What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
No Mow May looks good on paper, but has been linked to an increase in strimmer injuries to hedgehogs... and other garden creatures who like the damp long grass environment.
We will not be participating this year. Will instead keep the mower on the highest setting. And there is always the field attached to our garden which is only cut twice a year.
Here in France we are legally prohibited from cutting hedges from March to July - this is to protect nesting birds.
Good idea. I usually cut on a high setting until the grass gets going again and thanks for the tip about hedgehogs - I will check for them at the end of the month.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
football, both the game and the culture.
5.4 at 04.35. Libre woke me twice to tell me I was below 4 each time. Fruit pastilles dealt with that and I expected a higher figure this morning.

Starting the new antibiotics this morning - ones I haven't seen before but only a week's course. I'm beginning to think these short term treatments are just allowing whatever the bugs in my system are to get used to the attack and rally their forces again for next time. I believe there may be longer term treatments available but how to access them, I have no idea. Can't help thinking that allowing bacteria or viruses to get used to dealing with current treatments is dangerous for the future. Maybe we are handed out antibiotics too easily and should be strong enough for our immune systems to deal with these things ourselves - also a dangerous idea, I know.

EDIT: unless we have an immune system that is compromised for one reason or another, of course.
I sincerely hope this course of antibiotics works for you.
Last year I had a UTI infection. Short course of antibiotics didnt work and few weeks later had to have a ten day course. I believe it was my body's efforts to fight off this infection that led to the vitamin D3 deficiency , which had such an impact on my health, both mental and physical.
My best wishes for your health to improve.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
A long old week here, exhausted today.

Another sickness at work and trying to help where I can, but I'll have to be blunt & start saying no, more often.

Wanting to help is fine
But I just don't have the same capacity any more.

Hard to get the tank half full, let alone Full enough to do what I used to.

A mix of post accident and swinging around the Sun 65 times hasn't been a great help....lol

A long hard look in the mirror tells that tale clearly enough.

A day at hospital mid week.

Hospital called me in for the pre assessment appointments again, after my first cancellation for the eye op.

A beautiful sunny day, but a long day with lots of walking/waiting getting to/ from hospital & between departments, so today's my first full day of rest in 7 days, so going to make the most of it.

Usual Expected bank holiday weather in the capital, wet all weekend.

Enjoy the day whatever you do.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
5.4 at 04.35. Libre woke me twice to tell me I was below 4 each time. Fruit pastilles dealt with that and I expected a higher figure this morning.

Starting the new antibiotics this morning - ones I haven't seen before but only a week's course. I'm beginning to think these short term treatments are just allowing whatever the bugs in my system are to get used to the attack and rally their forces again for next time. I believe there may be longer term treatments available but how to access them, I have no idea. Can't help thinking that allowing bacteria or viruses to get used to dealing with current treatments is dangerous for the future. Maybe we are handed out antibiotics too easily and should be strong enough for our immune systems to deal with these things ourselves - also a dangerous idea, I know.

EDIT: unless we have an immune system that is compromised for one reason or another, of course.
Oh dear @Annb .

Your certainly being put through the wringer at the moment.

Good point about the impact issuing antibiotics too frequently can have.

I Suppose the balance is doing 'something" as opposed to just standing by and hope whatever it is runs it's course.

Probably not an ideal solution for you as the patient either.

Best wishes this time round has the desired impact, and you're back to rude health asap .


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Tripe and Onions
As far as antibiotics are concerned as I have MG no doctor will under normal circumstances would prescribe them for me.
And as for infections especially chest infections I am under strict instructions to phone 999 for an ambulance immediately so GP would be out of the loop.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good morning everyone on an improving start the the day here in the dark and dangerous north. 5.1 at 6am. Family weekend and the grandchildren, who arrived last night are up, dressed and breakfasted. It’s a 10 mile walk up the beach and back down the cinder path this morning, starting and ending at our daughter’s house where we will have an afternoon BBQ (bring your own folding chair). The grandchildren and I are joining everyone at the half way point at the top of the cliff. 18 walkers and about 30 in total; brothers, sisters, grandchildren, cousins, nephews, nieces and a couple of aunts and uncles. A bit down on previous years but never mind. Art bit, we saw people walking their dogs in the drizzly rain under the pollarded trees last Saturday. Hope your day is at least a warm one. I am on my second koffy - there may be more. Cinnamon - anybody use it on a daily basis?
The family weekend sounds wonderful so I hope the weather holds and you all have a splendid time. Thank you for sharing your art. Enjoy the Koffy. Cinnamon? I sprinkle about a tsp on my daily coffee - true or Ceylon which is apparently best. This suggests it is good for one although bearing in mind my situation I wouldn't take any health advice form me. But who knows? I'm all in for any marginal gains.
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
As far as antibiotics are concerned as I have MG no doctor will under normal circumstances would prescribe them for me.
And as for infections especially chest infections I am under strict instructions to phone 999 for an ambulance immediately so GP would be out of the loop.
So sorry that you suffer from MG. It sounds like a miserable kind of disorder to have. From what I can gather, some of the symptoms are similar to those that I have, but clearly, of a much higher order than mine. I did, at one stage, think that perhaps that was what I had, but I imagine that many illnesses have similar symptoms and no doctor has ever suggested anything of the kind. Even at my level, it is very frustrating and, to a degree, debiltating, so I can only imagine how difficult those symptoms must be for you.

What can you do, if you do develop any kind of infection?


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Morning all from a dry and temperate L.A. where the locals have suddenly become Tractor Boys fans. @gennepher thank you for two stunning creatives based on Cherry Trees. We had a flowering cherry "back home" and I helped dad renovate, then lived in, a house called Cherry Villa. @Krystyna23040 another gold star for Mr K. @Annb I hope this course of antibiotics finally works for you. Enjoy your Saturday and long weekend if at all possible.
Thank you Ian

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
6.3 this saturnal bank holiday weekend. Why are we still having so called bank holiday?
May the Fourth Be With You! (Do not forget I'm a trekkie!)
So busy, trying to watch five channels at the mo, footie and cricket after non stop chores from first thing.
Not been to shop yet, but big shop being delivered later.
Garden being ignored.
I have fond(ish) memories of the tractor boys place of pilmgrage. (Portman road)
We had to leave the van open in the dressing room car park.
A steward went to help himself to some of our stuff.
Luckily another steward stopped him. And all was well.
Been there three times and never paid admission yet!!!!

My daughter is allergic to penicillin, and struggles with infections the only one in the family and wider clan.
She can have some of the others but the docs can be reluctant to prescribe.
I believe that sometimes it is so necessary to have anti-biotics, but for minor complaints it is unnecessary.
I can remember a few occasions when my lot and myself really needed them, including the #2 son in Alder Hay when very young or Mrs L had her infection from our #1 birth of #3 son had salmonella or for my Quince, and more recently the course I had with helicobactor pylori. There is many more examples.

Kaleidoscope and trees are wonderful.

As I have mentioned before, I have a few years on you @jjraak and I found that when I was in real control of my BG levels constantly in or near normal levels. My energy levels were so much better.
Indeed if I was still in my pre diagnosis hypo hell rollercoaster BG levels. I had no energy at all, symptoms as you describe.
I don't know your intimate health issues or your dietary requirements, so I won't suggest or advise more.

Without knowing the rest of the mayoral election results.
Our media response is still pro tory. Even though they have lost so many seats and councillors.
No recognition of the seats gained by the Lib Dems, the Greens or the independent councillors, except to have a jibe at Labour. The mood of the country is so anti tory. And they still roll out the propaganda.

Gotta go and do some kitchen duties.

The persistent rain overnight has stopped and it's dull and dreary.
Better tomorrow, hopefully some sun.

My best wishes to you lot as always, and have a pleasant long weekend.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Tripe and Onions
So sorry that you suffer from MG. It sounds like a miserable kind of disorder to have. From what I can gather, some of the symptoms are similar to those that I have, but clearly, of a much higher order than mine. I did, at one stage, think that perhaps that was what I had, but I imagine that many illnesses have similar symptoms and no doctor has ever suggested anything of the kind. Even at my level, it is very frustrating and, to a degree, debiltating, so I can only imagine how difficult those symptoms must be for you.

What can you do, if you do develop any kind of infection?

Any kind of infection means hospitalisation even the common cold can be lethal for me there are some antibiotics that can be used but only under strict medical supervision a crisis can just stop you breathing so ventilation is required basically I have to be very careful full not to pick up any infections that’s why it was so dangerous when I got covid. MG is a swine and I would not wish it on my worst enemy good job it’s so rare.
Also twenty years of taking steroids daily has not left me with much of an immune system to speak of.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
As I have mentioned before, I have a few years on you @jjraak and I found that when I was in real control of my BG levels constantly in or near normal levels. My energy levels were so much better.
Indeed if I was still in my pre diagnosis hypo hell rollercoaster BG levels. I had no energy at all, symptoms as you describe.
I don't know your intimate health issues or your dietary requirements, so I won't suggest or advise more.
Cheers @Lamont D .

I appreciate the input,
& Yes I'd agree about BG levels impacting so much.

However I thinks it's more I used to be a well oiled machine pre accident, (stop laughing at the back )
I was Jogging, exercising at home and at the gym.

so i rolled a lot further with less effort than I do now.

Now, with three wheels squeaking (hand, shoulder & leg) and some times with those wheels rubbing on the disc brakes, I'm more wonky Tesco's trolley then Ford Cosworth car.

Everything just takes that bit more energy than it did, sadly.

And tank just doesn't fill up as easily as it once did or perhaps leaks out more than before.

Not unique in that, and like many the learning & accepting of that fact isn't always straightforward or really appreciated.....:banghead:

But it beats the alternatives that haunt my mind of what "might have been ....."

It is what it is, & I'll survive

Well I have to... Lauren's taken to referring to me as the Teflon Paddy.....lol

Be rude if I let her down... :cool: ;)
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Also twenty years of taking steroids daily has not left me with much of an immune system to speak of.
Have referred to myself and one or two others I know as
"God doesn't want us back & the devil doesn't want the competition"

Seems, with respect, giving such tenacity, you might be in the same boat.

Long may it last.

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Any kind of infection means hospitalisation even the common cold can be lethal for me there are some antibiotics that can be used but only under strict medical supervision a crisis can just stop you breathing so ventilation is required basically I have to be very careful full not to pick up any infections that’s why it was so dangerous when I got covid. MG is a swine and I would not wish it on my worst enemy good job it’s so rare.
Also twenty years of taking steroids daily has not left me with much of an immune system to speak of.
A funny thought, almost childlike.
Whose condition is the most rarest. And obviously whose and which acronym, is the best. RH or MG?

I have heard of this before and I'm trying to remember from where. TBH, I think it was in my Rovers days and there was a guy who had it.
There are so many issues as we grow old. And having something rare just complicates it more.
Keep safe mate.

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Cheers @Lamont D .

I appreciate the input,
& Yes I'd agree about BG levels impacting so much.

However I thinks it's more I used to be a well oiled machine pre accident, (stop laughing at the back )
I was Jogging, exercising at home and at the gym.

so i rolled a lot further with less effort than I do now.

Now, with three wheels squeaking (hand, shoulder & leg) and some times with those wheels rubbing on the disc breaks, I'm more wonky Tesco's trolley then Ford Cosworth car.

Everything just takes that bit more energy than it did, sadly.

And tank just doesn't to fill up as easily as it once did or perhaps leaks out more than before.

Not unique in that, and like many the learning & accepting of that fact isn't always straightforward or really appreciated.....:banghead:

But it beats the alternatives that haunt my mind of what "might have been ....."

It is what it is, & I'll survive

Well I have to... Lauren's taken to referring to me as the Teflon Paddy.....lol

Be rude if I let her down... :cool: ;)
It is not so long ago, maybe four years, when I had a very busy work life and a wife who was not as agile as she once was. So a literal long day, with not many when you could just rest of lounge around.
I don't think I will ever have that fitness again. And for my age and the RH, everything else came since, I do think the physical needs for my day and work, kept me better prepared for what I had to be, to be healthy and helped my mental state.
Questioning your issues and your ills doesn't help, ruminating and moaning, taking things too easy.
I know of days past when I have told myself, I'm not doing enough, I know it, but am wary of doing too much and making it worse. And finding that it wasn't as bad as I thought. It never is.
And if it becomes too much, you still have to go again after you have rested.
Don't ever stop trying.
There are limitations, but think of being a teenager again, push boundaries, annoy everyone by trying things, they don't want you to. Be altruistic, be naughty, do something unexpectedly. And laugh at the situation.
And be a pain in the ****!

I know you can do it!
And then, stay in your pit a little but longer than everyone wants you to.
But above all, be belligerent, until...............
The boss puts her foot down.

Be better, be yourself. ;) :angelic:


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
People that point out my spelling mistakes
Late afternoon fellow posters and painters and steroid crunchers.

Blood sugars this Morening were 6.1

Mrs J and all ov me, me’s and myself have just returned from our day trip to the land ov Mordor, four or fore or for non Tolkien readers, west London. It was very interesting to see how the average orc or Londoner if you must, behaved in crowded situations. A return trip could be a long way off.

Have a pleasant evening.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Good morning everyone on an improving start the the day here in the dark and dangerous north. 5.1 at 6am. Family weekend and the grandchildren, who arrived last night are up, dressed and breakfasted. It’s a 10 mile walk up the beach and back down the cinder path this morning, starting and ending at our daughter’s house where we will have an afternoon BBQ (bring your own folding chair). The grandchildren and I are joining everyone at the half way point at the top of the cliff. 18 walkers and about 30 in total; brothers, sisters, grandchildren, cousins, nephews, nieces and a couple of aunts and uncles. A bit down on previous years but never mind. Art bit, we saw people walking their dogs in the drizzly rain under the pollarded trees last Saturday. Hope your day is at least a warm one. I am on my second koffy - there may be more. Cinnamon - anybody use it on a daily basis?
The walk sounds interesting....
Art bit I like very much. You are developing lots of styles at the moment @dunelm

What I read and watched on YouTube, it was said it should be Ceylon cinnamon.
I ordered some tablets, and some cinnamon sticks, a couple of different suppliers.
Only a couple of weeks ago, i did this.
Kept forgetting to take the tablets, so used the cinnamon sticks instead. Put them in hot water for a bedtime drink.
Immediate effect in relaxation, and helped sleep. Did they aid or reduce my blood sugars, I am afraid I have no idea?
I am highly stressed at the moment, and the Ceylon cinnamon sticks in hot water is helping my stress levels.

What were your ideas for cinnamon? If you don't mind me asking...
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Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Good idea. I usually cut on a high setting until the grass gets going again and thanks for the tip about hedgehogs - I will check for them at the end of the month.
yeah keep it high setting until the leaf is growing about 5 cm a day, but do keep mowing every few days as keeping it short stimulating the roots and better growth.
I have to herd my hedgehogs off the lawn, but the porcupines and tortoise have to fend for themselves.
The slugs and snails are a huge nuisance to my lilys.
But the worms are great.

About 4am this morning the gulls, pigeons and a couple of geese, we're having a screeching and cooing argument on the footie pitches. I have no idea why. Maybe the heavy rain.
There were a couple of huge pigeons sitting on my back garden fence, before, watching the world go by.
My initial thought was pigeon pie. But not had that since very young, it wasn't very nice tho!

Such fun.