What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Good morning everyone from a warm yet overcast and noisy start to the day here in the dark and dangerous north. Hot yesterday so we walked over Waterloo bridge, through the parks along the embankment and then cut through St James’s Park - more tree shade and, importantly ‘facilities’. Nice afternoon wandering about Mr King’s back garden - nice afternoon tea. Princess Ann forgot my name so I just kept calling her ‘mate’ - it’s a very popular name down here in the saaaf. Lots of blokes in red tunics saying to each other, “don’t tell him Pike”. One was an old friend of ours. He was at one time the most decorated soldier in the Army and Mrs Miggins looked after him when he came to us suffering with PTSD . He’s OK now, as much as you can be. Met Tony Blackburn, he walks quite stiffly. Mrs Miggins tried to kidnap Alfie Boe, Christopher Biggins wore blue slippers and Wayne Sleep was close to the ground. Couple of photos below. Art bit, in there somewhere. Hope you have a good day, we have a train to catch in a wee while.
That's nice!
Wouldn't want to wear red stockings? Could be misconstrued as an invite!!!
Hate name dropping.
But as Kate said to me. Flattery will open many doors.
Fancy not actually paying to get into buck house?
Are you posh now?
Member of the elite?
Should be in correspondence with the plebs?
Hope you enjoyed it mate.

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
6.3 stupid Saturday.
Gardening all morning after chores.
Quiet day today, so far.
Eye on Lancs with play offs later.
Had to laugh yesterday evening.
Mrs L wanted a piece of toast so I put the bread in and operated the machine, Mrs L commented on how the Browning aspect of the toast was better than usual.
Thanks I said.
The thing is, that it is a new toaster, I bought after our last one was overdue to be got rid of. The spring thermostat and handle were as you would say, knackered. It has actually threatened to go on fire last weekend.
And Mrs L has been in the kitchen numerous times and not noticed our white toaster, is now a black one, to go with the black kettle, black microwave, black oven and dark counters.

Going back into the garden now, got bitten last evening, don't know what did it. But it was so itchy.
The weather is very warm, with the wind increasing and cloud cover.
Because of the wind direction, the planes taking off from JL airport are going across our houses so low, you can actually read the instructions on how to open the doors from outside.

My best wishes to you all as always.
Have a pleasant evening.
And it's great to see @lindisfel back posting again.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
I have no space at present to get out my painting gear but suddenly, on the point of going to bed, felt like trying to produce some sort of drawing. I bought myself a new, battery operated, pencil sharpener so have a jar full of sharp pencils now. Little things ....

Grabbed a sheet of printing paper and drew the first landscape I have attempted since I was so severely criticised by my art teacher a hundred years ago (when I was 14 actually). It's not good but better than I might have hoped and not a bad start so, once I can get the wet stuff out without risking damaging furniture, fittings or electric things, I'll feel a bit more confident.

Really should go to bed now, but am quite thirsty so must have a cup of something first. Back in the fairly early hours, no doubt. Goodnight all.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Fbg 6.8

Nighttime wildlife video
Badger, then the cat
50 secs

Creative...something different...digital painting

Time for a cuppa
Have a good day

View attachment 67732
Gosh! What a contrast with your brilliant one line squiggles!
Does digital painting allow you to alter features if you change your mind?

Thank you for sharing @gennepher.

Saturday's FBG 4.4 mmol on waking at 6.00 am.