What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Morning all from a cold L.A. @Krystyna23040 good idea to wear the warmest coat, enjoy Blickling Hall. @gennepher thank you for sharing your creative which is amazingly detailed. It was clearly a windy night from the noise of the wind chimes. @dunelm thank you for sharing the art. Personally not sure how I feel about the grey (not that that matters) but I do like a good fence: good fences make good neighbours as Bobby F said. @alf_Josiah enjoy making the play kitchen. Sorry you have been having a few medical issues. No censure here over that meal because it is none of my/our business and anyhow I would almost certainly never have eaten either pre-DX. @Annb I hope the rest of the day's readings go well. Some amazing stories from London marathon runners. The man with terminal brain cancer obviously struck home. Don't work too hard to enjoy the day
Thank you very much, Ian....


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning all from a cold L.A. @Krystyna23040 good idea to wear the warmest coat, enjoy Blickling Hall. @gennepher thank you for sharing your creative which is amazingly detailed. It was clearly a windy night from the noise of the wind chimes. @dunelm thank you for sharing the art. Personally not sure how I feel about the grey (not that that matters) but I do like a good fence: good fences make good neighbours as Bobby F said. @alf_Josiah enjoy making the play kitchen. Sorry you have been having a few medical issues. No censure here over that meal because it is none of my/our business and anyhow I would almost certainly never have eaten either pre-DX. @Annb I hope the rest of the day's readings go well. Some amazing stories from London marathon runners. The man with terminal brain cancer obviously struck home. Don't work too hard to enjoy the day
The walk around Blickling Hall was wonderful but I definitely needed the very warm coat. The bluebells were in full bloom. We walked nearly 5 miles.

It was a little bit sad as for almost 17 years we had taken Archie with us on our bluebell walk.

Poppy enjoyed the walk and sharing Mr K's sausage roll. I failed to resist the temptation of salted caramel ice cream. It is my favourite flavour and was really delicious.

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
The walk around Blickling Hall was wonderful but I definitely needed the very warm coat. The bluebells were in full bloom. We walked nearly 5 miles.

It was a little bit sad as for almost 17 years we had taken Archie with us on our bluebell walk.

Poppy enjoyed the walk and sharing Mr K's sausage roll. I failed to resist the temptation of salted caramel ice cream. It is my favourite flavour and was really delicious.

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
That is just one of my photos I took this morning, from my front garden. I can't get the other couple up, it's this kindle!
5.8 twice.
I don't believe it either.
I was too high and having a minor panic.
Not got a clue why???

It's been cloudy and cool today, the sun has threatened, but not playing as yet.
Another cold night stargazing.

Have a nice evening.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good morning everyone from a damp start but with prospects here in the dark and dangerous north. 5.6 this am and all the plants are having a free wash and drink. Mrs Miggins went off for her afternoon tea so I walked down with her to get a bit of exercise and a bit of basking in the pale sunshine - she returned home several hours after I did. Today we are off again on a slow train to Newcastle. Swapping Mrs Miggins’ faulty IPad that the Apple Store couldn’t fix for a shiny new one. All under warranty and done in the best possible taste - one of the Apple Store workers looked distinctly like a Kenny Everett character, sans beard but including everything else (maybe). I must pick some seats for our flights to Bordeaux - hanging back to see if we can get them for free closer to flight time or still have to purchase from the optional extras list. Art bit - well it’s something - another experiment. Hope you have a pleasant day. I need to make koffy.



Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
5.5 this morning. Am so pleased with that reading after the lovely tub of salted caramel ice cream at Blickling yesterday.

Actually, it felt really good to know that perhaps l can have an occasional treat and blood sugars will still stay ok.

Am trying to decide whether or not a sweet treat once a week on our long Sunday walks is too often to be called an occasional treat.

This week will be much less hectic than the last couple of weeks. Not because of good planning by me but because some of my 1:1 clients are away.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
5.1 at 03.30 today. Very hungry though. Still, managing just with a cup of tea to keep me going. I will make breakfast sometime soon - before the builders arrive to do some more work (if they do). My day will involve folding and putting away a huge mountain of washing. I should have done it before this, but didn't get around to it. It's all in the back porch-cum-utility room and with the state of my memory these days, out of sight is truly out of mind. Today, I must not forget.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
People that point out my spelling mistakes
Good Morening Ladies and Gentlemen.

Blood sugars this morning were 5.5, what they will be later is and remain an unknown. My breakfast is left over leftovers and very nice to, two or too ( you choose ).

This coming week is to be cherished, savoured. Me me’s and myself have no medical interactions planned unless the telephonic communicator communicates and or our friendly postyman brings a communication.

Therefore it’s time to smile and admire the bluebells.


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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
View attachment 67287Good Morening Ladies and Gentlemen.

Blood sugars this morning were 5.5, what they will be later is and remain an unknown. My breakfast is left over leftovers and very nice to, two or too ( you choose ).

This coming week is to be cherished, savoured. Me me’s and myself have no medical interactions planned unless the telephonic communicator communicates and or our friendly postyman brings a communication.

Therefore it’s time to smile and admire the bluebells.
Lovely bluebells. Is that Yorick I see there? Or perhaps his little brother.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning all from a grey skied chill L,A - cool it ain't. Where appropriate Chag kasher v’sameach (Happy and kosher holiday) @dunelm thank you for sharing the art. Enjoy Newcastle and I hope Mrs Miggins' new device is wonderful For those who use Apple phones Abbott have a new product which was advertised all over the London Marathon route. Makes the Libre seem a very value range product. Not for Android so not for me. Bluebells and Bluebirds - (mis?)reading the cryptic clue? @Krystyna23040 my experience suggests tomorrow may show the impact of the ice cream better. @Annb I hope Bob and crew arrive today, Let's all run Monday up the flagpole and see who salutes.
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Morning all from a grey skied chill L,A - cool it ain't. Where appropriate Chag kasher v’sameach (Happy and kosher holiday @dunelm thank you for sharing the art. Enjoy Newcastle and I hope Mrs Miggins' new device is wonderful For those who use Apple phones Abbott have a new product which was advertised all over the London Marathon route. Makes the Libre seem a very value range product. Not for Android so not for me. Bluebells and Bluebirds - (mis?)reading the cryptic clue? @Krystyna23040 my experience suggests tomorrow may show the impact of the ice cream better. @Annb I hope Bob and crew arrive today, Let's all run Monday up the flag pole and see who salutes.
Bob seems to have gone missing. Neil is going to try to find out what is going on for me. Had an invoice from them for part of the work - which is done - but I want to know they are coming back to finish off the job, and when.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good morning!
Happy Monday morning 4.38 Seems like my meter calls for more carbs, since my FBG is stable, I am not adding more carbs to my diet. Weight is stable and metabolism is good. Beautiful weather, drinking plenty of water helps . Have a nice day everyone!

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
6.4 this .........
Been phoning multiple companies this morn.
Nearly had my bank account emptied by one of them responsible.
it's all sorted (I hope).

Also had an hour with #8, playing ball on the newly cut footie pitches.
First proper cut since before chrimbo.
Was gonna give mine a trim but it's far too cool and cloudy, no rain for a surprise, but where is spring?

That is all folks!

Have a less manic Monday than I have.
My best wishes to you all as always.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Good morning everyone from a damp start but with prospects here in the dark and dangerous north. 5.6 this am and all the plants are having a free wash and drink. Mrs Miggins went off for her afternoon tea so I walked down with her to get a bit of exercise and a bit of basking in the pale sunshine - she returned home several hours after I did. Today we are off again on a slow train to Newcastle. Swapping Mrs Miggins’ faulty IPad that the Apple Store couldn’t fix for a shiny new one. All under warranty and done in the best possible taste - one of the Apple Store workers looked distinctly like a Kenny Everett character, sans beard but including everything else (maybe). I must pick some seats for our flights to Bordeaux - hanging back to see if we can get them for free closer to flight time or still have to purchase from the optional extras list. Art bit - well it’s something - another experiment. Hope you have a pleasant day. I need to make koffy.

View attachment 67286
I love these experiments @dunelm


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning all from a grey skied chill L,A - cool it ain't. Where appropriate Chag kasher v’sameach (Happy and kosher holiday @dunelm thank you for sharing the art. Enjoy Newcastle and I hope Mrs Miggins' new device is wonderful For those who use Apple phones Abbott have a new product which was advertised all over the London Marathon route. Makes the Libre seem a very value range product. Not for Android so not for me. Bluebells and Bluebirds - (mis?)reading the cryptic clue? @Krystyna23040 my experience suggests tomorrow may show the impact of the ice cream better. @Annb I hope Bob and crew arrive today, Let's all run Monday up the flagpole and see who salutes.
Yes, I hadn't thought that there may be a delayed reaction @ianpspurs. Tomorrow's fbg will be very interesting.