What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Fbg 6.7

Wildlife nighttime video
A Fox and a Badger

Digital painting of cherry tree in my garden, mine doesn't have quite this many blossoms on!!! I have been generous painting on blossoms.....

Have a good day...

Time for a quick nap!

And a cuppa.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Interesting pollarded plane trees @dunelm I like them!

Talking of palette knives, I found some buried art materials in my back garden yesterday, including a palette knife... I wondered where they went to...

Years ago here when we had a spell of fine weather, I used to leave my art materials out on the table outside all week. It was easier than bringing them in every night.

Sometimes things went missing but I thought it was me mislaying them, or maybe bringing them in and I had forgotten.

I am realising now that the badger or badgers were around in my garden at night then and I had no idea...
Thanks @gennepher - wonder if those badgers have been decorating their setts? Enjoy your newly found art materials. Maybe make a collage - buried art?


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good afternoon all from a now very rainy L.A. Covid booster done so just relaxing with my daily coffee and a bank holiday keto muffin - Californian blueberry. Unclear if the blueberries or muffin style are Californian. @dunelm should the hug go to you or TGIB? Thanks for sharing the splendid art. I especially liked the couple under the brolly. Enjoy your Friday everyone.
Thanks @ianpspurs - hugs definitely for TGIB but she ought to be nominated for an Oscar. Blueberries definitely a thing in California.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Fbg 6.7

Wildlife nighttime video
A Fox and a Badger

Digital painting of cherry tree in my garden, mine doesn't have quite this many blossoms on!!! I have been generous painting on blossoms.....

Have a good day...

Time for a quick nap!

And a cuppa.
View attachment 67455
Beautiful blossoms on that cherry tree. We went to Washington (the one in the USA, not the one up here) a few years ago when the cherry blossom festival was on - probably the best one outside of Japan - wonderful memories brought back by your art.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Evening finger prickers and swipers
Friday 4.4 mmol on waking at 6.00 am.

Polling day here in London yesterday, but thankfully the counting of the vote took place today (not the customary overnight marathon session that usually drags on until the early hours and plays old harry with my FBG levels ).

The weekend is almost upon us.
Take care everyone and stay safe.

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Fbg 6.7

Wildlife nighttime video
A Fox and a Badger

Digital painting of cherry tree in my garden, mine doesn't have quite this many blossoms on!!! I have been generous painting on blossoms.....

Have a good day...

Time for a quick nap!

And a cuppa.
View attachment 67455


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
5.8 this morning.
Did so much admin yesterday. Sometimes I work really hard but don't feel I achieved much Yesterday was different as there were no hitches with the computer that can be so time consuming.

Today the church are repainting the white lines in the car park so Mr K is running me in so I don't have to park on the road while I teach classes.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
5.4 at 04.35. Libre woke me twice to tell me I was below 4 each time. Fruit pastilles dealt with that and I expected a higher figure this morning.

Starting the new antibiotics this morning - ones I haven't seen before but only a week's course. I'm beginning to think these short term treatments are just allowing whatever the bugs in my system are to get used to the attack and rally their forces again for next time. I believe there may be longer term treatments available but how to access them, I have no idea. Can't help thinking that allowing bacteria or viruses to get used to dealing with current treatments is dangerous for the future. Maybe we are handed out antibiotics too easily and should be strong enough for our immune systems to deal with these things ourselves - also a dangerous idea, I know.

EDIT: unless we have an immune system that is compromised for one reason or another, of course.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Fbg 6.7

Wildlife nighttime video
A Fox and a Badger

Digital painting of cherry tree in my garden, mine doesn't have quite this many blossoms on!!! I have been generous painting on blossoms.....

Have a good day...

Time for a quick nap!

And a cuppa.
View attachment 67455
For painting is absolutely stunning @gennepher


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning all from a dry and temperate L.A. where the locals have suddenly become Tractor Boys fans. @gennepher thank you for two stunning creatives based on Cherry Trees. We had a flowering cherry "back home" and I helped dad renovate, then lived in, a house called Cherry Villa. @Krystyna23040 another gold star for Mr K. @Annb I hope this course of antibiotics finally works for you. Enjoy your Saturday and long weekend if at all possible.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Looks like it's the Welsh version of "Britain's Gardens Got Talent" Show .

Midnight doing a turn as Cowell.

And got to admit, that fox is giving a half decent impression as Nureyev from the Bolshoi Ballet version of
"Swan Lake"

Bravo, bravo, Encore, Encore...


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
football, both the game and the culture.
Thank you @ianpspurs - no mow May is taking place in the back garden. The front though remains like Spout House Cricket Club in North Yorkshire.
No Mow May looks good on paper, but has been linked to an increase in strimmer injuries to hedgehogs... and other garden creatures who like the damp long grass environment.
We will not be participating this year. Will instead keep the mower on the highest setting. And there is always the field attached to our garden which is only cut twice a year.
Here in France we are legally prohibited from cutting hedges from March to July - this is to protect nesting birds.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good morning everyone on an improving start the the day here in the dark and dangerous north. 5.1 at 6am. Family weekend and the grandchildren, who arrived last night are up, dressed and breakfasted. It’s a 10 mile walk up the beach and back down the cinder path this morning, starting and ending at our daughter’s house where we will have an afternoon BBQ (bring your own folding chair). The grandchildren and I are joining everyone at the half way point at the top of the cliff. 18 walkers and about 30 in total; brothers, sisters, grandchildren, cousins, nephews, nieces and a couple of aunts and uncles. A bit down on previous years but never mind. Art bit, we saw people walking their dogs in the drizzly rain under the pollarded trees last Saturday. Hope your day is at least a warm one. I am on my second koffy - there may be more. Cinnamon - anybody use it on a daily basis?


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