What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen.

A 6.1 on that meter this morning.

Unfortunately here in Tilehurst Towers Mrs J tested +ve for covid on Sunday, luckily I tested -ve, but with the medication I take I am not expecting to stay clear.

My function in Tilehurst Towers has taken a seismic shift, I found out what fitted sheets were yesterday and if things continue I might have to find out how the washing machine works. Apparently universal does not mean lumps of rock traversing round our fusion reactor, it means you can throw any colour piece of clothing in gaping hole in the washing machine.

Now I must depart, clear up the mess I have made in the kitchen and other such feminine tasks, I am dressed for the role, a nice silk number and don’t suspenders make your legs itch, now before some woke devotee takes this paragraph seriously it’s all fiction.

Luckily I have sorted dinner for tonight.
Never has stay safe all meant so much.

Last week Mrs J was out celebrating her birthday twice and one other of her friends has also tested +ve.
Hugs for Mrs J and you.
I hope Mrs J gets better quickly...


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Find My Past. Not perfect as a website - keeps putting things in I don't want and managed to lose a whole tree - my husband's family. Usually not too bad though. Useless for Scotland despite saying they cover Scotland. Scotland's People is the one for that. My husband's family lived far more interesting lives than mine. (Alexander Selkirk, Alexander Graham Bell, and others whose names I have forgotten just now). I have a cousin who is convinced we are of the same family as George Bush but, happily the link hasn't been proved.

Hug for Mrs J. Hope she gets over it soon. Hug for you, as well, taking on the household duties. Good man!

If you want to wear a silk dress and suspenders, that's up to you and nothing at all to do with anyone else, woke, awakened or not.:D
Edit: Just remembered one of my husband's ancestral family - Thomas Chalmers - he who led his congregation out of the Church of Scotland to help set up the Free Church. The family remained strict Presbyterians and members of the Temperance Society up until my husband's grandparents.
I'm with Ancestry now. I've used both. But when Covid and lockdowns closed down the social clubs I belonged to, I had access to both sites. And that was very useful. Because they complemented each other. But nothing like that has reopened around here :(


We all have our own view of the world and we all follow the path that seems right to us (the one which suits us, I suppose) and we often think our own version is the true one. I am reminded of a friend, years ago, an English speaker, who was discussing some Biblical point with an old local man. "Ah," said the old man, "but you aren't reading the gaelic Bible." End of conversation.
We went to North Uist some twenty plus years ago and found the local community very welcoming. Balranald was a very good place for Skuas passing but the winds were wrong.
So we went to the local church sunday and the minister led his church in an English Sermon and hymns, kind of him because we gathered it was normally in Gaelic with Gaelic hymns.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen.

A 6.1 on that meter this morning.

Unfortunately here in Tilehurst Towers Mrs J tested +ve for covid on Sunday, luckily I tested -ve, but with the medication I take I am not expecting to stay clear.

My function in Tilehurst Towers has taken a seismic shift, I found out what fitted sheets were yesterday and if things continue I might have to find out how the washing machine works. Apparently universal does not mean lumps of rock traversing round our fusion reactor, it means you can throw any colour piece of clothing in gaping hole in the washing machine.

Now I must depart, clear up the mess I have made in the kitchen and other such feminine tasks, I am dressed for the role, a nice silk number and don’t suspenders make your legs itch, now before some woke devotee takes this paragraph seriously it’s all fiction.

Luckily I have sorted dinner for tonight.
Never has stay safe all meant so much.

Last week Mrs J was out celebrating her birthday twice and one other of her friends has also tested +ve.
I do hope that Mrs J has a mild case and recovers quickly and that you stay -ve


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen.

A 6.1 on that meter this morning.

Unfortunately here in Tilehurst Towers Mrs J tested +ve for covid on Sunday, luckily I tested -ve, but with the medication I take I am not expecting to stay clear.

My function in Tilehurst Towers has taken a seismic shift, I found out what fitted sheets were yesterday and if things continue I might have to find out how the washing machine works. Apparently universal does not mean lumps of rock traversing round our fusion reactor, it means you can throw any colour piece of clothing in gaping hole in the washing machine.

Now I must depart, clear up the mess I have made in the kitchen and other such feminine tasks, I am dressed for the role, a nice silk number and don’t suspenders make your legs itch, now before some woke devotee takes this paragraph seriously it’s all fiction.

Luckily I have sorted dinner for tonight.
Never has stay safe all meant so much.

Last week Mrs J was out celebrating her birthday twice and one other of her friends has also tested +ve.
Aw mate.

That sucks

Likely your estimation is a possibility given the proximity, no matter how hard we try.

But we always travel in hope.

Please god, Mrs J has it as mild as possible and recovers asap

And when my Lauren had it, I kept a reasonable distance between us, but it certainly wasn't clinical , as I tended to her where needed, and she never (knowingly) passed it on to me .

Sure you both know how to utilise sensible precautions
( Masks & open windows where possible )

Hope even the faintest touch of covid passes you by.

And mad respect, for manning up.

God love the ladies, with their skills to tackle what might have been seen as a 'Mans Job' back in the day

So I take pride when I see other men, match the ladies, when needed in taking on unfamiliar roles.

Nothing says how much we
care, more then a man rushing to take the load off his woman, when his lady is down

Take good care of yourselves, my friend .
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
BG at 3.15 am - 8.5. This morning it has risen to 10.9 although I've done nothing different from yesterday. I have been a bit more active, I suppose. It's bin day so I've been emptying bins ready to go out to the external bins, cleaner day, so I've done one bathroom and made my bed. Em will be here around 7.30 to have breakfast and get ready for school. No prep done for her yet. Hope to have some breakfast before she comes but I have to unload and reload the dishwasher, which I couldn't do last night before bed - too exhausted. Some things to be handwashed as well - the dishwasher doesn't make a very good job of the food processor parts. It's all go but I'm thankful that, despite being very sore, I still can do these things.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
BG at 3.15 am - 8.5. This morning it has risen to 10.9 although I've done nothing different from yesterday. I have been a bit more active, I suppose

Went to bed exhausted, took out bins, cleaned bathroom & made the bed...pretty active I'd say. :cool:

Sit & chill after Ems gone to school..it's been earned I'd say.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Whoop whoop.....

On the covid express to work
Just wanted to share..fbg only a lineker....back in the game.

A glorious first time volley, smashes the back of the net.
5.6...game on :cool:

Not so windy here today
Have your bestest day, all.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
06:02 6.3 ➡️
Monday's carbs: 119
Been a bit of a hectic weekend. So on Friday - I DID sign the new guy with a discount for a testimonial that can be made available on my website (reminds me I must do that for our next session). We had our first working session and it ended up being more like an IT puzzle-solving but we established a lot.
No shifts for a while at the golf club due to hols, and hopefully F1 and Golf shifts at BBC Sport (and if one more person from my previous IT life makes some kind of joke about me presenting MOTD I might throw my slippers at someone!)

Golfing today - handicap came down twice in a week but listening to howling winds outside just now while trying to get articles live on Britwatch - I can't see this downward trend happening again today - gah! I really wanted to get it down to 36 or below before going away on hols and PGA coach chum who is running this Spanish golf clinic thinks I could realistically get it down to 29 by the end of the year - which would be AMAZING seeing as it was bobbling around in the 40s just last year!

Had to ask Egyptian lodger to pay the actual going rate for his room (he pays £50 less than he should and does next to nothing) - popped it in writing but he has avoided me since then, So we'll see what happens on rent day but he has finished his student visa and has a right to work visa now and is working tons of shifts at the restaurant. He has been a bit of a tinker and has his lights on all night chatting with chums back in Egypt or leaves his bedside light on occasionally when he leaves - so I think it is justified.

Hark I hear the sounds of bins crashing about - so time to get a wiggle on.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
When the sun came up, I realised that there had been a heavy snowfall overnight. No cars have been along our road so far and it is laying pretty deep. I hope Em is wearing her winter boots or her feet are going to be wet by the time she gets to school. I thought there was a little snow, but didn't realise there had been so much. House is feeling pretty cold despite heating being turned on so I'd better get the convector heater going in the kitchen so Em doesn't get too cold before she goes back out.


06:02 6.3 ➡️
Monday's carbs: 119
Been a bit of a hectic weekend. So on Friday - I DID sign the new guy with a discount for a testimonial that can be made available on my website (reminds me I must do that for our next session). We had our first working session and it ended up being more like an IT puzzle-solving but we established a lot.
No shifts for a while at the golf club due to hols, and hopefully F1 and Golf shifts at BBC Sport (and if one more person from my previous IT life makes some kind of joke about me presenting MOTD I might throw my slippers at someone!)

Golfing today - handicap came down twice in a week but listening to howling winds outside just now while trying to get articles live on Britwatch - I can't see this downward trend happening again today - gah! I really wanted to get it down to 36 or below before going away on hols and PGA coach chum who is running this Spanish golf clinic thinks I could realistically get it down to 29 by the end of the year - which would be AMAZING seeing as it was bobbling around in the 40s just last year!

Had to ask Egyptian lodger to pay the actual going rate for his room (he pays £50 less than he should and does next to nothing) - popped it in writing but he has avoided me since then, So we'll see what happens on rent day but he has finished his student visa and has a right to work visa now and is working tons of shifts at the restaurant. He has been a bit of a tinker and has his lights on all night chatting with chums back in Egypt or leaves his bedside light on occasionally when he leaves - so I think it is justified.

Hark I hear the sounds of bins crashing about - so time to get a wiggle on.
Sounds like you need to make sure all his lights are LED bulbs!? The usage would be minimal.D.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Fbg 6.9

That wind was causing problems yesterday. A group of tall cherry trees, which were planted by the previous occupant as a windbreak from the very strong sea winds (before they were planted you could see right down to the sea and over to the Wirral), are suffering from the strong winds the last few days. The end two are, I would say, are now at least 30degrees tilting over from their upright position...

The ravens congregate on those cherry trees.

Nighttime wildlife cameras
Badger & Fox & Cats

The first visitor of the night was the fox.
Then Merlin comes along and he takes up his position on the swing as the guardian of the night, and of the cat biscuits, so that the regular strays get their share of the cat biscuits.
The fox and the badger were mooching around pretty much all of the night and never left my garden.
And then when the birds begin singing just before dawn Merlin leaves (but comes back an hour later when it is fully daylight and sleeps on the swing during the day, and he is there now.

Amy and Jade get a share of their cat biscuits just before it gets daylight.

I hate the clocks changing, because you have this hope of brighter mornings, and then it is dashed at the end of this month, when those horrid clocks give you an extra hour of darkness in a morning...

Creative is a digital painting of a black and white Herdwick lamb, especially for @lindisfel

Have your best day.

Time for food!!!



Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Fbg 6.9

That wind was causing problems yesterday. A group of tall cherry trees, which were planted by the previous occupant as a windbreak from the very strong sea winds (before they were planted you could see right down to the sea and over to the Wirral), are suffering from the strong winds the last few days. The end two are, I would say, are now at least 30degrees tilting over from their upright position...

The ravens congregate on those cherry trees.

Nighttime wildlife cameras
Badger & Fox & Cats

The first visitor of the night was the fox.
Then Merlin comes along and he takes up his position on the swing as the guardian of the night, and of the cat biscuits, so that the regular strays get their share of the cat biscuits.
The fox and the badger were mooching around pretty much all of the night and never left my garden.
And then when the birds begin singing just before dawn Merlin leaves (but comes back an hour later when it is fully daylight and sleeps on the swing during the day, and he is there now.

Amy and Jade get a share of their cat biscuits just before it gets daylight.

I hate the clocks changing, because you have this hope of brighter mornings, and then it is dashed at the end of this month, when those horrid clocks give you an extra hour of darkness in a morning...

Creative is a digital painting of a black and white Herdwick lamb, especially for @lindisfel

Have your best day.

Time for food!!!

View attachment 59850
Smashing Herdwick. We bought my mum a skein of Herdwick wool a few years ago and she spun it and knitted a lovely warm scarf.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good morning everyone form what just might be a bright and sunny day here in the dark and dangerous north. Girl in the bubble with us yesterday as she was not very well after a bad night being sick. Still, she perked up and off we went for late breakfast - toast and butter - her favourite thing. Pot holes need some repairing - she learned a new word - appalling! We practiced it’s use in several sentences so that she could impress mummy and daddy later - no need for thanks, just normal grandfatherly duties. Art bit - just a doodle. I need to decide what to do next. Hope you all have a kind day. I shall drink koffy and then make the most of this sunshine.



Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Good morning everyone form what just might be a bright and sunny day here in the dark and dangerous north. Girl in the bubble with us yesterday as she was not very well after a bad night being sick. Still, she perked up and off we went for late breakfast - toast and butter - her favourite thing. Pot holes need some repairing - she learned a new word - appalling! We practiced it’s use in several sentences so that she could impress mummy and daddy later - no need for thanks, just normal grandfatherly duties. Art bit - just a doodle. I need to decide what to do next. Hope you all have a kind day. I shall drink koffy and then make the most of this sunshine.

View attachment 59851
Amazing little sketch!
Brilliant !!!