What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Thank you very much!
I wasn't very impressed with the meal. The meat was gristly, the string beans were...hard and stringy...the pigs in blankets were so thin and short and no bigger than the top third of my little finger. And the price has gone up lots...

Won't be going back there @dunelm

I have a new venue in mind for my next sketch...it is good practice for my drawing...
That's a shame. For a long time I have felt eating out in the UK always represents very poor value for money and is best avoided. Low carbing accentuated that but my penchant for Starbucks - CWC - gives me cognitive dissonance. The idea of LC takeaway food scrambles my brain. I accept that having the cooking and clearing up/washing is a chore but in terms of choice and quality meals at home are in a different class. I can understand how people who live on their own would value the social aspect. Hopefully you will find somewhere that serves good food in a pleasant environment and at a sensible price.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
That's a shame. For a long time I have felt eating out in the UK always represents very poor value for money and is best avoided. Low carbing accentuated that but my penchant for Starbucks - CWC - gives me cognitive dissonance. Te idea of LC takeaway food scrambles my brain. I accept that having the cooking and clearing up/washing is a chore but in terms of choice and quality meals at home are in a different class. I can understand how people who live on their own would value the social aspect. Hopefully you will find somewhere that serves good food in a pleasant environment and at a sensible price.
Yes, I do value the social aspect of eating out @ianpspurs
I would quite happily be a hermit, but I know I need to mix to some extent with people...


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Thank you for sharing the art - different from your usual, Is it in the style of anyone or just as the mood took you: let the wind carry me? The walk and lamb sound as though they made yesterday's troubles, if so be there were any, seem so far away. Excellent.
Thank you @ianpspurs. Just a very loose attempt at a street scene - something I find difficult with watercolours. Yes, the walk and the lamb were stars of the show yesterday.

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Fbg 6.2

Wildlife nighttime video
Cat Jade watching something out of sight - Badger calls & wants the cloths - Jade returns

Creative...pen and water brush on a postcard
My friend had cancelled our meeting.
And so I went for a carvery lunch.
I sat with my back against a wall (as I always do, experience taught me that one).
I had downloaded something to read on my phone, but for some reason it hadn't downloaded properly, and there was no signal in the pub.
I had my postcards, ink pen, and water brush with me...
Nothing to draw, I'd sat in a secluded part of the pub.
Then a group of 3 people came in, two women with a toddler and a man, in their late 20's I would say.
There was a lot of busyness as they allocated chairs and put their coats and stuff on to the chair next to the man.
I wasn't really taking much notice at this point, just noticing out of the corner of my eye...
Then the women and child left (presumably to order food), and the man got agitated.
He had short back and sides, and extensive tattoos on the left of his neck, and on his left hand.
I am not looking in his direction, but I soft focused my eyes (and I had dark glasses on), and I get the pen and waterbrush and postcard out.
So, eating my dinner with my left hand, I am drawing with my right hand (I had moved the stand up menu so it hid what I was doing.
His hands were clenched.
His eyes were closed...1st pic
Then he took his jacket off, eyes still closed.
He put jacket over his shoulders and his fists were still clenched and he put his head down towards the table....2nd pic
Then he put his jacket back on again, eyes still closed.
Then some busyness at the table when the one of the woman brought him his pint. And then she left.
Third pic (and there wasn't enough room left to do this on a little postcard and a fat pen nib)...was him 'looking' (?) and contemplating that pint in front of him as he was holding it. It was a very long moment of contemplation....
I didn't draw any more, but there could have been a fourth pic where he sips the pint. It was a very long slow drawn out sip, as if time had slowed down. He looked almost at peace. His eyes were still closed...
When the women and child got back, he opened his eyes, and is talking animatedly with them. But to me, his eyes are wrong (to me as a lip-reader), and they were following the sound of the voices in front of him. It is almost like he was putting on a show for them.
I felt his genuine face was the face in the first pic.

I didn't look again. My head is already making up a short story/life history on what lead him to this point.

Time for a nap and a cuppa...

Have your best day

View attachment 66053
Much better than my stick people!

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Everything @ianpspurs

As a teenager with my friends in the pub, I could not follow the conversations of a group of friends because they are far too close, and I had no sound clues to figure who was talking, so my head was swivelling like an owl. Too tiring. I gave up.

So, a long boring evening in the pub?
Actually no.
I would lipread people a little distance away, even the far side of that pub room. All you need is a clear sight line to their face and lips. It was even better when you could see both people's lips, then you can follow the entire conversation.

There is no such thing as a private conversation.

It is the reason I often have my fingers near my lips and touching my nose etc, or adjusting my specs. I have no need to do this, but I am aware how much I can lipread...

You have a good day, and mind who is watching you in public when you are speaking....
Have you noticed that in sports, they cover their mouths to speak to each other?

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Good morning everyone on what the weather mongers predict will be a snowy day here in the dark and dangerous north. A flat 6 this am - oh well. A walk through the woods yesterday - welly boot route, follow the beck and then along the beach. Funicular is closed so a huff and a puff up the cliff steps and into town. Bus - good man. Extra crispy lamb breast - smashing - masses of fat - not so smashing - poured off, left to go solid in the fridge - into the bin. I suppose you could make a tallow lamp but think of the neighbours. Art bit - and now for something completely different. I should practice this sort of thing. Hope your day is kinder than yesterday. I will have a late koffy.

View attachment 66054
Completely different!
This is a glance of townie life mid morning, going to work, this is what I saw every day!
But I like it, as Gerry would say!


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Have you noticed that in sports, they cover their mouths to speak to each other?
Very noticeable in NFL - quarterbacks (and some other offensive players) also have play calling wristbands plus headphones in their helmets. Imho "soccer" seems to be, or has the reputation of being, less well blessed with grey matter. Rugby (Union) is somewhere in between. Hope the counselling goes as well as it can and you manage a visit to the butcher.
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Hope you do feel a lot better tomorrow @Annb
This is the first time I've switched on the laptop today (1420). Been out this morning. I was doubtful, especially with the snow and ice but I needed to get my legs bandaged and, after 2 lots of painkillers, I thought I could manage it - and I did - just. Going out was a bit dodgy and I thought I might actually fall on the ramp, cleared by Neil but still feeling hazardous. I did manage it with the zimmer though; wouldn't have done if I'd used the rollator which can tend to run away with me on the slope. Pain is still there, but I can sort of move around, albeit very slowly if I slide my feet instead of lifting them to walk - especially under the influence of painkillers. Nurse thinks I should do something about it (talk to a doctor?) because it feels like some kind of inflammation. I'll leave it until tomorrow though. If it's still bad then, I try to get some kind of response before the weekend.
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
How odd - that post was sent in on Wednesday evening but it didn't appear until after 0800 today. This is the first time I've switched on the laptop today (1420). Been out this morning. I was doubtful, especially with the snow and ice but I needed to get my legs bandaged and, after 2 lots of painkillers, I thought I could manage it - and I did - just. Going out was a bit dodgy and I thought I might actually fall on the ramp, cleared by Neil but still feeling hazardous. I did manage it with the zimmer though; wouldn't have done if I'd used the rollator which can tend to run away with me on the slope. Pain is still there, but I can sort of move around, albeit very slowly if I slide my feet instead of lifting them to walk - especially under the influence of painkillers. Nurse thinks I should do something about it (talk to a doctor?) because it feels like some kind of inflammation. I'll leave it until tomorrow though. If it's still bad then, I try to get some kind of response before the weekend.
Hug for the pain winner for making it to leg bandaging. You know you best but I shall be hoping and praying that you at least e-consult, talk to or better yet see a doctor.

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Very noticeable in NFL - quarterbacks (and some other offensive players) also have play calling wristbands plus headphones in their helmets. Imho "soccer" seems to be, or has the reputation of being, less well blessed with grey matter. Rugby (Union) is somewhere in between. Hope the counselling goes as well as it can and you manage a visit to the butcher.
I did and stupidly got soaked. Still drying out now! Counselling went ok and gonna assess the session. More homework to do.
You are correct about the grey stuff but cos of the academic schooling within footie there are those with intelligence and some regardless of education are still not quite there, but give them a ball!!!!!!
I know of more than a couple that have good attainment and a few with university degrees. You would be surprised.
As most if not all, NFL players have to go to university and play within that structure. And it's not many that don't achieve some level of knowledge.

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Cos I walked to butchers and hospital, usually a ten minute pleasant walk. And it was only light sleet as I left the house, by the time I had got about half a mile, the rain/sleet had become a deluge. I was very wet at the butchers and 150 yards on the hospital I was drenched and very cold. What a bloody idiot!
Got the bus back.
Have had our doctors on the phone again, given me phone numbers for some help I probably need, so will see how that goes.
Concern about the garden, it has become so wet, it's very much waterlogged and can't take much more, even the usual good drainage is struggling, the gutter pipes are flowing like a full on tap. Puddles are forming everywhere, the footie pitches are flooded. Standing water everywhere. Local dogs won't get their walk on that!
The skies are just full of greyness and rainclouds, and more to come. It is awful.

Mrs L has had a restful day and putting the oven on soon, so I can roast some chicken and gammon for later and the weekend, putting both in, saves gas!

Am so exasperated with the clowns in office. The total lack of respect for others is unbelievable.
I could go on but I don't want to write an essay.

Have a splendid evening if you can.
My best wishes to you all as always!

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Nothing earth shattering here but worth reiterating/refreshing since it must be about revision time.
I don't disagree with most of that, but no mention of fasting or individual requirements.
Like most health advice, it only covers the majority.
It doesn't relate to diabetes or any condition as such.