Midnight in his cat bed in the kitchen minding a brood of badger cubs...

On that note, I am going to suss out the new ginger intruder. I have just had very stern loud words at him from my bed. He was considering a breakfast of birds. He looked at me in alarm, immediately lowered his head, and hasn't dared look at those birds again...

Those little sparrows are having a whale of a time in the snow...they are taking snow baths!

Have your best day...

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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Good morning everyone from another disappointing day without snow here in the dark and dangerous north. Par for the course really as we don’t seem to get much of this white stuff, just a dusting. And just like a govt U turn, as soon as you say one thing - small white blobs begin drifting down to cover the ground. Anyhow, doctors appointment at 10 - a real live doctor in a real doctor’s surgery where surgery does not actually happen - should be called a doctors consultation or better, doctors best guess of the day complete with chin stroking and looking at a computer screen - wonder if they just use Google!. Art bit, a bit enthusiastic with colour but never mind. Hope you all enjoy your own version of International Bin Day. Best make some koffy.

View attachment 59760

Hope your appointment went well today.
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
BG at 4 am 8.9 and rising. Sat with a cup of tea and fell asleep again (effect of pain killers).

It was fairly high but I took a smaller than usual amount of insulin before breakfast - yesterday BG dropped a bit low after breakfast. I am still trialling and erroring to see what I need to be taking these days. I have to make my own decisions on this since there is no medical advice available other than "eat more carbs and more meals"/"keep taking the insulin"/"got a pain - take more painkillers". Not as helpful as doctors used to try to be.

Showing my age - policemen are all just school-leavers apparently, things ain't what they used to be. I don't quite remember the days before the NHS but my father used to tell me how poor medical services were when I was a baby - even when the service was paid for by individuals - not all doctors gave value for money, so maybe the years between were the golden years and can only get worse now.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good morning from Little America where it is still very much winter and we have had our Ocado just for us (jars of Passata - see below for why it is needed - in a bottle carrier if you please - or even if you don't). JKP has physio later and due to unavoidable clashes I have an extra school pickup. It is all going on - mostly heating, extra layers and heated throws. Stilton and broccoli soup with Al Capone was as good as LC soup is ever likely to be and I/we reprised Celagne (Lasagne but with celeriac for the sheets and no Bechamel sauce - our Italian experts say don't be silly - but no h/b eggs this time) for our winter tour. 40 gms of celeriac requires a very steady hand on the mandolin but yields many a slice - none of finger thankfully. Al Capone dotted on the sheets provided another small win for IP in the war against Elsie - couldn't be bothered to go out for mozzarella balls as per Nonna . @dunelm I hope the consultation goes well and thanks for the colourful art. Not what I was expecting which says more about me than you. @gennepher thanks for Blackbeard the angry looking sheep - an idea brought to you by pre slumber Taskmaster watching. @RFSMarch I hope the potential new client comes on board and enjoy the golf. @alf_Josiah very Chesney Hawkes as per. Here's a little video and song requested by a lovely couple, the Buildawalls- Suella and Nigel. My 10 yo grandson obviously watches the news and was unbelievably scathing about the dodgy Act. What do they teach them at these Church Schools? Warning: These lyrics contain traces of Wokeness. Please don't seek help if offended since that is you default setting;)
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good happy national bin day Morening fellow posters and painters.

Blood sugars this damp morning were a 7.2, given the circumstances I’m happy with that.

@dunelm, good luck with the consultation this morning.
@Annb and @jjraak many thanks for the information, I shall have a look.

I’m not sure if me, me’s and myself are being taken shopping this morning, but if I do I have a plan to get banished to the koffy shop. If I don’t then I shall fill the time usefully with a mid morning nap, ah the joys of being old.

Now I filled the earlier part of this morning with an hours plinky plonky practice, cooked my breakfast and semi cleared up the kitchen made Mrs J’s early morning tea, therefore time that well known variable has receded and I must depart, other people to annoy, exasperate etc etc.
Stay safe and warm, remember summer is coming.
Thank you @alf_Josiah - blood pressure now in normal range, two blood samples to check kidney function and booking for a scan of my innards.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I did not go out to check on the ginger newcomer. He looked worse for wear and was sound asleep in the middle of the swing.

But I took one step out of my kitchen to see if the wheelie bin men had been, and the recycling had been, and I went flying. The blinking wheelie and recycling bags can stay where they are on the pavement until doomsday for all I care...

I had visions of being a frozen snow woman...but managed to get up and get in. Witch hazel on my hands and arms. Painkillers. Make flask tea, go back to bed. The rest of my body and joints are joining the pity party.

I sit in bed propped around me by soft pillows. Where's Midnight?

The snow is about 2 foot deep in the back garden, more in places, And Midnight is playing leapfrog in the deep snow, having the time of his life. And he vanishes, covered in snow. Then suddenly this black object leaps out of the snow. And he is playing snow angels....


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Good morning from Little America where it is still very much winter and we have had our Ocado just for us (jars of Passata - see below for why it is needed - in a bottle carrier if you please - or even if you don't). JKP has physio later and due to unavoidable clashes I have an extra school pickup. It is all going on - mostly heating, extra layers and heated throws. Stilton and broccoli soup with Al Capone was as good as LC soup is ever likely to be and I/we reprised Celagne (Lasagne but with celeriac for the sheets and no Bechamel sauce - our Italian experts say don't be silly - but no h/b eggs this time) for our winter tour. 40 gms of celeriac requires a very steady hand on the mandolin but yields many a slice - none of finger thankfully. Al Capone dotted on the sheets provided another small win for IP in the war against Elsie - couldn't be bothered to go out for mozzarella balls as per Nonna . @dunelm I hope the consultation goes well and thanks for the colourful art. Not what I was expecting which says more about me than you. @gennepher thanks for Blackbeard the angry looking sheep - an idea brought to you by pre slumber Taskmaster watching. @RFSMarch I hope the potential new client comes on board and enjoy the golf. @alf_Josiah very Chesney Hawkes as per. Here's a little video and song requested by a lovely couple, the Buildawalls- Suella and Nigel. My 10 yo grandson obviously watches the news and was unbelievably scathing about the dodgy Act. What do they teach them at these Church Schools? Warning: These lyrics contain traces of Wokeness. Please don't seek help if offended since that is you default setting;)
Thanks Ian...
I didn't realise the Judds were mother and daughter. I thought they were sisters...


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
I did not go out to check on the ginger newcomer. He looked worse for wear and was sound asleep in the middle of the swing.

But I took one step out of my kitchen to see if the wheelie bin men had been, and the recycling had been, and I went flying. The blinking wheelie and recycling bags can stay where they are on the pavement until doomsday for all I care...

I had visions of being a frozen snow woman...but managed to get up and get in. Witch hazel on my hands and arms. Painkillers. Make flask tea, go back to bed. The rest of my body and joints are joining the pity party.

I sit in bed propped around me by soft pillows. Where's Midnight?

The snow is about 2 foot deep in the back garden, more in places, And Midnight is playing leapfrog in the deep snow, having the time of his life. And he vanishes, covered in snow. Then suddenly this black object leaps out of the snow. And he is playing snow angels....
I do hope you haven't damaged yourself too much in your fall. Bed is a good place to be with all those aches and pains. Snow looks beautiful but it is dangerous. Best not to go out in it if it can be avoided.

Em had an accident in the snow yesterday. It all came about because a window had been blown off of our old shed in the last storm, but amazingly didn't break. Em stood on it, thinking it was a sheet of ice and slipped over, smashing the glass as she landed and cutting her wrist - not seriously or deeply, but it gave her a bit of a shock. Once the snow melts Neil will have to go out and pick it all up.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I do hope you haven't damaged yourself too much in your fall. Bed is a good place to be with all those aches and pains. Snow looks beautiful but it is dangerous. Best not to go out in it if it can be avoided.

Em had an accident in the snow yesterday. It all came about because a window had been blown off of our old shed in the last storm, but amazingly didn't break. Em stood on it, thinking it was a sheet of ice and slipped over, smashing the glass as she landed and cutting her wrist - not seriously or deeply, but it gave her a bit of a shock. Once the snow melts Neil will have to go out and pick it all up.
Thanks Ann.
We do have an Amber snow warning here.
I think it is just the jolt and shock of the sudden unexpected fall, and some bruising. It has given me a bit of a headache. I'll find out tomorrow! Hopefully the witch hazel will work its magic.

Poor Em. That would be a heck of an unexpected shock. She wouldn't have known what had happened initially. I hope her wrist heals quickly. Get Neil to put some red or orange rags or something in the vicinity of that broken glass...

I have just bitten into a cherry, and looked at all the red juice on my hand. A lot of juice for a cherry...it wasn't the cherry, I was having a nosebleed...but I stopped it pretty quickly.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I did not go out to check on the ginger newcomer. He looked worse for wear and was sound asleep in the middle of the swing.

But I took one step out of my kitchen to see if the wheelie bin men had been, and the recycling had been, and I went flying. The blinking wheelie and recycling bags can stay where they are on the pavement until doomsday for all I care...

I had visions of being a frozen snow woman...but managed to get up and get in. Witch hazel on my hands and arms. Painkillers. Make flask tea, go back to bed. The rest of my body and joints are joining the pity party.

I sit in bed propped around me by soft pillows. Where's Midnight?

The snow is about 2 foot deep in the back garden, more in places, And Midnight is playing leapfrog in the deep snow, having the time of his life. And he vanishes, covered in snow. Then suddenly this black object leaps out of the snow. And he is playing snow angels....
Omg...what a shock.

Glad you got back up ok.
Hope all is well tomorrow.

Aw, bless midnight..kitten at heart .


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I did not go out to check on the ginger newcomer. He looked worse for wear and was sound asleep in the middle of the swing.

But I took one step out of my kitchen to see if the wheelie bin men had been, and the recycling had been, and I went flying. The blinking wheelie and recycling bags can stay where they are on the pavement until doomsday for all I care...

I had visions of being a frozen snow woman...but managed to get up and get in. Witch hazel on my hands and arms. Painkillers. Make flask tea, go back to bed. The rest of my body and joints are joining the pity party.

I sit in bed propped around me by soft pillows. Where's Midnight?

The snow is about 2 foot deep in the back garden, more in places, And Midnight is playing leapfrog in the deep snow, having the time of his life. And he vanishes, covered in snow. Then suddenly this black object leaps out of the snow. And he is playing snow angels....
I am very relieved you are not a frozen snow-woman. Witch hazel is amazing stuff! Painkillers are probably better tho'.
Our soft southern snow ran away at the first sight of rain.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Omg...what a shock.

Glad you got back up ok.
Hope all is well tomorrow.

Aw, bless midnight..kitten at heart .
Loads of witch hazel on me today!
Hopefully I won't be too stiff tomorrow....

I have been asleep all afternoon....

And Midnight really surprised me how playful he was, he was definitely channelling his inner kitten...

Has devotedly slept with me all afternoon!

Thanks again.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I am very relieved you are not a frozen snow-woman. Witch hazel is amazing stuff! Painkillers are probably better tho'.
Our soft southern snow ran away at the first sight of rain.
I was beginning to wonder when I was trying to get up how long it was gonna take...

I have been very generous with that witch hazel...

Co-codamol and Iboprofen, alternately...
I am leaving the codeine until tomorrow, because I'm fine as long as I don't move...

This wet snow is bending all the branches of my trees and bushes over, and my bamboo is lying almost flat on the ground with the weight of this wet snow...


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
I did not go out to check on the ginger newcomer. He looked worse for wear and was sound asleep in the middle of the swing.

But I took one step out of my kitchen to see if the wheelie bin men had been, and the recycling had been, and I went flying. The blinking wheelie and recycling bags can stay where they are on the pavement until doomsday for all I care...

I had visions of being a frozen snow woman...but managed to get up and get in. Witch hazel on my hands and arms. Painkillers. Make flask tea, go back to bed. The rest of my body and joints are joining the pity party.

I sit in bed propped around me by soft pillows. Where's Midnight?

The snow is about 2 foot deep in the back garden, more in places, And Midnight is playing leapfrog in the deep snow, having the time of his life. And he vanishes, covered in snow. Then suddenly this black object leaps out of the snow. And he is playing snow angels....
Hope you are OK and not feeling too sore now. It does give you a shock when you slip over in the snow.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
I do hope you haven't damaged yourself too much in your fall. Bed is a good place to be with all those aches and pains. Snow looks beautiful but it is dangerous. Best not to go out in it if it can be avoided.

Em had an accident in the snow yesterday. It all came about because a window had been blown off of our old shed in the last storm, but amazingly didn't break. Em stood on it, thinking it was a sheet of ice and slipped over, smashing the glass as she landed and cutting her wrist - not seriously or deeply, but it gave her a bit of a shock. Once the snow melts Neil will have to go out and pick it all up.
Thank goodness that Em was not seriously cut by the glass.