What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
I fell asleep again! For another hour!!!

I nearly didn't post these sketches initially because I felt they were so rough @ianpspurs and I felt a fraud because it had only taken me 10 to 12 seconds for each sketch. And thus I couldn't possibly post these as art work. I still have those same emotional feelings about this series of sketches.

And each one I do, I nearly press the delete button. It is so hard not to press that delete button, and go on to post them publicly.

Is this a common artist's feeling? Or is this just me? It was ingrained in me as a child constantly, by parents and teachers, that I would never amount to anything because I was a girl, and because I was deaf, and that my paintings and drawings were rubbish and they would be ripped up telling me I should try harder. A teacher once ripped up my entire term's drawings and paintings in front of the whole shocked class, who could not understand why this was happening to me. Even now at the age of 75 I can remember the details of every picture that was harshly criticised or ripped up in my childhood, and there was a lot of them. I used to adore drawing horses as a child, but my father ripped them all up saying they were rubbish. They were not rubbish, I knew that even then. But I find it very difficult to draw horses now.

I had this technique of stepping out of my body when this was happening, and watching the scene as if I were a detached observer, and I watched and studied the face of the person criticising or ripping up my work. I never cried or got upset even as a small child. I am guessing now, it was probably looked on as insolence, but it wasn't.

I can still do that technique in a difficult situation.

I am grateful for your lovely praise of these sketches.

I keep them in a folder on my iPad, and I have just been looking at the last month's worth of sketches, and I am realising each one has picked up at least one distinct characteristic of that person, the way they hold their body etc. I did not see that characteristic before I started the squiggle. My first thought is HELP, where am I going to start with this person. I usually start with the head/hair/face, but if panic has set in, and the person will have walked off before I have started, then I start with the shoulders and then do the head. There are at least another 2 or 3 points in the one line squiggle of that person when I panic and you might see a line going up and down a few times because I realise I have missed the arm or the leg etc...there are many different emotions in me as I do each person in that 10-12 second sketch.
All your artwork is so brilliant @gennepher.

I just don't understand how the adults in your life could behave so badly. No wonder the class was shocked by the appalling behaviour of that teacher who tore up your artwork.

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
I was in Denmark in the 1970’s and saw people bringing items for recycling to supermarkets and getting a few coins for things like jars, bottles, aluminium things etc., loaded onto a conveyor belt by the supermarket entrance - we are rubbish at recycling rubbish in the UK.
So much so! I have been around as you have, different places, different counties.
I do believe that we are so far behind most European nations now, not only in waste and what we do with it but the whole social aspect of the basics.
Don't mention the rivers !

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
I think I'm in a group of one here. Idon't like the cold and love warmer climes.
I think I have Mediterranean blood.
Oh, let it be just fun.
I wish I could be even a bit good at drawing, I just can't even before the arthritis.
I think my judgement of perception that you need to transfer to paper/canvas is so bad.
I taught my lot to colour, but not the skill to draw.
I am so envious.
But I must add, my art teacher in my grammar school, was a hippy, and wanted to add psychedelic pop art to our exam for A level. But a second teacher was an old codger, a bit like me now, and only allowed traditional art practice.


Western Isles, Scotland
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
5.1 at 04.30 today. Painkillers, basal insulin and tea, then doze and now it's 6.4. Just having another cup of tea to try to get me going. Feeling better but a bit woozy/light headed - I suppose that's the result of a 72 hour almost fast so should be OK once I get around to some food. Odd that during this time of almost no food (and no bolus insulin of course) BG was stuck around 9 to 11 most of the time. Liver trying to help out, I suppose.


North East
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good morning everyone on what looks to be yet another sun shiny day here in the dark and dangerous north. 5.2 this am - but then where will it go - hello Mr Liver! There is a shrubbery in our front garden - modeled on the one by The Knights of Ni in Monty Python and The Holy Grail. Under, there is sand and through the window we can watch birds having a ‘bath’. The Girl In The Bubble only does half a day at school today so we are taking her down the coast to Whitby - there may be a boat ride if her favourite Yellow Boat is operating. She likes it only because it was repaired last year by the engineering company where her mother works. Art bit - a stand of UK trees. Strange what pops into consciousness! I hope you have fab Friday. I best have another koffy and then see if the washing on the line has dried already.


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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Tripe and Onions
New arrivals at Ards Friary the Dexters Adrian purchased.
With more to come in a couple of weeks


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My House
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
New arrivals at Ards Friary the Dexters Adrian purchased.
With more to come in a couple of weeks
@JohnEGreen please tell me one is called Ted. @dunelm today sounds as though it will be full of wonderful memories. Thank you for sharing the photos of the walk and today's art. @Lamont D you aren't in a minority of one I much prefer and function better in at least high 20s °C. @Annb I hope things are on the mend for you. @Krystyna23040 have a relaxing day post jab. Do have a great Friday everyone.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Tripe and Onions
@JohnEGreen please tell me one is called Ted. @dunelm today sounds as though it will be full of wonderful memories. Thank you for sharing the photos of the walk and today's art. @Lamont D you aren't in a minority of one I much prefer and function better in at least high 20s °C. @Annb I hope things are on the mend for you. @Krystyna23040 have a relaxing day post jab. Do have a great Friday everyone.

I have just spoken with Adrian and he assured me one will carry the name Ted.


My House
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
I have just spoken with Adrian and he assured me one will carry the name Ted.
Good man. Probably too cheeky to suggest the names Colin and Endeavour for two others. :D Although presumably they aren't all, or even any of them, bulls. Colin pronounced Colleen? Ted/Teddy sounds like a gels nickname from somewhere like Cheltenham ladies college.
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