What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Fbg 7.1
Still going down...

Cat Midnight is having his work cut out with the newbies on the block...
Nighttime wildlife video
A new Fox and the new Badger are mithering Cat Midnight

Creative...an old man with a stick.
I'd watched him for a minute, but when I started drawing, I'd not noticed the pen setting was wider because of a previous drawing. I had already done his head when I realised, but I was going to lose the man if I wipe the drawing out to start again, by the time I altered the pen setting, so I thought I'll have to go with it, this wide line....by the way I draw these with my finger, and I can't see half the time what I am drawing!

And, he was wearing a puffer jacket, but the line was too thick for me to be able to draw the puffer jacket!

Have your best day...

Time for a cuppa & a nap...

View attachment 67220
Actually your drawing looks really good with the thicker pen setting @gennepher


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Good morning everyone on a bright and sunny start to International Bin Day here in the dark and dangerous north. 5.4 this am. It’s local election time here - Mayor and Police & Crime Commissioner so lots of chaff being added to recycling bins. We even got a letter from the Darkling Thrush who took time out from leaning against the fence singing “when the boat come in” in an attempt to be all northern levelling up like. As with all elections - you get loads of dancing birds of paradise and then, just like that, it’s all over and all the flashy promises disappear. I’m going to be extra fair this year and vote for everyone - and maybe add a name or two to the ballot paper for the Caveat Emptor party. Anyhow - art bit - same old, same old but in Paynes Grey. Hope you have as good a day as you can make it. I shall finish my koffy and consult my postal vote papers.

View attachment 67221
I really like this one the best of this series @dunelm
It has a 3D effect.
I am a lover of Payne's grey, but a lot of people are not...


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning all on another day of unknown fbg which does make me feel somewhat of an imposter here. Today is another dry, bright but cold day here due to the wind. No, not mine. @dunelm thank you for sharing the art. Quite interesting how I react differently to the same work in different colours. I like this one more than the green one as it feels calmer. I think the sepia-like one has been my favourite so far but obviously that's just me. @gennepher I'm with those who like the thicker line sketches but thank you for generously sharing all your creatives. @Krystyna23040 that fbg may be your helpful body supplying extra glucose for another active day. @Annb the consultant could certainly have phrased things better. Way past my daily coffee time so time to go. Have the best day you can even if it is like the curate's egg which, if we’re honest, most days are.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good morning from California!
Happy Thursday morning 4.55 mg/dL. Finally summer kicks in. Sunny days I regularly drink 2.7 liters of water and logs, so I don’t forget . That helps my FBG. I stick to the rule, “ any food ending with”ose” is not in my meals. Indeed, the limited choices of meals, at the end lower FBG and also PPG (after 2 hours) is within the range I like!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Morning all on another day of unknown fbg which does make me feel somewhat of an imposter here. Today is another dry, bright but cold day here due to the wind. No, not mine. @dunelm thank you for sharing the art. Quite interesting how I react differently to the same work in different colours. I like this one more than the green one as iit feels calmer. I think the sepia-like one has been my favourite so far but obviously that's just me. @gennepher I'm with those who like the thicker line sketches but thank you for generously sharing all your creatives. @Krystyna23040 that fbg may be your helpful body supplying extra glucose for another active day. @Annb the consultant could certainly have phrased things better. Way past my daily coffee time so time to go. Have the best day you can even if it is like the curate's egg which, if we’re honest, most days are.
Thank you very much @ianpspurs
I am surprised that people like the thick line ones. I thought it was a mistake when I saw that I had done that.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning all on another day of unknown fbg which does make me feel somewhat of an imposter here. Today is another dry, bright but cold day here due to the wind. No, not mine. @dunelm thank you for sharing the art. Quite interesting how I react differently to the same work in different colours. I like this one more than the green one as it feels calmer. I think the sepia-like one has been my favourite so far but obviously that's just me. @gennepher I'm with those who like the thicker line sketches but thank you for generously sharing all your creatives. @Krystyna23040 that fbg may be your helpful body supplying extra glucose for another active day. @Annb the consultant could certainly have phrased things better. Way past my daily coffee time so time to go. Have the best day you can even if it is like the curate's egg which, if we’re honest, most days are.
Yes, I think that you are right @ianpspurs. I was crazily active yesterday so liver was probably assuming that today would be just as crazy.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning all on another day of unknown fbg which does make me feel somewhat of an imposter here. Today is another dry, bright but cold day here due to the wind. No, not mine. @dunelm thank you for sharing the art. Quite interesting how I react differently to the same work in different colours. I like this one more than the green one as it feels calmer. I think the sepia-like one has been my favourite so far but obviously that's just me. @gennepher I'm with those who like the thicker line sketches but thank you for generously sharing all your creatives. @Krystyna23040 that fbg may be your helpful body supplying extra glucose for another active day. @Annb the consultant could certainly have phrased things better. Way past my daily coffee time so time to go. Have the best day you can even if it is like the curate's egg which, if we’re honest, most days are.
Thank you @ianpspurs. Yes, different colours do give a different and very personal perspective to art.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Back from leg bandaging. 2 days in a row out of the house although not particularly active - just hobbling down the ramp to the car and back up again about 90 minutes later, but it has left me very sore with noisy cracking and creaking joints and even some areas that have no joints in them to mention. Cup of tea and sat in the chair for a bit but not really any improvement. Might have to take painkillers to let me get moving.

BG at 05.30 today was 5.4. Stayed around 5 all morning and dropped to 3.8 while I dozed. Just ate one date to deal with that.

I weighed myself properly this morning (which is when I can shower without having huge clumsy leg bandages and plastic covers) and I have put on 1.1 kg of the 2 kg I had lost. That, I'm sure, is the difference that carnivore v low carb woe makes for me. Still, if it is causing a problem for my kidneys, I don't suppose I can keep going with it. How can a few vegetables do that though? During this week it has been only half a packet of green beans, 2 tomatoes, a dozen mushrooms, one fairly large onion and a punnet of strawberries. Must be fluid, which is my usual bugbear.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Back from leg bandaging. 2 days in a row out of the house although not particularly active - just hobbling down the ramp to the car and back up again about 90 minutes later, but it has left me very sore with noisy cracking and creaking joints and even some areas that have no joints in them to mention. Cup of tea and sat in the chair for a bit but not really any improvement. Might have to take painkillers to let me get moving.

BG at 05.30 today was 5.4. Stayed around 5 all morning and dropped to 3.8 while I dozed. Just ate one date to deal with that.

I weighed myself properly this morning (which is when I can shower without having huge clumsy leg bandages and plastic covers) and I have put on 1.1 kg of the 2 kg I had lost. That, I'm sure, is the difference that carnivore v low carb woe makes for me. Still, if it is causing a problem for my kidneys, I don't suppose I can keep going with it. How can a few vegetables do that though? During this week it has been only half a packet of green beans, 2 tomatoes, a dozen mushrooms, one fairly large onion and a punnet of strawberries. Must be fluid, which is my usual bugbear.
Hug for the pain. Any builders in sight or better still working?


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Hug for the pain. Any builders in sight or better still working?
'Fraid not. Haven't seen the builders all week. they were supposed to be finished this week, and still could be if they come tomorrow. They have just to install the long, low radiator under the lounge window (which may still be on its way from the manufacturer), install the solar panels, do the electrical work, and insulate the loft. One day's work - maybe.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Back from leg bandaging. 2 days in a row out of the house although not particularly active - just hobbling down the ramp to the car and back up again about 90 minutes later, but it has left me very sore with noisy cracking and creaking joints and even some areas that have no joints in them to mention. Cup of tea and sat in the chair for a bit but not really any improvement. Might have to take painkillers to let me get moving.

BG at 05.30 today was 5.4. Stayed around 5 all morning and dropped to 3.8 while I dozed. Just ate one date to deal with that.

I weighed myself properly this morning (which is when I can shower without having huge clumsy leg bandages and plastic covers) and I have put on 1.1 kg of the 2 kg I had lost. That, I'm sure, is the difference that carnivore v low carb woe makes for me. Still, if it is causing a problem for my kidneys, I don't suppose I can keep going with it. How can a few vegetables do that though? During this week it has been only half a packet of green beans, 2 tomatoes, a dozen mushrooms, one fairly large onion and a punnet of strawberries. Must be fluid, which is my usual bugbear.
Hugh for lack of builders and also the diet issues. Agree it does sound like fluid. Carnivore may take some getting used to and you could try using just chicken and fish for the protein and slowly reduce everything else - would that work to find a balance?

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
6.7 phew!

Fasting day.
Counselling day.
#8 morning, fun. Day.
Sunny, windy start, then cloudy then caught in rain day. Still very cold.
Mrs L has informed me that I don't need to go out to do big shop no more! Brill, another chore sorted more than a couple of years ago.

Another Tory sleaze day.
And this one is a doozie!

Have your bestest day.

Please don't ask about food day.

My bestest wishes to you lot this day.

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Hugh for lack of builders and also the diet issues. Agree it does sound like fluid. Carnivore may take some getting used to and you could try using just chicken and fish for the protein and slowly reduce everything else - would that work to find a balance?
Who is hugh?

One of the advisory snippets, I came across was before blood panel tests, concerning liver and kidneys function tests, was fast and drink plenty of water. No coffee or tea. Get the test mid morning.
Do a little bit of activity.
And if reducing carbs, do it gently.
Love the art. Never heard of that colour.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
People that point out my spelling mistakes
Early Evening posters and painters, was out and about before 8:00am this Morening.

Luckily my blood sugars this morning were 5.0

Today has been a strange old day and at one point this afternoon collapsing into a heavy afternoon nap. This screwed my misplaced plans for this afternoon.
Yesterday the annoying religious zealots that populate Reading town centre ignored me, for which I am truly grateful.
Now hopefully attached is another ov Mrs J’s paintings, it was painted as a present for one ov her many fiends.

Have an enjoyable evening all


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Early Evening posters and painters, was out and about before 8:00am this Morening.

Luckily my blood sugars this morning were 5.0

Today has been a strange old day and at one point this afternoon collapsing into a heavy afternoon nap. This screwed my misplaced plans for this afternoon.
Yesterday the annoying religious zealots that populate Reading town centre ignored me, for which I am truly grateful.
Now hopefully attached is another ov Mrs J’s paintings, it was painted as a present for one ov her many fiends.

Have an enjoyable evening all
View attachment 67234
What a lovely present. Thank you for sharing Mrs J's work.